Liu, Mariella

Pristatome Mariella – atsidavusią ir aistringą pardavimų profesionalę pirmaujančioje laikrodžių pritaikymo gamykloje. 1995 m. gimusi Mariella savo meilę laikrodžiams ir madai atkreipia į savo vaidmenį, nes padeda klientams sukurti tobulą laikrodį. Ne darbo metu ji mėgsta atsiduoti savo pomėgiui tyrinėti naujausias mados tendencijas ir stilius. Dėl Mariella patirties ir nuoširdaus susidomėjimo laikrodžio pritaikymu kiekviena kliento sąveika tampa asmenine ir malonia patirtimi.

Mechaninis judėjimas

Ar daugiau deimantų reiškia geriau laikrodžių judesiuose?

Are you curious if more diamonds make a watch movement better?
It’s common to think that more diamonds might make the watch parts run smoother and last longer.
Having more diamonds in a watch’s movement doesn’t automatically mean it’s better. While diamonds can reduce friction between parts, making them last longer, a watch’s performance relies on its overall design, the skill of its makers, and the quality of all materials used. Diamonds add value and can enhance certain functions, but they are just one part of what makes a high-quality watch.
Let’s dive into how diamonds are used in watches to see if they make a difference in how well the watch works.


Role of Diamonds in Watch Movements

The role of diamonds in watch movements is multifaceted and crucial to the overall performance and quality of the timepiece. Diamonds are prized for their exceptional hardness, durability, and resistance to wear, making them ideal materials for various components within a watch movement.

In watches, diamonds are used inside where you can’t always see them, but they do a very important job. These tiny diamonds are placed in parts of the watch that move a lot. They help these parts move smoothly and stay in good shape for a longer time. This means the watch tells time really well and doesn’t break down easily.
Besides making the watch work better, diamonds also make it look fancier. When you see parts of the watch moving and there are diamonds on them, the watch looks more special and expensive. It’s like adding a bit of sparkle that makes the watch both pretty and good at telling time.
Thediamondsin watches aren’t the kind you find in rings or necklaces. They are special stones made by people, mainly from a strong material called alumina. They are hard like real diamonds and can be made in different colors. Even though they are calleddiamonds,they are more similar to other stones called rubies that are also used in watches for the same reasons. So, these diamonds help the watch keep time better and make it look beautiful.

Advantages of More Diamonds in Watch Movements:

The advantages of incorporating more diamonds into watch movements are manifold and extend beyond mere aesthetic appeal. Here are some key benefits:

  • Enhanced Durability: Diamonds are renowned for their exceptional hardness and durability. When used in watch movements, they offer increased resistance to wear and friction. This translates to a longer lifespan for the watch, as the diamonds help maintain the integrity of critical components over time.
  • Improved Precision: The precise and uniform nature of diamonds allows for smoother movement within the watch mechanism. This results in enhanced accuracy and precision in timekeeping, which is essential for high-quality timepieces.
  • Scratch Resistance: Diamonds are highly resistant to scratches, making them an ideal material for protecting delicate watch components. Watches with diamond-enhanced movements are less prone to surface damage, ensuring they retain their pristine appearance for longer periods.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Beyond their functional benefits, diamonds add a touch of luxury and elegance to watch movements. Watches adorned with diamonds on visible parts such as the dial, bezel, or indices exude sophistication and prestige, appealing to discerning consumers.
  • Value Retention: Watches with diamond-enhanced movements often retain their value well over time. The durability and timeless beauty of diamonds contribute to the longevity of the timepiece, making it a valuable investment for collectors and enthusiasts.
  • Distinctive Design: The use of diamonds allows for intricate and captivating designs in watch movements. Whether it’s a pave setting on the dial or a bezel adorned with sparkling stones, the presence of diamonds adds a unique and distinctive flair to the watch’s overall design.


Disadvantages of Excessive Diamonds in Watch Movements:

  • Increased Weight: Excessive diamonds in watch movements can significantly increase the overall weight of the timepiece. This can affect wearer’s comfort, especially if the watch is worn for extended periods.
  • Bulkiness: Watches with excessive diamonds may become bulkier due to the additional material used in their construction. This can detract from the sleek and slim profile that many watch enthusiasts prefer.
  • Higher Costs: Watches adorned with excessive diamonds typically come with higher price tags. The cost of sourcing and setting numerous diamonds can significantly inflate the price of the watch, making it less accessible to some consumers.
  • Diminished Readability: In some cases, an abundance of diamonds on the watch dial or hands can hinder readability, especially in certain lighting conditions. The glare and reflections from the diamonds may obscure the time, making it difficult to read at a glance.
  • Maintenance Challenges: Diamond-encrusted watches require special care and maintenance to preserve their beauty. Cleaning and servicing such watches can be more complex and costly due to the delicate nature of the diamonds and their settings.
  • Subjective Taste: While some individuals may appreciate the lavishness of a diamond-studded watch, others may find it ostentatious or gaudy. Excessive diamonds can polarize opinions and may not appeal to everyone’s aesthetic preferences.
  • Risk of Damage: Watches with excessive diamonds are more susceptible to damage, particularly if the diamonds are not securely set. Loose or damaged diamonds can detract from the watch’s appearance and may require costly repairs.


Watchmakers use Several types of Diamonds:

  • Ruby: Rubies are commonly used as bearings in watch movements, such as in balance wheel bearings and escapement wheel bearings. Ruby bearings can reduce friction between mechanical parts, improving the accuracy and stability of the watch.

  • Synthetic Ruby: Synthetic rubies can also be used as bearings in watch movements, similar to natural rubies but more cost-effective.
  • Sapphire: Sapphires are typically used in watch transparent cover plates and transparent case backs as protective and decorative materials. The transparency and durability of sapphire make it an ideal choice for showcasing the exquisite craftsmanship and complex construction of the movement.

  • Synthetic Sapphire: Synthetic sapphires, similar to natural sapphires, are commonly used in watch transparent cover plates and transparent case backs to protect and decorate the movement.

The shape of the Diamonds in the watch movement::

The jewels in a watch movement typically come in various shapes, including:

  • Round: The most common shape for jewels used in watch movements is round. Round jewels are versatile and can be used in various parts of the movement.
  • Oval: Some watch movements may use oval-shaped jewels, especially in areas where space is limited or where a specific shape is required for optimal performance.
  • Square or Rectangular: Square or rectangular-shaped jewels may be used in specific areas of the movement, providing stability and support in angular or confined spaces.
  • Barrel-shaped: Barrel-shaped jewels are less common but may be used in specialized parts of the movement where a unique shape is necessary for precise functioning.
  • Pear-shaped: Pear-shaped jewels are also occasionally used in watch movements, particularly in areas where a tapered or pointed shape is advantageous.


Overall, the shape of the jewels in a watch movement is determined by the specific requirements of each part of the movement and the design preferences of the watchmaker.


Where do the Diamonds in watch movements come from?

The rubies typically used in watch movements are sourced from mineral deposits of natural ruby. Ruby deposits can be found worldwide, with major producing countries including Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. These regions are renowned for their high-quality ruby deposits. During the mining process, ruby-bearing rocks are extracted and undergo processing and cutting to produce the ruby bearings and other components used in watch movements.


What the function of the Diamonds in watch movements

The jewels in watch movements play a crucial role in several aspects:

  • Friction Reduction: The jewels, typically made of synthetic sapphire or ruby, serve as bearings or seats in the movement. Their high hardness and smooth surface help reduce friction between mechanical parts, ensuring smooth operation of the movement.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: Due to their uniform structure and hardness, jewels provide stable support and balance, contributing to improved accuracy and stability of the watch.
  • Extended Lifespan: The hardness and wear resistance of jewels protect critical components of the movement, such as the balance wheel bearings and escapement wheel bearings, reducing wear and tear and extending the watch’s lifespan.
  • Increased Reliability: The stability and durability of jewels in the movement ensure long-term stable operation, enhancing the reliability and durability of the watch.

Overall, the jewels in watch movements play a vital role in ensuring the precise operation and long-term reliability of the watch.


How to determine whether a high-end watch uses decorative or functional gemstones?

To determine whether the gemstones used in a high-end watch are decorative or functional, several factors can be considered:

  • Position and Quantity: Firstly, attention should be paid to the position and quantity of the gemstones. If the gemstones are primarily concentrated on the dial, bezel, hands, and other aesthetic parts of the watch, and there are a large number of them, they are likely decorative gemstones used to enhance the visual appeal and luxury of the watch. Conversely, if the gemstones are mainly used in key parts of the movement, such as bearings and pallets, where their presence is crucial for improving the accuracy and stability of the watch, they are likely functional gemstones.
  • Material and Quality: Secondly, the material and quality of the gemstones should be considered. Decorative gemstones are often chosen for their vibrant colors and attractive appearance, such as diamonds and colored gemstones, to enhance the visual effect and luxury of the watch. Functional gemstones, on the other hand, prioritize hardness, transparency, and purity to ensure they can provide high-quality functional support.
  • Brand and Positioning: Lastly, the brand and positioning of the watch should also be taken into account. Some high-end watch brands focus more on aesthetics and luxury in their designs, and gemstones may be used primarily for decoration. In contrast, technical watch brands prioritize functionality and performance, and gemstones may be used more for improving the quality and precision of the movement.

In conclusion, by observing the position and quantity, material and quality of the gemstones, as well as the brand and positioning of the watch, one can make a relatively accurate judgment on whether the gemstones used in a high-end watch are decorative or functional.


Are the Diamonds in high-end watch movements valuable?

Since the appearance of synthetic gemstones in 1892, watch manufacturers have predominantly used aluminum oxide and coloring agents (such as chromium oxide) sintered at high temperatures to form red rubies. However, prior to the 1800s, expensive natural rubies were used in watch movements. Therefore, mechanical watches with ruby bearings were considered high-end timepieces at the time and commanded high prices.

Since most gemstones used in high-end watch movements today are synthetic, does that mean these gemstones are meaningless?

The gemstones used in high-end watch movements typically hold some value, but their worth depends on several factors:

Gemstone Quality: The quality of the gemstone significantly impacts its value. High-quality natural gemstones, such as premium rubies and sapphires, as well as synthetic gemstones like synthetic rubies and sapphires, generally hold higher value. Their clarity, color, and purity directly influence their market worth.

Quantity and Size of Gemstones: The number and size of gemstones used in watch movements also affect their value. Generally, movements with more gemstones and larger sizes tend to have relatively higher value because it implies that the watch manufacturer has invested more cost and craftsmanship into the production process.

Watch Brand and Model: The brand and model of the watch are also important factors in determining the value of gemstones in the movement. Some well-known watch brands and specific models may have higher collector’s value due to their rarity and uniqueness, potentially increasing the overall value of the movement.

Mechanical movt.
Mechanical movt.

Market Demand and Trends: Lastly, market demand and trends also impact the value of gemstones in watch movements. If a certain type of watch or specific brand is favored by collectors or consumers, the gemstones used in them may appreciate in value as a result.


In fact, these gemstones play an irreplaceable role due to their high hardness (Mohs hardness of 9), wear resistance, good surface roughness, and low friction coefficient (friction coefficient generally reaching 0.14 under dry friction when used in conjunction with metal parts, and friction coefficient can be reduced to 0.01 under good lubrication conditions).

When used as bearings in the movement, the transmission efficiency of gears is greatly improved, making the watch more accurate and significantly extending its service life. It can be said that the number of jewels is an important indicator of the quality of a mechanical watch, and the quantity of gemstones is usually marked on the dial.

Mechaninis judėjimas
Mechaninis judėjimas

Therefore, in the past, some watch manufacturers, in order to attract consumersattention, marked the quantity of non-functional diamonds (decorative diamonds) on the movement, dial, and case of mechanical watches. This practice, such as having small dials with many diamonds (there are watches with 88 diamonds on the market), is obviously misleading to consumers who are not knowledgeable about watches.

To curb this situation, the international standard ISO-1112 stipulates that only the quantity of functional gemstones can be marked on the dial; regardless of the number of non-functional gemstones, marking is not allowed.

From the above, we can see that the more gemstones used in a movement does not necessarily mean better. The average number of jewels in a typical mechanical watch movement is around 19 (around 25 for automatic mechanical movements). Additionally, if there are other complex mechanisms, the number of jewels in custom-made watches may increase. However, it is certain that the importance of decorative gemstones is slightly lower than that of functional gemstones.

mechanical movement
mechanical movement

In summary, the gemstones used in high-end watch movements usually have some value, but their specific value depends on the comprehensive impact of various factors.


Expert Tips for Selecting Diamond Watches

  • Set a Budget: Determine your budget before starting your search for a diamond watch. Prices can vary significantly based on factors such as the quality and quantity of diamonds, as well as the brand and craftsmanship of the watch.
  • Consider Diamond Quality: Pay attention to the quality of the diamonds used in the watch. Look for diamonds with high clarity, color, and cut grades to ensure maximum brilliance and sparkle.
  • Evaluate Craftsmanship: Assess the craftsmanship of the watch, including the setting of the diamonds and the overall construction. Ensure that the diamonds are securely set to minimize the risk of damage or loss.

    Mechaninis judėjimas
    Mechaninis judėjimas
  • Choose a Reputable Brand: Opt for a reputable brand known for its quality and craftsmanship. Established watchmakers with a history of producing high-quality timepieces are more likely to offer reliable diamond watches.
  • Research the Movement: Look into the movement of the watch and consider factors such as accuracy, reliability, and functionality. A high-quality movement is essential for ensuring the long-term performance of the watch.

    Mechaninis judėjimas
    Mechaninis judėjimas
  • Consider Your Lifestyle: Take your lifestyle into account when selecting a diamond watch. If you lead an active lifestyle or work in environments where the watch may be subjected to rough conditions, choose a watch with a durable design and sturdy construction.
  • Seek Expert Advice: Consult with knowledgeable experts or watch enthusiasts for advice and recommendations. They can provide valuable insights into the quality, value, and performance of different diamond watches.
  • Try Before You Buy: Whenever possible, try on the watch before making a purchase. Pay attention to how it feels on your wrist and how the diamonds catch the light. Ensure that the watch is comfortable to wear and suits your personal style.
  • Research Warranty and Service Options: Look into the warranty and service options offered by the manufacturer or retailer. A comprehensive warranty and reliable service options can provide peace of mind and ensure that your investment is protected.
  • Trust Your Instincts: Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a diamond watch that speaks to you. Select a watch that resonates with your personal style, preferences, and values, ensuring that you’ll enjoy wearing it for years to come.


Maintenance and Care of Diamond Watches:

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean your diamond watch regularly to remove dirt, oils, and debris that can accumulate on the surface. Use a soft, lint-free cloth dampened with mild soapy water to gently wipe the watch, taking care not to submerge it in water.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Avoid exposing your diamond watch to harsh chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, or chlorine, as these can damage the metal and degrade the quality of the diamonds. Remove your watch before engaging in activities such as swimming or cleaning with chemical-based products.
  • Protect from Impact: Diamonds are durable, but they can still chip or crack if subjected to hard impacts. Avoid wearing your diamond watch during activities where it may be prone to impact or contact with hard surfaces.

    Mechaninis judėjimas
    Mechaninis judėjimas
  • Store Properly: When not in use, store your diamond watch in a clean, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Consider using a soft cloth or watch box to protect it from dust and scratches.
  • Professional Servicing: Periodically have your diamond watch serviced by a professional watchmaker to ensure it remains in optimal condition. Regular servicing can help identify and address any issues before they escalate, prolonging the lifespan of your timepiece.
  • Check for Loose Stones: Regularly inspect your diamond watch for any loose or missing stones. If you notice any, take your watch to a reputable jeweler or watchmaker for repair to prevent further damage.
  • Avoid Magnetic Fields: Keep your diamond watch away from strong magnetic fields, as these can interfere with the movement and accuracy of the watch. Avoid placing your watch near electronic devices or magnetic jewelry.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Avoid exposing your diamond watch to extreme temperatures, as this can affect its performance and durability. Avoid wearing your watch in hot tubs or saunas, as prolonged exposure to heat can damage the internal components.
  • Be Gentle: Handle your diamond watch with care, avoiding unnecessary rough handling or excessive force. When setting the time or adjusting the crown, use gentle, steady pressure to avoid damaging the delicate mechanisms.
  • Professional Cleaning: Consider having your diamond watch professionally cleaned and inspected periodically to ensure it remains in optimal condition. Professional cleaning can remove stubborn dirt and grime and restore the brilliance of the diamonds.


Comparison of Diamond Watches with Alternative Materials

Diamond Watches:

  • Luxurious Appearance: Diamond watches exude luxury and sophistication, thanks to the brilliance and sparkle of the diamonds. They add a touch of elegance to any outfit and are often seen as status symbols.
  • Exceptional Hardness: Diamonds are one of the hardest materials on earth, making them highly resistant to scratches and abrasions. This ensures that diamond watches maintain their pristine appearance even after years of wear.
  • Long-lasting Investment: Diamond watches are considered valuable investments due to the enduring beauty and durability of diamonds. They tend to retain their value well over time and can even appreciate in value, especially if they are rare or from prestigious brands.

