
Know me

About Mariella

Post wroted by me

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

-William Shakespeare

Hello, my name is Mariella, and I’m just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary passion – a deep and unwavering love for watches. Born in the year 1995, I’ve embarked on a journey that has taken me into the enchanting world of horology, where time is not just measured, but woven into the very fabric of my life.

My days begin with the soft embrace of dawn’s first light, casting a warm glow on the city streets where I reside. From the bustling urban landscape to the cozy corners of my apartment, my world is a tapestry of experiences, all intertwined by my fascination with watches.

As the sun rises, I find myself heading to a place that feels like a second home – a watch customization factory. Now, I’m not a watchmaker or a designer crafting intricate mechanisms, but rather a salesperson who has found solace amidst the rhythmic symphony of ticking hands and precision engineering. Each day here feels like an opportunity to unravel the secrets held within these timekeeping marvels.

Evenings bring a different kind of delight. Nestled within my humble abode, adorned with potted plants and the gentle aroma of freshly brewed coffee, I dive into a world where time stands still. Magazines sprawled across my coffee table and online stores at my fingertips, I lose myself in the artistry of watch designs. It’s not just about the aesthetics; it’s the seamless blend of fashion and functionality that captivates my heart.

Weekends are my playground of discovery. In the heart of the city’s bustling shopping district, I roam boutiques and stores, each one a treasure trove of horological wonders. Display windows come alive with a kaleidoscope of designs, and I find myself immersed in a symphony of ticking hands, leather bands, and intricate dials.

But it’s not just about the watches; it’s the stories they tell. In the company of friends, we embark on joyous shopping sprees, trying on watches that seem to resonate with our personalities. Laughter fills the air as we share stories and moments, each watch capturing a fragment of time that we hold dear.

As the day draws to a close, I gaze at the watch on my wrist, not merely to check the time, but to cherish the memories etched within its delicate frame. You see, my love for watches isn’t about owning the rarest or the most luxurious; it’s about celebrating the artistry, the craftsmanship, and the intricate dance of time itself.

In a world that races forward, I’ve found a way to capture its fleeting moments – through the elegance and charm of watches. So, as the sun sets and the city’s lights begin to twinkle, know that my heart beats to the rhythm of horology, an enduring romance with the passage of time.



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