Kellot Lasi

Sharing experience about watches glass, mineral glasses, sapphire glasses, watch glass types ect.

safiirilasi (1)

Sapphire Glassin haitat

Oletko koskaan miettinyt safiirilasin haittoja?

Sen rajoitusten ymmärtäminen on ratkaisevan tärkeää, jotta voidaan tehdä tietoisia päätöksiä sen käytöstä.

Tutustutaan safiirilasin haitoihin ja tutkitaan mahdollisia ratkaisuja.

Vaikka safiirilasi tarjoaa monia etuja, sillä on myös useita haittoja, jotka voivat rajoittaa sen käyttöä tietyissä sovelluksissa.

Some of the main drawbacks of sapphire glass include:

safiirilasi (1)
safiirilasi (1)


The production cost of sapphire glass is higher compared to other types of glass or transparent materials. The process of growing synthetic sapphire crystals is complex and time-consuming, involving high temperatures, specialized equipment, and precise control of growth conditions, which increases production costs. Therefore, sapphire glass is often more expensive than traditional glass or other transparent materials, making its cost-effectiveness lower in some applications.


Brittle Nature:

Despite its high hardness, sapphire glass is relatively brittle compared to materials like tempered glass. Under certain conditions, sapphire glass is prone to fracture or breakage, especially when subjected to significant impact or pressure. This brittleness makes sapphire glass more susceptible to damage in applications involving high impact forces or mechanical stress.


Difficulty in Processing:

Sapphire glass is more challenging to process compared to other materials. It is a crystalline material that requires specialized cutting, grinding, and polishing techniques, which can be more time-consuming and expensive. Additionally, sapphire glass is difficult to bond or join, which may limit its use in applications requiring bonding or sealing.


Limited Size and Thickness:

Due to the challenges in growing large and thick sapphire crystals, the size and thickness of sapphire glass are relatively limited. Compared to traditional glass, sapphire glass typically has smaller dimensions and thinner thicknesses, which may not be suitable for some applications requiring larger or thicker glass components.

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safiirilasi (1)


Sapphire glass has a higher density than traditional glass, meaning it can be heavier for a given size and thickness. This may be a disadvantage in weight-sensitive applications or when designing lightweight devices, where the weight of sapphire glass needs to be considered.


More Energy-Intensive Production:

The production of synthetic sapphire crystals used for sapphire glass requires high temperatures and energy-intensive processes, which may result in higher energy consumption and environmental impact compared to other materials. This may be a concern for applications or industries with environmental considerations.


Reflectance Without Anti-Reflective (AR) Coating:

Sapphire glass has a relatively high refractive index, which can lead to significant reflection on its surface without proper anti-reflective (AR) coating. This may result in unnecessary reflection or glare in certain applications, such as displays or optical lenses, requiring additional AR coatings to mitigate this issue.

While sapphire glass offers many advantages, it also has several drawbacks, including higher cost, brittleness, processing difficulties, limited size and thickness, weight, more energy-intensive production, and reflectance without AR coating. When evaluating the suitability of sapphire glass for specific applications, these limitations need to be considered, and alternative materials may be preferred based on the requirements and constraints of the application.


Kellon lasi AR-pinnoitteella

Tietoja kellon lasin pinnoituksesta

Kelloja käyttäneet ystävät ovat saattaneet kokea tämän ilmiön: auringonvalossa kellon lasipinta heijastaa valoa voimakkaasti, mikä vaikuttaa ajan luettavuuteen.

Lasipinnan korkea heijastavuus vaikeuttaa ajan selkeää lukemista voimakkaassa valossa, mikä vähentää kellon käytännöllisyyttä ja vaikuttaa käyttökokemukseen.

Tämän ongelman ratkaisemiseksi on mahdollista levittää kellon lasiin pinnoite käyttämällä heijastamatonta pinnoitustekniikkaa, joka vähentää lasipinnan heijastuksia ja parantaa kellon luettavuutta erilaisissa valaistusolosuhteissa. AR-pinnoitusteknologiaa käyttämällä kellon lasipinta voi tehokkaasti vähentää häikäisyä ja heijastuksia, mikä mahdollistaa selkeän ajan lukemisen erilaisissa valaistusolosuhteissa.


Katsotaanpa kellon lasipinnoitteiden luokittelua;

Kellolasien pinnoitteiden tyypit

Kellon lasipinnoitteella tarkoitetaan suojakerroksen levittämistä kellon lasin pinnalle sen kestävyyden, naarmuuntumisenkestävyyden ja yleisen suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi. Tämä pinnoite levitetään tyypillisesti käyttämällä kehittyneitä tekniikoita, kuten fysikaalista höyrypinnoitusta (PVD) tai kemiallista höyrypinnoitusta (CVD). Kellon lasin pinnoitteen tarkoituksena on parantaa lasin pintaominaisuuksia, jolloin se kestää paremmin naarmuja, tahroja ja muita päivittäisessä käytössä mahdollisesti ilmeneviä vaurioita.

safiirilasi (1)
safiirilasi (1)

Kellojen valmistuksessa käytetään useita pinnoitteita:

