Debbie Chow

Vi presenterer Debbie, den dedikerte forfatteren av denne artikkelen. Med en rik 7-års bakgrunn i klokkebransjen føler jeg meg heldig som har muligheten til å dele min innsikt og erfaring med deg. Mens jeg utforsket på nettet, la jeg merke til mangelen på fabrikker som åpent utveksler produktkunnskap og bransjeinnsikt. Dette kan være spesielt skremmende for aspirerende gründere når de samhandler med leverandører. Som svar har jeg laget disse artiklene for å gi en hjelpende hånd, og tegnet fra min egen reise. Som en hengiven hundeelsker er målet mitt å bidra og styrke dine gründerambisjoner.

Klokker & Smykkemarkedsinnsikt

Watches and jewelry are a big category, If you want to know the potential of this market, then the prospects and future of this category should be reviewed

let’s dig it.

Market Insight of Watches & Luksus klokker

this is the total revenue of the watches & Jewelry industry Worldwide 2017-2026

Comments: the revenue increased significantly from 2017 to 2026, and is essentially flat during the covid-19 epidemic

Luksus klokker

Below will talk about the Luxury watches industry, Data sources are based on the following product ranges

  • Wristwatches
  • Pocket watches
  • Handmade and industrially produced watches

  1. Market data

For Luxury Watches

  • Inntektene i Luxury Watches-segmentet beløper seg til 48,38 milliarder dollar i 2023. Markedet forventes å vokse årlig med 2,38 % (CAGR 2023-2028).
  • I global sammenligning genereres de fleste inntektene i Kina (US$10 890,00 millioner i 2023).
  • Omtrent totale befolkningstall genereres inntekter per person på USD 6,30 i 2023.

Comments: The luxury watches market is still worth entering or investing in

  1. Revenue

Notes: Data shown is using current exchange rates and reflects market impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Most recent update: Mar 2023

Comments: Market trend is still up

  1. Revenue Change

Comments: Sales are decreasing, indicating that each brand should create its own special products, which can increase the unit price of sales


  1. Average revenue per Capita

Most recent update: Mar 2023

Comments: To a certain extent, it shows that the per capita income has increased and people are willing to afford to buy luxury watches

This suggests that people are willing to spend more on watches and that the market is growing or becoming more profitable.

Several factors could contribute to the increase in average revenue per capita in the watches industry:

  • Economic Growth: A growing economy often leads to increased disposable income, allowing individuals to spend more on luxury goods like watches.
  • Shift in Consumer Preferences: If there has been a shift in consumer preferences towards luxury watches or specific watch brands, it can drive up the average revenue per capita as consumers are willing to pay higher prices for these products.
  • Product Innovation: Innovative features or designs in watches can attract customers and command higher prices, leading to increased revenue per capita.
  • Brand Value: Established watch brands with strong brand recognition and reputation can charge premium prices for their products, contributing to higher average revenue per capita.
  • Emerging Markets: Expansion into new markets or increased demand from emerging economies with a growing middle class can boost overall revenue and increase average revenue per capita.
  • Online Sales and E-commerce: The rise of e-commerce and online sales channels allows watch companies to reach a wider customer base and potentially increase their average revenue per capita.

These factors, among others, can contribute to the upward trend in average revenue per capita in the watches industry. However, it’s essential to consider specific market dynamics, consumer behavior, and industry trends to gain a comprehensive understanding of the underlying reasons for this increase.

  1. Sales Channels

Most recent update: Oct 2021

Comments: People tend to buy watches online, so brands should establish a good online sales network, such as an online website or platform


Comments: When buying online, many people view through their cell phones, the adaptive website of each platform, the mobile version should be designed

  1. Key Players

Most recent update: Mar 2022

Comments: Rolex and the Swatch group take up half of the watches industry’s market

  1. Global Comparison

Most recent update: Mar 2023

Comments: China is still the biggest buyer of luxury watches, occupying a large market share, followed by the United States, brands should develop Chinese customers well

  1. Key Market Indicators



This watch contains a collection of smartwatches, digital watches, mechanical watches, quartz watches and various other watches

Data SCOPE of Watches segment

  • Klokker
  • Pocket watches
  • Analog and digital watches as well as smartwatches

  1. Market data

For watches:

  • Revenue in the Watches segment amounts to US$75.75bn in 2023. The market is expected to grow annually by 4.44% (CAGR 2023-2026).
  • In global comparison, most revenue is generated in China (US$17,800.00m in 2023).
  • In relation to total population figures, per-person revenues of US$9.86 are generated in 2023.
  • By 2023, 60% of sales in the Watches segment will be attributable to Non-Luxury goods.

Comments: The watch market is still in growth mode

  1. Revenue:

Notes: Data shown is using current exchange rates and reflects market impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Most recent update: Jun 2022

Comments: Turnover is also growing

Comments: Change in turnover percentage and decrease in profit

  1. watches -Average revenue per Capita is increasing

Most recent update: Jun 2022

Comments: Revenue per capita for watches is growing, indicating that people are willing to invest in watches

  1. Luxury Revenue Share

Most recent update: Jun 2022

Comments: The revenue of luxury and non-luxury watches remains the same as before, people invest in non-luxury watches more than luxury watches, after all, the general public is the majority, non-luxury brands can still expand the market well

  1. Sales Channels

Most recent update: Oct 2021

Comments: The online sales channel is still growing at a certain percentage

Comments: As people’s reliance on cell phones rises, the amount of cell phone purchases and watch browsing has been on the rise, Mobile applications in the market share has been going online and is expected to have a share of 59.8% in 2025

  1. Key Players

Most recent update: Oct 2020

Comments: the Apple watch, Richemont, Rolex, and Swatch, 4 major brands occupy the main market, Apple smartwatches are still more popular.

  1. Global Comparison

Most recent update: Jun 2022

Comments: China has become the largest market for luxury watches in the region due to the presence of high-net-worth individuals. The same, do not fail to think about the Chinese market customers.

  1. Key Market Indicators

The following Key Market Indicators give an overview of the social and economic outlook of the selected region and provide additional insights into relevant market-specific developments.


Final Thought on Market Insight of Watches & Luxury Watches :

All data show that watches are a market worth investing in. Although the overall market economy is not very stable now, everyone is tightening their budgets and the purchasing power of non-essential consumer goods is declining, the building of a watch brand is a long-term process, so it is better to start slowly from now on.


However, the above data is not enough, let’s look at the worst times, under the impact of the epidemic, the market data


Overview Report of Watches & Jewelry 2020


In 2019, Watches and jewelry comprised 67% of the Accessories market, generating US$344.0 billion.

Let’s see the reports:

Klokker & Jewelry Overview

  • Market Definition

Jewelry and Watches are an essential part of the Watches & Smykkesegment

  1. The Watches & Jewelry segment contains watches, pocket watches, stopwatches, and jewelry watches.
  2. Moreover, the segment includes brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets made from most different materials.

The below data does not include: Watch parts, Watchbands, and Non-wearable fashion accessories

It includes: Analog and digital watches as well as smartwatches, Fashion, and high-jewelry

  • Viktige takeaways
  1. In 2019, the Accessories market generated a total revenue of US$511.4 billion worldwide.
  2. At 67%, Watches & Jewelry was the largest segment of the Accessories market with US$344.0 billion in revenues in 2019.
  3. Key players in the Accessories market include Rajesh Exports Ltd., Compagnie Financière Richemont SA, Lao Feng Xiang Co., Ltd., Samsonite International SA, and Pandora AS

Verdensomspennende inntektsandel i 2019

Worldwide Accessories revenue in billions of US$

Segment overview

In 2019, worldwide Watches & Jewelry sales amounted to US$344.0 billion

  • Viktige takeaways
  1. The worldwide Watches & Jewelry revenue will increase at a CAGR1 of 1.5% from 2012 to 2025.
  2. Due to COVID-19, the new 2020 forecast for the Watches & Jewelry segment is 15.9% lower than the original forecast.
  3. In the Watches and jewelry segment, Hong Kong (US$976.5) and Singapore (US$307.5) had the highest annual revenue per capita in 2019.


Worldwide revenue in billions of US$


COVID-19 impact

Due to COVID-19, the 2020 forecast for the Watches & Jewelry segment is 15.9% lower now

Worldwide revenue in billions of US$1


Revenue share by subsegment

Jewelry generates the highest revenue in the Watches & Smykkesegment

Worldwide revenue in billions of US$


Accessories: top 10 companies by revenue

Rajesh Exports Ltd. had the highest total revenue of The top companies in the Accessories market


Regional Overview

  • Worldwide comparison

In 2019, people of Hong Kong and Singaporeans spent the most on Watches and Jewelry

Comment: HK has the best data because a lot of people from mainland China go to Hong Kong to buy luxury goods Hk most people buy those because Chinese mainland people always

Inntekt per innbygger rangert i USD i 2019

Inntektsandel i 2019

  • KPI comparison

KPI comparison – Europe (1/2)

Watches and jewelry sales in Europe will increase at a CAGR1 of 1.2% from 2012 to 2025

Omsetning i milliarder amerikanske dollar

Inntekt per innbygger i USD

KPI comparison – Europe (2/2)

In Europe, the UK was the country with the highest revenue in the Watches & Smykkesegment

Inntektsrangering i milliarder US$ i 2019


Inntekt per innbygger rangert i USD i 2019


KPI comparison – Americas (1/2)

Watches and jewelry sales in the Americas will increase at a CAGR1 of 1.3% from 2012 to 2025

Omsetning i milliarder amerikanske dollar

Inntekt per innbygger i USD


KPI comparison – Americas (2/2)

In the Americas, the U.S. was the country with the highest revenue in the Watches and jewelry segment.

Inntektsrangering i milliarder US$ i 2019

Inntekt per innbygger rangert i USD i 2019


KPI comparison – Asia (1/2)

Watches and jewelry sales in Asia will increase at a CAGR1 of 1.6% from 2012 to 2025

Omsetning i milliarder amerikanske dollar

Inntekt per innbygger i USD


KPI comparison – Asia (2/2)

In Asia, China was the country with the highest revenue in the Watches & Jewelry segment 7.

Inntektsrangering i milliarder US$ i 2019


Inntekt per innbygger rangert i USD i 2019


KPI comparison – Africa (1/2)

Watches and jewelry sales in Africa will increase at a CAGR1 of 3.9% from 2012 to 2025

Omsetning i milliarder amerikanske dollar


KPI-sammenligning – Afrika (2/2)

In Africa, Nigeria was the country with the highest revenue in the Watches & Smykkesegment

Inntektsrangering i milliarder US$ i 2019

Inntekt per innbygger rangert i USD i 2019


KPI comparison – Australia & Oseania (1/2)

Klokker & Jewelry sales in Australia & Oceania will increase at a CAGR1 of 0.5% from 2012 to 2025

Omsetning i milliarder amerikanske dollar

Inntekt per innbygger i USD


KPI comparison – Australia & Oseania (2/2)

I Australia & Oceania, Australia was the country with the highest revenue in the Watches & Smykkesegment

Inntektsrangering i milliarder US$ i 2019

Inntekt per innbygger rangert i USD i 2019


  • Top countries by region

In the UK, the Watches & Jewelry segment will grow by 13.0% from 2019 to 2025

Revenue in the top countries in billions of US$

Consumer Insights

  • Analyst Comments

The growing popularity of smartphones has hampered the growth of the watch industry


▪ The growing usage and popularity of smartphones have replaced the basic functionality of watches.

▪ The substituting effect of smartphones hampered the growth of the watch industry.

▪ Manufacturers are increasingly marketing watches as a fashion accessory, which appeals to only a limited section of society.

▪ The jewelry market has also witnessed only tepid growth, owing to factors such as the growing popularity of imitation jewelry due to its cost advantages.

  • Sales channels

Online retail‘s share of Accessories reached19.6% in 2019

Accessories: worldwide revenue share

Comment: The percentage of Online revenue is increasing year by year, if you still have no online channel, You can try one now.

  • COVID-19 impact on eCommerce

In 2020, consumers have shifted to purchasing clothing online in all major e-commerce markets

Online instead of offline purchases related to the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Top eCommerce stores var den største nettbutikken som spesialiserte seg på mote globalt i 2019

Største aktører med mote som hovedproduktkategori i 2019



Siste tanke

As we reflect on the Watches and jewelry market in 2020, it’s clear that this industry, while resilient, has encountered significant challenges, notably from the rise of smartphones and the shifting landscape of consumer preferences. However, it also demonstrates adaptability, with manufacturers repositioning watches as fashion accessories and the enduring allure of high-quality jewelry. the jewelry and jewelry industry is a potential industry worth investing in.

safirglass (1)

Ulemper med safirglass

Har du noen gang lurt på ulempene med safirglass?

Å forstå begrensningene er avgjørende for å ta informerte beslutninger om bruken.

La oss fordype oss i ulempene med safirglass og utforske potensielle løsninger.

Selv om safirglass gir mange fordeler, har det også flere ulemper som kan begrense bruken i visse bruksområder.

Noen av de viktigste ulempene med safirglass inkluderer:

safirglass (1)
safirglass (1)


Produksjonskostnaden for safirglass er høyere sammenlignet med andre typer glass eller gjennomsiktige materialer. Prosessen med å dyrke syntetiske safirkrystaller er kompleks og tidkrevende, og involverer høye temperaturer, spesialisert utstyr og presis kontroll av vekstforholdene, noe som øker produksjonskostnadene. Derfor er safirglass ofte dyrere enn tradisjonelt glass eller andre gjennomsiktige materialer, noe som gjør kostnadseffektiviteten lavere i noen applikasjoner.


Sprø natur:

Til tross for sin høye hardhet, er safirglass relativt sprøtt sammenlignet med materialer som herdet glass. Under visse forhold er safirglass utsatt for brudd eller brudd, spesielt når det utsettes for betydelig støt eller trykk. Denne sprøheten gjør safirglass mer utsatt for skader i applikasjoner som involverer høye slagkrefter eller mekanisk påkjenning.


Vanskeligheter med å behandle:

Safirglass er mer utfordrende å behandle sammenlignet med andre materialer. Det er et krystallinsk materiale som krever spesialiserte kutte-, slipe- og poleringsteknikker, noe som kan være mer tidkrevende og kostbart. I tillegg er safirglass vanskelig å lime eller sammenføye, noe som kan begrense bruken i applikasjoner som krever liming eller forsegling.


Begrenset størrelse og tykkelse:

På grunn av utfordringene med å dyrke store og tykke safirkrystaller, er størrelsen og tykkelsen på safirglass relativt begrenset. Sammenlignet med tradisjonelt glass har safirglass vanligvis mindre dimensjoner og tynnere tykkelser, noe som kanskje ikke er egnet for enkelte bruksområder som krever større eller tykkere glasskomponenter.

safirglass (1)
safirglass (1)


Safirglass har høyere tetthet enn tradisjonelt glass, noe som betyr at det kan være tyngre for en gitt størrelse og tykkelse. Dette kan være en ulempe i vektfølsomme applikasjoner eller ved utforming av lette enheter, der vekten av safirglass må vurderes.


