
Talking about the watches manufacturing experiences and watchmaking related

rolex watches


All things that are beautiful with color, such as flowers and leaves, or the blue of the sky and the glory of sunset, are fleeting and ever-changing. Only the luster and color of precious stones have remained unchanged from thousands of years ago until now. Thousands of years later, they will be the same

- [宝石の奇妙な言い伝え]

ジョージ F. クンツ (宝石学者および鉱物学者、1856 ~ 1932 年)








The dial, often compared to afacial expressionfor watches, is undoubtedly influenced by its color. As mentioned, when gemstones are crafted into watch dials, the emphasis tends to lean towards considerations ofcolor coordination.Therefore, compared to the intrinsic value of the gemstone itself, its color plays a crucial role in expressing the overall aesthetic appeal of the watch and significantly impacts its value.

In the pursuit of enhancing the visual allure of thisface,brands invest effort into selecting gemstones of appropriate colors.





ダイヤモンドは単一元素である炭素原子で構成されている唯一の宝石であり、炭素含有量は 99.95% にも及びます。残りの 0.05% は、基本的な化学構造に属さない微量元素で構成されています。ダイヤモンドのほとんどは 10 億年以上前の古代に形成され、地表から約 160 マイルの地下で高温高圧の条件下でのみ結晶化しました。



無色のダイヤモンドの品質はどのように評価すればよいのでしょうか?カラット(重量)、カラー、クラリティ、カットの4Cに基づいています。 これらの基準によれば、良いダイヤモンドとは、より大きく、より無色で、より透明で、よくカットされたものです。さらに、非常に価値の高い貴重なカラーダイヤモンドもいくつかあります。

ダイヤモンドの歴史は古く、インドでのダイヤモンド取引の記録は紀元前 800 年まで遡ります。今日、ダイヤモンドは世界中で広く普及しています。南アフリカとオーストラリアはダイヤモンドの主要産地です。

ダイヤモンドは他の宝石にはない、まばゆいばかりの輝きを持っています。ジュエリーだけでなく時計にも多く採用されています。 世界で最も硬い宝石であるダイヤモンドは、時計の文字盤の一部として使用されることが多く、複雑なセッティングによってその輝きを見せます。


02 ラピスラズリ

モース硬度: 5-5.5


ラピスラズリ は、主にナトリウム、アルミニウム、ケイ素、硫黄、塩化物、水酸化物を含む鉱物と、さまざまな量の黄鉄鉱および白色方解石から構成される珍しい変成岩です。ワックス状からガラス状の光沢を持つ、半透明から不透明の宝石です。




As early as 3100 BCE, there are records of lapis lazuli being mined, making it possibly the earliest used blue gemstone by humans. In ancient civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Greece, and Rome, lapis lazuli was considered a precious gem. Before the early 19th century, it was ground into powder and used as a deep blue pigment. During the Renaissance, artists used it to create a high-quality blue pigment known asUltramarine.

ラピスラズリにはアフガニスタンでの採掘の長い歴史があり、今日に至るまで主要な資源であり続けています。他の主な産地にはチリやロシアなどがあります。 ラピスラズリは、高級時計の文字盤に一貫して好まれている素材です。


03 タイガーアイ

モース硬度: 6.5-7

タイガーアイ シャトヤンシー、つまり猫の細長い目に似た明るい光の帯が宝石の曲面に現れる現象で知られる半貴石のクォーツです。虎の鋭い目に似ていることから名づけられました。









04 ターコイズ

モース硬度: 5-6

ターコイズ is a gemstone formed in crystalline structures near shallow water in arid and barren regions. It is a semi-translucent to opaque gem, commonly appearing in an opaque form with stripes, spots, or iron-like vein patterns. The finest quality turquoise exhibits a unique and intense blue hue, often described asrobin’s egg blue,” “sky blue,orPersian blue.