  • Heijastamaton pinnoite (AR-pinnoite): Tämäntyyppistä pinnoitetta käytetään vähentämään häikäisyä ja heijastuksia kellon lasissa, mikä parantaa näkyvyyttä ja luettavuutta erityisesti kirkkaassa valaistuksessa.
  • Naarmuuntumaton pinnoite: Tämä pinnoite on suunniteltu tekemään kellon lasista kestävämpi naarmuja vastaan, mikä varmistaa sen kirkkauden ja ulkonäön säilymisen ajan mittaan.
  • Sormenjälkiä estävä pinnoite: Tämä pinnoite auttaa hylkimään sormenjälkiä ja tahroja pitäen kellon lasin puhtaana ja vapaana ei-toivotuista jälkistä.
  • Vettä hylkivä pinnoite: Jotkut kellolasit on päällystetty vettä hylkivällä kerroksella, joka parantaa vedenkestävyyttä ja estää vesipisaroiden kiinnittymisen pintaan.
  • UV-suojapinnoite: Tämäntyyppinen pinnoite auttaa suojaamaan kellon lasia ultraviolettisäteilyn (UV) haitallisilta vaikutuksilta, jotka voivat aiheuttaa värimuutoksia ja hajoamista ajan myötä.

Kaiken kaikkiaan kellon lasipinnoitteella on ratkaiseva rooli kellon suorituskyvyn ja pitkäikäisyyden parantamisessa, mikä varmistaa, että se pysyy optimaalisessa kunnossa tulevina vuosina.

Yleisimmin käytetty kellonlasin pinnoite on AR-pinnoite.

Kellon lasi pinnoitteella
Kellon lasi pinnoitteella

Mikä on kellon lasin AR-pinnoite?

Katsotaanpa kellon lasipinnoitteiden luokittelua.

Everyone knows that any glass will produce glare, including flat and curved glass. Therefore, like many optical instrumentslenses (including eyeglass lenses), coating treatment is needed on the glass to reduce glare and increase transmittance. Especially for watches with relatively large diameters and curved glass, additional coating treatment is required.

Saatavilla olevien optisten kalvomateriaalien joukossa mitä korkeampi taitekerroin, sitä voimakkaampi häikäisy. Magnesiumfluoridilla (MgF2) on pienin taitekerroin, vain noin 1,38, mikä on paljon pienempi kuin tavallisen lasin taitekerroin ja jopa pienempi kuin safiirilasin. Siksi magnesiumfluoridin käyttäminen materiaalina kellojen lasin päällystämiseen voi vähentää valon heijastavuutta 4 prosentista 1,8 prosenttiin.

Heijastamaton pinnoite, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä AR-pinnoite, on ohut kerros materiaalia, joka on päällystetty lasin pinnalle, ja se käyttää kansainvälisesti edistyneintä magnetronisputterointitekniikkaa heijastuksenestokalvokerroksen päällystämiseksi tavallisen karkaistun lasin pinnalle.

AR (anti-reflective) -pinnoitteita voidaan levittää safiirilasin lisäksi myös muun tyyppisille lasipinnoille, kuten mineraalilasiin tai orgaaniseen lasiin. AR-pinnoitteen päätehtävä on vähentää valon heijastusta ja parantaa valonläpäisykykyä, mikä parantaa visuaalista selkeyttä.

Tämä pinnoite on erityisen hyödyllinen niille, jotka haluavat lukea kelloja selkeästi kaikissa valaistusolosuhteissa. AR-pinnoite tekee lasin läpi siirtyvistä väreistä elävämpiä ja realistisempia.

Siksi safiirikellon lasin pinnoittamisen vaikutus on parempi. Erityisesti kelloissa, joissa on halkaisijaltaan suhteellisen suuri ja kaareva lasi, tarvitaan lisäpinnoituskäsittely.


Huomautus: Pinnoite ei voi poistaa häikäisyä kokonaan, mutta se voi vain vähentää sitä.

Pinnoitteella käsitelty lasi näyttää heikosti sinertävän violetin värin.

Kellonlasille on saatavana useita yhdisteitä, ja nämä yhdisteet eroavat toisistaan ​​AR-suorituskyvyn, kestävyyden ja luettavuuden suhteen. Esimerkiksi jotkut häikäisynestokalvot voivat antaa lasille hieman sinisen sävyn.

Some watches will mark to indicate that the watch glass has been coated, such as Omega watches. On the watch card or tag, a circle with the letterAinside indicates that the watch glass has been coated, whileAAindicates that both sides of the watch glass have been coated. Watches usually have many reflective spots, including the case, dial, hands, and are either shiny gold or shiny silver. Therefore, coating is also one of the measures to make it more convenient to wear watches. The coating on the watch glass is not as obvious as that on camera lenses, and it is often difficult to detect.

Heijastamaton pinnoite on tärkeä kellojen toiminto, ja kellojen välillä on merkittävä ero heijastamattomalla pinnoitteella. Lisäksi se voi parantaa linssin esteettistä ulkonäköä, jolloin se näyttää selkeämmältä ja läpinäkyvämmältä.


Kellon lasin AR-pinnoitteen historia

Kellon lasin AR-pinnoitteen historia juontaa juurensa 1800-luvun lopulle, jolloin Lord Rayleigh löysi konseptin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1886. Hän havaitsi, että hieman tahriintunut lasi pääsi läpi enemmän valoa verrattuna upouuteen lasiin, joka heijasti enemmän valoa.

Kuitenkin vasta 1900-luvun puolivälissä saavutettiin merkittäviä edistysaskeleita kellonlasin heijastuksenestopinnoitteiden kehittämisessä ja levityksessä. Vuonna 1935 Neuvostoliiton tiedemies Olexander Smakula kehitti tekniikkaa heijastuksenestopinnoitteiden luomiseksi ja levittämiseksi optisiin linsseihin, mikä loi perustan alan jatkokehitykselle.