Alternative Materials:

  • Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is a popular material used in watchmaking due to its durability and affordability. While not as luxurious as diamonds, stainless steel watches are highly resistant to corrosion and offer a sleek, modern aesthetic.

    Stainless steel
    Stainless steel
  • Ceramic: Ceramic watches are known for their scratch-resistant properties and lightweight feel. They offer a contemporary look and are available in a wide range of colors. However, ceramic watches may be more prone to shattering or chipping compared to diamonds.

  • Titanium: Titanium watches are prized for their strength, lightweight feel, and hypoallergenic properties. They are highly resistant to corrosion and are often used in sports and outdoor watches. However, titanium lacks the sparkle and glamour associated with diamonds.

  • Gold: Gold watches are classic timepieces that exude elegance and luxury. While not as durable as diamonds, gold watches are highly prized for their timeless appeal and investment value. However, they may require more frequent maintenance to prevent scratching and tarnishing.



  • Durability: Diamonds are the hardest material, offering superior durability and scratch resistance compared to alternative materials like stainless steel, ceramic, titanium, and gold.
  • Luxury: Diamond watches are synonymous with luxury and prestige, offering a level of sophistication that other materials may not match.
  • Value: While diamond watches are valuable investments, alternative materials like stainless steel and titanium offer more affordable options without sacrificing durability.
  • Aesthetics: Diamond watches stand out for their sparkling brilliance and timeless elegance, while alternative materials offer a variety of styles and designs to suit different preferences.

In summary, while diamond watches offer unmatched luxury and durability, alternative materials provide more affordable options with unique aesthetics and practical benefits. The choice between diamond watches and alternative materials ultimately depends on individual preferences, budget, and lifestyle considerations.


FAQs:Frequently Asked Question


Can excessive diamonds affect the functionality of a watch?

Answer: Excessive diamonds may affect the functionality of the watch. While diamonds themselves are highly durable materials, excessive diamond decoration may increase the weight of the watch, leading to unstable or inaccurate movement operation. Additionally, an abundance of diamonds may also impact the watch’s water resistance and durability.

The quantity of jewels in a watch movement isn’t necessarily better. Jewels are used to reduce friction between mechanical parts, enhancing the accuracy and stability of the movement. Therefore, a watch requires enough jewels to support key components, but too many jewels can increase the watch’s cost without necessarily providing additional performance benefits.

For a typical watch, 17 to 25 jewels are usually sufficient. However, complex watches may require more jewels to support additional functionality, depending on the watch’s design and manufacturing requirements. Therefore, the quantity of jewels should be balanced according to the watch’s complexity and manufacturing needs.


What maintenance routines are recommended for diamond watches?

Answer: For diamond watches, the following maintenance procedures are recommended:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Periodically clean the watch surface with mild soapy water and a soft cloth to remove dust and dirt.
  2. Avoid Contact with Chemicals: Avoid exposing the watch to chemicals such as perfume, cosmetics, and cleaning agents to prevent damage to the diamonds and watch surface.

  3. Regular Inspection: Regularly check if the diamonds on the watch are loose or damaged, and repair or replace them promptly.
  4. Avoid Impact: Avoid the watch coming into contact with hard objects to prevent diamonds from becoming loose or damaged.
  5. Storage Attention: Store the watch in a dry place away from direct sunlight, and avoid prolonged exposure to water or moisture.


Are there alternative materials to diamonds for enhancing watch movements?

Answer: Apart from diamonds, there are several alternative materials that can be used to enhance watch movements, such as:

Synthetic Rubies and Sapphires: Synthetic gemstones similar to natural ones can be used in watch movements to improve stability and accuracy.

Ceramics: Ceramic materials offer excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance, making them suitable for watch cases and straps, providing a longer lifespan and maintaining the appearance of the watch.

Stainless Steel and Titanium Alloys: Stainless steel and titanium alloys are commonly used watch materials, known for their corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and lightweight properties, making them suitable for manufacturing high-quality watch movements.


How many jewels should a watch have?

In general, a mechanical watch movement may contain several jewels, typically ranging from around 17 to 25 jewels. However, this depends on the complexity and functionality of the watch movement. Less complicated watches typically use fewer jewels, while more complex watches, such as those with tourbillons or chronograph functions, may use more jewels to improve the accuracy and stability of the movement. Therefore, the number of jewels on a watch is determined by the design and manufacturing requirements of the watch.

Most jewelry watches have approximately 17 jewels, used in multiple areas:

Movement: Jewels are typically used in the movement of a watch, including the bearings of the balance wheel, escapement wheel, and other moving parts. These jewels help reduce friction between mechanical components, enhancing the accuracy and stability of the watch.

Bezel and Dial: Some jewelry watches may also feature gemstones set in the bezel and dial, such as diamonds, sapphires, to enhance the decorative and luxurious aspects of the watch.

Watch bezel
Watch bezel
Jwewls On bezel
Jwewls On bezel

Indicators: In some jewelry watches, indicators such as hands and hour markers may also be decorated with gemstones to add quality and unique charm to the watch.

Watch dial with jewels
Watch dial with jewels

Overall, a jewelry watch with 17 jewels incorporates gemstones in multiple areas, not only enhancing the functionality and performance of the watch but also adding beauty and luxury to the timepiece.


Most jeweled watches typically have around 17 jewels, which are primarily used in the following parts of the movement:

  • Balance wheel bearings: Jewels are often used to support the balance wheel, reducing friction and ensuring smooth operation.

    balance wheel(picture from
    balance wheel(picture from
  • Escape wheel bearings: Similarly, jewels are used to support the escape wheel, aiding in controlling the watch’s rhythm and accuracy.

 escape wheel.

    escape wheel.
  • Other moving parts: Apart from the balance wheel and escape wheel, jewels may also be utilized to support other critical moving parts within the movement, such as the pallet fork, hairspring, etc.

This post has clear told what’s the mechanical watches’s movement parts:

What does 17 jewels mean? What does 25 jewels on a watch mean?

17 jewels and 25 jewels on a watch refer to the number of synthetic rubies or sapphires used as bearings within the watch movement. This indicates the number of points where the moving parts of the watch, such as gears and pivots, come into contact with the jewels to reduce friction and improve the overall performance and durability of the movement.


So, a watch with 17 jewels means it has 17 synthetic rubies or sapphires serving as bearings, and similarly, a watch with 25 jewels means it has 25 synthetic rubies or sapphires serving as bearings.


Do quartz watches have jewels?

In fact, quartz watches, like mechanical watches, also have moving parts. However, not all quartz watches use jewels in their movements. Before the 1970s, when the Seiko Astron was introduced and launched battery-powered (quartz) watches, all watches were mechanical, and approximately five to seven jewels were used in the movement of a watch.

Quartz Movement

Yes, quartz watches typically also utilize jewels. Although the movement of a quartz watch is driven by a quartz crystal rather than a traditional mechanical movement, jewels still play an important role in the movement of quartz watches. Jewels are commonly used to support the gear axes and other moving parts of quartz watches to reduce friction and improve the accuracy and durability of the watch.

Japan Quartz watch
Japan Quartz watch

While the number of jewels required for quartz watches is typically less than traditional mechanical watches, they are still a crucial component for the performance and reliability of quartz watches.



In summary, diamonds in watch movements contribute not only to aesthetic appeal but also to functionality and performance. While excessive diamonds may lead to drawbacks like increased weight, a balanced use of diamonds can enhance elegance without compromising functionality. It’s essential to consider factors like diamond quality, craftsmanship, and personal lifestyle when choosing a diamond watch.

Alternative materials like synthetic rubies, sapphires, ceramics, stainless steel, and titanium also play significant roles in enhancing watch movements, offering unique benefits in durability and aesthetics. Whether adorned with diamonds or crafted with alternative materials, the key is to strike a balance between functionality, aesthetics, and personal taste. Ultimately, the choice should resonate with individual preferences while ensuring optimal performance and enduring beauty.


What are the Exhibitions & Forums in the Watch Industry? 6

Laikrodžių mugės Kinijoje

Kinija įsitvirtino kaip žymus laikrodžių pramonės centras, kuriame vyksta kelios žinomos laikrodžių mugės ir parodos. Šie renginiai yra pagrindinė platforma laikrodžių entuziastams, mažmenininkams ir prekių ženklams tyrinėti naujausias tendencijas, užmegzti ryšius su pramonės ekspertais ir atrasti galimus tiekėjus.

Šiame skyriuje mes gilinamės į Kinijos laikrodžių mugių reikšmę ir kaip jos gali būti naudingos jūsų laikrodžių tiekimo kelionėje.

Štai keletas gerai žinomų laikrodžių mugių Kinijoje:

  • Kinijos laikrodis & Laikrodžių mugė (CWCF)
  • Šendženo laikrodis & Laikrodžių mugė
  • Honkongo laikrodis & Laikrodžių mugė (nors techniškai Honkonge, ji yra arti žemyninės Kinijos ir yra svarbus įvykis pramonei)
  • Šanchajaus laikrodžių mugė
  • Pekino laikrodžių mugė
  • Guangdžou laikrodžių mugė

Šios mugės yra labai svarbios laikrodžių pramonėje ir siūlo puikias galimybes ieškoti tiekimo ir užmegzti ryšius laikrodžių versle.

Populiariausios laikrodžių mugės Kinijoje

  • Kinijos laikrodis & Laikrodžių mugė (CWCF): CWCF, kaip viena didžiausių laikrodžių mugių Azijoje, pritraukia parodos dalyvius ir dalyvius iš viso pasaulio. Jame pristatomi įvairūs laikrodžių stiliai – nuo ​​prabangių laikrodžių iki prieinamų madingų laikrodžių.
  • Šendženo laikrodis & Laikrodžių mugė: „Shenzhen Watch“ yra žinomas kaip vienas įtakingiausių laikrodžių renginių Kinijoje & Laikrodžių mugė specializuojasi pažangiausių technologijų ir naujovių pristatyme laikrodžių pramonėje.


Pagrindiniai dalyvavimo Kinijos laikrodžių mugėse pranašumai

  • Platus tiekėjų pasirinkimas: Šiose mugėse susirenka daugybė laikrodžių tiekėjų, todėl čia galima iš karto ištirti įvairius gaminius.
  • Tinklų kūrimo galimybės: Kinijos laikrodžių mugės siūlo neprilygstamas tinklų kūrimo galimybes, leidžiančias susisiekti su laikrodžių gamintojais, dizaineriais ir kitais pramonės profesionalais.
  • Rinkos tendencijų įžvalgos: Susipažinkite su naujausiomis rinkos tendencijomis, technologijų pažanga ir vartotojų pageidavimais dalyvaudami seminaruose ir pristatymuose šiose mugėse.
  • Praktinės patirties: Iš pirmų lūpų sužinokite apie laikrodžių gaminių kokybę ir meistriškumą, kad galėtumėte priimti pagrįstus sprendimus dėl galimų tiekėjų.
  • Derybų privalumas: Tiesioginis bendravimas su tiekėjais dažnai suteikia derybų pranašumą, leidžiantį aptarti kainodarą, masinius užsakymus ir tinkinimo parinktis.


Patarimai, kaip maksimaliai padidinti savo patirtį Kinijos laikrodžių mugėse

    • Pasiruošimas yra svarbiausia: Iš anksto sužinokite apie mugės dalyvius, išdėstymą ir tvarkaraščius, kad išnaudotumėte savo laiką.
    • Patikrinkite kokybės / pirkimo pavyzdį: Susipažinkite su savo laikrodžių tiekėju, patikrindami jų kokybę, tai greičiausias būdas, taip pat Kinijos laikrodžių mugėse, tai leidžia tiesiogiai nusipirkti pavyzdžius. Pabandyk tai.
    • Atsineškite savo vizitines korteles: Tinklų kūrimas yra būtinas; įsitikinkite, kad turite krūvą vizitinių kortelių, kuriomis galite pasikeisti su potencialiais tiekėjais ir partneriais.
    • Dalyvaukite pokalbiuose: Nedvejodami pradėkite pokalbius su parodos dalyviais ir kitais dalyviais. Galite atrasti vertingų įžvalgų ar partnerystės galimybių.
    • Padarykite pastabas ir katalogus: Nešiokitės užrašų knygelę, kad galėtumėte užsirašyti svarbias detales ir rinkti tiekėjų katalogus.

Kaip bendrauti su Kinijos laikrodžių mugės tiekėjais?

Pokalbiai su laikrodžių mugės tiekėjais yra labai svarbi jūsų bendravimo dalis dalyvaujant laikrodžių mugėje Kinijoje. Veiksmingas bendravimas gali padėti užmegzti vertingus ryšius ir surinkti esminę informaciją. Štai keletas patarimų, kaip pasikalbėti su laikrodžių mugės tiekėjais:

  • Išankstinis tyrimas: Prieš dalyvaudami mugėje, ištirkite tiekėjus ir parodos dalyvius, kurie dalyvaus. Nustatykite tuos, kurie atitinka jūsų verslo poreikius ir tikslus.
  • Paruoškite savo klausimus: Paruoškite klausimų sąrašą. Šie klausimai gali būti susiję su jų gaminių asortimentu, gamybos galimybėmis, kokybės kontrolės procesais, pristatymo laiku ir kainodara.
  • Aktyviai dalyvauti: Kreipkitės į tiekėjus draugiškai ir profesionaliai. Šypsokitės, užmegzkite akių kontaktą ir, jei reikia, tvirtai paspauskite ranką. Prieš pasinerdami į verslo diskusijas, užmegzkite ryšį.
  • Pristatykite savo verslą: Pradėkite pokalbį pristatydami savo verslą, jo tikslus ir tai, ko ieškote mugėje. Tai padeda tiekėjams geriau suprasti jūsų poreikius.
  • Klauskite apie jų pasiūlymus: Pasiteiraukite apie jų siūlomus produktus. Klauskite informacijos apie medžiagas, dizainą ir visas unikalias savybes. Siekite suprasti, kaip jų produktai gali būti naudingi jūsų verslui.
  • Kokybės užtikrinimas ir sertifikatai: Paklauskite apie jų kokybės kontrolės procesus ir visus jų turimus sertifikatus. Tai labai svarbu norint užtikrinti produktų, kuriuos ketinate įsigyti, kokybę.
  • Kainos ir MOQ (minimalus užsakymo kiekis): Aptarkite kainodaros struktūras ir MOQ. Aiškiai nurodykite savo biudžeto ir kiekio reikalavimus. Jei reikia, derėkitės dėl kainų, bet darykite tai pagarbiai.
  • Pristatymo laikas ir pristatymas: Supraskite jų pristatymo laiką ir pristatymo grafikus. Tai svarbu planuojant atsargas ir užtikrinant savalaikį produktų prieinamumą.
  • Pavyzdžiai ir katalogai:Pateikite užklausą dėl produktų pavyzdžių ir katalogų. Šios medžiagos gali padėti priimti pagrįstus sprendimus ir palyginti skirtingus tiekėjus.
  • Kalbos svarstymai: Jei nekalbate mandarinų kinų kalba, apsvarstykite galimybę atsinešti vertėją arba naudoti vertimo programėles, kad palengvintumėte bendravimą. Daugelis tiekėjų gali turėti ir angliškai kalbančių atstovų.
  • Pasižymėti: Jot down key information during your discussions. This will help you keep track of different suppliersofferings and details.
  • Mainų kontaktinė informacija: Prieš baigdami pokalbį pasikeiskite kontaktine informacija, įskaitant vizitines korteles. Tai leidžia stebėti po mugės.
  • Būkite pagarbūs savo laikui: Atminkite, kad tiekėjai gali bendrauti su daugybe dalyvių. Gerbkite jų laiką ir venkite monopolizuoti jų dėmesio, jei pokalbis neatitinka jūsų poreikių.
  • Tolesni veiksmai po mugės: Po mugės susisiekite su tiekėjais, su kuriais norėtumėte dirbti. Siųskite jiems el. laiškus arba skambinkite, kad tęstumėte diskusijas ir užbaigtumėte susitarimus.

Atminkite, kad užmegzti ryšius su tiekėjais reikia laiko, todėl kalbėkite kantriai ir nuoširdžiai domėkitės savo laikrodžių verslui tinkamų partnerių paieška.


Daugiau privalumų dalyvaujant Kinijos laikrodžių šou

Kinijos laikrodžių mugės yra daugialypiai renginiai, skirti ne tik laikrodžių gamintojams, bet ir komponentų tiekėjams, tarpininkams, platintojams ir net žinomiems laikrodžių prekių ženklams. Šios parodos yra pagrindiniai susitikimai laikų pasaulyje, siūlantys daugybę galimybių ir išteklių pramonės profesionalams. Pasigilinkime į įvairius Kinijos laikrodžių mugių aspektus:

Įskaičiuotas dalyvių baseinas: Kinijos laikrodžių mugėse gausu įvairių dalyvių. Nors laikrodžių gamintojai demonstruoja savo naujausius kūrinius ir naujoves, reikšmingą buvimą išlaiko ir laikrodžių komponentų tiekėjai, tiekiantys pagrindines laikrodžių gamybos proceso dalis ir mechanizmus. Be to, šiuose renginiuose aktyviai dalyvauja tarpininkai, prekybininkai ir net žinomi laikrodžių prekių ženklai. Dėl šio eklektiško dalyvių derinio Kinijos laikrodžių mugės yra vieno sustojimo vieta, skirta visam laikrodžių pramonės spektrui.