Mer energikrevende produksjon:

Produksjonen av syntetiske safirkrystaller brukt til safirglass krever høye temperaturer og energikrevende prosesser, noe som kan gi høyere energiforbruk og miljøpåvirkning sammenlignet med andre materialer. Dette kan være en bekymring for applikasjoner eller bransjer med miljøhensyn.


Refleks uten antireflekterende (AR) belegg:

Safirglass har en relativt høy brytningsindeks, noe som kan føre til betydelig refleksjon på overflaten uten riktig antirefleksbelegg (AR). Dette kan føre til unødvendig refleksjon eller gjenskinn i visse applikasjoner, for eksempel skjermer eller optiske linser, som krever ekstra AR-belegg for å redusere dette problemet.

Selv om safirglass gir mange fordeler, har det også flere ulemper, inkludert høyere kostnader, sprøhet, prosesseringsvansker, begrenset størrelse og tykkelse, vekt, mer energikrevende produksjon og refleksjon uten AR-belegg. Når man vurderer egnetheten til safirglass for spesifikke bruksområder, må disse begrensningene vurderes, og alternative materialer kan foretrekkes basert på kravene og begrensningene til søknaden.


Klokkeglass med AR-belegg

Om klokkeglassbelegg

Venner som har brukt klokker kan ha opplevd dette fenomenet: under sollys reflekterer glassoverflaten på klokken lyset kraftig, noe som påvirker tidens lesbarhet.

Den høye reflektiviteten til glassoverflaten gjør det vanskelig å lese tiden tydelig i sterkt lys, noe som reduserer klokkens praktiske funksjon og påvirker brukeropplevelsen.

For å løse dette problemet er det mulig å påføre et belegg på klokkeglasset ved å bruke anti-reflekterende beleggsteknologi for å redusere refleksjonen av glassoverflaten og forbedre urets lesbarhet under forskjellige lysforhold. Ved å bruke AR-beleggsteknologi kan klokkeglassoverflaten effektivt redusere gjenskinn og refleksjon, noe som muliggjør tydelig tidsavlesning under ulike lysforhold.


La oss ta en titt på klassifiseringen av klokkeglassbelegg;

Typer klokkeglassbelegg

Klokkeglassbelegg refererer til påføringen av et beskyttende lag på overflaten av et klokkeglass for å forbedre holdbarheten, ripebestandigheten og den generelle ytelsen. Dette belegget påføres vanligvis ved bruk av avanserte teknikker som fysisk dampavsetning (PVD) eller kjemisk dampavsetning (CVD). Hensikten med klokkeglassbelegg er å forbedre overflateegenskapene til glasset, noe som gjør det mer motstandsdyktig mot riper, flekker og andre former for skader som kan oppstå under daglig bruk.

safirglass (1)
safirglass (1)

Det er flere typer belegg som brukes i urproduksjon:

  • Anti-reflekterende belegg (AR-belegg): Denne typen belegg påføres for å redusere gjenskinn og refleksjoner på klokkeglasset, og forbedre synlighet og lesbarhet, spesielt under sterke lysforhold.
  • Ripebestandig belegg: Dette belegget er designet for å gjøre klokkeglasset mer motstandsdyktig mot riper, og sikrer at det beholder sin klarhet og utseende over tid.
  • Anti-fingeravtrykk belegg: Dette belegget hjelper til med å avvise fingeravtrykk og flekker, og holder klokkeglasset rent og fritt for uønskede merker.
  • Vannavvisende belegg: Noen klokkebriller er belagt med et vannavstøtende lag for å forbedre vannmotstanden og hindre vanndråper i å feste seg til overflaten.
  • UV-beskyttende belegg: Denne typen belegg bidrar til å beskytte urglasset mot de skadelige effektene av ultrafiolett (UV) stråling, som kan forårsake misfarging og nedbrytning over tid.

Totalt sett spiller klokkeglassbelegg en avgjørende rolle for å forbedre ytelsen og levetiden til en klokke, for å sikre at den forblir i optimal stand i årene som kommer

Det mest brukte belegget for klokkeglass er AR-belegget.

Urglass med belegg
Urglass med belegg

Hva er AR-belegget på klokkeglass?

La oss ta en titt på klassifiseringen av klokkeglassbelegg.

Alle vet at ethvert glass vil produsere gjenskinn, inkludert flatt og buet glass. Derfor, som mange optiske instrumenter’ linser (inkludert brilleglass), beleggbehandling er nødvendig på glasset for å redusere gjenskinn og øke transmittansen. Spesielt for klokker med relativt store diametre og buet glass kreves ytterligere beleggbehandling.

Blant de tilgjengelige optiske filmmaterialene, jo høyere brytningsindeks, desto sterkere gjenskinn. Magnesiumfluorid (MgF2) har den minste brytningsindeksen, bare rundt 1,38, som er mye lavere enn brytningsindeksen til vanlig glass og enda lavere enn safirglass. Derfor kan bruk av magnesiumfluorid som materiale for å belegge glasset av klokker redusere lysreflektansen fra 4 % til 1,8 %.

Anti-reflekterende belegg, også kjent som AR-belegg, er et tynt lag av materiale belagt på glassoverflaten, ved å bruke den mest avanserte magnetron-sputtering-beleggteknologien internasjonalt for å belegge et lag med anti-reflekterende film på overflaten av vanlig herdet glass.

AR-belegg (antireflekterende) kan påføres ikke bare på safirglass, men også på andre typer glassoverflater, som mineralglass eller organisk glass. Hovedfunksjonen til AR-belegg er å redusere lysrefleksjon og forbedre lystransmittansen, og dermed forbedre den visuelle klarheten.

Dette belegget er spesielt nyttig for de som trenger å lese klokker tydelig under alle lysforhold. AR-belegg gjør fargene som overføres gjennom glasset mer levende og realistiske.

Derfor vil effekten av å belegge safirklokkeglass være bedre. Spesielt for klokker med relativt store diametre og buet glass kreves ytterligere beleggbehandling.


Merk: Belegg kan ikke fullstendig eliminere gjenskinn, men kan bare redusere det.

Glass behandlet med belegg vil vise en svak blålilla farge.

Det finnes forskjellige forbindelser tilgjengelig for bruk på urglass, og disse forbindelsene er forskjellige i AR-ytelse, holdbarhet og lesbarhet. For eksempel kan noen antirefleksfilmer gi glasset en svak blåfarge.

Noen klokker vil markere for å indikere at klokkeglasset er belagt, for eksempel Omega-klokker. På klokkekortet eller merkelappen, en sirkel med bokstaven “EN” innsiden indikerer at klokkeglasset har blitt belagt, mens “AA” indikerer at begge sider av klokkeglasset er belagt. Klokker har vanligvis mange reflekterende flekker, inkludert urkasse, urskive, visere, og er enten skinnende gull eller skinnende sølv. Derfor er belegg også et av tiltakene for å gjøre det mer praktisk å bruke klokker. Belegget på klokkeglasset er ikke like tydelig som det på kameralinser, og det er ofte vanskelig å oppdage.

Antirefleksbelegg er en viktig funksjon av klokker, og det er en betydelig forskjell mellom klokker med og uten antirefleksbelegg. I tillegg kan det forbedre det estetiske utseendet til linsen, slik at den ser klarere og mer gjennomsiktig ut.


Historien om AR-belegg på klokkeglass

Historien om AR-belegg på urglass går tilbake til slutten av 1800-tallet da konseptet først ble oppdaget av Lord Rayleigh i 1886. Han observerte at litt anløpet glass lot mer lys slippe gjennom sammenlignet med helt nytt glass, som reflekterte mer lys.

Det var imidlertid ikke før på midten av 1900-tallet at det ble gjort betydelige fremskritt i utviklingen og påføringen av antirefleksbelegg på urglass. I 1935 perfeksjonerte den sovjetiske forskeren Olexander Smakula teknologien for å lage og påføre anti-reflekterende belegg på optiske linser, noe som la grunnlaget for videre utvikling på feltet.

Ved slutten av andre verdenskrig hadde luftfartsindustrien allerede tatt i bruk antirefleksbelegg for pilotklokker. Piloter som fløy over skylag møtte ofte intens gjenskinn fra solen, noe som gjorde det vanskelig å lese klokkene. Anti-reflekterende belegg ble avgjørende for å forbedre lesbarheten under slike forhold, noe som førte til utbredt bruk i flyklokker.

Siden den gang har fremskritt innen materialer og produksjonsteknikker muliggjort en utbredt bruk av AR-belegg i urmakerindustrien. I dag er AR-belegg en standardfunksjon i mange høykvalitetsklokker, og tilbyr forbedret lesbarhet og estetisk appell ved å redusere gjenskinn og refleksjoner på klokkeglasset.


Urglass med belegg
Urglass med belegg

Hvor mange typer AR-belegg finnes det for klokkeglass?

AR-belegget på klokkeglass består hovedsakelig av to typer:

  • Dobbeltsidig belegg: Belegg påføres på begge sider av klokkeglasset, noe som forsterker antireflekseffekter, men er mindre holdbart på grunn av det ytre beleggets mottakelighet for riper.
  • Enkeltsidig belegg: Belegg påføres kun på den ene siden av glasset, noe som delvis løser refleksjonsproblemer, men reduserer antirefleksevnen.

Bortsett fra disse to metodene, er det også spotbelegg, som sett på Rolex Oyster-klokker der datoforstørrelsesglasset er belagt. Denne tilnærmingen sikrer antireflekseffekter og er plassert på innsiden, og minimerer skaderisikoen.

Noen avanserte merker kan også bruke antirefleksbelegg på den gjennomsiktige baksiden eller bevegelsesområdet for å redusere lysinterferens. Totalt sett er det ulike AR-beleggsmetoder for klokkeglass, hver med sine fordeler og ulemper. Valg av belegningsmetode avhenger av praktiske behov og bruksmiljøer.

I urmakerindustrien er beleggingsmetoder for urglass generelt delt inn i to typer: dobbeltsidig belegg og enkeltsidig belegg. For ytterligere å forbedre lystransmisjonen kan flere lag med belegg påføres på begge sider av glasset.

Begge belegningsmetodene har sine fordeler og ulemper.

Dobbeltsidig belegg innebærer å påføre belegg på begge sider av glasset, noe som øker AR-effektiviteten, men er mindre holdbart fordi det ytre belegget er utsatt for riper.

Enkeltsidig belegg dekker kun én side av glasset, noe som unngår refleksjonsproblemer, men reduserer antirefleksevnen.

I tillegg til disse to metodene er det også punktbelegg. For eksempel har Rolex Oyster-klokker vanligvis ikke noe belegg på innsiden og utsiden av speilet, men datoforstørrelsesglasset er belagt.

Årsaken til denne operasjonen er sannsynligvis på grunn av Rolexs vurdering av beleggets holdbarhet. Rolex-klokker er kjent for sin presisjon og holdbarhet. Selv om speilet kan reflektere lys, er det praktisk så lenge du unngår direkte lys. Bare å belegge datovisningsvinduet er fornuftig fordi det er lite og buet, og uten antirefleks er det vanskelig å se klart, noe som forårsaker betydelig interferens. Dessuten er Rolexs belegg laget på innsiden der lupen og speilet er festet, et område som ikke er utsatt for riper eller skader.

Selvfølgelig kan noen high-end merker også bruke antirefleksbelegg på den gjennomsiktige baksiden eller bevegelsesområdet for å redusere lysinterferens. Dette bidrar til å forhindre nedbrytning av smøreolje på grunn av lys som påvirker bevegelsens drift.


Fordeler med Watch Glass AR Coating:

Denne teknologien har blitt mye brukt i klokkeproduksjonsindustrien, men den har også sine fordeler og ulemper.


  • Forbedret holdbarhet: Belagt glass forbedrer hardheten til uroverflaten, og forbedrer dermed holdbarheten.
  • Ripemotstand: Belagt glass forhindrer effektivt riper på uroverflaten, og bevarer klokkens estetiske appell.
  • Anti-refleks: Belagt glass reduserer refleksjoner på uroverflaten, noe som gjør klokken klarere og mer synlig i sollys.
  • Flekkmotstand: Belagt glass forhindrer forurensning av uroverflaten, noe som gjør det lettere å rengjøre.


Ulemper med Watch Glass AR Coating:

  • Utsatt for å skrape: Selv om belagt glass forsterker hardheten til uroverflaten, er det fortsatt utsatt for riper, spesielt etter langvarig bruk. Selv om safirglassoverflaten kan forbli intakt hvis den blir ripet opp, kan belegget være utsatt for synlige riper.
  • Mottakelig for peeling: Belagt glass er utsatt for avskalling, spesielt under langvarig eksponering for vibrasjoner eller stoffer som sjøvann, svette, varmt vann eller kjemikalier. Derfor er holdbarhet en bekymring.
  • Ikke egnet for dykking: Belagt glass er ikke egnet for dykking da det ikke tåler trykket fra høytrykksvann.
  • Fargefading: Belagt glass kan endre farge over tid på grunn av langvarig eksponering for sollys, noe som påvirker klokkens estetiske appell.
  • Lett slitasje: TDet ytre antirefleksbelegget på urglasset er utsatt for slitasje, og blir synlig når det er riper på grunn av refleksjonsforskjellen mellom de belagte og ripede områdene.
  • Fuktighetsfølsomhet: Klokker som er lagret over lengre tid, bør beskyttes mot fuktighet. Eksponering for et fuktig miljø kan føre til muggdannelse på glassoverflaten og skade på belegglaget. Derfor er det viktig å bruke tørkemidler i klokkebokser og unngå fuktige omgivelser.


Fordelene med klokkebelagt glassteknologi er betydelige, siden den forbedrer klokkens holdbarhet, ripebestandighet, antirefleksegenskaper og flekkmotstand. Det har imidlertid også noen ulemper, som mottakelighet for riper, lett avskalling, uegnethet for dykking og mottakelighet for misfarging. Derfor, når du kjøper en klokke, kreves det nøye vurdering.


Produksjonsprosessen av AR-belegg involverer flere trinn:

  1. Rengjør safiroverflaten for å fjerne smuss, støv eller olje som kan påvirke beleggets kvalitet.
  2. Påfør belegget ved hjelp av den fysiske dampavsetningsprosessen (PVD), hvor glasset plasseres i et vakuumkammer og et tynt lag med materiale avsettes på overflaten ved hjelp av sputtering.
  3. Sørg for at beleggingsprosessen utføres i et kontrollert miljø for å oppnå jevn belegg og konsistent tykkelse over hele linsen.
  4. Etter belegg, fjern glasset fra vakuumkammeret og inspiser det for å sikre at det ikke er noen defekter i belegget.
  5. Herd belegget ved å utsette glasset for ultrafiolett (UV) lys, som aktiverer kjemiske reaksjoner i belegget, noe som gjør det hardere og mer holdbart.

