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Jam Tangan Kuarsa Paduan Tali Kain Tenun Merek Spanyol


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Pemasok Jam Tangan

We got inquiry from Jose in year 2021 , Mr Jose opened a local clothing store in Spain, is a small chain of stores, and online also has a online store, but also sale in Amazon.

Multi marketing channel, he said clothing are now too competitive, before he just open a local store, and because of the prevalence of online stores, a lot of customers do not come to the store. And his customer base is about 25-45 years old young people, so that he will have to adapt to the market..

Jose said they could not afford to sell high price in Spain and Jose gave us the target price and budget. According to the target price and Spain market, we recommended the alloy material plus IP plating, because the price of ordinary watches in the market are water plated, and the water plating will lose color in a few months, so the customer’s watch may be broken before it is sold.

We first provided just sample to him for testing, sample and communication cost time, as customer can not understand English, After 1 month testing, He placed the order to us.

Hope Jose ‘s business prosperous always!

Ada Ide Tentang Jam Tangan Anda?

Custom Your Brand Feature Watches

Pernahkah Anda memikirkannya?

-Untuk mengejar rasio pangsa dan keuntungan yang paling masuk akal, selalu lakukan sedikit lebih baik daripada pesaing dalam semua aspek, produk merek adalah tren dan masa depan.
Saya pikir ini adalah jawaban langsungnya.
Timepiece watch as a luxury jewellery category, It has definied by people. Brand will be the good choice

Experience precision-crafted timepieces with China’s leading watch manufacturer. Exceptional quality, reliable delivery, and full customization. Elevate your brand now. Try to talk to us, It’s free!

*We will keep your information private, we promise never ever disclosure to others!

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