Be tiekimo: Dalyvavimas šiose mugėse yra daug daugiau nei vien naujų tiekėjų paieška. Jie tarnauja kaip langai į nuolat besivystančią laikrodžių rinką. Tiekėjai dažnai naudoja šiuos renginius norėdami pristatyti savo naujausius ir išskirtiniausius produktus, leidžiančius dalyviams tiesiogiai susipažinti su naujausiomis laikrodžių pramonės tendencijomis, dizainu ir technologijų pažanga.

Tiekėjo stiprumo įvertinimas: Dalyvavimas šiose mugėse neturėtų būti vertinamas lengvabūdiškai. Išlaidos, susijusios su parodos stendo įrengimu didelėje Kinijos laikrodžių mugėje, gali svyruoti nuo dešimčių tūkstančių iki kelių šimtų tūkstančių dolerių. Ši didelė investicija reiškia, kad dalyvaujantys tiekėjai dažnai yra gerai įsitvirtinę ir finansiškai patikimi. Jų dalyvavimas šiose mugėse liudija jų atsidavimą pramonei.

Vietinis ir tarptautinis mišinys: Nors šiose mugėse daugiausia dominuoja vietiniai tiekėjai, jie vis labiau pritraukia tarptautinį dėmesį. Šis tarptautinis skonis liudija didėjančią Kinijos svarbą pasaulinėje laikrodžių pramonėje. Dalyviai iš viso pasaulio susirenka šiose mugėse, norėdami ištirti verslo galimybes ir atrasti unikalių laikrodžių gamybos talentų.

Galimybės apsilankyti įmonėje: Turintiems galimybę ir laiko, galima susitarti dėl vizitų į parodoje dalyvaujančių tiekėjų gamybos patalpas. Tai leidžia nuodugniau suprasti jų gamybos procesus, kokybės kontrolės priemones ir bendras galimybes.

Atsižvelgiant į didelę dalyvių įvairovę, pažangiausių produktų demonstravimą ir tinklų kūrimo galimybes, planuojant kelionę į Kiniją šioms laikrodžių mugėms patartina skirti pakankamai laiko ir išteklių. Tai užtikrina, kad galėsite visapusiškai pasinaudoti jų teikiamomis įvairiapusėmis galimybėmis.



Kinijos laikrodžių mugės vaidina pagrindinį vaidmenį pasaulinėje laikrodžių pramonėje, nes jos siūlo daug galimybių įsigyti aukštos kokybės laikrodžių, užmegzti vertingus ryšius ir gauti informaciją apie rinkos pokyčius. Strategiškai dalyvaudami šiose mugėse galite pozicionuoti savo prekės ženklą, kad jis būtų sėkmingas konkurencingame laikrodžių mažmeninės prekybos ir platinimo pasaulyje.

Exploring the Jewellery & Wristwatches Industry in the Netherlands: A Simplified Overview

Welcome to our blog post, where we take a closer look at the wristwatches industry in the Netherlands. As a factory specializing in customized watches for independent brands, we understand the importance of understanding market trends and consumer behavior.

In this simplified research, we explore various aspects of the industry, including the number of retailers, financial figures, e-commerce trends, and consumer spending. Join us as we uncover key statistics and insights that shed light on the wristwatch market in the Netherlands.


Chapter 01 Retailers

In this chapter, we delve into the number of jewelers in the Netherlands, the shop floor area, the average shop floor per jeweler, and the presence of jewelry chains. By understanding the retail landscape, we can gain valuable insights into the market’s size and structure.


Number of Jewelers in the Netherlands from 2014 to 2022

Apibūdinimas: This statistic displays the total number of jewelers in the Netherlands from 2014 to 2022. In 2014, there were approximately 1,650 jewelry stores in the Netherlands. By 2022, there were fewer than 1,400 stores across the country.


Shop floor area of jewelers in the Netherlands from 2015 to 2021 (in 1,000 square meters)

Apibūdinimas: Between 2015 and 2021, the total shop floor area of jewelers in the Netherlands had decreased slightly. The total shop floor area in the country peaked in 2015, at roughly 97,000 square meters. By 2021, this had dropped to approximately 89,000 square meters.


Average shop floor per jeweler in the Netherlands from 2015 to 2020 (in square meters)

Apibūdinimas: Between 2015 and 2020, the average shop floor area of jewelers in the Netherlands remained more or less stable, at around 60 square meters per jeweler.


Number of jewelry chains in the Netherlands in 2020, by number of branches

Apibūdinimas: In 2020, there were five jewelry chains in the Netherlands with more than ten branches. The leading jewelry chain this year was Lucardi, which had over 100 stores in the country that year. By comparison, Swarovski had between 10 and 25 stores in the Netherlands.


Secondary activities of jewelers in the Netherlands in 2019

Apibūdinimas: In 2019, there were 1,733 jewelry stores registered in the Netherlands. Of these stores, 17.4 percent also repaired clocks and jewelry. Wholesale of these products was a less common secondary activity for jewelers. Just over five percent of the jewelers in the Netherlands also operated as a wholesaler in clocks and jewelry.


Chapter 02 Financial figures

Financial figures provide valuable information about the revenue and profitability of the wristwatch industry. We analyze the revenue of jewelers, revenue per jeweler, distribution of revenue by category, gross profit margin, and media presence of watch and jewelry brands in the Netherlands.


Revenue of jewelers in the Netherlands from 2013 to 2020 (in million eurų)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic displays the total revenue of jewelers in the Netherlands from 2013 to 2020 (in million euros). In 2013, the revenue of jewelry stores in the Netherlands was approximately 830 million euros. By 2020, this had increased to over 900 million euros.



Revenue per jeweler in the Netherlands from 2013 to 2020 (in thousand eurų)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic displays the revenue per jeweler in the Netherlands from 2013 to 2020 (in thousand euros). In 2013, the average revenue of jewelry stores in the Netherlands was approximately 400 thousand euros. By 2020, this had increased to over 550 thousand euros.


Distribution of the revenue of jewelers in the Netherlands in 2019, by category

Apibūdinimas: In 2019, jewelers in the Netherlands made roughly one-quarter of their total revenue by selling rings. Earrings made up approximately ten percent of the turnover of jewelers that year. The total revenue of jewelers in the Netherlands amounted to just under one billion euros in 2020.



Gross profit margin of jewelers in the Netherlands from 2016 to 2020

Description: As of 2020, the gross profit margin as a percentage of the revenue of jewelers amounted to roughly 45.7 percent, slightly more than in 2019. When looking at the total revenue of jewelers in the Netherlands, it increased slightly from roughly 850 million euros in 2014, to over 900 million euros in 2020.


Number of media statements about watch and jewelry brands in the Netherlands in 2020, by brand

Apibūdinimas: According to data published by Adwired, Certina was mentioned 137 times in print, online and social media in the Netherlands in 2020. The watch brand with the highest media presence in the country that year was Rolex, with 6,071 media mentions.


Share of online sales of jewelry in the Netherlands from 2012 to 2018

Apibūdinimas: The statistic displays the share of online sales of jewelry in the Netherlands from 2012 to 2018. The share of online sales of jewelry in the Netherlands increased steadily between 2012 and 2018. In 2012, just three percent of jewelry sales in the

Netherlands were made online, whereas by 2018, the share of online jewelry sales had increased by almost ten percent, to approximately 13 percent.


Leading purchase channels for buying luxury goods (such as jewelry and watches) online in the Netherlands in 2018 and 2019

Apibūdinimas: Luxury goods, like jewelry or watches, were not products that Dutch consumers would buy online in 2019. In February 2019, less than out of four Dutch online shoppers indicated they would purchase one of these products at an online marketplace like or Amazon. E-commerce has become more and more popular in the Netherlands in recent years. The number of online orders or purchases, for example, reached approximately 260 million in 2019.


Number of media statements about watch and jewelry brands in the Netherlands in 2020, by brand

Apibūdinimas: According to data published by Adwired, Certina was mentioned 137 times in print, online and social media in the Netherlands in 2020. The watch brand with the highest media presence in the country that year was Rolex, with 6,071 media mentions.


Predicted change in online channel usage among consumers in the Netherlands after the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, by online purchasing category

Apibūdinimas: Once 2020’s coronavirus pandemic has subsided, online purchases for alcholic beverages by consumers in the Netherlands is expected to grow by just over ten percent. This is a considerable increase compared to the pre-COVID-19 days.

Onlinepurchasing is projected to increase for strongly for categories, such as personal-care products and non-food child products, while fitness & wellness was the only category expected to decline after the pandemic is over.


Chapter 03 E-commerce

E-commerce has transformed the way consumers shop, including their preferences for watches. We explore the share of online sales of jewelry, leading purchase channels for luxury goods online, and the predicted changes in online channel usage after the coronavirus pandemic.

Total consumer spending on watches, clocks, and alarm clocks in the Netherlands from 2015 to 2018 (in million euros)

Apibūdinimas: Between 2015 and 2018, consumer spending on watches, clocks and alarm clocks in the Netherlands increased annually. Whereas in 2015, the total consumer expenditure was just under 170 million euros, by 2018 this had grown to over 180 million euros.


Per capita spending on watches, clocks, and alarm clocks in the

Netherlands from 2015 to 2020 (in euros)

Apibūdinimas: Between 2015 and 2020, per capita spending on watches, clocks and alarm clocks in the Netherlands increased slightly. Whereas in 2015, the per capita consumer expenditure was ten euros, by 2020 this had grown to 11 euros.


Chapter 04 Consumer spending

Consumer spending is a crucial factor in understanding market demand. We delve into total consumer spending on watches, clocks, alarm clocks, jewelry, and coins in the Netherlands, as well as per capita spending. Additionally, we explore Valentine’s Day gifting trends and the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on payment transactions.


Total consumer spending on jewelry and coins in the Netherlands from 2015 to 2020 (in million euros)

Apibūdinimas: Between 2015 and 2020, consumer spending on jewelry and coins in the Netherlands increased annually. Whereas in 2015, the total consumer expenditure was just over 400 million euros, by 2020 this had grown to 461 million euros.


Per capita spending on jewelry and coins in the Netherlands from 2015 to 2020 (in euros)

Apibūdinimas: Between 2015 and 2020, per capita spending on jewelry and coins in the Netherlands increased almost annually. Whereas in 2015, the per capita consumer expenditure was just under 25 euros, by 2020 this had grown to 27 euros.


Valentine’s Day presents gifted in the Netherlands in 2020


Apibūdinimas: This statistic displays the Valentine’s Day presents gifted in the Netherlands in 2020. When asked what they gifted their beloved on Valentine’s Day, roughly 20 percent of the respondents said they gave their partner chocolate or candy.

Change in the number of debit card transactions in different payment locations in the Netherlands due to the coronavirus outbreak from March to June 2020


Apibūdinimas: An overview on how many payment transactions were done at, for example, supermarkets or restaurants reveals how much COVID-19 changed Dutch consumer behavior. Measures from the Dutch government already left visible marks on parts of the Dutch economy on both March 19th and March 20th, 2020, even before a recession might hit later in the year. Especially out-of-home leisure activities, like visiting a restaurant or going to a theme park, saw huge changes in the number of []




The wrist watches industry in the Netherlands presents a dynamic landscape shaped by various factors, including retail trends, financial figures, e-commerce adoption, and consumer spending patterns. Through this simplified research, we’ve gained valuable insights into the market’s size, trends, and preferences. By staying informed and adapting to changing consumer behavior, our factory can continue to deliver customized watches that cater to the needs and desires of independent brands. Stay tuned for more exciting content as we explore further aspects of the wrist watches industry and uncover new opportunities for growth and innovation.

You can download the PDF file here

Exploring the Global Jewelry & Watches Market: A Simplified Research

Welcome to our blog post, where we delve into the fascinating world of the global jewelry and watches market. In this simplified research, we explore various aspects of the industry, from market overviews and international trade to materials used and leading companies. Join us as we uncover key statistics, trends, and insights that shape this thriving industry.


CHAPTER 01 Market Overview

In this chapter, we provide a comprehensive overview of the jewelry and watches market. We analyze the revenue forecasts, market values of diamond and costume jewelry, luxury watches and jewelry, online jewelry market, and the leading countries in terms of revenue.


Pajamos už laikrodžius & jewelry industry Worldwide 2017-2026 (in billion JAV doleriai)

Apibūdinimas: The global revenue in the watches & jewelry segment of the accessories market was forecast to continuously increase between 2023 and 2026 by in total 44.8 billion U.S. dollars (+11.97 percent). The revenue is estimated to amount to 418.9 billion U.S.

dollars in 2026. Find further information concerning the revenue in the watches & jewelry segment of the accessories market by looking at other countries, such as Thailand and Poland.


Market value of diamond jewelry worldwide from 2010 to 2021 (in billion JAV doleriai)

Apibūdinimas: In 2021, the total value of the diamond jewelry market worldwide amounted to 87 billion (nominal) U.S. dollars. That represented an increase of 19 billion U.S. dollars from the previous year, as the global diamond industry recovered from the results of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Forecast value of the costume jewelry market worldwide from 2021 to 2027 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic depicts the forecast market value of the costume jewelry market worldwide from 2021 to 2027. In 2021, the global costume jewelry market was valued at 30.8 billion U.S. dollars, and was forecast to reach a value of around 47 billion U.S. dollars by 2027.



Market value of luxury watches and jewelry worldwide in 2022 (in billion eurų)

Apibūdinimas: In 2022, the luxury watches market was valued at around 52 billion euros. This was significantly more than the value of the luxury jewelry market that year, which amounted to 28 billion euros worldwide.


Estimated value of the online jewelry market worldwide from 2020 to 2027 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Apibūdinimas: In 2022, the global online jewelry market was valued at approximately 57.4 billion U.S. dollars, and was forecast to reach a value of about 117 billion U.S. dollars by 2027. As of 2022, the value of the global jewelry market amounted to about 270 billion U.S. dollars.


Leading countries in the watches and jewelry market in 2022, by revenue (in million U.S. dollars)

Apibūdinimas: The revenue ranking in the watches & jewelry segment of the accessories market is led by China with 81.2 billion U.S. dollars, while India is following with 72.6 billion U.S. dollars. In contrast, Russia is at the bottom of the ranking with 3.8 billion U.S. dollars,

showing a difference of 77.4 billion U.S. dollars to China.


CHAPTER 02 International trade

The second chapter focuses on international trade within the jewelry and watches industry. We delve into the export and import values of gold, silverware, and jewelry worldwide. Additionally, we highlight the leading exporting and importing countries in this sector.


Export value of gold, silverware, and jewelry worldwide from 2003 to 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Apibūdinimas: In 2021, the worldwide export value of gold, silverware, and jewelry was approximately 126.3 billion U.S. dollars, up from 86.8 billion U.S. dollars registered a year earlier. The global import value of gold, silverware, and jewelry was about 115.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2021.


Import value of gold, silverware, and jewelry worldwide from 2003 to 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Apibūdinimas: In 2021, the worldwide import value of gold, silverware, and jewelry was approximately 115.7 billion U.S. dollars, up from 99 billion U.S. dollars recorded in the previous year. The global export value of gold, silverware, and jewelry was around 126.3 billion U.S. dollars in 2021.



Leading exporting countries of gold, silverware, and jewelry worldwide in 2021 (in million U.S. dollars)

Apibūdinimas: In 2021, China was the leading exporter of gold, silverware, and jewelry to the rest of the world, with an export value of around 19 billion U.S. dollars. Switzerland, ranking second, exported approximately 11.55 billion U.S. dollars worth of these goods that year.


Leading importing countries of gold, silverware, and jewelry worldwide in 2021 (in million U.S. dollars)

Apibūdinimas: In 2021, the United States was the leading importer of gold, silverware, and jewelry from the rest of the world, with an import value of about 25.8 billion U.S. dollars. China, Hong Kong SAR, ranking second, imported approximately 18.4 billion U.S. dollars worth of these goods that year.



CHAPTER 03 Materials

Materials play a crucial role in the creation of exquisite jewelry and watches. In this chapter, we examine the demand for gold, silver, and platinum jewelry worldwide. We also explore the leading regions driving the demand for these precious materials.


Gold jewelry demand worldwide from 2010 to 2022 (in tonnes)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic displays the demand for gold jewelry worldwide from 2010 to 2022. In 2022, the global demand for gold jewelry amounted to approximately 2,086 tonnes. This was a decrease of roughly 60 tonnes from the previous year.


Gold jewelry demand worldwide in 2022, by leading region (in tonnes)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic displays the demand for gold jewelry worldwide in 2022, by region. In 2022, the global demand for gold jewelry totalled 2,086 tonnes. India was the country with the highest demand, at roughly 600 tonnes, folowed by China. Together the two countries accounted for over one half of the world’s gold jewelry demand.