Det er viktig å merke seg at, som enhver overflatebehandling, kan den være utsatt for riper og kan kreve periodisk vedlikehold. For å løse dette kan et lag med safirbelegg påføres på toppen av AR-belegget.

Hvilken farge er AR-belegget på klokkeglasset?

Klokkeglass med AR-belegg
Klokkeglass med AR-belegg

AR-belegget på klokkeglass er vanligvis gjennomsiktig, men i noen tilfeller kan det ha en farget nyanse som blå, grønn eller lilla. Uansett om det er gjennomsiktig eller farget, er det ikke lett merkbart, og fargede belegg er vanligvis bare merkbare ved bestemte lysvinkler.

Siste tanke:

Avslutningsvis er påføringen av AR-belegg på urglass et betydelig fremskritt innen urproduksjonsteknologi, som gir både fordeler og ulemper. Selv om den forbedrer holdbarhet, ripebestandighet og synlighet under ulike lysforhold, er den også utsatt for riper, avskalling og misfarging over tid. Derfor, når du velger en klokke, er det viktig å veie disse faktorene og vurdere det tiltenkte bruksmiljøet. Totalt sett spiller AR-belegg en avgjørende rolle for å forbedre ytelsen og levetiden til klokkene, og bidrar til en bedre brukeropplevelse.

urglass med AR-belegg (4)

Sapphire vs Mineral: Hvilket klokkeglass for klokken din?

I klokkeindustrien, hvorfor velger de fleste luksusklokker å bruke safirglass? Er safirglass virkelig et symbol på høykvalitets klokkekvalitet?

Hvorfor tror folk generelt at klokker med safirglass er av høyere kvalitet?

Vi tar sikte på å avdekke ytelsen og ulike forskjeller mellom safirkrystallglass og mineralglass gjennom sammenlignende analyse, og gir kloke valgråd for klokkeentusiaster.

safir krystall
safir krystall

Vi tar først en titt på tre vanligste typer klokkekrystallmaterialer:

  1. Safirglass
  2. Mineralglass (uorganisk glass)
  3. Akrylglass (organisk glass)

Vi har dekket klokkeglasset i sin helhet før:

Alt jeg lærte om klokker Briller fra urfabrikken

safir krystall
safir krystall

Forskjellene mellom Sapphire Watch Glass, Mineral Glass og Acrylic Glass?

Forskjellene mellom disse glassmaterialene er som følger:

Akryl glass

Akrylglass, ofte kjent som akryl eller organisk glass, er en type materiale som brukes til klokkekrystaller. Den har en mykere tekstur og høyere formbarhet. Tidligere brukte mange klokker dette materialet, inkludert antikke klokker som finnes på markedet i dag.


  • Utmerket elastisitet og motstandsdyktig mot knusing, ofte referert til som sikkerhetsglass.


  • Utsatt for riper og noe lavere gjennomsiktighet.

Grunner for å velge:

  • Rimelige riper kan poleres av en urmaker uten behov for utskifting. Hvis ripene er for dype, kan krystallen byttes ut rimelig.

Mineralsk krystallglass

Mineralkrystallglass, også kjent som Hardlex eller Akrylkrystall, er en type glass forsterket med mineraler. Den ble utviklet på grunn av mangel på naturlige krystaller.


  • Høy hardhet, utmerket gjennomsiktighet, klart og lyst utseende.


  • Høyere enhetspris sammenlignet med Akrylglass.

Grunner for å velge:

  • Moderat pris, høy hardhet, ripebestandig, klar og gjennomsiktig uten bobler eller vannmerker, og den har piezoelektriske egenskaper, og tilbyr spesielle helsemessige fordeler.


Safir krystallglass

Safirkrystallglass er en krystallinsk overflate laget av kunstig komprimerte safirkrystaller, som er aluminiumoksidkrystaller med urenheter som jernoksid og titanoksid fjernet. Kjemisk er akryl safir identisk med naturlig safir og har ikke en “blå” farge.


  • Høy tetthet og ripebestandighet, med hardhet nest etter diamant.
  • Utmerket lystransmisjon, lav friksjon, høy temperaturbestandighet og overlegen holdbarhet sammenlignet med mineralkrystall og akrylglass.


  • Ikke støtbestandig, sårbar for støt, trykk eller fall, noe som kan føre til sprekker ved støt.

Hvilket materiale er overlegent?

Når det gjelder hardhet og slitestyrke: Akrylglass < Mineralsk krystallglass < Safirglass.

Hver har sine fordeler: Akrylglass er mindre sannsynlig å knuse og kan poleres; mineralkrystallglass har moderat ripebestandighet og sterkere motstand mot vertikale støt enn safirglass; safirkrystallglass, til tross for sin høye hardhet, er utsatt for brudd og medfører høyere reparasjonskostnader.

For high-end kunder anbefales safirglass på grunn av dets spesielle fysiske og kjemiske egenskaper, høy hardhet (Mohs skala 9), overlegen slitestyrke og motstand mot korrosjon.

Low-end klokker bruker ofte organisk glass, også kjent som akryl, som til tross for å være utsatt for riper, er spenstig og mye brukt i low-end klokker.

Hvert materiale har sine fordeler og er valgt basert på faktorer som pris, ripebestandighet, gjennomsiktighet og holdbarhet.

Klokkeglass: Sapphire Glass VS Mineral Glass

Safirglass og mineralglass er to vanlige materialer som brukes i urproduksjon og produksjon av visse optiske komponenter. Her er noen viktige forskjeller mellom dem:

  1. Materialsammensetning:
    • Safir krystallglass: Laget av akryl safir, en krystallinsk form av aluminiumoksid. Den er svært gjennomsiktig og ripebestandig.
    • Mineralglass: Sammensatt av forskjellige mineraler, typisk en herdet form for glass. Den er mindre ripebestandig sammenlignet med safirglass.
  2. Hardhet:
    • Safir krystallglass: Et av de hardeste materialene (Mohs: 9), nest etter diamanter (Mohs: 10). Den er svært motstandsdyktig mot riper.
    • Mineralglass: Mens den er herdet, er den ikke så ripebestandig som safirkrystall og kan vise tegn på slitasje over tid.
urglass med AR-belegg (4)
urglass med AR-belegg (4)

Generelt sett er safirkrystall tre ganger sterkere enn mineralglass og 20 ganger sterkere enn plastglass.

    1. Ripemotstand:
      • Safir krystallglass: Ekstremt motstandsdyktig mot riper, noe som gjør den ideell for bruksområder der holdbarhet er avgjørende.
      • Mineralglass: Tåler fortsatt riper til en viss grad, men den er mer utsatt for synlige riper sammenlignet med safirglass.
    2. Klarhet:
      • Safir krystallglass: Tilbyr utmerket gjennomsiktighet og klarhet, noe som gir en klar visning av skiven og komponentene under.
      • Mineralglass: Gir generelt god klarhet, men kan ha noe forvrengning sammenlignet med safirkrystall.
    3. Koste:
      • Safir krystallglass: Vanligvis dyrere å produsere, noe som kan bidra til høyere totale produktkostnader.
      • Mineralglass: Generelt mer kostnadseffektivt, noe som gjør det til et populært valg for mer budsjettvennlige alternativer.
    4. Vekt:
      • Safir krystallglass: Tyngre enn mineralglass på grunn av tettheten.
      • Mineralglass: Lettere i forhold.
    5. Applikasjoner:
      • Safir krystallglass: Vanligvis brukt i high-end klokker, kameralinser og andre applikasjoner der ripebestandighet er avgjørende.
      • Mineralglass: Finnes i et bredt utvalg av klokker, briller og andre optiske instrumenter.
    6. Form:
      • Safir krystallglass: Safirglass er begrenset til bare flatt.
      • Mineralglass: Mineralkrystallglass kan produseres i en rekke former.

Klokkeglass: Sapphire Glass VS Akrylglass

I moderne klokker er det mest brukte materialet for klokkekrystallen safirglass. Men historisk sett har klokker ikke alltid blitt laget utelukkende med dette materialet som klokkekrystall.

Ta Rolex for eksempel, moderne Rolex-klokker har alle gått over til safirglass, men i tidligere tider, før slutten av forrige århundre, brukte Rolex også plastmateriale akryl for å lage klokkekrystallen. Akrylmateriale hadde to hovedfordeler:

  • Slagmotstand: Akrylkrystall, også kjent som plastglass, er et pålitelig og slitesterkt materiale, spesielt motstandsdyktig mot støt. Når du trykker med en fingertupp, produserer den en klar og høy lyd.
  • Mindre sannsynlig å knuse: Hvis en akrylkrystall går i stykker, knuses den vanligvis ikke i små fragmenter. Som et resultat er det nesten ingen risiko for å skade urskiven, viserne eller interne bevegelser.

Selvfølgelig er akrylkrystall ikke uten sine ulemper. Den største ulempen er at den ikke er ripebestandig og ikke gir tilstrekkelig vannmotstand.

Akrylmateriale er en polymer sammensatt av polymetylmetakrylat. I tiden før safirkrystallmateriale ble utbredt, var akryl det vanlige materialet som ble brukt av forskjellige klokkeprodusenter.

Grunnen til at urmakere favoriserte det var fordi det ga en viss grad av slagfasthet og beskyttelse. Selv om en akrylkrystall skulle gå i stykker fra en sterk støt, var det mindre sannsynlig at den knuste til fine partikler, noe som minimerte virkningen på urskiven.

kuppelformet klokkeglass
kuppelformet klokkeglass

Imidlertid begynte akrylkrystaller gradvis å bli erstattet fordi de hadde noen merkbare ulemper. For eksempel hadde de lavere hardhet og var utsatt for riper, noe som resulterte i synlige riper på krystallen.

I tillegg hadde akrylkrystaller dårligere gjennomsiktighet, noe som ga klokkene et litt tåkete utseende. Dessuten, fra et produksjonsperspektiv, hadde plastglass en tendens til å være tykkere, noe som ga vekt på klokken og gjorde den mindre egnet for produksjon av ultratynne klokker.

I dag bruker kjente trendy sportsklokker som Casios G-SHOCK fortsatt akrylkrystallglass. Imidlertid har akrylkrystaller sett en gjenoppblomstring i noen populære sportsklokker i dag på grunn av deres slagfasthet og mindre sannsynlighet for å knuse, og mangelen på gjennomsiktighet påvirker ikke klokker med LED-skjermer nevneverdig.

Rolex gikk gradvis over til teknologisk avansert safirglass på 1980-tallet. Dette materialet er primært sammensatt av aluminiumoksid (Al2O3), som ikke er en naturlig edelsten, men snarere syntetisk produsert. Dette tillot klokkeprodusenter å nyte fordelene som ligner på naturlig safir uten en betydelig økning i produksjonskostnadene.


Fordelene med safirkrystallglass ligger i dets høye hardhet, og når en Mohs-hardhet på 9, som bare er litt lavere enn diamant. Dette betyr at det ikke er lett å skrape safirglass, noe som gjør det motstandsdyktig mot riper.

I tillegg har safirkrystallglass bedre gjennomsiktighet, og gir klokken et lyst og klart utseende. Videre kan den behandles i en tynnere grad, noe som muliggjør en reduksjon i den totale tykkelsen på klokken.

Disse fordelene betyr imidlertid ikke nødvendigvis at safirglass er overlegent akrylglass. Sammen med dens høye hardhet kommer risikoen for at safirkrystall kan knuses lettere ved kraftig støt. I slike tilfeller kan det utgjøre en trussel mot urskiven og bevegelsesstrukturen, spesielt for klokker med uthulet eller åpent design. Selv om safirglass kan være svært holdbart, kan skadene på klokken bli mer alvorlige hvis det knuses.

Men hvorfor velger forskjellige merker fortsatt safirkrystallmateriale og forlater akrylglassmateriale?

Svaret er ikke vanskelig å gjette. For i daglig bruk er sjansen for at klokken blir lett riper av ytre faktorer større enn sjansen for at klokken blir sterkt påvirket. I tillegg har teknologien for å produsere safirkrystallglass blitt veldig populær og øker ikke kostnadene vesentlig. Derfor har bytte til safirglass blitt et bedre valg for klokkefabrikker.

Bortsett fra disse to materialene, bruker klokkefabrikker også mineralglass for å lage klokker, som er litt mellom akrylglass og safirglass. Selv om klokker som bruker mineralglass ikke er veldig vanlig i dag, vises de fortsatt av og til i verkene til noen merker. Men når det gjelder utbredelse, er safirkrystall fortsatt det vanlige materialet i klokkeindustrien.


Mineralglass brukes mest i noen klassiske retro-klokker som krever spesielle krystallformer for å komplementere den generelle stilen til klokken, for eksempel enkeltkuppel- og dobbelkuppelkrystaller. Enkeltkuppelede krystaller forsterker forstørrelseseffekten på skiven, mens dobbeltkuppelede krystaller skaper en mer ideell og fremtredende dybdeeffekt på skiven.

Enten det er en enkeltkuppel eller dobbelkuppel krystall, gir den en retrofølelse til klokkens generelle design, noe som gjør urskiven visuelt overbevisende og lett å lese. Denne typen krystall oppnår ikke bare en tredimensjonal visuell effekt med sin konvekse form, men forbedrer også forstørrelseseffekten til skiveelementene, noe som gir tynnere og mer delikat klokkedesign.


Hvorfor bruke mineralglass i stedet for safirglass?

Dette er fordi noen klokkekrystaller, ikke flate, har utstående kanter som er utsatt for å bli slått. Safir er også veldig skjør, så bruk av vanlig glass er mer pålitelig i sammenligning. Selvfølgelig, for å løse problemet med ripebestandighet på krystalloverflaten, påfører noen klokkeprodusenter også et safirbelegg på akrylglass for å oppnå sine ripebestandige egenskaper. I tillegg er mineralsk akrylglass mye billigere enn safir.


Prissammenligning på Sapphire vs Mineral and Acrylic Watch Glass

Er safir dyrt? I virkeligheten, med den utbredte bruken av safirkrystallglass, har markedsprisen blitt svært rimelig. I dag bruker mange populære klokkemerker på markedet safirglass. Men sammenlignet med mineralglass og akryl er safirglass relativt dyrt.



Hva er Mineral Watch Glass?

Mineralglass, også kjent som akrylkrystall, er et ofte brukt materiale i urproduksjon. Det er et vanlig krystallglass som gjennomgår polerings- og herdeprosesser. I motsetning til safirglass har mineralglass en lavere hardhet. Den ble utviklet på grunn av mangel på naturlige krystaller, som ikke kunne møte kravene til industrien. Den høye gjennomsiktigheten gjør den egnet for ulike håndverk, noe som bidrar til dens popularitet. Prosessen med å lage mineralglass involverer smelting av silika og blyoksid, noe som resulterer i en skinnende overflate med klarhet oppnådd gjennom avansert poleringsteknologi.