ターコイズには長い歴史があり、採掘され複製された最初の宝石であるという特徴を持っています。紀元前 4000 年頃には、古代エジプトの墓の埋葬地からターコイズで作られたビーズが発見されていました。




05 クリソコラ(別名:ターコイズ)

モース硬度: 3.5-4.5


上記のターコイズはクリソコラと同じ石ではありませんが、名前は同じかもしれませんが、 クリソコラ はターコイズグリーンの色で知られる銅を含む鉱物で、高品質の標本には緑がかった帯のあるブロック状の構造が特徴であることがよくあります。見た目や色が似ているため、よくターコイズと混同されます。ターコイズのベースは青色ですが、ターコイズは緑色で、透明から半透明まであります。


クリソコラ/ターコイズは、人類の歴史の中で最も重要な鉱物の 1 つと考えられます。紀元前 4000 年には、人々はターコイズを加熱すると天然の銅が生成されることを発見したと考えられています。

これは、人間が鉱石から金属を製錬し、金属鉱石の探査を引き起こし、冶金学の発展を促進した最初の例である可能性があります。紀元前 3000 年頃の古代エジプトでは、ターコイズが認識され、お守り、宝石、アイシャドウとして使用されていました。


06 ジェダイト

モース硬度: 7

カルセドニー 低温のシリカを豊富に含む溶液が既存の岩石、特に火山岩の空洞や割れ目に浸透するときに形成されます。世界で最も初期の宝石素材の 1 つです。純粋なカルセドニーは白色ですが、さまざまな微量元素や鉱物インクルージョンが含まれると、豊かな色を帯びます。


ジェダイト原石 - geologyscience.com からの画像




カルセドニーの工芸品は石器時代にまで遡り、装飾品は 2 万年から 16 万年前まで発見されています。紀元前 3000 年までに、古代エジプト人はすでに瑪瑙、赤玉髄、緑玉髄を装飾品として使用していました。



07 ユークレース

モース硬度: 5.5-6.5

Euclase forms as silica seeps into rocks beneath the ground through rainwater. As the water evaporates, silica deposits in the form of small spheres and binds with more silicon and water, creatingeuclase.


What makes euclase particularly enchanting is its iridescence. When the gem is moved, various colors of shimmering reflections can be observed. This iridescence is only formed when the silica spheres are of the appropriate size and arranged in a regular pattern. The more orderly the arrangement, the larger the iridescent area, and the more pronounced the color changes. This iridescence is considered the soul and value of euclase.Precious euclaseis defined by having the iridescence, with red iridescence being the most valuable.



08 マザーオブパール(別名:真珠層)

モース硬度: 2.5-4

真珠の母 自然に真珠を生成できる特定の軟体動物の殻の内層を指します。これらの軟体動物は通常、浅海に生息し、太平洋、大西洋、インド洋のサンゴ礁や海底で見られます。真珠が形成される長い期間にわたって、真珠層の内側が真珠層で覆われ、真珠層に色が与えられ、美しく人気の高い素材となります。

マザーオブパール - ポリッシュ

真珠に比べて、マザーオブパールは耐久性と弾力性に優れています。 13世紀以来、ヨーロッパ貴族の間で装飾美術の素材として珍重されてきました。マザーオブパールは家具の装飾、宝石箱の製作、さらにはナイフのハンドルの製作にも使用され、当時の生活に欠かせないものとなりました。マザーオブパールは時計の文字盤によく使われる素材です。

マザー オブ パールには工業グレードと宝石グレードの 2 つの種類があり、後者の方が希少です。時計の文字盤に使用されている素材は宝石グレードの品質です。それぞれの天然石は、選別、分割、切断、研削、研磨、仕上げ、穴あけ、彫刻、セッティングなどの細心の注意を払って、魅力的な時計の文字盤として最終的な形に仕上げられます。

09 隕石


隕石 彗星、小惑星、隕石などの天体の破片で、地球の大気圏を通過して生き残り、地球の表面に着陸します。これらの破片のサイズは、小さな粒子から数トンの重さの大きな塊までさまざまです。隕石は、初期の太陽系とそれ以降に関する貴重な科学情報を提供します。

隕石の着陸 - インターネットからの画像


隕石には、その組成に基づいて主に 3 つのタイプがあります。

  1. 石質隕石 (コンドライト): これらは最も一般的なタイプで、主にケイ酸塩鉱物で構成されています。コンドライトには、コンドリュールと呼ばれる小さな球状の構造が含まれていることが多く、これは太陽系で形成された最も初期の固体物質の 1 つであると考えられています。
  2. 鉄隕石: これらの隕石は主に金属の鉄とニッケルの合金で構成されており、密度が高く、多くの場合、ウィドマンシュテッテン パターンと呼ばれる独特の磨かれた表面を持っています。このパターンは、宇宙で何百万年にもわたって金属がゆっくりと冷却された結果です。

    隕石ダイヤル - インターネットからの画像
  3. 石鉄隕石: これらの隕石には、ケイ酸塩鉱物と金属鉄ニッケル合金の混合物が含まれています。それらは比較的稀で、金属マトリックスに埋め込まれたカンラン石結晶を持つパラサイトと、金属とケイ酸塩鉱物の複雑な混合物を持つメソシデライトの 2 つの主なグループに分けられます。