Silver jewelry demand worldwide from 2012 to 2022 (in million ounces)

Apibūdinimas: The jewelry industry was forecast to demand almost 202 million ounces of silver in 2022, which was a significant increase on the previous year, and roughly equalled the peak in the demand for silver for jewelry, which came in 2018.


Platinum demand for jewelry worldwide from 2013 to 2023 (in 1,000 ounces)

Apibūdinimas: The gross worldwide demand for platinum for jewelry applications in 2023 was estimated to amount to some 1.35 million ounces. The demand for platinum for jewelry has been continuously decreasing for nearly a decade.


Platinum demand for jewelry worldwide from 2015 to 2023, by region (in 1,000 ounces)

Apibūdinimas: In 2023, the gross demand for platinum for jewelry in China was estimated at some 470,000 ounces, making it the world’s largest consumer of platinum jewelry. In comparison, the gross demand for platinum for jewelry in Europe was estimated at some 209,000 ounces the same year.


CHAPTER 04 Leading companies


The final chapter sheds light on the top players in the industry. We provide insights into the net sales and merchandise mix of renowned companies like Signet Jewelers, Richemont Group, LVMH Group, and Pandora A/S.


Net sales of Signet Jewelers worldwide from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in milijonų JAV dolerių)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows Signet Jewelersnet sales worldwide from fiscal year 2014 to 2023. In the fiscal year that ended on January 28, 2023, Signet Jewelers had global net sales of approximately 7.84 billion U.S. dollars, remaining flat since the previous year.


Merchandise mix of Signet Jewelers worldwide in fiscal year 2023

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the merchandise mix of Signet Jewelers worldwide in fiscal year 2023. In the fiscal year that ended on January 28, 2023, bridal jewelry accounted for around 49 percent of Signet Jewelersglobal sales.


Total sales of the Richemont Group worldwide from FY2008 to FY2023 (in billion euros)

Apibūdinimas: In 2023, total sales of the Richemont Group worldwide amounted to about 19.95 billion euros, increasing by approximately three billion euros on the previous year. The Richemont Group is one of the leading luxury goods companies in the world.

The Richemont Group garnered most of its revenue from jewelry Maisons in FY2022, which amounted to around 13.4 billion euros. The Asia-Pacific was responsible for 40 percent of the company`s total sales that year.


Richemont Group’s sales share worldwide in 2022, by product category

Apibūdinimas: In the financial year 2022, watch and jewelry sales accounted for about 75 percent of Richemont’s global sales. The company had total sales of approximately 19.18 billion euros that year.


Global revenue of LVMH Group’s watches and jewelry segment from 2008 to 2022 (in million euros)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the global revenue of LVMH Group’s watches and jewelry segment from 2008 to 2022. In 2022, this segment generated revenues of approximately 10.6 billion euros, which was more than double the revenue registered in 2020.

The LVMH Group is a French luxury goods corporation, which owns around 50 luxury brands worldwide, including Louis Vuitton and Bulgari. The fashion and leather goods segment generates the most revenue for LVMH.


Revenue share of the LVMH Group worldwide in 2022, by business


Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the revenue share of the LVMH Group worldwide in 2022, by segment. In 2022, 44 percent of the LVMH Group’s global revenue came from the company’s fashion and leather goods business segment.


Total revenue of Pandora A/S worldwide from 2010 to 2022 (in million Danish kroner)


Apibūdinimas: This timeline shows the total revenue of Pandora A/S worldwide from 2010 to 2022. In 2022, the total revenue of Pandora A/S amounted to approximately 26.5 billion Danish kroner, continuing the growth from the previous year.



The global jewelry and watches market is a dynamic and thriving industry, continuously driven by evolving trends and consumer preferences. Through this simplified research, we’ve gained valuable insights into market overviews, international trade, materials, and leading companies. By understanding these key aspects, we can better appreciate the intricate world of jewelry and watches.

You can down the PDF files here

Hopefully, this information will help you in your market understanding and customer development!

Stay tuned for more exciting content as we explore various luxury watches industries and uncover new horizons.

Exploring the Luxury Jewellery & Watches Market in the UK

This report is very helpful for sellers who are new to the industry and want to roughly understand the jewelry and watch industry.

The watches and jewelry industry has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, both globally and in specific regions. With increasing consumer demand and evolving trends, the market has become a significant contributor to the global accessories sector. In this post, we delve into key statistics and trends, exploring the revenue, market value, manufacturing, wholesale, retail, leading brands, and consumer expenditure within the watches and jewelry industry. From worldwide data to specific insights about the United Kingdom, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of this thriving market.

Chapter 01 Overview

Introduction: In this chapter, we explore the global revenue and market value of the watches & jewelry industry. We delve into the forecasted revenue growth in the watches & jewelry segment of the accessories market worldwide from 2017 to 2026. Additionally, we examine the market value of luxury watches and jewelry in 2022, as well as the leading importing countries and jewelry exporters worldwide in 2021.


Pajamos už laikrodžius & jewelry industry Worldwide 2017-2026 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Apibūdinimas: The global revenue in the watches & jewelry segment of the accessories market was forecast to continuously increase between 2023 and 2026 by in total 44.8 billion U.S. dollars (+11.97 percent). The revenue is estimated to amount to 418.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2026.


Market value of luxury watches and jewelry worldwide in 2022 (in billion euros)

Apibūdinimas: In 2022, the luxury watches market was valued at around 52 billion euros. This was significantly more than the value of the luxury jewelry market that year, which amounted to 28 billion euros worldwide.


Leading importing countries of gold, silverware, and jewelry worldwide in 2021 (in million U.S. dollars)

Apibūdinimas: In 2021, the United States was the leading importer of gold, silverware, and jewelry from the rest of the world, with an import value of about 25.8 billion U.S. dollars. China, Hong Kong SAR, ranking second, imported approximately 18.4 billion U.S. dollars worth of these goods that year.


Leading jewelry exporters worldwide in 2021, by country (in billion U.S. dollars)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the value of jewelry exports from the leading countries worldwide in 2021. In 2021, Switzerland exported approximately 11.4 billion U.S. dollars of jewelry around the world, which was slightly less than top-placed United States.


Final Thought: The watches & jewelry industry continues to thrive globally, with significant revenue growth projected in the coming years. As luxury watches and jewelry maintain their prominence, countries like the United States and Switzerland play vital roles as key importers and exporters. Understanding the market dynamics and trends in this industry is crucial for businesses and consumers alike.


Chapter 02 Manufacture and wholesale


Introduction: In this chapter, we delve into the manufacturing and wholesale aspects of the watches & jewelry industry in the United Kingdom (UK). We analyze the annual turnover and gross value added (GVA) of jewelry manufacturers, as well as the number of enterprises in this sector from 2008 to 2020. Furthermore, we explore the sales and GVA of watch and jewelry wholesalers during the same period, along with the number of wholesale enterprises. By examining these key metrics, we gain insights into the manufacturing and wholesale landscape of the UK’s watches & jewelry industry.

Annual turnover of manufacture of jewelry and related articles in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020 (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the total turnover of businesses manufacturing jewelry and related articles in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020. Over the time period under consideration, the turnover of this sector fluctuated. In 2020, jewelry manufacturers in the UK registered a total turnover of 714 million British pounds.


Gross value added (GVA) of manufacture of jewelry and related articles in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020 (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the gross value added (GVA) of jewelry (and related article) manufacturers in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020. In 2020, jewelry manufacturing contributed 149 million British pounds to the GVA of the UK Non-Financial

Business Economy, a decrease of 194 million pounds on the year previous, marking the lowest point in the time period under consideration.


Number of enterprises for the manufacture of jewelry and related articles in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the number of enterprises for the manufacture of jewelry and related articles in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020. The number of enterprises in this industry stayed relatively stable during the ten year period, with the

highest amount being in 2008 at 1,372 enterprises. In 2020, the number of enterprises of this sector amounted to 1,349.


Sales from the manufacture of jewelry and related articles in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2021 (in million GBP)

Jewelry manufacturerssales in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2021

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the total sales value of jewelry and related articles manufactured in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2021. In 2021, manufacturerssales of jewelry had an estimated value of 721 million British pounds (GBP).


Annual turnover of watches and jewelry wholesalers in the United

Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020 (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the total turnover of watch and jewelry wholesale businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020. Over the time period under consideration, turnover of this sector fluctuated. In 2020, watch and jewelry wholesalers in the UK generated a turnover of just over two billion British pounds, down from about 2.28 billion recorded in the previous year.


Gross value added (GVA) of watch and jewelry wholesale trade in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020 (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the gross value added (GVA) of the watch and jewelry wholesale trade in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020. Over the time period under consideration, the GVA of this sector fluctuated substantially. In 2020, watch and jewelry

wholesalers contributed 371 million British pounds to the GVA of the UK Non-Financial Business Economy.


Number of enterprises for the wholesale of watches and jewelry in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the estimated number of watch and jewelry wholesale businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020. After steadily decreasing between 2008 and 2012, the number of watch and jewelry wholesalers relatively stabilized. In 2020, there were 1,217 watch and jewelry wholesale enterprises in the UK.


Number of enterprises for the wholesale of watches and jewellery in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2022, by turnover size band

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the number of VAT and/or PAYE based enterprises in the watch and jewellery wholesale sector in the United Kingdom for 2022, by turnover size band. There were 50 enterprises with a turnover of more than five million British pounds.


Final Thought: The UK’s watches & jewelry industry demonstrates fluctuations in turnover, GVA, and the number of enterprises over the years. Despite these variations, the sector remains resilient, reflecting its importance within the UK’s non-financial business economy. By understanding the manufacturing and wholesale aspects, stakeholders can make informed decisions and adapt to the changing market dynamics.


Chapter 03 Retail

Introduction: In this chapter, we focus on the retail sector of the watches & jewelry industry in the United Kingdom (UK). We analyze the retail sales value and sales volume of watches and jewelry in specialized stores from 2011 to 2022, along with the percentage increases in sales value and volume. Additionally, we explore the turnover, GVA, and the number of specialized retail stores for watches and jewelry in the UK from 2008 to 2020. Through these insights, we gain a comprehensive understanding of the retail landscape and consumer demand for watches and jewelry in the UK.


Retail sales value of watches and jewelry annually in Great Britain from 2011 to 2022, as index number of sales per week

Apibūdinimas: This statistic presents the annual retail sales value of watches and jewelry in specialized stores in Great Britain from 2011 to 2022, as an index number of sales per week. In 2022, the value of watch and jewelry sales stood at an index point of 108.2, up from 99.5 recorded a year earlier.


Sales volume of watches and jewelry annually in Great Britain from 2011 to 2022, as index number of sales per week

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the annual sales volume of watches and jewelry in specialized stores in Great Britain from 2011 to 2022, as indices with the value for 2019 representing the baseline value. In 2022, unit sales of watches and jewelry have increased, with the indexed value reaching to 100.5.


Percentage increase in retail sales value of watches and jewelry in Great Britain from 2011 to 2021

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the percentage change in the retail sales value of watches and jewelry in specialized stores in Great Britain, from 2011 to 2021. In 2021, the value of watch and jewelry sales grew by 31.5 percent on a year earlier.


Percentage increase in retail sales volume of watches and jewelry in Great Britain from 2011 to 2021

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the percentage change in the sales volume of watches and jewelry in specialized stores in Great Britain, from 2011 to 2021. In 2021, the volume of sales increased by 29.6 percent on the previous year.


Turnover of watch and jewelry retail stores in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020 (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the total annual turnover of stores specializing in the retail sale of watches and jewelry in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020. Over the time period under consideration, turnover of this sector fluctuated noticeably. In 2020,

watch and jewelry retailers in the UK produced a turnover of about 5.53 billion British pounds.


Gross value added (GVA) of watch and jewelry retail stores in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020 (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the gross value added (GVA) of the retail sale of watches and jewelry in specialized stores in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020. Over the time period under consideration, the GVA of this sector had fluctuations. In 2020, specialist stores selling watches and jewelry contributed around 921 million British pounds to the GVA of the UK Non-Financial Business Economy. In the 13-year period, this was the first time when the GVA dropped below one billion level.


Number of specialized stores for the retail sale of watches and jewelry in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2020

Apibūdinimas: This statistic represents the number of retail enterprises selling watches and jewelry in specialized stores in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2019. Between 2008 and 2012 there was a steady decline in the number of specialized jewelry stores in the UK, with 3,937 enterprises operating in 2012. Since then store numbers have fluctuated and amounted to 4,218 stores in 2020.


Final Thought: The retail sector plays a vital role in the watches & jewelry industry, with steady growth in sales value and volume. The UK’s specialized retail stores contribute significantly to the country’s non-financial business economy. Understanding consumer preferences and market trends is essential for retailers to effectively cater to the demands of watch and jewelry enthusiasts.


Chapter 04 Leading brands

Introduction: In this chapter, we explore the leading brands within the watches & jewelry industry, focusing on Signet Jewelers in the United Kingdom (UK). We examine the sales and number of stores operated by Signet Jewelers in the UK from fiscal years 2014 to 2020, with a specific emphasis on their brands, H.Samuel and Ernest Jones. By analyzing these key metrics, we gain insights into the market presence and performance of these prominent brands.


Sales of Signet Jeweler in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland in fiscal year 2019, by brand (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the total sales by brand for Signet Jewelers in the United Kingdom (UK) in fiscal year ended February 2, 2019. Over the course of the year, a total of 576.5 million British pounds were made from both H.Samuel and Ernest Jones store brands in the UK.


Number of stores operated by Signet Jewelers in the United Kingdom (UK) from fiscal year 2014 to fiscal year 2020, by brand*

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the number of stores operated by Signet Jewelers in the United Kingdom (UK) and Republic of Ireland, shown by brand (H Samuel and Ernest Jones) open at the end of the fiscal years from 2014 to 2020. Over this period there was an

overall increase in the number of stores, from 493 stores in 2014 to 508 stores open in 2017. However, the number of stores fell to 451 in 2020.



Sales of H.Samuel in the United Kingdom (UK) from fiscal year 2014 to fiscal year 2019* (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the total sales for H.Samuel in the United Kingdom between the fiscal years 2014 to 2019. Since 2016 the company’s sales have decreased slightly, but with the 2018 fiscal year went up to 278 million British pounds.


Sales of Ernest Jones in the United Kingdom (UK) from fiscal year 2014 to fiscal year 2019* (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the total sales of Ernest Jones from fiscal year 2014 to 2018. Between 2017 and 2019, the company saw a decline in sales, with the 2019 fiscal year ending at 186 million British pounds.


Number of stores for Ernest Jones in the United Kingdom (UK) from the fiscal year 2014 to the fiscal year 2019*

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the total number of stores of Ernest Jones in the United Kingdom (UK) at the end of the fiscal years from 2014 to 2019. Despite an overall increase in the number of stores over the five year period, the store numbers between 2017 and 2019 declined. At the end of the 2018 fiscal year, the total number of stores was 203, one less than in 2017. In 2019, the total number of stores fell to 189.


Final Thought: Signet Jewelers, with its brands H.Samuel and Ernest Jones, has established a significant market presence in the UK’s watches & jewelry industry. The performance of these brands, as reflected in sales and store numbers, provides valuable insights into consumer preferences and brand loyalty. Studying leading brands helps stakeholders identify successful strategies and adapt to evolving market dynamics.


Chapter 05 Consumer expenditure


Introduction: In this chapter, we examine consumer expenditure on watches, jewelry, clocks, and related items in the United Kingdom (UK). We analyze the total consumer spending and annual expenditure on these products from 2005 to 2022, based on both value and volume. Additionally, we explore the number of people purchasing different categories of jewelry and watches, categorized by expenditure. Through these insights, we gain a comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior and spending patterns in the UK’s watches & jewelry industry.


Consumer spending on jewelry, clocks and watches in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2005 to 2022 (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows total consumer spending on jewelry, clocks and watches in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2005 to 2022. In 2022, consumer spending was approximately 11.3 billion British pounds, an increase from the previous year.


Annual expenditure on jewelry, clocks, and watches in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2005 to 2022, based on volume (in million GBP)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the total annual expenditure on jewelry, clocks, and watches in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2005 to 2022, based on volume. In 2022, UK households purchased approximately 10.5 billion British pounds worth of jewelry, clocks, and watches.


Number of people purchasing jewelry (excluding gold, platinum, and silver) in Great Britain from 2015 to 2020, by expenditure (in 1,000s)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the number of people purchasing jewelry (excluding gold, platinum and silver) in Great Britain from 2015 to 2020, by expenditure. In 2020, an estimated 36.600 people spent 500 British pounds or more on jewelry in the previous 12 months.


Number of people purchasing gold or platinum jewelry with diamonds in Great Britain from 2015 to 2020, by expenditure (in 1,000s)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic displays the number of people purchasing gold or platinum jewelry with diamonds in Great Britain from 2015 to 2020, by expenditure. In 2020, an estimated 305 thousand people spent 500 British pounds or more on gold or platinum jewelry with diamonds in the 12 months prior to the survey.