Mineralforsterket glass har en hardhet på 7, noe som gjør det motstandsdyktig mot riper fra de fleste daglige gjenstander som kniver og stålsagblad, som vanligvis har lavere hardhetsnivåer. Det er imidlertid viktig å være forsiktig da sandkorn, som også har en hardhet på 7, kan skrape opp overflaten. Å velge en safiroverflate er å foretrekke hvis mulig. Safiroverflater, laget ved å belegge glasset med et lag syntetisk safir, har en overflatehardhet på 9, noe som gjør dem svært motstandsdyktige mot riper fra alt unntatt diamant og safir. I tillegg er de motstandsdyktige mot skade fra sandkorn.

klokke med buet glass
klokke med buet glass

Er klokker med mineralglass bra?

Svar 1:

Mineralkrystallglass, også kjent som akrylkrystall, er en type materiale som brukes i klokker. Det er vanligvis vanlig krystallglass som er polert og herdet, selv om hardheten er lavere enn for safirkrystall. Dette glasset ble utviklet på grunn av knapphet og vanskeligheter med å utvinne naturlige krystaller, som ikke kunne møte etterspørselen. På grunn av sin høye gjennomsiktighet er den populær for ulike håndverk. Mineralkrystallglass er krystallinsk med høy hardhet (Mohs hardhet på 7), god varmeledningsevne og en kjølig følelse ved berøring. Det fremstår klart og lyst mot lys, uten små bobler eller vannmerker, noe som gjør det relativt dyrt.

Svar 2:

Ripemotstanden til mineralforsterket glass er litt dårligere enn safirglass, da hardheten er ca. 7, mens safirglass har en hardhet på 9. Imidlertid har mineralforsterket glass høyere samlet trykkfasthet enn safirglass. Derfor bruker alle dypdykkerklokker (dypere enn 200 meter) mineralforsterket glass til klokkeglasset. Selv om safirglass har utmerket motstand mot riper, er tykkelsen bare 5 mikrometer, og dens totale trykkstyrke er lavere enn for mineralforsterket glass, noe som gjør det uegnet for dypdykkerklokker.

Hva er antirefleks-klokkeglasset?

Enkelt sagt er antirefleksbelegg en flerlagsfilm som er galvanisert på linsen for å forhindre lysrefleksjon. Det brukes ofte i profesjonell luftfart, dykkerklokker eller klokker med stor speilkurvatur. Det kan deles inn i dobbeltlags antirefleksglass og ettlags antirefleksglass. Forskjellen ligger i at førstnevnte er galvanisert på begge sider av linsen, mens sistnevnte kun er belagt på innsiden av glasset. Effektiviteten til begge typer er lik.

Hovedfunksjonen til antirefleksbelegg er å forhindre gjenskinn og refleksjon, noe som muliggjør bedre lesbarhet. Sett forfra kan det se ut som om det ikke er montert på speilet, men fra en bestemt vinkel reflekterer det et lag med blåaktig farge, lik øynene på belegget.

Siste tanke:

Til syvende og sist avhenger valget mellom safirglass, mineralglass og akrylglass av de spesifikke kravene til applikasjonen, budsjetthensyn og ønsket nivå av holdbarhet og ripebestandighet. Og det er ikke safirkrystallen som gjør klokken bedre.


rolex watches

Just Stones! Makes the Rolex’s Trendsetting Blue and Green Dials

All things that are beautiful with color, such as flowers and leaves, or the blue of the sky and the glory of sunset, are fleeting and ever-changing. Only the luster and color of precious stones have remained unchanged from thousands of years ago until now. Thousands of years later, they will be the same

-[The Curious Lore of Precious Stone]

George F. Kunz (Gemologist and mineralogist, year 1856~1932)


The use of gemstones is not limited to jewelry; they are also common in watchmaking. Most gemstones are known for their durability, and their rich colors and luster enhance the aesthetics of timepieces.

They are set into watch cases and used as decorations on watch dials. Similar to Pantone announcing the color of the year, in recent years, there has been a trend in the watch industry where different colors dominate watch dials at different times.

Brands achieve color expression through techniques such as paintin and enamel, and using gemstones of various materials to craft dials is also a popular method.

do you know any of the gemstones?

For wristwatches, what defines beauty?

We commonly consider factors such as case design, dial layout, transparent case backs, and intricate functionalities—all within the confines of a small space, where beauty lies in the details.

The dial, often compared to afacial expressionfor watches, is undoubtedly influenced by its color. As mentioned, when gemstones are crafted into watch dials, the emphasis tends to lean towards considerations ofcolor coordination.Therefore, compared to the intrinsic value of the gemstone itself, its color plays a crucial role in expressing the overall aesthetic appeal of the watch and significantly impacts its value.

In the pursuit of enhancing the visual allure of thisface,brands invest effort into selecting gemstones of appropriate colors.

This post utilizing various types of precious gemstones, and the following is an introduction to some commonly used gemstones in the creation of watch dials.


01 Diamond


Diamond is the only gemstone composed of a single element—carbon atoms, with a carbon content as high as 99.95%. The remaining 0.05% consists of trace elements not belonging to its basic chemical structure. Most diamonds formed during the ancient era, over a billion years ago, and they only crystallized under high temperature and pressure conditions approximately 100 miles beneath the Earth’s surface.

raw diamond
Cuted diamond


How do we evaluate the quality of a colorless diamond? It’s based on the 4Cs: Carat (weight), Color, Clarity, and Cut. According to these criteria, a good diamond is one that is larger, more colorless, clearer, and well-cut. Additionally, there are a few precious colored diamonds with extremely high value.

Diamonds have a long history, with records of diamond trading dating back to as early as 800 BC in India. Today, diamonds are widely prevalent globally. South Africa and Australia are major diamond-producing regions.

Diamonds possess a dazzling brilliance unmatched by other gemstones. They are not only favored in jewelry but are also frequently featured in watches. As the hardest gemstone in the world, diamonds are often presented in watches as part of the dial, showcasing their sparkle through intricate settings.


02 Lapis Lazuli

Mohs Hardness: 5-5.5

raw Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a rare metamorphic rock primarily composed of a mineral with sodium, aluminum, silicon, sulfur, chloride, and hydroxide, along with varying amounts of pyrite and white calcite. It is a semi-transparent to opaque gemstone with a waxy to glassy luster.

The color of Lapis Lazuli varies from slightly greenish blue to violet-blue, and high-quality lapis lazuli is characterized by a uniform, highly saturated blue with minimal golden flecks.

Polished stones


As early as 3100 BCE, there are records of lapis lazuli being mined, making it possibly the earliest used blue gemstone by humans. In ancient civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Greece, and Rome, lapis lazuli was considered a precious gem. Before the early 19th century, it was ground into powder and used as a deep blue pigment. During the Renaissance, artists used it to create a high-quality blue pigment known asUltramarine.

Lapis Lazuli has a long history of mining in Afghanistan and remains a primary source to this day. Other major producing areas include Chile and Russia. Lapis Lazuli has consistently been a favored material for watch dials in luxury timepieces


03 Tiger’s Eye

Mohs Hardness: 6.5-7

Tiger’s Eye is a semi-precious variety of quartz known for its chatoyancy—a phenomenon where a bright band of light, resembling the long, narrow eye of a cat, appears on the gemstone’s curved surface. It is named for its resemblance to the sharp eyes of a tiger.

Images from the Internet


Polished tiger’s eye-Images from the Internet

Tiger’s Eye forms during the initial stages of the alteration of crocidolite fibers, first turning into iron oxide and later replaced by silica. The gemstone is typically opaque and ranges in color from rich yellow to brown. A high-quality Tiger’s Eye should exhibit flawless surfaces, with a well-defined and bright cat’s eye effect positioned centrally.


Tiger’s Eye has historical mentions dating back to ancient Roman and Egyptian times, where it was associated with sun gods and victory. The primary sources of Tiger’s Eye include South Africa, Brazil, and China.

After undergoing cabochon cutting, Tiger’s Eye displays excellent luster, and its attractiveness is further enhanced by different reflections when viewed from various angles.


04 Turquoise

Mohs Hardness: 5-6

Turquoise is a gemstone formed in crystalline structures near shallow water in arid and barren regions. It is a semi-translucent to opaque gem, commonly appearing in an opaque form with stripes, spots, or iron-like vein patterns. The finest quality turquoise exhibits a unique and intense blue hue, often described asrobin’s egg blue,” “sky blue,orPersian blue.

raw turquoise
Polished turquoise

Turquoise has a long history and holds the distinction of being the first gemstone to be mined and replicated. As early as 4000 BCE, beads made of turquoise were discovered in burial sites in ancient Egyptian tombs.

Iran and the United States are currently significant sources of high-quality turquoise, with China being the largest global producer. Additionally, Mexico, Australia, Chile, Russia, Turkey, and other regions also contribute to turquoise production.



05 Chrysocolla(also named: Turquoise)

Mohs Hardness: 3.5-4.5


Above mentioned Turquoise is not the same stone with Chrysocolla, but name might be the same, Chrysocolla is a copper-bearing mineral known for its turquoise-green color, and high-quality specimens often feature blocky formations with greenish bands. It is frequently confused with turquoise due to similar appearance and color. While turquoise has a blue base, turquoise is green and can range from transparent to semi-translucent.

raw Chrysocolla
Polished Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla/Turquoise can be considered one of the most crucial minerals in human history. It is believed that as early as 4000 BCE, people discovered that heating turquoise could produce natural copper.

this might have been the first instance of humans smelting metal from ore, sparking exploration into metallic ores and advancing the development of metallurgy. In ancient Egypt around 3000 BCE, turquoise was recognized and used as an amulet, jewelry, and eyeshadow.


06 Jadeite

Mohs Hardness: 7

Chalcedony is formed when low-temperature, silica-rich solutions permeate existing rocks, especially volcanic rocks, in cavities and fractures. It is one of the earliest gemstone materials in the world. Pure chalcedony is white, but it takes on rich colors when it contains various trace elements or mineral inclusions.


raw jadeite stone-image from


Many varieties of chalcedony have specific names, such as agate, chrysoprase, bloodstone, green chalcedony, red chalcedony, blue chalcedony, and carnelian, with green chalcedony being particularly valuable.

To further differentiate, agate is the most representative variety of chalcedony, and if it has a clear banded structure, it is called agate. If it lacks a banded structure, it is considered chalcedony. Agate is characterized by concentric color banding in most specimens, displaying diverse colors due to different impurities, while chalcedony lacks banded textures and exhibits a uniform color.

Chalcedony artifacts date back to the Stone Age, with adornments found from as early as 20,000 to 160,000 years ago. By 3000 BCE, ancient Egyptians were already using agate, red chalcedony, and green chalcedony as decorative items.

Chalcedony is found worldwide, with significant deposits in Brazil, Uruguay, and India, yielding various types of chalcedony. Other regions also produce different varieties of chalcedony, such as China, which is a major producer of bloodstone. Chalcedony and chrysoprase are commonly used in watch dials.


07 Euclase

Mohs Hardness: 5.5-6.5

Euclase forms as silica seeps into rocks beneath the ground through rainwater. As the water evaporates, silica deposits in the form of small spheres and binds with more silicon and water, creatingeuclase.

Euclase raw stone
Polished Euclase

What makes euclase particularly enchanting is its iridescence. When the gem is moved, various colors of shimmering reflections can be observed. This iridescence is only formed when the silica spheres are of the appropriate size and arranged in a regular pattern. The more orderly the arrangement, the larger the iridescent area, and the more pronounced the color changes. This iridescence is considered the soul and value of euclase.Precious euclaseis defined by having the iridescence, with red iridescence being the most valuable.

According to records, the oldest euclase mining area is in Hungary, with mining dating back to the 14th century, and it continues to be a source of euclase today. Australia is the largest producer of euclase, and Mexico and South Africa are also major producing regions.


08 Mother of Pearl (another name: Nacre)

Mohs Hardness: 2.5-4

Mother of Pearl refers to the inner lining of certain mollusk shells that can naturally produce pearls. These mollusks typically inhabit shallow waters and are found in coral reefs and seabeds in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. Over the extended period during which pearls form, the inner lining of the Mother of Pearl is coated with nacre, lending it color and making it a beautiful and sought-after material.

Mother of pearls-Polished
mother of pearls watch

Compared to pearls, Mother of Pearl is more durable and resilient. Since the 13th century, it has been cherished by European nobility as a material for decorative arts. Mother of Pearl was used to adorn furniture, create jewelry boxes, and even used in the crafting of knife handles, becoming an essential part of life during that era. Mother of Pearl is a common material in watch dials.

Mother of Pearl comes in two varieties: industrial-grade and gem-grade, with the latter being rarer. The material used on watch dials is of gem-grade quality. Each natural gemstone undergoes meticulous processes such as sorting, splitting, cutting, grinding, polishing, finishing, drilling, carving, and setting before it reaches its final form as a captivating watch dial.

09 Meteorite

Mohs Hardness: around 4.5 to 5.5

EN meteorite is a fragment of a celestial body, such as a comet, asteroid, or meteoroid, that survives its passage through the Earth’s atmosphere and lands on the Earth’s surface. These fragments can range in size from tiny particles to large masses weighing several tons. Meteorites provide valuable scientific information about the early solar system and beyond.

meteorite landing-Images from the Internet


There are three main types of meteorites based on their composition:

  1. Stony Meteorites (Chondrites): These are the most common type and consist largely of silicate minerals. Chondrites often contain small, spherical structures called chondrules, which are thought to be among the earliest solid materials formed in the solar system.
  2. Iron Meteorites: Comprising mostly metallic iron-nickel alloy, these meteorites are dense and often have a distinctive, polished surface called a Widmanstätten pattern. This pattern is the result of the slow cooling of metal in space over millions of years.

    meteorite dial-image from internet
  3. Stony-Iron Meteorites: These meteorites contain a mix of silicate minerals and metallic iron-nickel alloy. They are relatively rare and are divided into two main groups: pallasites, which have olivine crystals embedded in a metal matrix, and mesosiderites, which have a complex mixture of metal and silicate minerals.
meteorite dial watch-rolex

Meteorites can be classified further based on their fall characteristics, composition, and structure. They provide insights into the early solar system’s conditions and the processes that led to the formation of planets and other celestial bodies. Scientists study meteorites to learn more about the origins and evolution of our solar system.

Siste tanke:

If you are familiar with jewelry, you can see that all these gemstones are also used in jewelry, such as earrings and necklaces, bracelets, and rings, Different gemstones are chosen for their unique colors, properties, and aesthetics, allowing jewelry designers to create diverse and exquisite pieces.


As a gift from nature, each natural gemstone is unique, showcasing the beauty of nature in various forms. Have you bought any watches with watch dials made from natural gemstones?