Toisen maailmansodan loppuun mennessä ilmailuteollisuus oli jo ottanut käyttöön heijastamattomia pinnoitteita lentäjäkelloihin. Pilvikerrosten yläpuolella lentävät lentäjät kohtasivat usein auringon voimakasta häikäisyä, mikä vaikeutti kellojen lukemista. Heijastamattomat pinnoitteet tulivat välttämättömiksi luettavuuden parantamiseksi tällaisissa olosuhteissa, mikä johti niiden laajaan käyttöön lentokelloissa.

Siitä lähtien materiaalien ja valmistustekniikoiden edistyminen on mahdollistanut AR-pinnoitteiden laajan käyttöönoton kelloteollisuudessa. Nykyään AR-pinnoitteet ovat vakioominaisuus monissa korkealaatuisissa kelloissa, ja ne tarjoavat paremman luettavuuden ja esteettisen vetovoiman vähentämällä häikäisyä ja heijastuksia kellon lasissa.


Kellon lasi pinnoitteella
Kellon lasi pinnoitteella

Kuinka monta tyyppistä AR-pinnoitetta on kellonlasille?

Kellon lasin AR-pinnoite koostuu pääasiassa kahdesta tyypistä:

  • Kaksipuolinen pinnoite: Pinnoite levitetään kellon lasin molemmille puolille, mikä parantaa heijastuksenestovaikutuksia, mutta on vähemmän kestävä, koska ulkopinnoite on herkkä naarmuuntumiselle.
  • Yksipuolinen pinnoite: Pinnoite levitetään vain lasin toiselle puolelle, mikä ratkaisee osittain heijastusongelmat, mutta vähentää heijastuksenestokykyä.

Näiden kahden menetelmän lisäksi on olemassa myös pistepinnoitus, kuten Rolex Oyster -kelloissa, joissa päivämäärän suurennuslasi on pinnoitettu. Tämä lähestymistapa varmistaa heijastamattomia vaikutuksia ja sijaitsee sisäpuolella, minimoiden vaurioriskit.

Jotkut huippuluokan merkit voivat myös levittää häikäisyä estävää pinnoitetta läpinäkyvän kotelon takaosaan tai liikealueelle valohäiriöiden vähentämiseksi. Kaiken kaikkiaan kellonlasille on olemassa erilaisia ​​AR-pinnoitusmenetelmiä, joista jokaisella on hyvät ja huonot puolensa. Päällystysmenetelmän valinta riippuu käytännön tarpeista ja käyttöympäristöistä.

Kelloteollisuudessa kellolasien pinnoitusmenetelmät jaetaan yleensä kahteen tyyppiin: kaksipuolinen pinnoitus ja yksipuolinen pinnoitus. Valonläpäisevyyden parantamiseksi voidaan levittää useita kerroksia lasin molemmille puolille.

Molemmilla pinnoitusmenetelmillä on etunsa ja haittansa.

Kaksipuolinen pinnoite sisältää pinnoitteen levittämisen lasin molemmille puolille, mikä lisää AR-tehokkuutta, mutta on vähemmän kestävä, koska ulkopinnoite on altis naarmuuntumiselle.

Yksipuolinen pinnoite peittää vain yhden lasin puolen, mikä välttää heijastusongelmat, mutta vähentää heijastuksenestokykyä.

Näiden kahden menetelmän lisäksi on olemassa myös pistepinnoitus. Esimerkiksi Rolex Oyster -kelloissa ei yleensä ole pinnoitetta peilin sisä- ja ulkosivuilla, mutta päivämäärän suurennuslasi on pinnoitettu.

Syy tähän toimenpiteeseen johtuu todennäköisesti Rolexin pinnoitteen kestävyyden huomioimisesta. Rolex-kellot tunnetaan tarkkuudestaan ​​ja kestävyydestään. Vaikka peili saattaa heijastaa valoa, se on käytännöllinen, kunhan vältät suoraa valoa. Vain päivämäärän näyttöikkunan päällystäminen on järkevää, koska se on pieni ja kaareva, ja ilman häikäisynestoa sitä on vaikea nähdä selvästi, mikä aiheuttaa merkittäviä häiriöitä. Lisäksi Rolexin pinnoite tehdään sisäpuolelle, jossa suurennuslasi ja peili on liitetty yhteen, alue, joka ei ole altis naarmuuntumiselle tai vaurioille.

Tietysti jotkin huippumerkit voivat myös lisätä häikäisyä estävää pinnoitetta läpinäkyvän kotelon takaosaan tai liikealueelle valohäiriöiden vähentämiseksi. Tämä auttaa estämään voiteluöljyn heikkenemistä liikkeen toimintaan vaikuttavan valon vuoksi.


Kellon lasin AR-pinnoitteen edut:

Tätä tekniikkaa on käytetty laajasti kellojen valmistusteollisuudessa, mutta sillä on myös hyvät ja huonot puolensa.


  • Parannettu kestävyys: Pinnoitettu lasi parantaa kellon pinnan kovuutta ja parantaa siten sen kestävyyttä.
  • Naarmuuntumiskestävyys: Pinnoitettu lasi estää tehokkaasti kellon pinnan naarmuuntumista ja säilyttää kellon ulkonäön.
  • Häikäisysuojattu: Pinnoitettu lasi vähentää heijastuksia kellon pinnalla tehden kellosta selkeämmän ja näkyvämmän auringonvalossa.
  • Tahrankestävyys: Pinnoitettu lasi estää kellon pinnan likaantumisen ja helpottaa sen puhdistamista.