Number of people purchasing gold or platinum jewelry (without

diamonds) in Great Britain from 2015 to 2020, by expenditure (in 1,000s)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic displays the number of people purchasing gold or platinum jewelry (without diamonds) in Great Britain from 2015 to 2020, by expenditure. In 2020, an estimated 122 thousand people spent 500 British pounds or more on gold or platinum jewelry in the 12 months prior to the survey.


Number of people purchasing silver jewelry in Great Britain from 2015 to 2020, by expenditure (in 1,000s)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic depicts the number of people purchasing silver jewelry in Great Britain from 2015 to 2020, by expenditure. In 2020, an estimated 38.500 people spent 500 British pounds or more on silver jewelry within 12 months prior to the survey.


Number of people purchasing watches in Great Britain from 2013 to 2020, by expenditure (in 1,000s)

Apibūdinimas: This statistic shows the number of people purchasing watches in Great Britain from 2013 to 2020, by expenditure. In 2020, an estimated 622 thousand people spent 200 British pounds or more on watches in the previous 12 months.


Final Thought:

Consumer spending on watches, jewelry, and related items in the UK showcases consistent growth, highlighting the enduring appeal of these products. By understanding consumer preferences and purchasing patterns, businesses can tailor their offerings to meet the evolving demands of the market. Analyzing consumer expenditure provides valuable insights for both retailers and manufacturers in the watches & jewelry industry.

You can download the PDF files here

The watches and jewelry industry continues to shine brightly, capturing the attention of consumers and investors alike. With the global revenue projected to reach staggering heights and the luxury market witnessing significant growth, it is evident that watches and jewelry remain highly sought-after accessories. From manufacturing and wholesale to retail sales, the sector presents numerous opportunities for businesses. As consumer expenditure and the number of people purchasing these items continue to rise, it’s clear that watches and jewelry hold a special place in the hearts and wardrobes of individuals worldwide. With evolving trends and new innovations on the horizon, the future of the watches and jewelry industry appears to be as timeless and valuable as the pieces themselves.

Mados ir aksesuarų rinka Lenkijoje: tendencijos, įžvalgos ir ateities perspektyvos

Lenkijos mados ir aksesuarų rinka bėgant metams smarkiai išaugo ir pasikeitė, atspindėdama besikeičiančius vartotojų pageidavimus ir gyvenimo būdą. Ši rinka apima įvairius segmentus, įskaitant drabužius, avalynę, odos gaminius, papuošalus ir kt. Kaip viena iš pagrindinių pramonės šakų Lenkijoje, ji atlieka gyvybiškai svarbų vaidmenį šalies ekonomikoje ir kultūrinėje raiškoje.

Šioje ataskaitoje gilinsimės į Lenkijos mados ir aksesuarų rinkos tendencijas ir pokyčius, sutelkdami dėmesį į įvairius aspektus, tokius kaip gamyba, prekyba, mažmeninė prekyba, vartotojų elgsena ir išorinių veiksnių, pvz., COVID-19 pandemijos, poveikis. Analizuodami duomenis iš įvairių šaltinių, siekiame pateikti išsamią dabartinės pramonės būklės, augimo potencialo ir atsirandančių galimybių apžvalgą.


01 Apžvalga

Ataskaita pradedama Lenkijos mados ir aksesuarų rinkos apžvalga, nagrinėjant pagrindinius statistinius duomenis, susijusius su įmonių ir darbuotojų skaičiumi gamybos sektoriuje. Stebime įmonių ir darbuotojų skaičiaus svyravimus, kuriuos įtakoja tiek vidiniai, tiek išoriniai veiksniai.

Taip pat gilinamės į drabužių ir avalynės gamybos apimtis ir vertes, suteikdami įžvalgų apie pramonės indėlį į ekonomiką. Be to, analizuojame rinkos vertę ir augimą, atsižvelgdami į COVID-19 pandemijos poveikį vartotojų išlaidų modeliams.


Įmonių, gaminančių drabužių pramonę, skaičius Lenkija nuo 2009 iki 2020 m

Lenkija: dėvimų drabužių gamintojų skaičius 2009–2020 m

Apibūdinimas: Drabužių gamybos pramonės įmonių skaičius Lenkijoje nuo praėjusių metų sumažėjo iki 13 310 įmonių. Nepaisant to, per pastaruosius dvejus metus šioje pramonės šakoje buvo užfiksuotas žymiai didesnis įmonių skaičius nei ankstesniais metais.


Avalynės pramonės įmonių skaičius Lenkijoje nuo 2010 iki 2020 m

Lenkija: avalynės gamintojų skaičius 2010–2020 m

Apibūdinimas: Avalynės gamybos pramonės įmonių skaičius Lenkijoje nuo praėjusių metų sumažėjo iki 1 472 įmonių. Tai yra mažiausias įmonių skaičius šioje pramonės šakoje per nagrinėjamą laikotarpį.


Bendras darbuotojų skaičius drabužių gamybos sektoriuje Lenkijoje nuo 2008 iki 2020 m

Lenkija: dėvimų drabužių gamybos sektoriaus darbuotojai 2008–2020 m

Apibūdinimas: Drabužių gamybos pramonės darbuotojų skaičius Lenkijoje 2020 m. sumažėjo iki 69 678 darbuotojų. 2020 m. darbuotojų skaičius pasiekė žemiausią vertę per pastaruosius metus.


Bendras darbuotojų skaičius avalynės gamybos sektoriuje Lenkijoje nuo 2009 iki 2020 m

Darbuotojų skaičius avalynės gamybos sektoriuje 2009-2020 m

Apibūdinimas: Darbuotojų skaičius avalynės gamybos pramonėje Lenkijoje 2020 metais, palyginti su praėjusiais metais, sumažėjo 3146 darbuotojais (-18,18 proc.). Tai yra mažiausias darbuotojų skaičius šioje pramonės šakoje per stebėtą laikotarpį



Drabužių gamyba Lenkijoje nuo 2020 iki 2022 m. (1000 vnt.)

Aprangos gaminių gamybos apimtis Lenkijoje 2020-2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais Lenkijoje buvo pagaminta daugiau nei 2,1 mln. vienetų vyriškų ar berniukiškų kelnių, kombinezonų, bridžų ir šortų. Tai 1 201 tūkst. vienetų daugiau nei pagaminama moteriškų kelnių, kombinezonų, bridžai, šortai.


Drabužių pramonės gamybos produkcijos vertė Lenkijoje nuo 2009 iki 2020 m. (milijonais eurų)

Nešiojamų drabužių gamybos produkcijos vertė Lenkijoje 2009-2020 m

Apibūdinimas: 2020 m. dėvimų drabužių gamybos pramonės produkcijos vertė Lenkijoje išliko beveik nepakitusi ir sudarė apie 2,3 mlrd.


Avalynės gamybos apimtys Lenkijoje nuo 2017 iki 2022 m. (1000 porų)

Avalynės gamybos apimtis Lenkijoje 2017-2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais Lenkijoje buvo pagaminta beveik 20,5 mln. porų batų – tai daugiau nei penkiais procentais mažiau nei praėjusiais metais.


Odos* gamybos apimtis Lenkijoje nuo 2017 iki 2022 m. (metrinėmis tonomis)

Odos gamybos apimtis Lenkijoje 2017-2022 m

Apibūdinimas: Lenkijoje pagamintos odos apimtys stebimu laikotarpiu sumažėjo. 2022 metais buvo pagaminta beveik 5,7 tūkst. metrinių tonų odos.


Drabužių ir avalynės rinkos vertė ir augimas Lenkijoje nuo 2015 iki 2021 m. (mlrd. zlotų)

Drabužių rinkos vertė & avalynė Lenkijoje 2015-2021 m

Apibūdinimas: 2015–2019 metais drabužių ir avalynės rinkos vertė nuolat augo. Skaičiuojama, kad 2020 metais dėl COVID-19 pandemijos rinka sumažės 16,3 proc. Tačiau 2021 metais prognozuojama, kad ji išaugs iki 37,6 mlrd. zlotų.


Grynasis finansinis rezultatas drabužių gamybos sektoriuje Lenkijoje nuo 2017 iki 2022 m. (milijonais zlotų)

Grynasis finansinis rezultatas drabužių sektoriuje Lenkijoje 2017–2022 m

Apibūdinimas: Grynieji finansiniai rezultatai drabužių gamybos sektoriuje stebimu laikotarpiu Lenkijoje išaugo 15,1 proc. 2022 metais siekė daugiau nei 309 mln. zlotų.


02 Prekyba

Prekybos skyriuje pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas drabužių, avalynės ir susijusių gaminių importo ir eksporto dinamikai. Mes pabrėžiame pirmaujančius tiekėjus ir paskirties vietas, atskleisdami Lenkijos pasaulinius prekybos ryšius mados industrijoje.

Drabužių ir drabužių aksesuarų importas ir eksportas Lenkijoje nuo 2017 m iki 2021 m. (milijonais eurų)

Drabužių ir drabužių aksesuarų importas ir eksportas Lenkijoje 2017-2021 m

Apibūdinimas: 2021 metais išaugo prekių mainai aprangos rinkoje Lenkijoje. Palyginti su praėjusiais metais, importo vertė padidėjo beveik 21 proc., o eksporto – beveik 27 proc.


Pirmaujantys į Lenkiją importuotų drabužių tiekėjai 2021 m.remiantis verte (milijonais JAV dolerių)

Pirmaujantys į Lenkiją importuojamų drabužių tiekėjai 2021 m

Apibūdinimas: 2021 m. Pakistanas buvo pagrindinis aprangos gaminių tiekėjas Lenkijai, kurio importo vertė siekė maždaug 20,6 mln. JAV dolerių. Antroje vietoje atsidūrė Indija, kurios importas į Lenkiją už maždaug 13 mln. JAV dolerių.


Pagrindinės iš Lenkijos eksportuojamų drabužių paskirties vietos 2021 m. remiantis verte (milijonais JAV dolerių)

Pagrindinės aprangos produktų, eksportuojamų iš Lenkijos, paskirties vietos 2021 m

Apibūdinimas: 2021 m. Vokietija buvo pirmaujanti drabužių eksporto šalis Lenkijoje, kurios eksporto vertė siekė maždaug 25 mln. JAV dolerių. Antrą vietą užėmė Ispanija, kurios eksportas iš Lenkijos siekia apie tris milijonus JAV dolerių.


Avalynės importas ir eksportas Lenkijoje 2017–2021 m. (mln eurų)

Batų importas ir eksportas Lenkijoje 2017-2021 m

Apibūdinimas: 2021 metais išaugo prekių mainai avalynės rinkoje Lenkijoje. Palyginti su praėjusiais metais, importo vertė išaugo daugiau nei 11 procentų, o eksporto – daugiau nei 14 procentų.


Avalynės ir galvos apdangalų importas ir eksportas Lenkijoje 2021 m., pagal pagrindines dalis šalyse (1000 eurų)

Batų ir galvos apdangalų importas ir eksportas Lenkijoje 2021 m. pagal didžiąsias šalis

Apibūdinimas: 2021 metais didžiausia avalynės, galvos apdangalų ir kt. eksportuotoja į Lenkiją buvo Kinija. Importo iš Kinijos vertė siekė daugiau nei 1,33 mlrd. eurų. Kita vertus, didžiausias Lenkijos avalynės ir galvos apdangalų eksportas buvo į Vokietiją(vienas milijardas eurų).


Kelioninių prekių, rankinių ir panašių konteinerių importas ir eksportas Lenkija nuo 2017 iki 2021 m. (milijonais eurų)

Krepšelių importas ir eksportas Lenkijoje 2017-2021 m

Apibūdinimas: 2021 metais išaugo prekių mainai maišelių rinkoje Lenkijoje. Palyginti su praėjusiais metais, importo vertė padidėjo daugiau nei 17,3 proc., o eksporto – 34,7 proc.


Importuoja ir eksportuoja odą, odos gaminius ir apdarus kailiai Lenkijoje nuo 2017 iki 2021 m. (milijonais eurų)

Odos gaminių importas ir eksportas Lenkijoje 2017-2021 m

Apibūdinimas: 2021 metais išaugo prekių mainai odų rinkoje Lenkijoje. Palyginti su praėjusiais metais, importo vertė išaugo 16 proc., o eksporto – taip pat daugiau nei 11 proc.


03 Mažmeninė prekyba

Šioje skiltyje nagrinėjame mažmeninės prekybos aplinką, įskaitant populiarius drabužių ir avalynės prekių ženklus, vartotojų pageidavimus ir perėjimą prie prekybos internetu. Tiriame pirkimo sprendimų priežastis, geidžiamiausias produkto savybes ir COVID-19 poveikį mažmeninei prekybai.

2022 m. pirmaujantys drabužių ir avalynės prekių ženklai Lenkijoje pagal prekės ženklo vertę (milijonais zlotų)

Drabužių ir avalynės prekių ženklų reitingas Lenkijoje 2022 m. pagal vertę

Apibūdinimas: The Polish clothing and apparel brandReserved opens the ranking of the most valuable clothing and footwear brands in Poland in 2022, followed by footwear chain CCC.


Mažmeninės prekybos avalynės ir odos gaminiais parduotuvių skaičius Lenkijoje nuo 2017–2021 m

Mažmeninės prekybos avalynės ir odos gaminiais parduotuvių skaičius Lenkijoje 2017-2021 m

Apibūdinimas: 2021 metais, palyginti su praėjusiais metais, mažmeninės prekybos avalynės ir odos gaminiais parduotuvių skaičius Lenkijoje sumažėjo 4,2 proc.


Populiariausios parduotuvės, kuriose vartotojai perka drabužius ir batus Lenkijoje 2022 m

Populiarios drabužių ir avalynės parduotuvės Lenkijoje 2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais 24 procentai respondentų Lenkijoje pirko drabužius ar avalynę su prekės ženklu Reserved. H&M grandinė sekė 23 proc.


Populiariausios parduotuvės, kuriose vartotojai perka drabužius ir batus Lenkijoje 2022 m., pagal lytį

Populiarios drabužių ir avalynės parduotuvės Lenkijoje 2022 m. pagal lytį

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais H&M Lenkijoje dažniau lankėsi moterys (27 proc.) nei vyrai (15 proc.).



Populiariausios drabužių ir avalynės parduotuvių parduotuvės Lenkijoje 2022 m. pagal pirkimo kanalą

Populiariausios drabužių ir batų parduotuvės Lenkijoje 2022 m. pagal kanalą

Apibūdinimas: The definite leader of traditional sales in Poland in 2022 was Reservedas many as 54 percent of respondents were shopping there. In the online channel, this chain had a share of 27 percent. In the online channel the most popular was Zalando, with a

dalis – 38 proc.


Geriausiai įvertintų drabužių ir avalynės internetinių parduotuvių reitingas Lenkija 2022 m

Geriausios internetinės drabužių ir avalynės parduotuvės Lenkijoje 2022 m. pagal aukščiausią rodiklį

Apibūdinimas: 2022 m. internetinė avalynės parduotuvė buvo Lenkijos drabužių ir avalynės internetinių parduotuvių reitingo viršūnėje ir šioje kategorijoje pasiekė beveik 56 taškus.


Vidutinės mėnesinės išlaidos vienam gyventojui drabužiams ir avalynei Lenkija nuo 2000 iki 2021 m. (zlotais)

Vidutinės mėnesinės išlaidos vienam gyventojui drabužiams ir avalynei Lenkijoje 2000–2021 m

Apibūdinimas: Lenkų išlaidos drabužiams ir avalynei per stebėtą laikotarpį padidėjo. 2021 metais vartotojai šiems produktams išleido beveik 58 zlotus per mėnesį.


Bendroji ir grynoji pardavimų grąža drabužių gamybos sektoriuje m Lenkija nuo 2017 iki 2022 m

Bendrosios ir grynosios apyvartos pelningumo rodiklis aprangos rinkoje Lenkijoje 2017-2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2018 metais didžiausią bruto ir grynąją pardavimų grąžą užfiksavo drabužių gamybos sektorius – atitinkamai 9,1 ir 7,9 procento. 2022 metais grynosios apyvartos pelningumo rodiklis, palyginti su praėjusiais metais, sumažėjo ir siekė septynis procentus.


Drabužių ir avalynės kainų pokytis Lenkijoje nuo 2015 iki 2021 m

Drabužių ir avalynės kainos Lenkijoje 2015-2021 m

Apibūdinimas: 2021 metais drabužių ir avalynės kainos Lenkijoje, palyginti su praėjusiais metais, sumažėjo 0,2 proc. Šaltinio teigimu, drabužių kainos sumažėjo 0,5 proc., o avalynės pabrango 0,8 proc.


Kasmetinis drabužių, tekstilės ir avalynės mažmeninės prekybos indeksas palyginamosiomis kainomis Lenkijoje nuo 2019 iki 2021 m

Drabužių, tekstilės ir avalynės mažmeninės prekybos augimas Lenkijoje 2019–2021 m

Apibūdinimas: 2021 m. drabužių, tekstilės ir avalynės mažmeninės prekybos indeksas palyginamosiomis kainomis Lenkijoje, palyginti su 2020 m., išaugo 32 proc.


04 įmonės

Įmonių skyriuje gilinamasi į pagrindinių Lenkijos mados ir aksesuarų rinkos dalyvių finansinius rezultatus. Išryškiname žinomų prekių ženklų pajamų duomenis ir analizuojame jų augimo trajektorijas.