Lapis Lazuli:

Tiger’s Eye:








Sourcing Watches in China Tips

Sourcing Watches in China is a Challenging work, with a population of 1.421 billion, China has an endless number of Watches suppliers, So before sourcing wataches in China, You should know:

  • The Watch Market share and China’s role, Why?
  • Where’s the Watches supplier in China?
  • What Methods and Types of Watches?
    • Sourcing method( local b2b platform and trade fairs)
    • Contacing method( wechat and whatsapp)
  • Some attentions & avoidable things when soucing from China( Quality, logistics , Scams, Trademarks)

this is a general guide for online brands and new starters, Let’s discover more,


Why Sourcing Watches in China?

Speaking of why sourcing watches in China, Let’s see the watch market and China’s roles in international market

Reason 1: China’s Export Percentage

In Year 2022, China occupied 21.43% of the total world’s export amount, the next is USA, Germany, Italy and France

Data from UN datacomtrade

Quartz watches are the biggest players in the watch industry. Let’s break down their numbers, focusing on the whole world VS China.
  • Worldwide, Quartz watches are shipped out to the tune of $16.77 trillion.
  • Zooming into 2022, China alone exported Quartz watches worth $3.60 trillion.
Export amount for China, year 2022

Reason 2: The Rank of China’s Import Value

China had become a big name in the worldwide watch market.

from exporting countries, you can see, leading countries worldwide in year 2019- 2022 is ranked :

  • #1: China
  • #2:Hongkong(Hong Kong often reports higher export figures because many Chinese sellers ship packages through Hong Kong to bypass higher taxe).
  • #3: Switzerland
leading wristwatch exporting countries worldwide 2019-2021
leading wristwatch exporting countries worldwide 2019-2021


Reason 3: Follow the Big Brands

Buying watches from China comes with big perks. You’ve got a sea of different watch styles and wallet-friendly prices. Plus, China’s got this whole watch-making thing down with great factories and expert workers, making it a go-to place for brands that want good quality without the hefty price tag.

Many popular brands, such as MVMT, FOSSIL, etc., have been at the top of the market in terms of sales volume for many years, and they all source from the Chinese market.

This is the export data for Quartz Watches from the year 2021-2023. the Data from China Customs


Where’s the Watches Manufactuing Supplier in China?

China’s watch production base, basically concentrated in Guangdong Province, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province occupies a large proportion, and in the western part of Shenzhen, mainly produces cheaper quality watches, in Dongguan Fenggang town, Guangdong Province, there is a large watch company-Dailywin Group(they OEM ODM watches for many big Swiss brands).

Dailywin Group factory

Guangdong is the go-to spot for watch parts like cases, dials, and straps. It’s got good prices, quick material supply, easy shipping, and a solid supply chain all set up. This makes Guangdong the top place for watch-making with a big advantage.

In Guangzhou, which is part of Guangdong, you can find lots of imitation watches. If you get the chance, you should definitely buy an imitation watch here. They’re made so well, you can hardly tell them apart from the real thing just by looking.

To learn about some of the replica watches in China, you can read this article

Replika og originale klokker, forskjeller? Hva er de? Hvor får man kjøpt?

Many watches made in China are sold in the market, and many niche brands are looking for suppliers in the Chinese market, so the Chinese market is very well-informed about some of the market trends.

What Types of Watches & Methods for Sourcing Watches in China?

There are many types of watches, and you should first understand what style you’re looking for in order to find the right supplier. For reference on watch styles, you may want to check out our comprehensive article:

50+ Types of Watches [Full list]Expert View

also If you are out of China, how do you search for a Chinese supplier? they can be B2B platform, socisl platform, and trade fairs.

Methods for Sourcing Watches in China?

On Social Platforms

You can sourcing watches supplier from Wechat video moment, or normally used platform, like instagram, facebook, let’s check How to source from social platform?

Search keywords on the platform.

such as Instagram, Search #watchessupplier, #OEMwatchesmanufacturer, #watchfactory, and some other keyword search.

Then filter. the same way when using other social platform.


Social Platforms-Pros Vs Cons

  • Fordeler: Rapid Familiarization with Suppliers: In the era of short video content, many watch suppliers showcase their products and company information on social platforms like WeChat and LinkedIn. This enables quick understanding of suppliers and their offerings.
  • Ulemper: Variable Supplier Quality: Since many suppliers promote themselves on these platforms, the quality and reliability of suppliers can vary significantly. Careful discernment is needed.

To ensure a successful sourcing experience, brands need to employ effective strategies for identifying and vetting trustworthy watch suppliers on social platforms.

Multi-faceted Assessment: Before placing orders, thoroughly assess suppliers, including their company strength, sample quality, product packaging, service capabilities, and more.


On B2B Platforms

Popular B2B platforms in China, including Alibaba, Made in China, and Global Sources, offer unrestricted access. You can create an account with just an email address or phone number.

After registering an account on the platform, you can search with the product keywords “klokker” “wristwatches” ” timepiece+ OEM/customize/wholesale, etc..

such as search on Alibaba:


To navigate B2B platforms effectively, consider these techniques:

  1. Supplier Evaluation: Learn suppliers, their foundated years(production skills), their market(stands for their quality), their production time, and sample rule, including assessing their reputation, product quality, and responsiveness.
  2. Identifying Trustworthy Watch Suppliers and Verifying Credentials: after checking the basic information of the supplier, the fastest way to identify a supplier is to buy a sample or place a small order. for mass order, one way is to check existing quality sample.


On Trade Fairs

Attending watch fairs and exhibitions can be immensely beneficial for networking and finding potential suppliers. We explore the advantages of participating in such events.

shenzhen watch fair opening ceremony

Here’s a list of some well-known watch fairs in China:

  1. China Watch & Clock Fair (CWCF)
  2. Shenzhen klokke & Clock Fair (the most famous Fair in China Watch fair)
  3. Hong Kong Watch & Clock Fair (selv om den teknisk sett er i Hong Kong, er den i umiddelbar nærhet til fastlands-Kina og er en viktig begivenhet for industrien)
  4. Shanghai Watch Fair
  5. Beijing Watch Fair
  6. Guangzhou Watch Fair

Know more about watch fair from this post:

Proper preparation is essential to maximize the benefits of attending watch fairs. Building strong relationships with suppliers is key to long-term success.


Effective Way to Communicate with Watches Suppliers

Keep effective Communication with suppliers by choosing right tools, Chinese suppliers like to use WeChat, and WhatsApp to communicate, if there is important information, they will send and save it via email.

Regularly communicating with suppliers to ensure smooth operations



Key Considerations When Sourcing Watches in China

When sourcing watches in China, You should consider about their quality and products standars, prices and MOQs (Minimum Order Quantities)

Watches Quality and Standars

Understanding the technical aspects and quality standards of watches is crucial to ensure that the sourced products meet your brand’s expectations. mentioned quality assurance, mostly are 1 year, some supplier can be 2 years.

Requesting product samples and performing quality inspections are essential steps to assess the product’s quality before committing to a supplier.

Quality Checklist of OEM Watches

Dealing with Proper MOQs

Minimum Order Quantities can significantly affect your inventory management and profitability. In the watch industry, because the products are not cheap and you need to open a mold to make any product, the number of products becomes a pain point in the industry.

Most OEM watch suppliers will require 300-500pcs MOQ for each style, Which makes it harder for sourcing buyers to make a decision.

Knowing why OEM Watches price are high and Why Oem watch suppliers are asking for such high quantities may help you in your purchasing plan.

Customize Watches in China: Cost Breakdown and Estimates

Therefore, it is the best choice to match the colors and the literal design reasonably, and it is better to develop new products according to the situation of inventory.

We do with 300-500pcs moq with multi colors


Logistics & Import Regulations

From our experiences, the peak season for watches each month is March, April, May, September, October, November, and December, Every year around the Chinese New Year( December to March), logistics costs go up, and logistics will be crowded.

Choosing the appropriate shipping method is critical to ensure timely delivery and cost-efficiency.

Familiarizing with import regulations and customs duties

Every commodity will have import tariffs, and there will be different tariffs depending on the product, no matter what logistics method you send, express or ocean freight, be sure to understand the import tariffs you need to pay, before importing to understand the import tariffs, whether or not there are incentives, whether or not you can afford these tariffs, the tariffs should also be added to the cost of the product inside.

Note: Before checking the Import Tarrif, You should use your country’s hs code, Check the HS code for your products first. Not China’s HS code. such as:

You can see US’s hs Code, get data from US harmonized tarrif schedule website:

Navigating import regulations and understanding customs duties will help brands avoid potential delays and unforeseen expenses.


Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Sourcing Watches from China

While sourcing products from China, it’s possible to encounter fraudulent activities, just as you might anywhere else. It’s a common risk in global trade, so always proceed with caution.

How to Spot & Avoid Scams ?

Conducting Factory Visits Before Placing Order

In-person visits to supplier factories offer valuable insights into their production capabilities and ethical practices.

Visiting a supplier’s factory allows you to get in touch with the owner of the factory to see the owner’s business philosophy, their attitude to facing problems, and their level of quality, so that when you meet a hard situation, you’ll be able to know if this supplier can handle it with you.



cnc millingVisiting factories, check their production environment, and employee status, but also to be able to understand your product more, for the growth of your brand is more favorable.

You can Sign NDA

If you have your own brand design, then be sure to sign a non-disclosure agreement(NDA) with your supplier to ensure that you have exclusive ownership of your product design.

Educating oneself on common scams and fraudulent practices can prevent brands from falling victim to unscrupulous suppliers.

Using Escrow Services and Secure Payment Methods

  • If you are shipping by sea, then make sure you have marine insurance.
  • Before each payment, be sure to repeatedly confirm the bank account information with your watch supplier, it is best to confirm in a variety of ways, there are many many cases that many scammers will steal the supplier’s mail account and password to modify the supplier’s bank account, and then let you be fooled!
alibaba’s trade assurance order page
  • Make sure that the payment account is a formal company, let the supplier put the payment method on the PI, or go online Alibaba, Alibaba has trade assurance orders, to protect your rights and money!
  • Implementing secure payment methods, such as escrow services, provides an added layer of protection for financial transactions.


Protecting your brand’s intellectual property is essential to prevent counterfeiting and unauthorized use of your designs. We highlight the importance of registering trademarks and patents to secure legal protection for your brand and products

Importance of Trademarks in Watchmaking:

Trademarks are distinctive symbols, names, or slogans used to identify and differentiate products or services. In the wristwatch industry, trademarks serve several critical functions:

  • Brand Recognition: Trademarks allow consumers to easily identify and connect with their favorite watch brands, fostering brand loyalty and trust.
  • Quality Assurance: They signify a commitment to quality and craftsmanship, assuring consumers of the watch’s authenticity and reliability.
  • Legal Protection: Trademarks provide legal grounds for watch brands to take action against counterfeiting and unauthorized use of their marks.

Examples of famous watch brand trademarksSeveral watch brands have iconic trademarks that have become synonymous with their identity. Here are a few notable examples:

  • Rolex Crown: The Rolex crown logo is one of the most recognizable symbols in the watch industry, representing precision, luxury, and exclusivity.

  • Omega’s Seamaster Logo: Omega’s trademarked Seamaster logo, with its wave design, is closely associated with the brand’s maritime heritage and innovation.

  • TAG Heuer’s Shield: TAG Heuer’s shield emblem symbolizes performance, innovation, and avant-garde design.

  • Swatch Group Brands: The Swatch Group owns multiple brands, each with its distinct trademark. For example, the Swatch brand itself is known for its colorful designs, while Breguet features intricate guilloché patterns.


Common Trademark Infringement Scenarios in the Industry:

Despite the protective measures in place, the wristwatch industry faces various trademark infringement challenges:

  1. Counterfeiting: Counterfeit watches often bear copied or altered trademarks, deceiving consumers into believing they are purchasing genuine products.
  2. Unauthorized Reselling: Some retailers may sell watches without proper authorization, infringing on the brand’s trademark rights.
  3. Parallel Imports: Parallel imports involve the sale of authentic watches in a region where the brand’s official distributor did not intend for them to be sold. This can raise trademark issues.
  4. Online Infringement: The internet has facilitated the sale of watches with counterfeit trademarks on various online platforms.

Protecting your brand’s trademark rights or not use other’s design is essential in preserving its reputation and market position. It involves not only obtaining trademark registrations but also actively monitoring the market for potential infringements and taking legal actions when necessary. In the next section, we will explore strategies for registering and enforcing trademarks to prevent and address intellectual property infringement issues effectively.


In summary, China’s rising prominence in the global watch market offers compelling opportunities for sourcing timepieces. Advantages include diverse styles and competitive pricing. Key considerations encompass understanding the Chinese watch landscape, effective supplier selection, quality assurance, and logistics management. Building strong supplier relationships, guarding against scams, and protecting intellectual property rights are crucial. Brands must actively monitor the market for trademark infringements.

By following these strategies, Whether it’s a name brand watch, a niche watch brand, or a starter watch brand, you will be able to find the right supplier and develop together with your supplier


Related Posts:

How can I Find a Reliable Private-label Watch Manufacturer?


Top 4 Watch Giants Companies

When selecting a watch brand, style, and model, do you find yourself overwhelmed by the choices? This is because there are numerous watch brands available. However, many of these brands are part of the 4 major watch Giant Companies.

The 4 biggest watch giants Companies in the world, are Switzerland’s Swatch Group, the Rolex Group, the Swiss’s Richemont Group, and France’s Louis Vuitton (LVMH) Group.

We’ll take a closer look at the strategies they use, their diverse products, and the core philosophies behind their brands to see what sets each one apart in shaping the industry.


What Are the Big 4 Watch Brands?

The world’s 4 major watch groups typically refer to the four companies with the largest scale and widest influence in the global watch industry. They are:
  1. Swatch Group: Headquartered in Switzerland, it owns several famous brands, including Blancpain, Omega, Tissot, Longines, and Swatch.
  2. Richemont Group: Also a Swiss luxury goods company, it includes many high-end watch brands such as Cartier, Vacheron Constantin, Jaeger-LeCoultre, and Piaget.
  3. Rolex: An independent Swiss watch manufacturer known for its high quality and precision, Rolex is a sparkling star among global watch brands.
  4. LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton): Headquartered in Paris, France, this renowned luxury group owns famous watch brands including TAG Heuer, Breguet, Chopard, and Hublot.
These groups not only possess multiple watch brands but also cover various market segments from entry-level to high-end luxury, holding significant shares in the global market.
These 4 brands have managed to maintain prominent positions in the watch market due to their heritage, innovation, and consistent delivery of quality and luxury.

At present, the amount of sales of high-end wristwatches is still Rolex, Richemont, Swatch and Louis Vuitton’s world ranking is far ahead. The watch exports of the Rolex, Swatch, and Richemont groups already account for more than 80% of all Swiss watch exports.


Company Brief and Brand Profile of the 4 Watch Giants

Richemont Group

Richemont is a Swiss luxury goods company that was established by South African billionaire Anton Rupert in 1988. The company’s business covers four main areas: jewelry, watches, accessories, and fashion.