ジュエリーに詳しい方であれば、これらの宝石はすべて、イヤリングやネックレス、ブレスレット、指輪などのジュエリーにも使用されていることがわかります。さまざまな宝石が、独自の色、特性、美しさによって選択され、ジュエリー デザイナーが創作できるようになります。多様で素晴らしい作品。





ラピスラズリ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapis_lazuli

タイガーアイ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger%27s_eye

ターコイズ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turquoise

クリソコラ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysocolla

カルセドニー: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalcedony

隕石: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteorite




Watch Case Manufacturing Process: From Raw Material to Finished Product 11

Watch Case Manufacturing Process: From Raw Material to Finished Product

China is the most crucial base in the world, and there are countless large and small watch manufacturers in the Pearl River Delta, and these upstream, midstream, and downstream watch manufacturers form a huge and delicate watch industry chain each other.

If the movement is the core of a watch, the case is the main body of a watch. The case’s structure appearance and technology level is the direct reflection of a watch’s quality.

According to the material, there are mainly zinc alloy cases, copper cases, steel cases and titanium cases, and the general processing process of various metal cases is not too different.

The raw material for the watch cases production is the case casting/embryo, and the process is mainly: turning, milling, drilling, grinding, etc

The main processing flow of watch metal cases is as follows.

Case casting processingTurning, drilling, and millingSurface processing (polishing/brushing/sandblasting, etc.)Surface treatment (plating, etching, etc.)-Assemble case parts

Of course, this is only a general sharing of the simple manufacturing process, there are many details that have not been said, to do a good watch case not only needs meticulous processing from each department, the need for each process, the skilled workers, especially polishing process, the surface effect of good or bad all depending on the worker’s hands.

The finished watch case requires the following assembly parts: barrel, glass, bottom cover, bezel, decorative small miscellaneous parts and screws, inner cover, and o-ring, i ring.

In this article, we will explore the watch case manufacturing process, including the watch case size guide, watch case diameter, and more.

Watch Case Manufacturing Process

Let’s take a closer look at the watch case manufacturing process. The manufacturing process can vary depending on the type of watch case and the materials used, but there are some common steps that are involved in most watch case manufacturing processes.

You can see a shiny and beautiful watch case. Still, the environment of the watch case factory is not as good as we think.

The cutting processing requires the use of oil, and the work hands with oil and black, all are oil, surface polishing will also produce dust, if you go into the polishing workshop, out of a sure all of the ash. While the random chat is over.

So, Let’s check the process:

Step 1: Design the watch case structure and finished watches

Watch drawing workers is generally divided into flat draftsman (2D mostly) and structural effects draftsman(3D).

The draftsman first draw the finished watches, I generally draw 2D, 3D, and rendering drawings, to confirm that the details of the appearance of no problem. Provide 3D drawings and assembly drawings to the case factory designer, the watch case factory designer will draw the structural data drawings and our engineer will confirm, if no problem, We start to making.

(Generally, we will do the prototype first, and ensure that the prototype is OK before producing the mass order)

3D drawing

Assembly drawing

structure data drawing

Step 2: Roughly Process the case

According to the drawing, the embryo factory does the case blank (press the steel plate out of the general shape of the watch, see the below pictures for example)

Then use the machine to open the rough, cut off the extra area, but leave some margin (generally leaving 0.5mm margin)

Then the NC machine (automatic lathe) does the precision process, according to the drawing to machine the accurate size, generally, the internal structure is directly accurate in place (generally allow 3-5c tolerance range, 1c = 0.01mm a hair about 8c).

NC machine

After that, then by the drilling machine drills the hole and case lug holes and then returns to the machine grinding on the bottom area (left in the last processing outside to avoid the collapse) then do the next step- milling.

If the case style is different, the processing is also slightly different, the above is a general step, need to use the small lathe and CNC equipment.

Step 3. Grinding room Polishing

The grinding room is the most important one in the whole case processing process, and the above steps just make according to the standard process is ok, To ensure that the internal structure is correct, the appearance of polishing is all on the grinder’s craft.

Step 4. Case inspection room

After the cases are finished grilling, clean the cases, they are sent to the inspection room for inspection according to the grilling grade requirements, and the defective parts are marked with red pen for back grinding to make sure they meet the quality requirements.