Dėvimų drabužių gamybos įmonių skaičius Lenkijoje nuo 2020–2021 m. pagal darbuotojų skaičių*

Drabužių gamybos įmonių skaičius Lenkijoje 2020–2021 m., pagal darbuotojų skaičių

Apibūdinimas: Iš viso 1481 Lenkijoje buvo 1276 drabužių gamintojai, kuriuose 2021 m. dirbo 49 ar mažiau darbuotojai.


Tekstilės gamybos įmonių skaičius Lenkijoje nuo 2020 iki 2021 m. pagal darbuotojų skaičių*

Tekstilės gamybos įmonių skaičius Lenkijoje 2020-2021 m., pagal darbuotojų skaičių

Apibūdinimas: Iš visų 818 Lenkijoje buvo 635 tekstilės gamintojai, kuriuose 2021 m. dirbo 49 ar mažiau darbuotojai.


Odos dirbinių gamybos įmonių skaičius Lenkijoje nuo 2020 m iki 2021 m., pagal darbuotojų skaičių*

Odos dirbinių gamybos įmonių skaičius Lenkija 2020-2021, pagal darbuotojų skaičių

Apibūdinimas: Iš visų 334 Lenkijoje buvo 284 odos gaminių gamintojai, kuriuose 2021 m. dirbo 49 ar mažiau darbuotojai.


Lenkijoje aprangą gaminančių įmonių pajamos nuo 2015 m 2022 m. (milijonais zlotų)

Drabužius gaminančių įmonių pajamos Lenkijoje 2015-2022 m

Apibūdinimas: Nagrinėjamu laikotarpiu Lenkijoje drabužių gamybos įmonių pajamos svyravo. 2022 metais šios pajamos siekė maždaug 5,3 mlrd. zlotų.


LPP S.A. grupės pajamos visame pasaulyje nuo 2006 iki 2022* (mln. zlotų)

LPP S.A. grupės pajamos visame pasaulyje 2006–2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais LPP S.A. grupės pajamos visame pasaulyje pasiekė daugiau nei 15,9 mlrd.


Finansiniai rezultatai VRG Capital Group drabužių ir papuošalų segmente Lenkijoje 2021 m. (milijonais zlotų)

Financial results of the apparel and jewelryVRG Capital Group in Poland 2021

Apibūdinimas: Pajamos iš „VRG Capital Group“ drabužių ir papuošalų segmento pardavimo Lenkijoje 2021 metais siekė beveik 1,1 mlrd. zlotų. Grynasis pelnas iš drabužių pardavimo siekė 386 mln. zlotų.


Pajamų iš mažmeninės prekybos CCC S.A. Capital pokytis per metus Grupės avalynė Lenkijoje 2021 m. pagal prekės pavadinimą (milijonais zlotų)

Avalynės įmonės CCC S.A. mažmeninės prekybos pajamos Lenkijoje 2021 m., pagal prekės ženklą

Apibūdinimas: 2021 m. ketvirtąjį ketvirtį vienos didžiausių mažmeninės prekybos avalyne įmonių Lenkijoje ir Vidurio Europoje pajamos, palyginti su tuo pačiu laikotarpiu pernai, išaugo 46 proc. Labiausiai augo CCC parduotuvės.


Revenue from the sale of Wojasfootwear in Poland from 2019 to 2022, by kanalo tipas (milijonais zlotų)


Avalynės įmonės „Wojas“ pardavimo pajamos Lenkijoje 2019-2022 m., pagal kanalus

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais avalynės įmonė „Wojas“ Lenkijoje pasiekė 331,5 mln. zlotų konsoliduotų grynųjų pardavimo pajamų, ty 13,4 proc. daugiau nei pernai tuo pačiu laikotarpiu. Didžiausias pardavimų augimas užfiksuotas mažmeninėje prekyboje neprisijungus (+33,9). proc. m/m).


Pajamos iš Wittchen pardavimo Lenkijoje nuo 2018 iki 2022 m. milijonas zlotų)

Wittchen pardavimo pajamos Lenkijoje 2018-2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais Lenkijoje išskirtinių odos gaminių gamintoja „Wittchen“ pasiekė maždaug 406 mln. zlotų pardavimo pajamų. Palyginti su praėjusiais metais, tai 46,2 proc. Didžiausias pardavimas buvo iš mažmeninės prekybos segmento, pasiekiantis

daugiau nei 345 milijonai zlotų.* finansiniai rezultatai Lenkijoje nuo 2020 iki 2022 m. (1 000 zlotų) finansiniai rezultatai Lenkijoje 2020–2022 m

Apibūdinimas: Kasmet augo Lenkijos internetinės parduotuvės pardavimo pajamos. 2022 metais bendrovė taip pat uždirbo daugiau nei 25,8 mln. zlotų grynąjį pelną.


05 Vartojimas

Vartotojų elgesys vaidina pagrindinį vaidmenį formuojant mados rinką. Šiame skyriuje nagrinėjame namų ūkių vartojimo išlaidas drabužiams ir avalynei, nušviečiant vartotojų išlaidų sprendimus lemiančius veiksnius.

Namų ūkių vartojimo išlaidos drabužiams Lenkijoje nuo 2009 m 2021 m. (milijonais zlotų)

Vartotojų išlaidos drabužiams Lenkijoje 2009–2021 m

Apibūdinimas: Namų ūkių metinės vartojimo išlaidos drabužiams Lenkijoje 2021 m. padidėjo 8,2 mlrd. zlotų (+16,68 proc.). Taigi namų ūkių metinės vartojimo išlaidos sudarė 57,2 mlrd.

laikotarpį. Pažymėtina, kad šios pramonės šakos namų ūkių metinės vartojimo išlaidos, išskyrus 2020 m., pastaraisiais metais nuolat didėjo.


Namų ūkių vartojimo išlaidos avalynei Lenkijoje nuo 2009 m 2021 m. (milijonais zlotų)

Vartotojų išlaidos avalynei Lenkijoje 2009–2021 m

Apibūdinimas: Namų ūkių metinės vartojimo išlaidos avalynei Lenkijoje 2021 m. gerokai padidėjo – 4,6 mlrd. zlotų (+35,05 proc.). Su 17,6 mlrd. zlotų, namų ūkių metinės vartojimo išlaidos pasiekė aukščiausią vertę stebimas laikotarpis.


Kodėl jums labiau patinka drabužius pirkti tradicinėse parduotuvėse?

Priežastys pirkti drabužius parduotuvėje Lenkijoje 2022 m

Dalis žmonių, perkančių drabužius ir avalynę internetu Lenkijoje 2020–2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais pagrindinės priežastys, kodėl vartotojai pirko drabužius tradicinėse Lenkijos parduotuvėse, buvo galimybė pamatyti, paliesti gaminį ir nusipirkti iš karto.


Dalis žmonių, perkančių drabužius, avalynę ir aksesuarus internetu Lenkijoje 2020–2022 m.

Dalis žmonių, perkančių drabužius ir avalynę internetu Lenkijoje 2020–2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 m. beveik 73 procentai lenkų, perkančių drabužius, avalynę ir aksesuarus, reguliariai tam naudojosi internetiniu kanalu.


Svarbiausios gaminio savybės perkant drabužius Lenkija 2022 m

Svarbiausios produkto savybės perkant drabužius Lenkijoje 2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais svarbiausia prekės savybė perkant drabužius Lenkijoje buvo tinkama kaina. Toliau buvo pateikta aukštos kokybės medžiaga, kuri yra patvari ir pataisoma, 60 procentų respondentų balsų


Kanalai, kuriuose vartotojai ieško mados gaminių Lenkijoje 2022 m

Kanalai, kuriuose vartotojai ieško mados gaminių Lenkijoje 2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais 42 procentai respondentų iš Lenkijos mados prekių ieškojo tokiuose portaluose kaip Allegro, Amazon, Facebook ir Aliexpress. Kita vertus, maždaug 10 procentų ieškojo mados gaminių per socialinę žiniasklaidą.


Priežastys, kodėl žmonės perka drabužius ar kitus mados gaminius Lenkijoje 2022 m

Priežastys, kodėl žmonės perka drabužius ar kitus mados gaminius Lenkijoje 2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais daugiau nei pusė respondentų Lenkijoje pirko drabužius ar kitus mados gaminius, kad atrodytų gerai, o beveik pusė lenkų turėjo pakeisti seną prekę nauju.


Priežastys, kodėl 2022 m. dėvėjote lenkų mados prekių ženklų drabužius Lenkijoje

2022 m. Lenkijos mados prekių ženklų drabužių dėvėjimo priežastys

Apibūdinimas: 2022 m. daugiau nei pusė respondentų iš Lenkijos vilkėjo lenkų mados prekių ženklų drabužius, nes jie buvo patogūs ir kokybiški. Kita vertus, dėl palankios kainos juos rinkosi 44 proc.


Kas jus įtikina tam tikrais mados ženklais Lenkijoje 2022 m

Priežastys, kodėl verta rinktis mados prekės ženklą Lenkijoje 2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 metais mados prekės ženklo stilius įtikino beveik pusę lenkų respondentų. Be to, dizainas paveikė 36 procentus žmonių.


Priežastys, kodėl Lenkijoje 2022 m. buvo naudojami dėvėti drabužiai, o ne nauji

Priežastys, kodėl Lenkijoje dėvėtų drabužių, o ne naujų, 2022 m

Apibūdinimas: 2022 m. pusė respondentų Lenkijoje teigė, kad pagrindinė priežastis, kodėl jie naudojasi dėvėtais drabužiais, o ne naujus, buvo pigus pirkinys.


06 COVID-19 poveikis

COVID-19 pandemija padarė didelį poveikį įvairioms pramonės šakoms, įskaitant madą. Šioje dalyje gilinamės į tai, kaip pandemija paveikė vartotojų elgesį, gamybą, pardavimą ir elektroninės prekybos, kaip dominuojančio mados pirkimo kanalo, atsiradimą.

FMCG produktų pardavimų pasikeitimas dėl koronaviruso (COVID-19) protrūkis Lenkijoje 2020 m. vasario–gegužės mėn. pagal produktų kategoriją

FMCG produktų pardavimų padidėjimas dėl COVID-19 Lenkija 2020, pagal produktų kategorijas


Apibūdinimas: 2020 metų kovą Lenkijoje kilęs koronaviruso epidemijos protrūkis turėjo didelės įtakos pirkimų pokyčiams Lenkijoje, o tai lėmė produktų pardavimo apimtis. Vasario–kovo mėnesiais labiausiai išaugo sveikatos kategorijos produktų, tokių kaip maisto papildai ar nereceptiniai vaistai, pardavimai. Labiausiai sumažėjo kosmetikos ir kvepalų pardavimas – net 41 proc.


Lenkijos pramonės parduotos produkcijos pokytis 2020–2022 m. pagal sektorius

Parduota pramonės produkcija Lenkijoje 2022 m. pagal sektorius

Apibūdinimas: 2020 m. kovą pramonės parduota produkcija buvo 2,3 procento mažesnė nei 2019 m. kovą. Pašalinus sezoninių veiksnių įtaką Lenkijoje, kovą gamybos kritimas buvo dar didesnis ir sudarė 4,8 procento, palyginti su 2019 m. Daugumoje pirmaujančių pramonės grupių kasmet kovo mėnesį buvo užfiksuotas gamybos sumažėjimas. Automobilių gamyba sumažėjo 29 proc., o farmacijos – 40 proc. Balandžio mėnesį pramonės parduota produkcijos sumažėjo 24,6 proc.


Prekybos centruose veikiančių parduotuvių apyvartos pokytis dėlkoronaviruso (COVID-19) protrūkis Lenkijoje 2020 m. kovo mėn. pagal produktų kategoriją

Prekybos centruose veikiančių parduotuvių apyvartos pokytis dėl COVID-19 Lenkija 2020

Apibūdinimas: 2020 metų kovo mėnesį stebimuose Lenkijos prekybos centruose veikiančių nuomininkų apyvarta, palyginti su praėjusiais metais, sumažėjo 62 proc. Didžiausią kritimą užfiksavo mados industrija (73 proc. m. m.).


Kuriose parduotuvėse pirmiausia apsilankysite, kai jos vėl atsidarys po koronaviruso (COVID-19) užraktas?

Parduotuvių tipai, kuriuose lankysitės vėl atsidarę dėl COVID-19 užrakto Lenkijoje 2020 m.

Apibūdinimas: Lenkijos ministras pirmininkas paskelbė, kad nuo 2020 metų gegužės 4 dienos prekybos centrai Lenkijoje vėl atsidarys po koronaviruso (COVID-19) karantino. Dėl įvestų apribojimų (žmonių limito, restoranų uždarymo prekybos centruose) jų prieinamumas bus palaipsniui atnaujintas. Atsidarius prekybos centrams drabužių parduotuvėse apsilankys per 38 proc. Antrasis parduotuvių tipas, kurį respondentai planuoja aplankyti pirmiausia, bus interjero ir sodo įranga


Dėl koronaviruso atšaukti drabužių gamintojų užsakymai (COVID-19) protrūkis Lenkijoje 2020 m

Atšaukti drabužių gamintojų užsakymai dėl COVID-19 Lenkijoje 2020 m

Apibūdinimas: Dėl koronaviruso epidemijos sukeltos krizės 2020 metais kas antras drabužių gamintojas Lenkijoje patyrė 50 ir 99 procentų užsakymų atšaukimų.


Vietos, kur žmonės pirko drabužius internetu koronaviruso (COVID-19) metu Pandemija Lenkijoje 2021 m

Vietos, kur žmonės pirko drabužius internetu per COVID-19 pandemiją Lenkijoje 2021 m

Apibūdinimas: In 2021, during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Poles were most likely to buy clothes online through shopping platforms with a variety of products59 percent, chain stores44 percent, and shopping platforms dedicated to clothes30 percent.


Drabužių pirkimas internetu koronaviruso (COVID-19) pandemijos metu pagal amžių Lenkija 2021 m

Drabužių pirkimas internetu COVID-19 pandemijos metu pagal amžių Lenkijoje 2021 m

Apibūdinimas: In 2021, during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the highest percentage of respondents aged 18-24 bought clothes online82 percent.


07 Outlook

Galiausiai siūlome įžvalgas apie Lenkijos mados ir aksesuarų rinkos ateities perspektyvas. Teikiame pajamų prognozes, prognozuojame elektroninės prekybos tendencijas ir analizuojame numatomus vartotojų išlaidų modelius. Žvelgdami į potencialias augimo sritis, siekiame suinteresuotosioms šalims suteikti vertingos informacijos strateginiams sprendimams priimti.


Mados elektroninės prekybos pajamų prognozė Lenkijoje nuo 2017 iki 2027 m milijardas JAV dolerių)

Mados elektroninės prekybos pajamų prognozė Lenkijoje 2017-2027 m

Apibūdinimas: Numatoma, kad elektroninės prekybos mados pajamos Lenkijoje 2027 metais išaugs iki 7,6 milijardo JAV dolerių.


Lenkijos drabužių rinkos pajamos 2014–2027 m. (mln JAV doleriai)

Drabužių pramonės pajamos Lenkijoje 2014-2027 m

Apibūdinimas: Prognozuojama, kad pajamos iš drabužių rinkos Lenkijoje 2023–2027 m. nuolat didės iš viso 4 132 mln. JAV dolerių (+26,5 proc.). Apskaičiuota, kad pajamos 2027 m. sieks 19,7 mlrd. JAV dolerių. Sužinokite daugiau

informaciją apie pajamas drabužių rinkoje, pažvelgus į panašias į Lenkiją šalis, tokias kaip Čekija ir Vengrija.

Lenkijos avalynės rinkos pajamos 2018–2028 m. (mln JAV doleriai)

Avalynės pramonės pajamos Lenkijoje 2018-2028 m

Apibūdinimas: Prognozuojama, kad pajamos iš avalynės rinkos Lenkijoje 2023–2028 metais nuolat didės iš viso 417,9 mln. JAV dolerių (+14,47 proc.). Apskaičiuota, kad pajamos 2028 m. sieks 3,3 mlrd. JAV dolerių. Sužinokite daugiau

informaciją apie pajamas avalynės rinkoje, pažvelgus į kitas šalis, pvz., Tailandą ir Indoneziją.


Pajamos už laikrodžius & juvelyrikos rinka Lenkijoje nuo 2013 iki 2026 m milijonų JAV dolerių)

Pajamos už laikrodžius & juvelyrikos pramonė Lenkijoje 2013-2026 m

Apibūdinimas: Pajamos iš laikrodžių & Prognozuojama, kad Lenkijos papuošalų aksesuarų rinkos segmentas 2023–2026 metais nuolat didės iš viso 82,8 mln. JAV dolerių (+10,15 proc.). Skaičiuojama, kad pajamos sieks 898,88 mln

JAV dolerių 2026 m. Raskite daugiau informacijos apie priedų rinką ir jos segmentus. Čia galite rasti pajamas, susijusias su aksesuarų rinka Tailande ir pajamas iš priedų rinkos Indonezijoje.