Kellon lasin AR-pinnoitteen haitat:

  • Altti naarmuuntumiseen: Vaikka pinnoitettu lasi parantaa kellon pinnan kovuutta, se on silti herkkä naarmuuntumiselle, varsinkin pitkäaikaisen käytön jälkeen. Vaikka safiirilasipinta saattaa pysyä ehjänä naarmuuntuessaan, pinnoite voi olla altis näkyville naarmuille.
  • Alttia kuoriutumiselle: Pinnoitettu lasi on altis hilseilylle, erityisesti pitkäaikaisessa altistumisessa tärinälle tai aineille, kuten merivedelle, hielle, kuumalle vedelle tai kemikaaleille. Siksi kestävyys on huolenaihe.
  • Ei sovellu sukeltamiseen: Pinnoitettu lasi ei sovellu sukeltamiseen, koska se ei kestä korkeapaineisen veden painetta.
  • Värin haalistuminen: Pinnoitettu lasi saattaa muuttaa väriä ajan myötä pitkäaikaisen auringonvalon vaikutuksen vuoksi, mikä vaikuttaa kellon ulkonäköön.
  • Helppokäyttöinen: TKellon lasin ulkoinen heijastuksenestopinnoite on alttiina kulumiselle ja tulee näkyvästi esiin naarmuuntuessaan pinnoitettujen ja naarmuuntuneiden alueiden välisen heijastuseron vuoksi.
  • Kosteusherkkyys: Pitkään säilytetyt kellot tulee suojata kosteudelta. Altistuminen kostealle ympäristölle voi johtaa homeen muodostumiseen lasipinnalle ja pinnoitekerroksen vaurioitumiseen. Siksi on tärkeää käyttää kellolaatikoissa kuivausaineita ja välttää kosteaa ympäristöä.


Kellolla päällystetyn lasiteknologian edut ovat merkittäviä, sillä se parantaa kellon kestävyyttä, naarmuuntumista, heijastuksenesto-ominaisuuksia ja tahrankestävyyttä. Sillä on kuitenkin myös joitain haittoja, kuten naarmuuntumisalttius, helppo kuoriutuminen, soveltumattomuus sukeltamiseen ja värjäytymisalttius. Siksi kelloa ostettaessa on syytä harkita huolellisesti.


AR-pinnoitteen tuotantoprosessi sisältää useita vaiheita:

  1. Puhdista safiiripinta poistaaksesi kaikki lika, pöly tai öljy, jotka voivat vaikuttaa pinnoitteen laatuun.
  2. Pinnoite tehdään fysikaalisella höyrypinnoitusprosessilla (PVD), jossa lasi asetetaan tyhjiökammioon ja pinnalle kerrostetaan ohut kerros materiaalia sputteroimalla.
  3. Varmista, että pinnoitusprosessi suoritetaan valvotussa ympäristössä, jotta saavutetaan tasainen pinnoite ja tasainen paksuus koko linssissä.
  4. Päällystyksen jälkeen poista lasi tyhjiökammiosta ja tarkasta, ettei pinnoitteessa ole vikoja.
  5. Koveta pinnoite altistamalla lasi ultraviolettivalolle (UV), joka aktivoi pinnoitteen kemiallisia reaktioita tehden siitä kovemman ja kestävämmän.

On tärkeää huomata, että kuten mikä tahansa pintakäsittely, se voi olla herkkä naarmuuntumiselle ja vaatia säännöllistä huoltoa. Tämän korjaamiseksi AR-pinnoitteen päälle voidaan levittää kerros safiiripinnoitetta.

Minkä värinen kellon lasin AR-pinnoite on?

Kellon lasi AR-pinnoitteella
Kellon lasi AR-pinnoitteella

Kellon lasin AR-pinnoite on tyypillisesti läpinäkyvä, mutta joissakin tapauksissa siinä voi olla värillinen sävy, kuten sininen, vihreä tai violetti. Kuitenkin, olipa se läpinäkyvä tai värillinen, se ei ole helposti havaittavissa, ja värilliset pinnoitteet ovat yleensä havaittavissa vain tietyissä valokulmissa.

Viimeinen ajatus:

Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että AR-pinnoitteen levittäminen kellon lasiin on merkittävä edistysaskel kellotekniikassa, joka tarjoaa sekä etuja että haittoja. Vaikka se parantaa kestävyyttä, naarmuuntumisenkestävyyttä ja näkyvyyttä erilaisissa valaistusolosuhteissa, se on myös altis naarmuuntumiseen, hilseilyyn ja värjäytymiseen ajan myötä. Siksi kelloa valittaessa on tärkeää punnita näitä tekijöitä ja ottaa huomioon aiottu käyttöympäristö. Kaiken kaikkiaan AR-pinnoitteella on ratkaiseva rooli kellojen suorituskyvyn ja pitkäikäisyyden parantamisessa, mikä osaltaan parantaa käyttökokemusta.

watch glass with AR coating (4)

Sapphire vs Mineral: Which Watch Glass for Your Watch?

In the watch industry, why do most luxury watches choose to use sapphire crystal glass? Is sapphire crystal glass truly a symbol of high-end watch quality?

Why do people generally believe that watches with sapphire crystal glass are of higher quality?