Richemont banner
Richemont banner

Watches are just one of the company’s business areas, as the group covers tobacco, fashion, leather goods, writing instruments, etc. Richemont’s watch brands are mostly top-of-the-line and are compatible with German, Swiss, Italian, and French brands.

Richemont considers itself the leader in watches for good reason, with a market share second only to the Swatch Group. Its Vacheron Constantin, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Panerai, Cartier, and Universal are very high visibility, while Jaeger-LeCoultre for the group provides some movements and technical support,

Piaget was the earliest development of the Swiss manufacturers of electronic quartz movement, but Switzerland’s few manufacturers continue to produce quartz movement in the field of the movement to specialize in ultra-thin movement., Piaget’s unique German style and the production of the perpetual calendar in the industry is also very famous! Piaget’s unique German style and perpetual calendar production are also famous in the industry.

richemont categories
Richemont categories
Richemont Group owns several prestigious watch brands, including:
  • Cartier
  • IWC Schaffhausen
  • Jaeger-LeCoultre
  • Panerai
  • Piaget
  • Vacheron Constantin
  • Montblanc
  • Baume & Mercier
  • Roger Dubuis
  • Van Cleef & Arpels (also known for jewelry)
These brands are renowned for their craftsmanship and luxury in the watchmaking industry.


rolex homepage display
Rolex homepage display

Recognized universally, Rolex is synonymous with luxury and reliability in timekeeping. It has remained an independent company with a reputation for high-quality craftsmanship and iconic designs such as the Submariner, Daytona, and Oyster Perpetual.

The Rolex Group primarily owns two watch brands:
  • Rolex
  • Tudor

Both brands hold a very prestigious reputation and position in the global watch market.


LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy)

LVMH is the world’s largest luxury goods group, formed in 1987 by Bernard Arnault’s merger of Louis Vuitton, the world-famous leather goods company, and Moët Hennessy, the wine family, with more than 50 brands.

Involved in areas such as liquor, fashion, leather goods, cosmetics, watches, and jewelry, the LVMH Group is the world’s fourth-largest watch manufacturer.

Compared to Richemont and Swatch Group, LVMH’s main focus is not on the watch industry, and even if this is just a branch of their business, they have managed to jump to the top four groups

LVMH, founded in 1987, stands as a global luxury conglomerate with an unparalleled reputation for premium goods. LVMH is a conglomerate of luxury brands, known for its iconic fashion, jewelry, and watch brands like Louis Vuitton, TAG Heuer, and Bulgari.

LVMH blends traditional craftsmanship with contemporary innovation, offering a range of timepieces that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. With a focus on exclusivity and exceptional quality, LVMH’s watches often reflect the essence of timeless elegance.

Watches from LVMH brands are often positioned as high-end products, incorporating precious materials, advanced watchmaking technology, and meticulous design.

lvmh categories of watches
The watch brands owned by various groups and their founding years, including those primarily focused on watchmaking as well as those known for fashion watches, are as follows:
  • Hublot: Founded in 1980, Hublot is well-known for its innovative use of materials and distinctive design philosophy.
  • Zenith: Established in 1865, Zenith is renowned for its precision and craftsmanship in watchmaking.
  • TAG Heuer: Started in 1860, TAG Heuer is famous for its ties to auto racing and chronograph watches.
  • Dior Watches: Although Dior, founded in 1946, is primarily known for luxury fashion, its watch division creates high-fashion timepieces complementing its clothing lines.
  • Fred: Founded in 1936 as a jewelry brand, Fred also includes watches that blend jewelry craftsmanship with timekeeping.
  • Chaumet: Established in 1780, Chaumet, a jewelry house, offers luxurious timepieces that showcase its heritage in jewelry excellence.
  • Bvlgari: Since 1884, Bvlgari has been recognized for its bold jewelry and also offers watches that reflect its luxury style.
Corrections and additional details:
  • Dior was founded in 1946, not 1985.
  • Louis Vuitton (LV), mentioned in the inquiry, is known for luxury goods, including fashion and leather goods, and has expanded into watches. It was founded in 1854.
  • Brands like Dior, LV, Bvlgari, and others you mentioned diversify their legacy of luxury through both high-end jewelry and fashion watches designed to complement wardrobe choices, marking them as fashion-forward pieces with a focus on aesthetic appeal.
Overall, while Hublot, Zenith, and TAG Heuer are primarily focused on the craft of watchmaking, brands like Dior, Bvlgari, and Chaumet excel in creating watches that serve as fashion statements, combining their heritage in luxury with functional elegance.
LVMH’s watch brands range from mid-tier to ultra-luxury, with prices spanning a wide spectrum to cater to different luxury segments.


Swatch Group

In 1985, the legendary Nicolas G. Hayek, after reorganizing Asuag and SSIH for more than four years, ultimately led to the merger of the two watch companies to form the Swatch Group.

The Swatch Group is the world’s largest watch manufacturer and distributor, and the only luxury goods group to specialize in watches. The Swatch Group has 160 manufacturing centers around the world and accounts for 25% of the world’s watch market in terms of retail sales.

Swatch Group has reshaped the watch industry through its diverse portfolio of brands. Swatch Group with several large groups is different, for all kinds of people to launch a different price point of the brand, it is known for its range of affordable and stylish watches, such as Tissot, Medo, Longines to go is the pro-people route. encompassing brands, From the playful Swatch to the precision of Omega and the prestige of Breguet, Swatch Group covers an extensive spectrum.

Renowned for its technical expertise and Swiss watchmaking heritage, the group has consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation while maintaining a strong connection to tradition.

It caters to both fashion-conscious and sports-oriented consumers, offering a mix of price points and styles.

Here are the watch brands:
  1. OMEGA
  2. Breguet
  3. Blancpain
  4. Jaquet Droz
  5. Glashutte Original
  6. Leon Hatot
  7. Swatch
  8. Longines
  9. Rado
  10. Tissot
  11. Calvin Klein
  12. Certina
  13. Mido
  14. Hamilton
  15. Pierre Balmain
  16. Flik Flak
  17. Laco
  18. Endura

Tissot offers a balance of style and affordability, appealing to those seeking quality Swiss watches. Longines, with its heritage and elegance, caters to a more classic and sophisticated audience. In the luxury segment, Omega and Breguet represent the pinnacle of Swiss watchmaking.

Swatch specializes in a variety of watches, including colorful and playful Swatch watches, classic Tissot timepieces, and high-end luxury watches under brands like Omega and Longines.

  • Swatch offers a broad range of price points, starting from affordable Swatch watches to high-end luxury watches from brands like Omega.


Innovation and Technology of the 4 Watch Giants


Here’s an overview of how innovation and technology play a role within Richemont and its brands:
  1. Materials Innovation: Richemont brands are known for their exploration and adoption of advanced materials. For instance, IWC Schaffhausen has integrated the use of Ceratanium® in their watch cases, combining the best properties of titanium and ceramic to offer remarkable durability and scratch resistance. Similarly, Panerai has introduced materials like Carbotech™ and BMG-Tech™, pushing the envelope in terms of aesthetics, durability, and lightweight properties.
  2. Horological Innovations: Richemont brands have been pioneers in the development of horological innovations to improve the accuracy, functionality, and reliability of their timepieces. For example, Cartier’s development of the mystery clock and its more recent mystery movements in watches where the hands appear to float without any connection to the movement are feats of engineering. Jaeger-LeCoultre’s Gyrotourbillon offers a multi-axis tourbillon that compensates for errors in timekeeping due to gravity in all positions.
  3. Sustainability Efforts: Across its portfolio, Richemont has increasingly integrated sustainability into its innovation strategy. Brands like Van Cleef & Arpels and Cartier are committed to responsibly sourced materials, including diamonds and gold. These efforts extend to reducing environmental impact through energy-efficient manufacturing processes and sustainable packaging solutions.
  4. Digital Transformation: Richemont has actively embraced digital innovation to enhance customer experiences and operational efficiency. This includes the development of advanced e-commerce platforms, the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in product presentation and customer service, and the adoption of blockchain technology for product authentication and supply chain transparency. The acquisition of online platforms like Watchfinder & Co. reflects Richemont’s strategy to strengthen its position in the digital space.
  5. Research & Development: Through dedicated R&D efforts, Richemont brands foster innovation in watchmaking and jewelry. This includes the invention of new mechanical movements, development of novel jewelry settings that offer both aesthetic appeal and functionality, and the exploration of cutting-edge manufacturing techniques.
  6. Collaborations and Partnerships: Richemont has engaged in collaborations and partnerships with technology companies and startups to explore new avenues for innovation. Whether it’s through the integration of smart technology into traditional watchmaking or exploring new retail technologies, these collaborations keep Richemont at the forefront of innovation in the luxury sector.
  7. Watchfinder & Co.: Recognizing the potential in the pre-owned watch market, Richemont acquired Watchfinder & Co., which leverages data analytics and technological solutions to authenticate and refurbish pre-owned watches, ensuring their quality and reliability.
Richemont’s approach to innovation and technology demonstrates a commitment to preserving traditional craftsmanship while embracing modern technologies and practices. This balance ensures that Richemont and its brands remain leaders in the luxury goods industry, perpetuating a legacy of excellence, sustainability, and innovation.



Rolex is widely recognized for its significant contributions to innovation and technology in the watchmaking industry. Throughout its history, Rolex has introduced some technological advancements and features that have set industry standards and affirmed its reputation for quality and reliability. Some of these innovations include:


  1. Oyster Case (1926): Rolex introduced the world’s first waterproof wristwatch case called theOyster.This innovation provided the watch with superior protection against water and dust, greatly enhancing durability and reliability.
  2. Perpetual Movement (1931): Rolex unveiled the first self-winding wristwatch mechanism with a perpetual rotor. This technology allowed the watch to be powered by the wearer’s movements, eliminating the need for manual winding.
  3. Datejust (1945): The Rolex Datejust was the first wristwatch to feature a date function that automatically changed at midnight. This innovation was significant as it improved timekeeping convenience and functionality.
  4. Submariner (1953): The Rolex Submariner was introduced as the first wristwatch waterproof to a depth of 100 meters (330 feet). Over the years, Rolex has continued to improve its water-resistant technology, with some models now waterproof to a depth of 3900 meters (12,800 feet).
  5. GMT-Master (1955): The GMT-Master was developed to meet the needs of international pilots. It featured a 24-hour display fourth hand and a rotating bezel, allowing wearers to read the time in two different time zones simultaneously.
  6. Day-Date (1956): Rolex introduced the first wristwatch that displayed both the date and the day of the week spelled out in full. This was particularly useful for international business and diplomatic activities.
  7. Oysterquartz (1970s): In response to the quartz crisis, Rolex developed its own quartz movements for the Oysterquartz models. These were some of the most accurate quartz watches due to their high-quality quartz movements.
  8. Materials Innovation: Rolex has also excelled in materials innovation, developing its own alloys such as 904L stainless steel, which offers higher resistance to corrosion, and Rolesor, a combination of 904L steel and 18kt gold. Additionally, Rolex developed Cerachrom bezels, made from a hard ceramic material that is resistant to scratching and fading.
  9. Parachrom Hairspring and Paraflex Shock Absorber: Rolex developed the Parachrom hairspring, which is highly resistant to shocks and magnetic fields, enhancing the movement’s accuracy and reliability. The Paraflex shock absorber increases the movement’s shock resistance.
Rolex’s commitment to innovation is a key aspect of its legacy, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in watchmaking to enhance precision, durability, and functionality.


LVMH’s commitment to innovation is evident through its watch brands that push the boundaries of technology. TAG Heuer’sConnectedseries exemplifies LVMH’s foray into smartwatches, seamlessly merging luxury with digital functionality.

Zenith’sDefyline showcases advancements in precision through high-frequency movements, while Hublot’sArt of Fusionphilosophy combines traditional watchmaking with avant-garde materials like ceramic, carbon, and sapphire. These innovations reinforce LVMH’s position as a trailblazer in merging luxury with cutting-edge technology.

LVMH’s brands, such as TAG Heuer, are known for innovation, incorporating advanced materials and technologies like tourbillons and chronographs into their luxury timepieces.


Swatch Group

Swatch Group’s emphasis on innovation can be seen through its advancements in materials and movements. Swatch’s playful designs are complemented by innovations in lightweight plastic cases and creative dial designs. Omega’sMaster Chronometercertification highlights the precision and anti-magnetic properties, while Breguet’s technical prowess includes high-frequency movements and intricate tourbillons.

Swatch Group’s technological innovations uphold Swiss watchmaking’s reputation for precision and reliability.

Swatch is known for introducing innovative materials and technologies, including automatic movements, colorful designs, and limited-edition releases.

Check their website to get more information:

Each of these watch industry leaders demonstrates a distinct approach to innovation and technology, influencing the evolution of horology by embracing new materials, movements, and functionalities.


Market Presence of the 4 Watch Giants (Retail and Distribution Strategies)

Check their global market presence of each company, including market share, geographical reach, and their influence on the watch industry.

Check how each company approaches distribution and retail, including its online presence, brick-and-mortar stores, and engagement with consumers.







LVMH’s luxury watch brands operate a selective distribution approach, focusing on high-end boutique experiences. Flagship stores in prime global spots provide custom service and exclusive timepiece collections. Authorized dealers also reflect the brand’s upscale image, ensuring a uniform luxury retail experience.

With its worldwide boutique network and select retailers, LVMH’s presence spans major cities and top-tier shopping locales. The group’s cachet radiates beyond watches, enhancing its allure across the luxury and fashion sectors.
there are 36 Zenith stores and boutiques in China
Tag Heuer stores all over the world

Swatch Group

Swatch Group adopts a multi-tiered distribution approach to cater to different market segments. Brands like Swatch have a wide retail presence, with standalone stores in shopping centers and high-traffic areas.

Omega, Longines, and Tissot maintain a combination of boutiques and authorized dealers, offering customers an opportunity to explore the brand’s offerings in diverse settings. This strategy allows Swatch Group to balance luxury boutique experiences with broader accessibility.

Swatch Group’s market presence is characterized by a diverse brand portfolio catering to different market segments. The approachable Swatch brand has a wide reach, with stores in urban centers and malls, targeting fashion-conscious individuals.

Longines and Tissot have a global footprint, appealing to those seeking Swiss quality at various price points. Omega’s association with sports, space exploration, and high-profile events solidifies its status in the luxury watch market.

These companiesdiverse strategies contribute to their distinct market presences, ranging from luxury exclusivity to widespread accessibility, each catering to different consumer demographics and preferences.


Design Philosophy Brand Image of the 4 Watch Giants



LVMH’s watch brands are characterized by their commitment to luxury and elegance. The design philosophy revolves around timeless aesthetics, exquisite craftsmanship, and attention to detail. TAG Heuer embodies sportiness and precision, often incorporating bold and dynamic elements into its designs.