Bendros vartotojų išlaidos drabužiams ir avalynei Lenkijoje nuo 2013 m 2028 m. (milijonais JAV dolerių)

Bendros vartotojų išlaidos drabužiams ir avalynei Lenkijoje 2013–2028 m

Apibūdinimas: Prognozuojama, kad visos vartotojų išlaidos drabužiams ir avalynei Lenkijoje 2023–2028 m. nuolat didės iš viso 9,77 mlrd. JAV dolerių (+37,67 proc.). Apskaičiuota, kad su mada susijusios išlaidos siekia 35,7 mlrd.

dolerių 2028 m.


Realios vienam gyventojui tenkančios vartotojų išlaidos drabužiams ir avalynei Lenkijoje nuo 2013 iki 2028 m. (JAV doleriais)

Realios vienam gyventojui tenkančios vartotojų išlaidos drabužiams ir avalynei Lenkijoje 2013–2028 m

Apibūdinimas: Prognozuojama, kad realios vienam gyventojui tenkančios vartotojų išlaidos drabužiams ir avalynei Lenkijoje 2023–2028 m. nuolat didės iš viso 639,3 JAV dolerio (+62,34 proc.). Apskaičiuota, kad po penktų metų iš eilės realios su mada susijusios išlaidos vienam gyventojui sieks 1,66 tūkst. JAV dolerių, todėl 2028 m. pasieks naują piką. Pažymėtina, kad realios vienam gyventojui tenkančios vartotojų išlaidos drabužiams ir avalynei per pastaruosius metus nuolat didėjo. .


Prabangių drabužių, avalynės ir aksesuarų rinkos vertė Lenkijoje nuo 2014 m. iki 2026 m. (milijonais zlotų)

Prabangių drabužių, avalynės ir aksesuarų rinkos vertė Lenkijoje 2014–2026 m

Apibūdinimas: 2021 metais prabangių drabužių, avalynės ir aksesuarų rinkos vertė Lenkijoje siekė daugiau nei 2,9 mlrd. zlotų. Pagal prognozuojamą vidutinį metinį 3,5 procento augimą, 2026 metais segmento vertė viršys 3,5 mlrd. zlotų.


Paskutinė mintis

Lenkijos mados ir aksesuarų rinka yra gyvybinga ir dinamiška pramonė, kuri ir toliau vystosi keičiantis vartotojų poreikiams ir technologinei pažangai. Kadangi Lenkija tampa svarbia žaidėja pasaulinėje mados arenoje, ji suteikia įdomių galimybių verslui ir investuotojams. Suprasdami dabartines tendencijas ir ateities perspektyvas, suinteresuotosios šalys gali priimti pagrįstus sprendimus, kad klestėtų šioje konkurencingoje rinkoje.

Kind Of Watches Battery and Basic Learning

Kind Of Watches Battery and Basic Learning

To prevent you from damaging your favorite watch, it is important to know about watch batteries.

The battery in a watch is usually small, also called a button cell, cell battery, button battery, or coin battery.

The battery life is 2-5 years, the better ones are original and are 5 years. Slightly average, 2 years.

Watches that require a battery are either quartz or electronic watches(smart watches).

There are 3 main types of batteries in use in a watch:

  • Mercury battery.
  • Silver Oxide battery.
  • Lithium battery.


I have a watch made by our factory, with a Japanese Miyota movement, which is years old and was run out of battery, so I always ask my colleagues to change the battery for me.


Now let me share some information I have learned. And before we change the battery, let’s learn some general knowledge about watch batteries.

Types of Watches Battery

3 main types of batteries in use in a watch:

  • Mercury battery.
  • Silver Oxide battery.
  • Lithium battery.

A more detailed answer is also given in Wikipedia about coin cell batteries.

See also:


For some more detailed information on batteries.

See also


What Does Meaning the Model Designation?


The model number of a watch battery is usually an identifier consisting of a string of numbers and letters, and different watch models require different battery models. The most common watch battery model on the market is the SR626SW, also known as the 377 battery.

This battery is small, has a high capacity and is widely used in small electronic devices such as watches, alarm clocks and calculators. In addition to this, there are also models such as SR920SW and SR621SW which are also widely used.


What do some of the codes or models in the battery mean?

For example, CR2035, SR626SW, LR626, 626SW,

let’s see

The Letter Suffix of the Battery:

The following additional suffix letters may optionally appear in the type designation to indicate the inside electrolyte used:

  • P: potassium hydroxide electrolyte
  • S: sodium hydroxide electrolyte
  • No letter: organic electrolyte
  • SW: low drain type for quartz watches (analog or digital) without light, alarm, or chronograph functions.
  • W: high drain type for all quartz watches, calculators, and cameras.

The Prefix of Battery Type:

Normally, the first or first 2 letters are for the type of battery

  • BR or CR=Lithium Battery
  • SR or SG or S =Silver oxide cells
  • T=Silver peroxide
  • LR or A=Alkaline batteries
  • M=Mercury oxide(This is not allowed to be used now)


Manufacturers using SR for silver oxide watch batteries will tend to use LR for alkaline.


Those who use SG for silver oxide tend to use AG for alkaline.


L, S, and C-type batteries are the most common types used today in quartz watches, calculators, small PDA devices, computer clocks, and flashing lights.


Miniature zinc air batteriestype Pfor hearing aids and medical instruments


Some other differences in battery suffixes:

In the silver oxide type of batteries, you will often see different suffixes for the same battery model. The letters at the end of the reference number are different, one is W and the other is SW. Which one do you choose?


For example, you have the SR1130W and SR1130SW.SWrefers to use in low power consumption devices, whileWrefers to high power consumption devices. So what’s the difference?

Well, you tend to useSWbatteries only in watches without a backlight. Your standard analog quartz watch can use a low-drain watch battery, whereas a watch with a backlight does require a high-drain ¨W¨ watch battery.


Having said that, you can very happily use a high-drain watch battery to run a low-drain watch.

When used in low-power consumption devices, the ¨SW¨ battery tends to last slightly longer than its ¨W¨ equivalent.

If for more details, please see this article.


What Kind of Batteries Do Watches Use?

Someone asked me, Do I need to choose a battery according to the model of my watch? What is the usual type of original battery in a watch?


The performance of the original Japanese Miyota movement battery is very good.

But you might not understand the mark of the original battery, so let’s read it in detail!


MIYOTA original batteries are produced under strict control in Japan and are identified as Japan Maxell XXX or Japan SONY XXX, where Japan means produced in Japan, MAXELL or SONY means the battery brand and XXX means the battery model. In the Japanese battery model number, each letter of the alphabet and the Arabic numerals have a specific meaning.


Remember we talked above about the prefix and Suffixes? you can open your back cover and look at the battery type at:


For an example of SR626SW:

Prefix SR

  • S=Silver oxide
  • R=Round type battery
  • 6=6MM diameter
  • 26=2.6mm thickness

Types of electrolyte

  • S=Indicates sodium gas oxide (for weak currents), where no letter indicates potassium gas oxide (for large batteries)

Range of uses

  • W=usde in watches


Below is: Type of MIYOTA movement and the type of battery fitted, battery life.

Battery type Which movement is in use Battery life
SR626SW 2000 series
FS series
Super 2035 is 4 years,
2034 is 4 months,
other 2000 series all 3 years, FS series is 2 years
SR621SW G series,
IL/IS series,
GP multi-dial series,
JPmulti dial series,
JS Stopwatch timing series,
JR multi-dial series
GL20, GL15, GN15, GM15 is 5 years, other G series is 3 years;
1L/ IS series is 3 years.GP multi-dials series is 3 years;
JP multi-dials series is 2 years;
JS stopwatch timing series is 2 years;
JR multi-dials series is 3 years。
SR915SW 9T series
9U series
9T series is 2 years
9U series is 4 years
SR5I2SW 4S20 2 years
SR416SW 5R21, 5R32 5R21 is 4 years, 5R32 is 2 years
SR521SW 5Y20, 5Y30 5Y20 is 4 years, 5Y30 is 2 years
CR1616 IL60 10 years
R2012 2S60, 2S65 10 years
SR920SW GP series 3 years
SR927W 6S series
OS basic series,
OS Professional Chronograph series
6S series is 4 years,
OS basic series is 5 years, OS Chronograph series is 3 years


Notice When Using the Laikrodžiai Battery:

When identifying the type of coin cell batteries you may have, be sure to distinguish between silver oxide batteries and lithium or alkaline batteries. Make sure you don’t throw it in the wrong bin when you throw it in, These batteries type are identified by the prefix letters:

  • The first letter (LR) indicates an alkaline battery, which can be thrown in the rubbish bin.
  • Batteries with the initials (CR) indicate lithium batteries and (SR) indicate silver oxide containing heavy metals, which can’t be thrown in the rubbish bin.
  • Batteries marked with the letter (P) are rechargeable and contain heavy metals and/or mercury, which can’t be thrown in the rubbish bin.


FAQ on Watches Battery:


When I want to replace a watch’s battery, What battery should I buy?

When you want to replace a watch’s battery, the specific battery you should buy will depend on the brand, type, and style of your particular watch. To determine the correct battery for your watch, you can follow these steps:

  1. remove this cover to access the battery.
  2. Identify the battery type by reading the serial number on it.


It’s worth noting that if you are unsure or uncomfortable with replacing the battery yourself, it’s always a good idea to take your watch to a professional watchmaker or a jeweler who can assist you with the battery replacement process. They will have the expertise and tools to ensure a proper and safe battery replacement


What tools do I need to change a watch battery?

The screwdriver, case opener, and battery are the essential tools

The sealing glue, sealing plastic o-ring,

Watch Battery Replacement: How to Remove and Replace A Watch Battery


How do I know which battery fits my watch?

If you don’t know what kind of battery your watch has, either ask the seller or open the back of the watch to see the battery type


What is the most common watch battery?

The most common watch battery used in watches is the button cell battery. Button cell batteries are small, round, and flat batteries that provide power to various electronic devices, including watches. They are commonly used due to their compact size and ability to fit within the limited space of a watch case. The most popular brand for watch batteries is Energizer.


In terms of specific sizes, numbers, and letters, there are several commonly used watch battery types. These include

Silver oxide batteries: These batteries are commonly used in quartz watches and provide a stable voltage throughout their lifespan. They are available in various sizes, such as SR626SW, SR626W, SR621SW, and SR920SW.


Alkaline batteries: Alkaline batteries are also used in some watches and are available in sizes such as LR626, LR626SW, and LR621.


Lithium batteries: Lithium batteries are commonly used in digital and high-tech watches due to their long-lasting power and stability. They are available in various sizes, including CR2032 and CR2025.


It’s worth noting that the specific battery type required for a watch depends on the watch’s movement, design, and size. Some watch brands may have their own proprietary battery types. Therefore, it’s important to consult the watch’s documentation or refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations to determine the correct battery for your specific watch model.


While Energizer is a popular brand for watch batteries, there are also other reputable brands available, such as Renata, Varta, Sony, and Maxwell. These brands offer a range of watch batteries that are compatible with various watch models.


How do you take the back off a watch without scratching it?

Separate the tool and watch between with a cloth or with tape


How much does a wristwatch battery cost?

The best-selling watches battery on Amazon is between $5.36-9.29 per 6 units.


If you need to replace the battery, you need to open the watch’s back cover, Perhaps you need to use a different tool because each watch has a different style of the bottom cover. The three types are usually screwed bottom cover, press down bottom cover, and rotating bottom cover.

Check this post in detail if you want to replace the battery



We suggest that if you need to change the battery yourself, you can change the inexpensive quartz watch battery, Buying a good cap opener, battery, waterproof rubber, or waterproof rubber ring is best. If it is a more expensive watch, it is best not to change the battery yourself, in case your watch is not waterproof after you have changed the battery. That’s not uneconomical.


See also our post:

  • How to change the battery for my watch?
How can I Find a Reliable Private-label Watch Manufacturer? 3

How can I Find a Reliable Private-label Watch Manufacturer?

Finding reliable custom watch manufacturers is not that easy, You need to compare and compare and compare

Know the truth before finding any watch manufacturers

There are some basic facts you need to know before looking for a supplier in depth.

Where are you looking for suppliers?

Where would you like to find a supplier of watches? You must have heard that there are 2 crucial watch production bases in the world, one is Switzerland and the other is China.

Swiss watch production requirements are higher than those of Chinese watches

What’s the advantage of Shenzhen Watch and Swiss Made One?

China produces products of primary or upper intermediate quality, while Switzerland produces products of intermediate or higher or further higher grades, the Swiss products are produced

Swiss watches are not made by Swiss manufacturer

A Swiss watch is not necessarily Swiss-made, it may just have Swiss made stamped on it, or the Swiss manufacturer may buy all the parts from China and assemble them in Switzerland. This could be a marketing strategy. Good for you to know.

Ask the watch manufacturer some questions

Where they are located:

Chinese watch manufacturers are largely concentrated in Guangdong Province, where Shenzhen and Dongguan are more concentrated. There are fewer in other provinces. This is because it is in this part of the world that watchmakers concentrate on accessories, such as cases, straps, watch faces, etc. If your supplier is not in Guangdong province, then you have to be a bit careful if he is a middleman or a trader.


Of course, in the watch industry, no matter how big the brand is, there is no single supplier who can produce all the accessories, the best is he can produce the case himself and control the longest delivery time for parts. Such a supplier is also one of the better ones.


Another thing is that watches are not actually produced by one manufacturer, just like many products, the watch manufacturer combines his supply chain, buys parts from various suppliers, assembles them, and then ships them out, in fact, you are working with his supply chain.


Do they support customized packaging for you?

Ask for a quote with more suppliers, but choose the proper price, not the lowest price

What are the most important parts of a watch?

The most important component of the product:

the movement: The movements of watches are basically purchased from some of the major brands of movement manufacturers. For example, Japanese quartz movements are the best to use and are affordable and cost-effective, and Swiss mechanical movements are good, so you will know which brands to choose when making your choice.

The case: the case material is made of stainless steel more, other materials are less, no matter what levels of the brand, unless some limited models, they will use some other materials, the material of alloy is soft, the quality is not so good, some cheap brands will use it, some popular brands will use copper as raw material.

Watch plating: for good plating, choose PVD plating, it will oxidise over time at most and will not lose colour in large pieces and will last for many years. Never use water plating on your stainless steel watch, whoever uses it will regret it. Only go for water plating on cheaper watches.

The Watch Strap: For medium and above brand watches, use leather or stainless steel straps, do not use PU leather, it will fall off, do not use alloy straps, it looks cheap

The Watch Glass: There are two choices of glass: sapphire glass and mineral glass, the good one is sapphire glass, but expensive, mineral glass many brands choose, you can add a layer of that sapphire coating on top of the mineral glass, plus hard film, this is not so important


Have a basic understanding of the watch market

You also need to have a basic understanding of the market,

You can google: market research on wristwatches

check ours:

Laikrodžiai & Luxury Watches -Market Insight


Swiss Watch Industry Market Research Report

more market research will be released soon..

Take a look at the various market research reports. Know your customer image, preferences, and customer profile, then you will have a better idea of how your brand should be built and what the cost price range should be. What age group would you sell to and what is their buying power?


You can also feel free to go shopping on various B2B platforms, check the prices, see some of the specifications and sizes marked by the suppliers

Go to a shopping mall, look at your local market, their styles, prices, and what brands, understand their business model, and look at the retail price of the products on the B2C platform (generally retail price range will be 50-60%*unit cost).

If you want to know the cost thing of customizing a watch, You can check this post


How to find reliable private-label watch manufacturers in China?

Multul discussion is a must, You need to talk with your watch supplier to get the trust and talk more.

Know about where is the watch manufacturer?

As previously stated the concentration of suppliers is in Shenzhen city, Guangdong province, so the suppliers that produce cheap watches are in the Xixiang district of Shenzhen. There are more people buying imitation watches in the Guangzhou area.

How to find watch manufacturers?


Online can be B2B Websites, e.g.,, are the 3 largest B2B platforms in China.

You can also search for B2B keywords on Google. e.g. “oem watches manufacturers in China, china watches manufacturer, OEM watches supplier” etc.

You can also search on various social media platforms such as ins, facebook, etc.


you can come to local exhibitions in China, such as the Canton Fair, and the Hong Kong Watch Fair(It is available every year, usually in early September)

Canton Fair: Held annually in Guangzhou in Spring and Autumn, the time for the year 2023 is October.

HK Watch&Laikrodžių mugė: There will be a wide range of ready-made watches, alarm clocks, watch accessories, watch equipment, quality control & testing service providers, as well as watch packages and some of the biggest watch name brands.

If you want to come to the exhibition, I suggest you attend the HK Watch&Clock Fair first and then come to the Canton Fair, they are close in time and distance anyway, but remember to get a visa, you can come to Hong Kong but you can’t come to Mainland China without a visa.

I remember that one time a client was planning to do so, but he did not have a visa, he could only be in Hong Kong and could not enter China.

If you want to know about the watch fair, you can read this article


What do I need to prepare to request a quote from a supplier?