We aim to unravel the performance and various differences between sapphire crystal glass and mineral glass through comparative analysis, providing wise selection advice for watch enthusiasts.

Sapphire crystal
Sapphire crystal

We first take a look at the three most common types of watch crystal materials:

  1. Sapphire Glass
  2. Mineral Glass (Inorganic Glass)
  3. Acrylic Glass (Organic Glass)

We’ve covered watch glass in full before:

Everything I Learned About Watches Glasses From the Watch Factory

Sapphire crystal
Sapphire crystal

The Differences between Sapphire Watch Glass, Mineral Glass and Acrylic Glass?

The differences between these glass materials are as follows:

Acrylic Glass

Acrylic glass, commonly known as acrylic or organic glass, is a type of material used for watch crystals. It has a softer texture and higher malleability. In the past, many watches used this material, including antique watches found in the market today.


  • Excellent elasticity and resistant to shattering, often referred to as safety glass.


  • Susceptible to scratching and slightly lower transparency.

Reasons for Choosing:

  • Low cost, scratches can be polished by a watchmaker without the need for replacement. If scratches are too deep, the crystal can be replaced inexpensively.

Mineral Crystal Glass

Mineral crystal glass, also known as Hardlex or Acrylic Crystal, is a type of glass reinforced with minerals. It was developed due to the scarcity of natural crystals.


  • High hardness, excellent transparency, clear and bright appearance.


  • Higher unit price compared to Acrylic Glass.

Reasons for Choosing:

  • Moderate cost, high hardness, scratch-resistant, clear and transparent with no bubbles or watermarks, and it possesses piezoelectric properties, offering special health benefits.


Sapphire Crystal Glass

Sapphire crystal glass is a crystalline surface made from artificially compressed sapphire crystals, which are aluminum oxide crystals with impurities like iron oxide and titanium oxide removed. Chemically, Acrylic Sapphire is identical to natural sapphire and does not possess abluecolor.


  • High density and scratch resistance, with hardness second only to diamond.
  • Excellent light transmission, low friction, high temperature resistance, and superior durability compared to mineral crystal and Acrylic Glass .


  • Not shock-resistant, vulnerable to impact, pressure, or drops, which may lead to cracks upon impact.

Which Material is Superior?

In terms of hardness and abrasion resistance: Acrylic Glass < Mineral crystal glass < Sapphire crystal glass.

Each has its advantages: Acrylic Glass is less likely to break and can be polished; mineral crystal glass has moderate scratch resistance and stronger resistance to vertical impacts than sapphire crystal glass; sapphire crystal glass, despite its high hardness, is prone to breakage and incurs higher repair costs.

For high-end customers, sapphire crystal glass is recommended due to its special physical and chemical properties, high hardness (Mohs scale 9), superior wear resistance, and resistance to corrosion.

Lower-end watches often use organic glass, also known as acrylic, which despite being prone to scratches, is resilient and widely used in low-end watches.

Each material has its advantages and is chosen based on factors such as cost, scratch resistance, transparency, and durability.

Watch Glass: Sapphire Glass VS Mineral Glass

Sapphire crystal glass and mineral glass are two common materials used in watchmaking and the production of certain optical components. Here are some key differences between them:

  1. Material Composition:
    • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Made from Acrylic Sapphire, a crystalline form of aluminum oxide. It is highly transparent and scratch-resistant.
    • Mineral Glass: Composed of various minerals, typically a hardened form of glass. It is less scratch-resistant compared to sapphire crystal.
  2. Hardness:
    • Sapphire Crystal Glass: One of the hardest materials(Mohs: 9), second only to diamonds ( Mohs: 10). It is highly resistant to scratches.
    • Mineral Glass: While hardened, it is not as scratch-resistant as sapphire crystal and may show signs of wear over time.
watch glass with AR coating (4)
watch glass with AR coating (4)

Generally speaking, sapphire crystal is three times stronger than mineral glass and 20 times stronger than plastic glass.

    1. Naarmuuntumiskestävyys:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Extremely resistant to scratches, making it ideal for applications where durability is crucial.
      • Mineral Glass: Can still resist scratches to some extent, but it is more prone to visible scratches compared to sapphire crystal.
    2. Clarity:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Offers excellent transparency and clarity, allowing for a clear view of the dial and components underneath.
      • Mineral Glass: Generally provides good clarity but may have some distortion compared to sapphire crystal.
    3. Cost:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Typically more expensive to produce, which can contribute to higher overall product costs.
      • Mineral Glass: Generally more cost-effective, making it a popular choice for more budget-friendly options.
    4. Weight:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Heavier than mineral glass due to its density.
      • Mineral Glass: Lighter in comparison.
    5. Applications:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Commonly used in high-end watches, camera lenses, and other applications where scratch resistance is crucial.
      • Mineral Glass: Found in a wide range of watches, eyeglasses, and other optical instruments.
    6. Shape:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Sapphire crystal glass is limited to flat only.
      • Mineral Glass: Mineral crystal glass can be manufactured in a variety of forms.

Watch Glass: Sapphire Glass VS Acrylic Glass

In modern watches, the most commonly used material for the watch crystal is sapphire crystal glass. However, historically, watches have not always been made exclusively with this material as the watch crystal.