Zenith captures classic sophistication through its clean lines and refined dials. Hublot’s avant-gardeArt of Fusionapproach merges traditional watchmaking with modern materials, resulting in bold, statement-making timepieces. Overall, LVMH’s watch brands convey an image of opulence and exclusivity.

Hublot use 18k gold to make watch

LVMH’s watch brands are associated with prestige, luxury, and a sense of heritage. They appeal to consumers seeking status and elegance.


Swatch Group:

Swatch Group’s brand image varies across its diverse portfolio. Swatch stands for colorful creativity and affordability, appealing to the fashion-conscious and young at heart.

Tissot showcases a blend of style and value, catering to those seeking quality Swiss watches without the luxury price tag.

Longines exudes elegance and heritage, reflecting a classic aesthetic with a touch of modernity.

Omega signifies precision, innovation, and a connection to exploration and iconic events like the Olympics and space missions.

Breguet embodies timeless elegance and intricate craftsmanship, appealing to connoisseurs of horological artistry.

Swatch is synonymous with colorful and playful designs, appealing to consumers looking for affordable yet stylish timepieces.


Brand Portfolio of the 4 Watch Giants

Discuss the various watch brands owned by each conglomerate, highlighting the uniqueness and individuality of each brand under the larger umbrella.


LVMH’s watch division encompasses a range of prestigious brands, each with its own identity and appeal.

  1. TAG Heuer, renowned for its precision and sporty aesthetics, targets enthusiasts of motorsports and athletics.
  2. Zenith, a beacon of Swiss watchmaking excellence, offers classic and refined timepieces for aficionados of timeless elegance.
  3. Hublot, known for its fusion of luxury and modern materials, captures attention with its bold and avant-garde designs.

These distinct brands within LVMH’s portfolio cater to a diverse audience, covering various style preferences and luxury levels.


Swatch Group:

The Swatch Group’s brand portfolio is a symphony of diversity, catering to a broad spectrum of consumers. Swatch, celebrated for its colorful and affordable designs, captures the youthful and fashion-forward market.

  1. Tissot strikes a balance between style and value, appealing to those seeking quality Swiss watches.
  2. Longines embodies timeless elegance with a modern touch, targeting individuals who appreciate classic sophistication.
  3. Omega, with its legacy of precision and innovation, caters to luxury enthusiasts, while Breguet epitomizes horological craftsmanship and heritage for connoisseurs seeking artistic masterpieces.


In summary, LVMH, Fossil, and Swatch cater to different segments of the watch market, with varying brand positioning, product ranges, and price points. Understanding these differences can help you position your watch manufacturing business effectively within the broader landscape of the watch industry.


Influential Collaborations and Partnerships of the 4 Watch Giants

Showcase notable collaborations and partnerships that have helped these companies gain visibility and connect with different consumer segments.

LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton): LVMH’s watch brands have engaged in partnerships that blend luxury with various industries.

TAG Heuer partnered with Intel and Google to create the TAG Heuer Connected smartwatch, fusing Swiss craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology.

Hublot collaborated with Ferrari, resulting in timepieces that embody the spirit of high-performance racing.

Zenith celebrated its 50th anniversary of the iconic El Primero movement with a collaboration with Phillips Auction House, creating a limited edition series of watches that merged horological heritage with collectible appeal.

Swatch Group: Omega has a storied history of collaborations, notably with NASA for the Moonwatch worn during moon landings. The brand’s partnership with the James Bond film franchise has solidified its association with sophistication and spy-worthy gadgets.

Longines is the official timekeeper for equestrian events and has collaborated with the equestrian world through various competitions. Tissot’s partnership with the NBA reflects its commitment to precision and sportsmanship, producing special edition watches for basketball fans.

Influential collaborations and partnerships have allowed these companies to tap into different industries, extending their brand reach and offering unique, limited-edition timepieces that capture the essence of their respective collaborations.



Sustainability Initiatives

Investigate the sustainability efforts undertaken by these industry leaders, including their approaches to responsible sourcing, manufacturing practices, and environmental impact.


LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton):

LVMH places emphasis on sustainability across its watch brands. TAG Heuer introduced theGreen Heuerinitiative, focusing on reducing the brand’s carbon footprint and incorporating eco-friendly materials. Zenith prioritizes responsible sourcing of materials, aiming to minimize environmental impact.

Hublot is committed to ethical gold sourcing and sustainable manufacturing processes. LVMH’s overarching commitment to sustainability is evident in its efforts to reduce waste, energy consumption, and environmental footprint throughout its watch production.


Swatch Group:

Swatch Group integrates sustainability into its watch brands through various initiatives. Omega is actively involved in marine conservation efforts, partnering with organizations like the GoodPlanet Foundation. Tissot focuses on responsible manufacturing and sustainable packaging, while Longines has initiatives to support equestrian sports and animal welfare.

Swatch Group’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its participation in ethical practices and its drive to contribute positively to society and the environment.

These companies are actively engaged in sustainability initiatives, demonstrating their commitment to environmental responsibility and ethical practices in the watch industry.


Consumer Perception and Loyalty:

Discuss the reputation of each company among consumers, brand loyalty, and the factors that contribute to their perceived value in the market.


LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton):

LVMH’s watch brands are synonymous with luxury, quality, and prestige. The conglomerate’s commitment to craftsmanship, innovation, and exclusivity fosters a perception of opulence and sophistication.

Loyal customers are drawn to the brand’s heritage and the unique stories behind each watch. The exclusivity of owning an LVMH timepiece contributes to strong brand loyalty among luxury enthusiasts who appreciate the artistry and history that each brand embodies.


Swatch Group:

Swatch Group’s diverse portfolio allows it to cater to a wide range of consumers, creating various degrees of loyalty. Swatch captures a youthful and fun-loving audience, fostering loyalty through its playful designs. Omega and Longines cultivate loyalty among enthusiasts who admire Swiss precision and heritage.

The association of Tissot with sports and Breguet with horological mastery contributes to loyal followings among specific interest groups.


Financial Performance:

LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton):

LVMH makes good money from its luxury watch brands, showing it’s a big player in the high-end market.

LVMH financial highlights 2022,

Luxury watches keep selling well, helping LVMH stay financially strong, thanks to its mix of fancy watch brands and other luxury goods.


Swatch Group:

Swatch Group’s financial performance is closely tied to its diverse brand portfolio and global reach. The company’s financial reports reveal a mix of revenue sources, ranging from entry-level to luxury watches.

swatch financial statement 2022

Download Swatch GroupAnnual Report 2022 from here

Even with ups and downs in the market, Swatch Group does well because it sells both classic and trendy watches to various types of customers. This helps them stay steady in the industry.
How these companies do money-wise depends on market trends, what customers want, and how well they can keep up with new changes and ideas in the watch business.

Future Outlook

LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton):

LVMH’s future outlook in the watch industry remains promising as it continues to leverage its luxury heritage and innovation.

The conglomerate’s commitment to sustainability, coupled with its emphasis on craftsmanship, positions its watch brands to resonate with eco-conscious luxury consumers. The integration of technology and tradition, along with its portfolio of iconic brands, is likely to maintain LVMH’s strong presence in the evolving luxury watch market.


Swatch Group

Swatch Group’s future outlook is marked by its ability to balance tradition with innovation. As smartwatches gain popularity, the group’s diverse portfolio allows it to cater to a broader audience, including those seeking wearable technology.

Continued partnerships and collaborations, along with a focus on sustainability, are expected to contribute to Swatch Group’s relevance in the watch industry.

check Swatch groups visions:



Other Watch Groups

Fossil Group

Founded in 1984, with a 31-year history, the brand focuses on producing entry-level fashion watches at affordable prices. This strategy has garnered a vast customer base, dominating a significant share of the watch market. Headquartered in Richardson, Texas, the company specializes in crafting high-end timepieces, jewelry, sunglasses, wallets, and more.

Their ability to blend style, technology, and affordability has ensured a lasting presence in the industry, maintaining relevance with tech-savvy consumers through smartwatches and sustainable practices.


Citizen holds a strong position in watchmaking, thanks to its unique solar-powered Eco-Drive technology. This tech makes their watches popular for both their cost and quality, offering great value. Even though many see Citizen as a brand for everyday watches, industry experts know they offer much more, including advanced technology.


The brand expanded by taking over other companies. In 2005, it acquired MIYOTA, known for its watch movements, and in 2008, it bought the American company Bulova, becoming a leader in quartz watches. The citizen then moved into the Swiss market in 2012 by purchasing Swiss brand Angelus and movement maker La Joux-Perret, as well as Arnold & Son watches. In 2016, Citizen grew again by acquiring the Frederique Constant brand, along with Alpina and DeMonaco.


Today, the Citizen group includes brands and products such as Citizen watches, Frederique Constant, Bulova, Arnold & Son, Alpina, Angelus, DeMonaco, MIYOTA movements, and La Joux-Perret movements.

Kering Group

Founded in 1963 by François Pinault as a building materials company, Kering transformed into a luxury group in the 1990s, shifting focus to luxury goods with key acquisitions like Gucci in 1999, followed by Yves Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, and Balenciaga. Kering values craftsmanship, evident in its acquisition of historic watchmakers Girard-Perregaux and Ulysse Nardin.

Known for its commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility, Kering under Chairman and CEO François-Henri Pinault, emphasizes digital innovation and ethical business practices, positioning itself as a leader in the luxury sector with a broader influence on cultural and societal developments.


Seiko Holdings Corporation’s business areas include the production and distribution of watches, movements, and electronic components globally. In 1969, Seiko introduced the world’s first quartz analog watch, which nearly devastated the entire traditional Swiss watchmaking industry. Currently, it owns watch brands such as Seiko, Grand Seiko, Credor, Pulsar, Lorus, Alba, and Orient Star, as well as movement brands like the SII and Epson movements.

Movado Group

Movado Group, founded in 1983, is an esteemed designer, manufacturer, and distributor of watches. They encompass an array of brands such as the upscale Movado, known for its iconic Museum Watch that pioneered the minimalist aesthetic in watch design; Ebel, celebrated for its architectural lines; and MVMT, which caters to a more budget-conscious, fashion-forward audience.

They operate on a global scale, delivering an eclectic mix of timepieces that range from high-end luxury to accessible fashion statements. The group has built a reputation for strategic brand diversification, allowing it to touch different segments of the watch market while maintaining a steadfast commitment to quality and design across its brand portfolio.

Final Thoughts

As these brands occupy most of the market share of the watch industry, they are there to help us test the market, and have strong financial, human, and material resources to do market research, so from some of these brands the annual report of the daily newspaper, it can help us to understand the listed companies in the past year have done what?

How was the sales performance of the products?

How is the profit?

What are the changes in the internal and external competitive landscape?

What is the future development? What new products will there be?

Remember “Looking back, looking forward”, keeping up with the footsteps of big brands, we will walk faster and more steadily!


LVMH Statisca Dossier: Global Trends & Financial Performance 2022

Discover key insights from the luxury market in 2022 and gain confidence in navigating this dynamic landscape. Explore valuable statistics on global luxury markets, LVMH’s financial performance, divisions, and competitors.

Explore 2022’s luxury market values, LVMH’s revenue surge to 79.2 billion euros, segment breakdowns, and competitive highlights.

Delve deeper into LVMH’s market share, regional revenue breakdowns, store growth, and advertising investment.

01 Market Overview

Value of various global luxury markets in 2022, by market type (in billion euros)

Description: This statistic shows the estimated value of various global luxury markets in 2022, by market type. It was estimated that in 2022 the global luxury cars market was worth about 566 billion euros. The total value of the global luxury goods market was approximately 1.38 trillion euros that year.


Value of the personal luxury goods market worldwide from 1996 to 2022 (in billion euros)

Description: This statistic shows the value of the personal luxury goods market worldwide from 1996 to 2022. In 2022, the value of the personal luxury goods market worldwide was estimated to be 353 billion euros.


Share of the personal luxury goods market worldwide in 2022, by region

Description: This statistic shows the share of the personal luxury goods market worldwide in 2022, by region. In 2022, the Americas accounted for 32 percent of the global personal luxury goods market, followed by Europe with a share of 27 percent of the market.


Personal luxury goods market value worldwide in 2021, by product type (in billion euros)

Description: This statistic shows the value of the personal luxury goods market worldwide in 2021, by product type. In 2021, the market value of personal luxury apparel products reached an estimated 57 billion euros.


Value of the personal luxury goods market worldwide in 2022, by sales channel (in billion euros)

Description: This statistic shows the value of the personal luxury goods market worldwide in 2022, broken down by sales channel. In 2022, the value of the travel retail (airport) personal luxury goods market worldwide was roughly 11 billion euros.

Sales of the leading luxury companies worldwide from 2012 to 2021 (in billion euros)

Description: This statistic shows the sales of the leading luxury companies worldwide from 2012 to 2018, and provides a forecast from 2019 to 2021. In 2018, LVMH generated approximately 46.8 billion euros in sales worldwide.


Brand value of the leading 10 most valuable luxury brands worldwide in 2022 (in million U.S. dollars)

Description: This statistic depicts the brand value of the leading 10 most valuable luxury brands worldwide in 2022. In that year, Chanel was the ninth most valuable luxury brand worldwide with a brand value of about 53 billion U.S. dollars.

Comment: Understanding the value of various luxury markets in 2022 provides a crucial baseline for assessing the potential of the luxury industry. The data on global luxury cars and personal goods markets presents a compelling narrative of consumer preferences. As a watch manufacturer, delving into these figures can help identify market gaps and opportunities to position your products effectively.


02 Financial performance

Total revenue of the LVMH Group worldwide from 2008 to 2022 (in million euros)

Description: Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) is one of the world`s leading luxury groups, parent to 75 luxury houses. Over the past decade, LVMH enjoyed ever-increasing global revenue, reaching over 53 billion euros in 2019. In 2022, bouncing fully back from the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the group`s revenue saw an increase of about 77 percent on 2022, ultimately amounting to 79.2 billion euros for the year.


Revenue share of the LVMH Group worldwide in 2022, by geographic region

Description: This statistic shows the revenue share of the LVMH Group worldwide in 2022, by geographic region. In 2022, LVMH Group’s global revenue share from the United States was 37 percent.


Revenue of the LVMH Group worldwide from 2008 to 2022, by geographic region (in million euros)

Description: This statistic shows the revenue of the LVMH Group worldwide from 2008 to 2022, broken down by geographic region. In 2022, the LVMH Group generated approximately 21.6 billion euros in revenues in the United States. The company had total revenues of 79.2 billion euros that year.


Gross margin of the LVMH Group worldwide from 2017 to 2022 (in million euros)

Description: In 2022, LVMH had a gross margin of 54.2 billion euros. The LVMH Group is a French luxury goods corporation, which owns 75 luxury brands worldwide, including Louis Vuitton, Moët, Hennessy, and Bulgari.

Net profit of the LVMH Group worldwide from 2017 to 2022 (in million euros)

Description: In 2022, LVMH had a gross margin of 54.2 billion euros. The LVMH Group is a French luxury goods corporation, which owns 75 luxury brands worldwide, including Louis Vuitton, Moët, Hennessy, and Bulgari.