  • Logo(if possible, we will respond more faster)
  • Your favorite watches style
  • Your ideas
  • Your drawing if possible
  • Your favorite watch box style
  • Your budget

The more detailed information you can provide, the more time you will save and the quicker the watch supplier will be able to start production.


How can I know that the watches supplier is reliable?

When all prepared and you are not a starter now, You can try to talk to some watch factories,

Try to send all the information to your watch supplier factory, ask for a quote, talk to the salesperson, and if all is ok, then buy a quality sample, Any style is ok, Just check the quality.


After you bought a sample, communication will be easier. No one likes a customer only asking, but not any feedback, this is a method that I’ve learned from our purchasing.


Your feeling when talking to the salesperson

A good salesman is open-minded, willing to communicate, and will be patient, he will be professional in the watch industry, he is one of your teachers and will tell you things you don’t know and will make you more and more professional. Of course, there are some is your personality and her personality is suitable, you can not chat together with some salesmen. You can then change someone or stop in time.


Check the supplier’s price

When quoting a price from a supplier, it is not entirely possible to consider the unit price. If some suppliers are overpriced for the same specifications, you can ask why. This way you can hear a lot of things you wouldn’t otherwise hear. If the price is really high, but the service is good and you need exactly that, then he is one of your suppliers.


Check the quality of the samples

If the service and unit price are okay, you can look at the quality of the supplier’s product and ask him to provide you with a sample of the quality, the style is close to your style is okay, so that in the early stage, you can save some of the cost of making your own samples, because the cost of samples is not cheap, it costs several hundred dollars


Check your own design sample

If he gives you a quality sample and you confirm that it is OK, then you can start the big shipment straight away. Before the big shipment is made, the supplier of each accessory will provide a sample of the accessory to the watch manufacturer and you can ask the manufacturer to send you a sample to confirm. You can then ask the manufacturer to send you a sample to confirm. This way you can make changes before the big shipment.


But this is actually a bit risky. Then you can make a sample or pre-order a sample first, and after the sample has been confirmed, you can make the mass production.


Test the speed of delivery from the factory

Look at the time the supplier took when making the samples, whether it was within the time promised to you, and if it was longer than that, whether the supplier had a reasonable explanation. If there is nothing but a delay in delivery, then it is very likely to prove that either your order quantity is insignificant to the supplier or that he does not care about your order.


It is best to decide whether the supplier is trustworthy at the sample stage and not wait until after the big shipment, as this will cost you more.


Check the strength of the watch supplier

By this time, you know the supplier well enough to try a video or phone call, and if you care whether the supplier is a factory or not, then you need to start researching

Finally, the process of finding a supplier is actually universal, communication is the first step, and quality and price is the second step, spend some time you will definitely find the most suitable supplier, and certainly not just one supplier, 2-3 as an alternative, you will not have your hands full when the supplier has problems.

Customize Watches in China: Cost Breakdown and Estimates 3

Customize Watches in China: Cost Breakdown and Estimates

The cost of customizing watches in China can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the customization, the materials used, the quantity ordered, and the specific manufacturer or supplier chosen. However, I can provide you with a general understanding of the cost considerations involved in customizing watches in China.


Customizing watches in China can range from simple modifications, such as adding a logo or engraving, to more complex changes, including unique designs, special dials, or custom-made components. Each customization requirement may have a different cost implication.


Some cost factors to consider when customizing watches in China

It is include:

  1. Design and Engineering: If you require a unique design or modifications to an existing design, there may be costs associated with the design work and engineering required to implement the customization.
  2. Materials: The type and quality of materials used can influence the cost. Higher-end materials or rare materials may increase the overall price.
  3. Quantity: The number of watches you order can impact the price per unit. Larger quantities often result in lower per-unit costs due to economies of scale.
  4. Production Techniques: Certain customization techniques, such as hand-painting, gemstone setting, or intricate detailing, may involve additional labor and expertise, which can affect the overall cost.
  5. Packaging and Branding: Custom packagings and branding, such as unique watch boxes or customized display cases, can incur extra costs.
  6. Shipping and Import Duties: If you plan to import the customized watches, you should also consider shipping costs and any applicable import duties or taxes.

To obtain accurate pricing information, it is advisable to directly contact manufacturers or suppliers in China specializing in watch customization. They can provide you with detailed quotes based on your specific requirements and desired customization level.

Before making or investing in a watch brand, many brand owners want to estimate the cost of the watch product they need to invest in and give a budget so that they can have a bottom in mind, which is very common, especially for new customers who are new to the industry and this is very important for them.

Honestly, “How much does a customized watch cost is a tough question, hard to reply as it’s like asking a watch dealer how much a Rolex watch is. It depends on the style, quality, material, etc. The price range of a watch is much wider due to the wide variety of parts used. Each variant can have a big impact on pricing.

But the great thing is that your own custom watch is ultimately up to you. That’s where suppliers come in, and we help you evaluate. The watch market is really big, there are many big brand with very higher quality, One product cannot satisfy all customers, our target customers are definitely a small group of customers, when making your own brand, you will certainly give your brand positioning in your heart, then tell us what your positioning is, then the watch manufacturer will give you the right offer according to your requirements

If your target market is the mid-end market, ask your manufacturer to use medium-quality watch parts and they will give you a price; if it is high-end and requires high-quality parts, of course, the price will be higher. Sometimes you can tell your manufacturer your estimated target price and they will come up with a solution for the parts to be used.

Many new business owners make the mistake of always asking for a lower price. The risk of doing this is that your (smart) manufacturer can always find alternative materials to meet your target price without your knowledge. We’ve been in this market for over 10 years and wouldn’t be stupid enough to work our customers to death, and as a supplier, we understand the manufacturing market, so this is something you should be aware of.

Prices have now become so transparent that manufacturers offering slightly higher prices will lose business. All Chinese watchmakers are now living on slim margins, so it’s not a good idea to keep pushing prices up on them.

Price Range for different levels of customized watches In China

What kind of configuration will be used for high-end, mid-range, and low-end watches, which will help you find your niche? The following table is for your reference。

Watch Parts High-End Spec. Middle Spec. Low-end Spec.
Watch Case 316L SS 316L/304 SS Alloy
Watch Glass Sapphire Sapphire / Mineral Mineral
Movement Mechanical/Swiss brand Japan/ Swiss parts Japen/ Chinese movt.
Leather strap Full grain Genuine Leather Pu leather
Mesh Strap 304 SS 304 SS Alloy
Plating Premier IP Average IP Water plating
Waterproof 10ATM(100m) 3ATM-5ATM 1 ATM
Price Range >50 dollars 15-50 dollars <10 dollars

Of course, this range is only for your reference, but it may still not be detailed enough to give you a good understanding, so let’s elaborate on the price cost breakdown according to the style, hope this will help.

Cost breakdown of customized watches In China


Minimalist Quartz Watch

Customize Watches in China: Cost Breakdown and Estimates
Customize Watches in China: Cost Breakdown and Estimates

Chronograph Quartz Watch

Customize Watches in China: Cost Breakdown and Estimates
Customize Watches in China: Cost Breakdown and Estimates

Automatic Watch

Customize Watches in China: Cost Breakdown and Estimates
Customize Watches in China: Cost Breakdown and Estimates

This price, only the price of watches, does not contain packaging materials, ordinary white boxes shipped, if you need to customize the box, then the price of the box also varies because of the different styles, The price of the box will be added later, and will not be explained in detail here


Some FAQs When talking cost of Customize Watches in China

Q: Can I customize the dial design and colors of the watch?

A: Yes, many manufacturers in China offer customization options for dial design and colors. You can choose from a range of designs, colors, and finishes to match your preferences or brand identity.


Q: Is there a minimum order quantity (MOQ) for custom watches in China?

A: Yes, most manufacturers have a minimum order quantity requirement for custom watches. The MOQ can vary depending on the manufacturer and the complexity of customization. It is usually higher for intricate designs and lower for simpler customization options. MOQ normally 500pcs for start in watches industry


Q: What is the typical lead time for customizing watches in China?

A: The lead time can vary depending on the manufacturer, customization complexity, and order quantity. On average, it may take 45-90 days to complete the customization process. It’s important to factor in the production and shipping time when planning your order.


Q: Can I provide my own watch design or logo for customization?

A: Yes, many manufacturers accept custom designs or logos provided by customers. You can work with the manufacturer to ensure your design or logo is properly incorporated into the watch customization.


Q: Are there any additional costs involved apart from the customization?

A: In addition to the customization costs, you may need to consider other expenses such as shipping fees, import taxes, and any applicable customs duties. These costs can vary depending on your location and the quantity of watches ordered.


Q: Can I request samples before placing a bulk order?

A: Yes, it is common practice to request samples before placing a bulk order. This allows you to assess the quality, design, and customization accuracy of the watches. However, note that the sample will cost you hundreds to thousands for a simple to complex sample.


Q: Are there any quality control measures in place during the manufacturing process?

A: Reputable manufacturers usually have quality control measures in place to ensure the watches meet the desired standards. This can include inspections at various stages of production, testing for accuracy and durability, and adherence to industry standards.


Q: Can I choose the materials used for customizing the watches?

A: Yes, you can often choose the materials used for various components of the watch, such as the case, strap, and dial. Manufacturers typically offer a range of materials, including stainless steel, leather, silicone, and various finishes, allowing you to customize the look and feel of the watch.


Q: Can I customize watches for promotional or corporate gifting purposes?

A: Yes, customizing watches in China is a popular option for promotional and corporate gifting. Many manufacturers offer branding options, such as engraving company logos or messages, to create personalized watches that align with your promotional or gifting needs.


Final Thought:

The cost of custom watches, for ordinary watches is $ 10-50 if you order 500 pieces, then between $ 5000-$ 25000, plus shipping cost about $ 0.5 a piece, and watch box about $ 1.5,, then your budget may be between $ 6000-$ 26000, you can discuss the design well with the watch supplier to meet your mental expectation.

Exploring Plastic Watch Straps: Types, Cons, Pros, and Maintenance 4

Exploring Plastic Watch Straps: Types, Cons, Pros, and Maintenance

We all know plastic straps, but we don’t know that plastic straps are also divided into three styles, so which three are they? They are silicone rubber straps, rubber straps, fluorine rubber strap.


Compared to other watch straps. the advantage of plasic strap is durability, water resistance, easy maintenance, versatility colors, price affordable, lightweight and comfortable.
Disadvantages: the plastic Strap, gave off a cheap feel and was not luxurious like normal watches straps. easy ageing. easily crack, become sticky, harden, soften and change colour.

Comparison price of silicone rubber straps, rubber straps, fluorine rubber strap; silicone strap is cheap, rubber strap is middle, fluorine Rubber Strap is relatively expensive

Today, I would like to share with you a few materials of plastic straps, or from my own actual usage feeling, please correct me if I am wrong.

First of all, I would like to talk about my own views on the strap, I relatively like the strap, skin-friendly, moderate weight, with water resistance. Compared to steel straps light weight wear more comfortable, compared to the leather strap, the plastic strap is eroded and smelly more durable when in summer after sweating. So personally I think a diving watch with plastic strap is the best choice. And personally I think a diving watch should have at least one replacement plastic strap

Why Use Plastic Watch Strap?

Plastic watch straps, also known as resin or polymer straps, offer several advantages that make them a popular choice among watch wearers. Here are some advantages of plastic watch straps:

  1. Durability: Plastic watch straps are highly durable and resistant to everyday wear and tear. They can withstand impacts, scratches, and exposure to various environmental conditions without easily showing signs of damage. This durability ensures that the strap maintains its appearance and functionality over a long period.
  2. Water Resistance: Many plastic watch straps are water-resistant or even waterproof, making them suitable for water-related activities and daily wear in humid conditions. They can withstand exposure to water, moisture, and sweat without being damaged or deteriorating. This makes plastic straps a practical choice for sports watches or those worn during outdoor activities.
  3. Lightweight and Comfortable: Plastic watch straps are lightweight, which adds to their comfort when worn on the wrist. The lightweight nature of the strap minimizes the burden on the wrist and enhances overall comfort, particularly during extended wear periods. It makes plastic straps ideal for individuals who prefer a lighter feel on their wrist.
  4. Easy Maintenance: Plastic watch straps are generally easy to clean and maintain. They can be wiped clean with a damp cloth or mild soap and water. Unlike fabric or leather straps that may require specialized cleaning or conditioning, plastic straps are relatively low-maintenance, saving time and effort for the wearer.
  5. Versatility: Plastic watch straps are available in a wide range of colors, patterns, and designs. This versatility allows watch wearers to find a plastic strap that suits their personal style and matches their watch’s aesthetics. Whether you prefer a vibrant and bold strap or a more understated design, plastic straps offer ample options for customization.
  6. Affordability: Plastic watch straps tend to be more affordable compared to straps made from premium materials like leather or metal. This affordability makes plastic straps a budget-friendly choice for individuals who want to switch up their watch style without breaking the bank.

It’s important to note that the specific advantages of a plastic watch strap may vary depending on the quality and design of the strap. When choosing a plastic strap, consider factors such as the strap’s thickness, buckle quality, and overall construction to ensure it meets your desired level of durability and comfort.

Advantages of Plastic Strap

Firstly, plastic straps definitely have their inherent advantages: they are more resistant to wear and tear and water resistance than leather strap, they are flexible in design and fit perfectly in the case, and they are light and comfortable to wear.

Secondly, plastic straps are available in a wide range of colours to suit different preferences.

Finally, as plastic is completely waterproof, it is used in diving and sports watches and has excellent resistance to sweat and moisture.

Disadvantages of Plastic Strap

Firstly, when plastic was first used in watches, it gave off a cheap feel and was not as noble or luxurious as gold.

Secondly, in terms of material, rubber is very susceptible to ageing. Stronger sunlight or oxidation can easily cause it to crack, become sticky, harden, soften and change colour.

Finally, when wearing a plastic strap, needs to be care about the connection area to avoid strong pulling hard. It is also important to clean the strap with a soft cloth to remove any hard particles of dust that might scratch the surface and create small cracks, which can also effectively extend the life of the strap.


Comparison of Each Kind of Plastic Watch Straps

Plastic straps can be subdivided into: silicone rubber straps, rubber straps, fluorine rubber strap

Silicone strap

Silicone strap price: cheap

The most common type of strap on the market today is the silicone rubber strap (low end product mainly), which has the following advantages:

  1. Liquid silicone colours can be modulated according to needs, rich and bright colours (can be adjusted to match many colours).
  2. strong adsorption, silicone raw materials, environmental protection, non-toxic, odourless, no harm to human skin.
  3. silicone texture is uniform, elastic, with a good sense of touch, plasticity.
  4. liquid silicone is good for environmental, anti-slip, shockproof, anti-seepage, heat insulation, not easy to age, not easy to fade, easy to clean.
  5. silicone strap is durable, with a good stretch, wear-resistant, easy cleaning, and comfortable to wear.

There are advantages and disadvantages to silicone rubber: the surface is easy to stick to dust and is not resistant to dirt, and the surface will be worn if wear a long time

Rubber Band

Rubber band price: moderate

Advantages of rubber straps: the advantages are similar to those of silicone rubber, but there are some differences

  1. rubber straps can only be made in black color and cannot be coloured as much as silicone rubber;
  2. less comfortable than silicone rubber, the overall hardness is a bit;
  3. There will be a little smell of rubber (some factories will add some spices to adjust, but there will be some smell)

Overall, the rubber strap is easy to age. there are different degrees of fracture, hardening, softening, discolouration and other phenomena according to different temperature environment. Not suitable for wearing in winter, easy to break.

Fluorine Rubber Strap

Price of fluorine rubber strap: relatively expensive

Advantages of fluorine rubber strap: contains the advantages of the above two strap, with a higher density than the above two strap and a better quality and wearing comfort

Fluorine rubber strap disadvantages: in addition to it’s expensive price, It seems to have no disadvantages ( fluorine rubber basically have no the above two stra’s disadvantages)


Fluorine Rubber Strap VS Silicon Strap

Comparison of fluorine rubber straps and silicone rubber:

  1. Different material sources: one is silica, the other is fluorite
  2. Different density: fluoroelastomer (raw rubber) is around 1.8, while silicone is around 1
  3. Fluoroelastomer is oil resistant, silicone is not
  4. The strength of fluoroelastomer is much higher than that of silicone

Daily Maintainance of Watch Plastic Straps

  1. If the plastic straps is very dirty, make sure clean it right now, you can try ordinary white erasers, be sure to choose white erasers, otherwise the consequences will be more serious.
  2. Do not expose the watch to strong sunlight, try to avoid hard object scratches and arbitrary stretching hard break.
  3. It will aging in some degree when long time wearing.
  4. You can use a little soapy water with a soft toothbrush to quickly scrub the dirt and finally wipe it with a slightly damp cotton cloth.
  5. Buy a alternative straps, do not wear rubber straps very often, as they need ventilation.

Final Thought:

The use of plastic strap in sports or diving watches is becoming more and more diverse, and many top brands are using them.Those who wear sports or diving watches are advised to match a plastic strpas of their own. For the inexpensive watch wearer, you can match with a silicone or rubber, for the higher end watch, you can buy the fluorine straps.

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