Step 5. Quality Check

The quality department is mainly responsible for checking the case parts

The case accessories are generally: glasses, ceramic ring, I ring, O-ring (I ring or O ring is the waterproof ring of glass and bottom cover ), fill oil or fill luminous oil, hardware accessories (spring thread, octagon thread, watch screws), bar tube, and bottom cover.

Step 6. Warehouse

All case accessories check the quality of no problem are into the warehouse, respectively, registered into the warehouse. The warehouse confirms that all the accessories arrive and send to the packaging department.

Finally Packing

The packing department is responsible for assembling all the parts and doing final package

About Watch Case Size Guide

let’s understand the watch case size guide. The size of the watch case is one of the most important factors when it comes to choosing a watch. The right size watches not only fits perfectly on your wrist but also looks aesthetically pleasing. The watch case size is measured in millimeters (mm), and it is determined by the diameter of the watch case.

The diameter of the watch case is measured from one side of the watch case to the other, excluding the crown. The crown is the small button on the side of the watch used to set the time. Watch case sizes can range from as small as 20mm to as large as 50mm or more. However, the most common watch case size for men is between 38mm and 42mm, while the most common watch case size for women is between 26mm and 38mm.

Watch case size ultimately comes down to personal preference and what looks and feels best on your wrist. It’s important to consider the size of the watch case, especially if you have a small wrist or a larger wrist. A watch that is too big or too small can be uncomfortable to wear and may not look aesthetically pleasing.

One of the key factors in determining the size of a watch case is the watch movement. The watch movement is the mechanism that powers the watch and determines its functionality. There are different types of watch movements, including quartz, mechanical, and automatic. Each type of movement has different dimensions, which can affect the size of the watch case.

For example, quartz movements are typically smaller and more compact than mechanical movements. As a result, watches with quartz movements can be designed with smaller cases. On the other hand, mechanical movements are larger and require more space, which means watches with mechanical movements typically have larger cases.

Another factor that can influence the size of a watch case is the style of the watch. Some watch styles, such as dress watches, are designed to be thin and sleek, with smaller cases that fit snugly on the wrist. Other styles, such as dive watches, are designed to be more rugged and durable, with larger cases that can withstand harsh conditions.

About Watch Case Diameter

The diameter of the watch case is another important factor to consider in watch manufacturing. The diameter is typically measured in millimeters and can range from as small as 26mm to as large as 50mm or more. The diameter of the watch case can affect the overall look and feel of the watch, as well as its functionality.

For example, watches with smaller case diameters are generally considered to be more elegant and refined. They can be worn with formal attire and are suitable for occasions where understated style is preferred. Watches with larger case diameters, on the other hand, are often associated with a more sporty or casual style. They can be worn with more casual attire and are suitable for outdoor activities.

The diameter of the watch case can also affect the readability of the watch. Watches with larger case diameters typically have larger faces and numerals, which can make them easier to read. However, watches with smaller case diameters can also be designed with clear, easy-to-read dials that are suitable for everyday wear.

Do you now have a general idea of the how the watch case was made ?

Brief Summarize and Share About the Watchmaking  28

Brief Summarize and Share About the Watchmaking

I have been engaged in the watchmaking industry for almost seven years, so I’d like to share my experience with you and some of the works that are quite good.

Below is Something I learned, of the watchmaking experience:

To tell whether a watch is good or bad, you need to check the whole watch;
you can not just look at a certain aspect, but also look at some of the ungood areas, so also check the watch accessories,
If all are good, this brand watch maybe a perfect watch brand. (Brand history and movement are not yet considered)

Let’s talking details of the each important parts, the manufacturing details needed,

Watch Case Watchmaking :

Whether the case is well made or bad depends more on the appearance of the polishing treatment。

The high factory production requirements for the case are: the brush line is smooth and not sharp, which means that you need to ensure the clarity of the brushed lines and can not scratch the hand.

(the current machining equipment is more advanced than before, so the structural tolerances are well controlled (generally 3-5c)), the details should handle well, such as the polish of the surface being good, the corner area having no burr, and also handle well of the original blank case pattern of the inner side case lug area

Dial Details:

2 different places to tell if the dial is good or bad.

On the one hand, the good artwork of the dial is: ( effects generally are velvet black, matte black, semi-light, semi-matte black, enamel black), no white spots, no scratches on the good;

The other hand is the artwork of the hour marker; the hour marker is generally divided into printing marking and index;

Make sure the hour markers print in a 3D feeling, and plumpy.