Take Rolex for example, modern Rolex watches have all switched to sapphire crystal glass, but in earlier times, before the end of the last century, Rolex also used plastic material acrylic for making the watch crystal. Acrylic material had two main advantages:

  • Impact Resistance: Acrylic crystal, also known as plastic glass, is a reliable and durable material, especially resistant to impact. When tapped with a fingertip, it produces a clear and loud sound.
  • Less Likely to Shatter: If an acrylic crystal breaks, it typically does not shatter into small fragments. As a result, there is almost no risk of damaging the watch dial, hands, or internal movement.

Of course, acrylic crystal is not without its drawbacks. Its biggest disadvantage is that it is not scratch-resistant and does not provide sufficient water resistance.

Acrylic material is a polymer composed of polymethyl methacrylate. In the era before sapphire crystal material became widespread, acrylic was the mainstream material used by various watch manufacturers.

The reason watchmakers favored it was because it offered a certain degree of impact resistance and protection. Even if an acrylic crystal were to break from a strong impact, it was less likely to shatter into fine particles, minimizing the impact on the watch dial.

domed watch glass
domed watch glass

However, acrylic crystals gradually began to be replaced because they had some noticeable drawbacks. For example, they had lower hardness and were prone to scratching, resulting in visible scratches on the crystal.

Additionally, acrylic crystals had poorer transparency, giving watches a slightly hazy appearance. Moreover, from a manufacturing perspective, plastic glass tended to be thicker, adding weight to the watch and making it less suitable for producing ultra-thin watches.

Today, well-known trendy sports watches like Casio’s G-SHOCK still use acrylic crystal glass. However, acrylic crystals have seen a resurgence in some popular sports watches today due to their impact resistance and less likelihood of shattering, and the lack of transparency does not significantly affect watches with LED screens.

Rolex gradually transitioned to technologically advanced sapphire crystal glass in the 1980s. This material is primarily composed of aluminum oxide (Al2O3), which is not a natural gemstone but rather synthetically produced. This allowed watch manufacturers to enjoy the benefits similar to natural sapphire without a significant increase in production costs.

skeleton watch
skeleton watch

The benefits of sapphire crystal glass lie in its high hardness, reaching a Mohs hardness of 9, which is just slightly lower than that of diamond. This means that it is not easy to scratch sapphire crystal, making it resistant to scratches.

Additionally, sapphire crystal glass has better transparency, providing a bright and clear appearance to the watch. Furthermore, it can be processed to a thinner degree, allowing for a reduction in the overall thickness of the watch.

However, these advantages do not necessarily mean that sapphire crystal glass is superior to acrylic glass. Along with its high hardness comes the risk that sapphire crystal may shatter more easily upon strong impact. In such cases, it can pose a threat to the watch dial and movement structure, especially for watches with hollowed-out or open-face designs. Therefore, while sapphire crystal glass may be highly durable, if it does shatter, the damage to the watch can be more severe.

But, Why do various brands still choose sapphire crystal material and abandon acrylic glass material?

The answer is not hard to guess. Because in daily wear, the chance of the watch being lightly scratched by external factors is greater than the chance of the watch being strongly impacted. Additionally, the technology of producing sapphire crystal glass has become very popular and does not significantly increase costs. Therefore, switching to sapphire crystal glass has become a better choice for watch factories.

Apart from these two materials, watch factories also use mineral glass to make watches, which is somewhat between acrylic glass and sapphire crystal glass. Although watches using mineral glass are not very common nowadays, they still occasionally appear in the works of some brands. However, in terms of prevalence, sapphire crystal is still the mainstream material in the watch industry.


Mineral glass is mostly used in some classic retro watches that require special crystal shapes to complement the overall style of the watch, such as single-domed and double-domed crystals. Single-domed crystals enhance the magnification effect on the dial, while double-domed crystals create a more ideal and prominent depth effect on the dial.

Whether it’s a single-domed or double-domed crystal, it adds a retro feel to the overall design of the watch, making the dial visually compelling and easy to read. This type of crystal not only achieves a three-dimensional visual effect with its convex shape but also enhances the magnification effect of the dial elements, allowing for thinner and more delicate watch designs.


Why use Mineral glass instead of Sapphire crystal glass?

This is because some watch crystals, not flat, have protruding edges that are prone to being knocked. Sapphire is also very fragile, so using regular glass is more reliable in comparison. Of course, to address the issue of scratch resistance on the crystal surface, some watch manufacturers also apply a sapphire coating to acrylic glass to achieve its scratch-resistant properties. Additionally, mineral acrylic glass is much cheaper than sapphire.


Price Comparison on Sapphire vs Mineral and Acrylic Watch Glass

Is sapphire expensive? In reality, with the widespread application of sapphire crystal glass, its market price has become very affordable. Nowadays, many popular watch brands on the market use sapphire crystal glass. However, compared to mineral glass and acrylic, sapphire crystal glass is relatively expensive.



What is Mineral Watch Glass?

Mineral glass, also known as acrylic crystal, is a commonly used material in watchmaking. It is an ordinary crystal glass that undergoes polishing and hardening processes. Unlike sapphire crystal glass, mineral glass has a lower hardness. It was developed due to the scarcity of natural crystals, which couldn’t meet the demands of the industry. Its high transparency makes it suitable for various crafts, contributing to its popularity. The process of making mineral glass involves melting silica and lead oxide, resulting in a shiny surface with clarity achieved through advanced polishing technology.

