qui habite

Montre à quartz de style client japonais


À propos des clients

Associez-vous à votre partenaire de confiance
Fournisseur de montres

Mr Kohei and Miss Winne, they are from Japan, who have a local antique store in Japan, specializing in selling antique seats, came to our factory, incidentally, looking for Chinese suppliers of antique seats as well.

At that time, he was carrying a watch in his hand, saying that he wanted to make some slight modifications according to his style, a pocket watch.
I gave him directions, picked him up near our office (he was visiting an antique seat store) and asked him,What would you like to eat? I thought such an interesting couple would want something special, so I took them to have the best local snack, which was spicy, and they were very happy.


We also had fun discussing clocks in the conference room. When we finally settled on the design, I asked him why he made such a watch too. He said it was to commemorate one of his closest relatives, saying that time will go, but that person is as eternal as time in his heart. This antique store is also his inheritance.

Based on the customer’s idea, we first provided the design to the customer for confirmation, including the needle to be a burnt blue needle and the pocket watch band to be a wrist watch band, and the sample was quickly made. The customer liked it very much. He said thank you to us.

Then start mass production, cooperation is very pleasant, the customer is very humorous and very affectionate! Wish kohei and Winnie happy forever and hands tight until old!

Une idée de vos montres ?

Personnalisez les montres présentant les caractéristiques de votre marque

Y avez-vous déjà pensé ?

-Afin de rechercher le ratio part/bénéfice le plus raisonnable, de toujours faire un peu mieux que la concurrence dans tous les aspects, les produits de marque sont une tendance et c'est l'avenir.
Je pense que c'est la réponse directe.
Montre-bracelet en tant que catégorie de bijoux de luxe, elle a été définie par les gens. La marque sera le bon choix

Découvrez des montres fabriquées avec précision auprès du principal fabricant de montres chinois. Qualité exceptionnelle, livraison fiable et personnalisation complète. Élevez votre marque maintenant. Essayez de nous parler, c'est gratuit !

*Nous garderons vos informations privées, nous promettons de ne jamais les divulguer à des tiers !

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