When printing the luminous effect, we will take ink as a basement, so make sure the basement oil is at the right size, can’t be too big, and the print is in the middle,no offset.

For the Index plating, make sure it is good and has no pockmarks.

If it is diamond-cut hands, the diamond-cut hands should be flat with right angles,

If it is polished hands, the polished hands are plumpy, And if the hands with luminous, the luminous oil should be flat and even.

The logo and second marking line printing should be neat, can not break the line, if zoom in, you can have a slightly three-dimensional feel.

Watch Hands:

Check the three areas to see if the hands are good or bad,

1. The appearance of artwork

2. The needle tube

3. The luminous filling or coating

Normally, The appearance of artwork of hands is diamond cut, water polishing, brushing, and then plating, painting, or burn blue processing.

The plating color should be uniform; it can not be with the white dot; if you zoom it, it can not have a pockmark and a pile of oil if painting.

The baked / burned blue color should be in the right color and effect

The hands tube data should be accurate, the hour and minute hand can use the hexagonal tube, the second hand with the cross tube.

The luminous filling should be delicate and flat, and can not be concave (if there is concave, when luminous at dark, it will have a dark shadow).

To ensure the luminous brightness, the best method is to fill the oil three times, Be careful not to spill to both sides (the more times it rub, the more easily luminous overflow, it is difficult to avoid the problem of overflow burr)

Strap Making Details:

Leather straps, steel straps, and plastic straps are more common;

To tell whether the leather straps are good or bad,

On one hand, is the leather material, on the other hand, are the details of workmanship:

Make sure the ear and buckle holes are of the right size, side to cut flat, sealing edge oil to smooth,

If the strap with no sealing on the side, the edges should be regular

The loop should be tightly pressed and glued without gaps

Choose the righ size of sewing line, and the sewed line should be straight

For Steel straps, the solid strap is better than folded S/S band, and loose beads/links are better than single beads/links.

For the plastic straps, it has silicone and rubber; silicone is characterized by better softness, and it can make different colors, but easy to sticky dust

Rubber strap is stronger, and now there is a fluoroelastomer that can make with different colors, and softness is also better.

To tell the good or bad quality of the plastic strap, We mainly check the material and the artwork of abrasives; the plastic gate should be small ( gate: There are usually gate areas on plastic products. The gate is the part of the frame connection area that is formed when the liquid material is poured o)

Watch Strap Buckle:

generally divided into pin buckle, folding buckle, and turtleback buckle.

The solid buckle is better than the folded stainless buckle, It should be with the same requirement as watch cases in appearance polishment

Requirements: smooth, even, no steps and blur, no sharpness, which means you need to ensure that the brush lines are straight, even, clear and can not scratch the hand.

The Watchmaking Industry and Advanced Watch making Industry?

The watchmaking experience I am talking about today is different from some advanced watchmaking experience. The watchmaking I am talking about is just the production and manufacturing of watches in a normal mass-production factory, not the kind of watches that treats watches as works of art.
Our factory only focuses on customizing general public watches that our customers can sell in the market, while watchmaking, is different.

Watchmaking is the art and science of designing, manufacturing and repairing watches.
Watchmaking has a long history, dating back to the 16th century. Early watches were driven by hand-wound springs, but over time watchmakers developed more complex mechanisms, such as escapements that regulate the movement of gears.
Today, watchmaking is a highly specialized field that requires a combination of technical competence, creativity and attention to detail. Watchmakers must be well versed in a variety of fields, including mechanics, design and material science.

Today, watchmaking is a highly specialized field that requires a combination of technical competence, creativity and attention to detail. Watchmakers must be well versed in a variety of fields, including mechanics, design and material science.

The process of making a watch typically involves a series of steps, from designing the movement to assembling the watch and testing its accuracy. Watchmakers use a variety of tools, such as lathes, milling machines and precision measuring instruments, to create the components of a watch.

Watchmaking is also an art form, and many watchmakers create intricate designs that are both beautiful and functional. Some of the most famous watchmakers in history, such as Abraham-Louis Breguet and Patek Philippe, are known for their innovative designs and technical expertise.

Overall, watchmaking is a fascinating field that combines art, science and craftsmanship to create some of the most complex and beautiful timepieces in the world.

I guess that’s one of the reasons why watches are all sold at such high prices

I’ve shown what I know, is that the same as what you think?

Subscribe to our news, I will always share the watchmaking industry knowledge, product knowledge, etc. You will learn something from it.



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