Mineral-strengthened glass has a hardness of 7, making it resistant to scratches from most daily objects like knives and steel saw blades, which typically have lower hardness levels. However, it’s important to be cautious as sand grains, which also have a hardness of 7, can scratch the surface. Choosing a sapphire surface is preferable if possible. Sapphire surfaces, created by coating the glass with a layer of synthetic sapphire, offer a surface hardness of 9, making them highly resistant to scratches from anything except diamond and sapphire. Additionally, they are resistant to damage from sand grains.

watch with curved glass
watch with curved glass

Are Watches with Mineral Glass Good?

Answer 1:

Mineral crystal glass, also known as Acrylic Crystal, is a type of material used in watches. It is typically ordinary crystal glass that is polished and hardened, although its hardness is lower than that of sapphire crystal. This glass was developed due to the scarcity and difficulty in mining natural crystals, which couldn’t meet the demand. Because of its high transparency, it is popular for various crafts. Mineral crystal glass is crystalline with a high hardness (Mohs hardness of 7), good thermal conductivity, and a cool sensation when touched. It appears clear and bright against light, without small bubbles or watermarks, making it relatively expensive.

Answer 2:

The scratch resistance of mineral-strengthened glass is slightly inferior to sapphire glass, as its hardness is about 7, while sapphire glass has a hardness of 9. However, mineral-strengthened glass has higher overall compressive strength than sapphire glass. Therefore, all deep diving watches (deeper than 200 meters) use mineral-strengthened glass for their watch glass. Although sapphire glass has excellent scratch resistance, its thickness is only 5 micrometers, and its overall compressive strength is lower than that of mineral-strengthened glass, rendering it unsuitable for deep diving watches.

What is the Anti-glare Watch Glass?

In simple terms, anti-glare coating is a multi-layer film electroplated onto the lens to prevent light reflection. It’s commonly used in professional aviation, diving watches, or watches with large mirror curvature. It can be divided into double-layer anti-glare glass and single-layer anti-glare glass. The difference lies in the former being electroplated on both sides of the lens, while the latter is only coated on the inner side of the glass. The effectiveness of both types is similar.

The main function of anti-glare coating is to prevent glare and reflection, enabling better readability. When viewed from the front, it may appear as if it’s not mounted on the mirror, but from a specific angle, it reflects a layer of bluish color, similar to the eyes on the coating.

Viimeinen ajatus:

Ultimately, the choice between sapphire crystal glass, mineral glass and Acrylic glass depends on the specific requirements of the application, budget considerations, and the desired level of durability and scratch resistance. And it’s not the sapphire crystal that makes the watch better.


Everything I Learned About Watches Glasses From the Watch Factory

The watch glass is an inconspicuous character, so no one wants to know more about it, but did you know that it is important? Because if you’re not careful, you’ll match your watch glass wrong and it’ll be scrapped.

The Watch glass is divided into mineral glass, sapphire glass, and acrylic glass; it also has a flat, single-dome, and double-dome shape, and Cold-coated glass;

Watch Glass is generally provided by the case factory together because the case factory will be equipped with glass according to the customer’s water resistance requirements.

Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of each glass and want to know more? Follow our steps.

types of watches glasses

Watch Glass Function

The watch crystal, the clear lens on the watch’s exterior, is also called the watch glass and is used to protect the watch’s dial.

types of watches glasses 2

Types and Shapes of Watch Glasses

According to the material, the watch glass can be divided into synthetic glass, mineral crystal glass, and Sapphire Glasses.

3 Types of Watches Glasses:


  1. Mineral glass
  2. Sapphire
  3. Acrylic Crystal

The main component of Mineral glass is quartz ore, in addition to a small amount of limestone, sodium carbonate, and other fusing agents, through high-temperature firing to turn it into a fluid, and then made into a variety of glass products.

types of watches glasses 3
types of watches glasses 3

Sapphire glass usually refers to synthetic sapphire, the main component of which is aluminum oxide (Al2O3), the composition of which is close to that of natural sapphire。

Another name for Acrylic glass is plexiglass, and acrylic is plastic.


Shapes of The Watches Glasses?

types of watches glasses 4
types of watches glasses 4
types of watches glasses 5
types of watches glasses 5
  1. Flat Glass
    types of watches glasses 6
    types of watches glasses 6
    It’s all flat like parallel lines.
  1. The Single Dome-shaped glass
    types of watches glasses 7
    types of watches glasses 7

This shape is a convex surface and a flat bottom.

  1. Double Domed Glass
    types of watches glasses 8
    types of watches glasses 8
    types of watches glasses 9
    types of watches glasses 9

This shape is the face convex and bottom convex; it looks Like the pot we used for cooking.


  1. Cold-coated Glass
types of watches glasses 10
watches glasses with AR Coating

It looks like the Pod lid.


Cons and Pros of Different Types of Watches Glasses?

Most people searched “Why use Sapphire glasses for watches?”

the sapphire glass is of good hardness, not easy to scratch, and not easy to break.

So let’s see their advantages and disadvantages of them.

types of watches glasses 11
types of watches glasses 11

Cons and Pros of Them


  • Sapphire crystal: it’s physically and chemically stable. The hardness is lesser than the diamond. It can resist scratching, aging, corrosion, etc., but it is fragile. The Sapphire glass mirror watch is very transparent; You can clearly see the dial.

(Generally used for high-grade watches)

  • Acrylic Crystal: that is, synthetic glass, commonly known as acrylic, easy to scratch, but good toughness, not easy to break. 98% of the customers won’t use this as the watch’s glasses. Once a long time, this material crystal will be oxidized and the cracks will appear. Also, it needs a larger order quantity. If you are selling plastic watches, some can use them.

(Mostly used for low-end watches)

  • Mineral glass: better resistance to friction but the ability to resist vertical blows than sapphire glass. Therefore, military watches mostly use it as a crystal.

(For low-end watches)


How to Identify the Three Kinds of Glasses?

First, you can finger-tap the mirror surface and listen carefully to the sound. Acrylic mirrors will make a plastic-like sound, while the sound of glass then thicker.

Second, you can judge from the weights that the acrylic crystal is the lightest, and the sapphire mirror is the heaviest.

types of watches glasses 12
types of watches glasses 12

Since sapphire conducts heat very well, when you touch it with your hand, there will be a feeling of coldness.

And sapphire glasses are much smoother than the other two materials; you will feel more smothered when you touch them.

If you put a drop of water on the sapphire mirror, it will still be a drop of water, No slipping away, while on the other material, the water drops will spread out.


Method of Replace the Watch Glass

The glass is the most prominent part of the watch and is subject to the most friction and impact. Because of its material and particular function, the glass is one of a watch’s most easily damaged parts.

If the glass is lost, broken, or cracked, it must be replaced according to the original specifications.

When replacing a watch glass, the main thing to consider is the outer and inner diameter of the glass, The inner diameter should fit the tight ring, and the outer diameter should fit the case tightly.

When the two conditions are met, you can change the glass, which isn’t related to the watch’s brand.

Among these two accessories, the outer diameter is the most important, and It does not matter if the inner diameter is a little smaller. Because the tightening ring can be used as an open ring, this does not affect the watch’s glass.


How to Assemble Glasses for Watches?

When replacing a watch glass, you can directly fit the watch glass into the case glass slot by hand.

After removing the damaged glass, clean the glass groove of the case, configure a tight ring in the inner opening of the glass, and then put the glass into the case groove.


When the inner opening of the glass is equipped with a good tight ring and then put the glass into the case slot, when three-quarters of the glass is already in the case slot, you can use your hand to install the glass.


How to choose the glass ring/waterproof ring?

The inside diameter of the water-resistant ring = diameter of the crystal glass
Height of the water-resistant ring: less than the height (thickness) of the white edge of the crystal.
The outer diameter of the waterproof ring is 0~0.2mm larger than the inner diameter of the case.
(It is usually recommended to choose the outer diameter of the waterproof ring is about 0.1-0.2mm larger than the case will be better waterproof)

For example: the diameter of the crystal 29.5mm, case inner diameter 30.2mm

watch glass tight and waterproof rings
watch glass tight and waterproof rings

For example, Waterproof ring Optional:
29.5mm inner diameter, thickness 0.35mm, outer diameter is 30.2mm (available, just right, may be a little loose)
29.5mm inner diameter, 0.4mm thick, outer diameter is 30.3mm (recommended)
29.5mm I.D., 0.45mm thick, O.D. is 30.4mm (recommended)

What’s the function of the waterproof ring, You can check this post:

Tips on Deal With A Watch that has Water in it

When three-fourths of the glass is already in the slot, use the four fingers of the left hand to hold the back cover of the case. Press the thumb firmly against the center of the glass.

The right thumb pushes the edge of the glass that the part that does not enter the case recess in the case. It is better to use cover pliers. Using rubber cover pliers can make the glass everywhere evenly stressed, and you can press the edge of the glass into the case groove at once.

However, You must accurately choose the right size of the inner and outer diameter of the glass; otherwise, it will crush the glass.

If not, the glass will be crushed. It means the outer diameter is suitable if you can fit it in. and then installed it on the tight circle with amine cover pliers to press into the table.


How to Protect Your Watches Glasses?

When using the watch, try to avoid collision between the watch glass and hard objects or scratching the watch glass by sharp objects to prevent damage. Also, check the watch strap periodically so that the band does not break and cause the watch to fall to the ground.

Watch glass maintenance: proper cleaning of the watch glass.

sapphire glass single dome


If the watch glass is stained with a simple and easy-to-remove stain, you can clean it by yourself and get it back to clean. If your watch is water-resistant and has good water resistance, it is simple to clean the watch with soap and water. Gently brush the watch’s surface with a toothbrush, especially where there are crevices, to clean the dirt inside. But remember, when washing the watch, don’t pull out the crown.

types of watch glasses, ar coated
types of watch glasses, ar coated

Sometimes you can also coat your sapphire glass with a protection film, because sapphire glass is very hard. Once it breaks, it will break into pieces, it will fall to your dial and damage your watch, if there is a film just like the car window has a film, to a certain extent can protect your watch, but also can make your dial see more clearly.


Other Related:

Best Glasses for Watches?

Our suggestion is if you have enough budget, Then use the Sapphire glass, If your budget is not enough, Then use the mineral Glasses.

types of watch glasses
watch glasses, with or without ar coated

Watch Glass Cost?

The Cost of mineral and Crystal glass is nearly the same, around 0.15usd-0.5usd. But Sapphire glass is the most expensive one.

Specifications of the Watches Glasses?

The Glass’s diameter is based on the size of the watch, The thickness of glasses is made according to the water resistance.

watch glass sizes
watch glass sizes

If for 5ATM, the thickness is mostly 1.2-1.5mm,

If for 10ATM, the thickness will be over 2.0mm,

If for 20ATM, the thickness will be over 3.0mm.



Although glass is a very simple thing, there is still a lot to know need to know it. What else do you want to know? You can leave a comment.



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