LVMH’s financial trajectory showcases resilience and adaptability in a dynamic market landscape. The significant revenue surge in 2022 underscores the importance of agility and innovation, especially in post-pandemic recovery. Examining the revenue share by geographic region adds depth to understanding LVMH’s global market strategy, aiding in strategic partnerships and expansion plans.


03 Divisions

Revenue share of the LVMH Group worldwide in 2022, by business segment

Description: This statistic shows the revenue share of the LVMH Group worldwide in 2022, by segment. In 2022, 44 percent of the LVMH Group’s global revenue came from the company’s fashion and leather goods business segment.

Global revenue of LVMH Group’s fashion and leather goods segment from 2008 to 2022 (in million euros)

Description: The Louis Vuitton brand is the backbone of the French luxury conglomerate LVMH`s fashion and leather goods segment, but the group is home to many other iconic luxury brands and fashion houses as well. Christian Dior, Fendi, Marc Jacobs, and Givenchy, among others, all operate under LVMH`s fashion and leather goods segment, which reported a sales revenue of approximately 38.7 billion in 2022.

Global revenue of LVMH Group’s fashion and leather goods segment from 2008 to 2022 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic shows the global revenue of LVMH Group’s selective retailing segment from 2008 to 2022. In 2022, this segment generated revenues of 14.9 billion euros, an increase of over three billion euros compared to 2021. The LVMH Group is a French luxury goods corporation, which owns around 75 luxury brands worldwide, including Louis Vuitton and Bulgari. The fashion and leather goods segment generates the most revenue for LVMH.


Global revenue of LVMH Group’s perfumes and cosmetics segment from 2008 to 2022 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic shows the global revenue of LVMH Group’s perfumes and cosmetics segment from 2008 to 2022. In 2022, this segment generated revenues of 7.7 billion euros, which was an increase of more than one billion euros compared to the previous year. The LVMH Group is a French luxury goods corporation, which owns around 75 luxury brands worldwide, including Louis Vuitton and Bulgari. The fashion and leather goods segment generates the most revenue for LVMH.


Global revenue of LVMH Group’s wine and spirits segment from 2008 to 2022 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic shows the global revenue of LVMH Group’s wine and spirits segment from 2008 to 2022. In 2022, this segment generated a global revenue of approximately seven billion euros, an increase of more than 1.2 billion euros compared to 2021. The LVMH Group is a French luxury goods corporation, which owns around 75 luxury brands worldwide, including Louis Vuitton and Bulgari. The fashion and leather goods segment generates the most revenue for LVMH.

Global revenue of LVMH Group’s watches and jewelry segment from 2008 to 2022 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic shows the global revenue of LVMH Group’s watches and jewelry segment from 2008 to 2022. In 2022, this segment generated revenues of approximately 10.6 billion euros, which was more than double the revenue registered in 2020. The LVMH Group is a French luxury goods corporation, which owns around 50 luxury brands worldwide, including Louis Vuitton and Bulgari. The fashion and leather goods segment generates the most revenue for LVMH.


Comment: The prominence of LVMH’s fashion and leather goods segment speaks to the enduring allure of personal luxury items. Diversification into perfumes, cosmetics, watches, and jewelry provides insights into evolving consumer preferences. For your watch manufacturing business, this insight underscores the need to align with consumer trends and capitalize on segments with growth potential.



04 Key company figures

Total number of stores of the LVMH Group worldwide from 2008 to 2022

Description: LVMH had a total of 5,664 stores in operation around the world as of 2022, up from 2,314 in 2008. LVMH, an amalgamation of Louis Vuitton, Moët, and Hennessy, is the top selling luxury personal goods companies in the world. The company operates globally selling a diverse range of products. LVMH sells luxury leather goods, handbags, and ready-to-wear fashion through its Louis Vuitton brand, and wines and spirits through its Moët and Hennessy brands.

Number of stores of the LVMH Group worldwide in 2022, by geographical region

Description: This statistic shows the number of stores of the LVMH Group worldwide in 2022, by geographical region. In that year, the total number of stores the LVMH Group had throughout the United States was 1,054.


Total number of employees of the LVMH Group worldwide from 2008 to 2021

Description: This statistic shows the number of stores of the LVMH Group worldwide in 2022, by geographical region. In that year, the total number of stores the LVMH Group had throughout the United States was 1,054.


Advertising and promotion expenditure of the LVMH Group worldwide from 2008 to 2022 (in million euros)

Description: The French luxury goods conglomerate LVMH Group spent around 9.5 billion euros in advertising and promotion costs worldwide as of 2022, reaching an all-time higher investment on advertising since 2008. Primarily known for its fashion house Louis Vuitton, the LVMH Group invested about 7.3 billion euros in advertising in 2021.

Research and development (R&D) expenditure of the LVMH Group worldwide from 2008 to 2020 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic highlights the trend in research and development (R&D) expenditure of the LVMH Group worldwide from 2008 to 2020. In 2019, LVMH Group’s global R&D expenditure amounted to about 139 million euros.

Comment: LVMH’s exponential growth in store count signifies effective market penetration and customer engagement. The substantial investment in advertising and promotion reflects a commitment to brand resonance. The emphasis on research and development indicates a forward-looking approach, vital for maintaining innovation and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving luxury landscape.



05 Competitors

Total sales of the Richemont Group worldwide from FY2008 to FY2022 (in million euros)

Description: In FY2011, total sales of the Richemont Group worldwide amounted to about 19.18 billion euros, increasing by approximately six billion euros on the previous year. The Richemont Group is one of the leading luxury goods companies in the world. The Richemont Group garnered most of its revenue from jewelry Maisons in FY2022, which amounted to around 11 billion euros. The Asia-Pacific was responsible for 40.77 percent of the company`s total sales that year.


Sales share of the Richemont Group worldwide in FY2022, by geographical region

Description: This timeline shows the sales share of the Richemont Group worldwide in the financial year 2022, by geographical region. In that year, the sales share of the Richemont Group’s European region amounted to about 23 percent.


Richemont Group’s sales share worldwide in 2022, by product category

Description: In the financial year 2022, watch and jewelry sales accounted for about 75 percent of Richemont’s global sales. The company had total sales of approximately 19.18 billion euros that year.


Total number of monobrand stores of the Richemont Group worldwide as of 2020, by business area

Description: As of September 30, 2020, the jewelry maison division of Richemont Group operated 458 monobrand stores around the world. Richemont owns a number of luxury brands, such as Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, and Buccellati.

Revenue share of the Kering Group worldwide in 2022, by region

Description: This timeline depicts the global revenue of the Kering Group from 2008 to 2022. In 2022, Kering’s global revenue amounted to about 20.4 billion euros.


Revenue of the Kering Group worldwide from 2008 to 2022 (in million euros)

Description: In 2022, 27 percent of the Kering Group’s revenue was generated from the North American region. The company’s total revenue amounted to approximately 20.35 billion euros that year.


Revenue share of the Kering Group worldwide in 2022, by brand

Description: In 2022, the Gucci brand generated 52 percent of the Kering Group’s global revenue. Kering’s global revenue was approximately 20.35 billion euros that year.


Revenue share of the Kering Group worldwide in 2021, by product category

Description: In 2021, the leather goods product category accounted for half of the Kering Group’s global revenue. Kering’s global revenue was approximately 17.64 billion euros that year.


Number of directly operated Kering Group stores worldwide in 2020, by brand

Description: In 2021, the leather goods product category accounted for half of the Kering Group’s global revenue. Kering’s global revenue was approximately 17.64 billion euros that year.


Comment: Studying competitors like Richemont and Kering sheds light on diverse luxury market players. Richemont’s focus on jewelry and Kering’s emphasis on brands like Gucci illuminate niche strategies. Understanding their sales distribution and product mix can inform your approach, aiding in identifying unique selling points and ways to differentiate your watches.


Siste tanke

With a pulse on luxury market dynamics, LVMH’s success story and strategic insights provide a compass for your journey in the world of luxury watches

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Exploring the Diverse Options of Watch Boxes

In the world of luxury timepieces, watch boxes play a pivotal role, serving as more than just packaging. As a watch manufacturer in China, understanding the various options available for watch boxes can significantly impact your brand’s success. This comprehensive guide delves into the diverse world of watch boxes, highlighting their essential functions, materials, types, customization, and more, to help you make informed decisions for your brand.



Essential Functions of Watch Boxes

Watch boxes serve several crucial functions. They act as guardians, protecting delicate timepieces from scratches, dust, moisture, and potential damage during storage or transit. By safeguarding watches, these boxes help maintain their value and preserve their appearance over time.

Paper watch box

Materials and Construction

Watch boxes come in a wide array of materials, each with its unique attributes. Options include wood for a classic and elegant feel, leather for a touch of luxury, metal for a modern and sleek look, and plastic for affordability and versatility. Understanding the properties of each material enables you to select the one that best aligns with your brand identity and target audience. Additionally, attention to construction details, such as secure hinges, clasps, and well-cushioned interiors, enhances the overall quality of the watch box.

watch box material

Materials and Construction Options for Watch Boxes:

  • Wood:types of wood box wood materialtypes of wood box wood material
      • Classic and timeless material choice.
      • Offers a natural and elegant appearance.
      • Can be crafted from various wood types, such as oak, cherry, or mahogany.
      • Customizable with different finishes and stains for a personalized look.
      • Durable and provides excellent protection for the watch.
  • Leather:
      • Exudes luxury and sophistication.
      • Available in various textures and colors to match the brand’s style.
      • Often paired with high-quality stitching for added durability.
      • Soft interior lining to protect the watch from scratches.
      • Suitable for premium and high-end watch brands.
  • Metal:
      • Modern and sleek option, perfect for contemporary watch designs.
      • Made from materials like stainless steel or aluminum.
      • Offers excellent durability and strength.
      • Often used in combination with other materials like glass or leather for a stylish finish.
      • Ideal for sporty or rugged watch collections.
  • Plastic:
      • Cost-effective and versatile material choice.
      • Lightweight and easy to mold into various shapes and sizes.
      • Provides adequate protection for budget-friendly watches.
      • Can be transparent, colored, or textured for different aesthetics.
      • Suitable for casual and everyday watch packaging.
  • Carbon Fiber:
      • High-tech and premium material option.
      • Known for its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio.
      • Provides a contemporary and cutting-edge appearance.
      • Resistant to scratches and wear, ensuring long-lasting protection for watches.
      • Popular for luxury and high-performance watch brands.
      • Luxurious and soft interior lining material.
      • Enhances the presentation and protection of the watch.
      • Available in various colors to complement the exterior design.
      • Adds a touch of opulence to high-end watch boxes.
      • Ideal for watches with delicate finishes or precious gemstones.
  • Combination Materials:
      • Watch boxes often use a combination of materials for a unique look.
      • Examples include leather and wood, metal accents on leather, or carbon fiber with metal details.
      • Offers the opportunity to create a visually striking and distinctive packaging solution.
      • Allows for the integration of different textures and aesthetics.
  • Hinges and Clasps:
      • Watch boxes typically feature metal hinges or clasps for secure closure.
      • Quality hinges ensure smooth opening and closing of the box.
      • Magnetic clasps or lock mechanisms can add an extra layer of elegance and functionality.
      • Consider various finishing options, such as polished, brushed, or engraved, to match the overall design.
  • Interior Cushioning:
    velvet pillow for watch box

    soft foam inide the watch box
    • Watch boxes come with cushioned interiors to hold the timepiece securely.
    • Common materials for cushioning include soft foam, velvet, or microfiber.
    • Cushions are designed to accommodate different watch sizes and styles.
    • Customizable interior layout to hold multiple watches or additional accessories.


Selecting the right materials and construction techniques for your watch boxes can significantly impact your brand’s image and customer perception. Carefully consider the target market, brand identity, and the type of watches you manufacture when making your material and construction choices.


  • Detail the various materials commonly used for manufacturing watch boxes (e.g., wood, leather, metal, plastic).
  • Highlight the unique characteristics and benefits of each material option.
  • Discuss the construction techniques, such as hinges, clasps, and interior cushioning.

Types of Watch Boxes

The watch industry offers various watch box styles, catering to different consumer needs. Single watch cases are ideal for individual watches or gifting purposes, while multi-watch boxes accommodate watch collections. Travel cases provide convenience and protection during journeys, while display cases showcase watches in retail settings or at home.

box types

Types of Watch Boxes:

  • Single Watch Cases:

    signel watch box

      • Designed to hold and protect a single timepiece.
      • Compact and ideal for individual watch storage or gifting.
      • Often come with a cushioned interior to securely hold the watch in place.
      • Available in various materials, including wood, leather, and metal.
      • Suitable for retail display or as a simple yet elegant packaging option.
  • Multi-Watch Boxes:
      • Specifically crafted to accommodate multiple watches in one box.
      • Available in different sizes, ranging from 2-watch to 12-watch capacity or more.
      • Perfect for watch collectors or individuals with multiple timepieces.
      • Interior compartments keep watches separate and prevent scratching or damage.
      • Can be designed as display cases or for travel purposes.
  • Travel Watch Cases:

    3 pcs watches travle watch case

      • Designed for watch enthusiasts on the go.
      • Compact and lightweight, making them convenient for travel purposes.
      • Typically feature secure closures, like zippers or snap buttons, to keep watches safe during transit.
      • Interior cushioning provides protection from impacts and vibrations.
      • Some travel watch cases include additional storage for straps or small watch tools.
  • Watch Display Cases:

    watch display case box
      • Intended for showcasing watches in retail settings or at home.
      • Often made with transparent materials like glass or acrylic for excellent visibility.
      • Feature individual compartments to display each watch separately.
      • Suitable for creating an attractive and organized presentation of watch collections.
      • Can be customized with branding elements for retail purposes.
  • Watch Winders:
    watch winder

    watch winder
      • Combine watch storage with an automatic winding mechanism.
      • Designed for automatic watches that require consistent movement to remain functional.
      • Watch winders rotate the timepieces, keeping them wound and ready to wear.
      • Useful for watch collectors or individuals with multiple automatic watches.
      • Available in various capacities to hold multiple watches simultaneously.
  • Luxury Watch Boxes:

    wooden watch box

      • High-end watch packaging with premium materials and intricate designs.
      • Often customized to match the brand’s identity and aesthetics.
      • Interior linings made from luxurious materials like velvet or silk.
      • May include additional compartments for accessories or paperwork.
      • Elevates the overall unboxing experience and adds value to luxury timepieces.
  • Watch Rolls and Pouches:
    Watch Rolls

    Watch Rolls
      • Flexible and compact options for on-the-go watch storage.
      • Usually made from leather or soft fabric materials.
      • Suitable for protecting individual watches during travel or daily use.
      • Rollable design accommodates watches of different sizes and styles.
      • Often used for vintage or dress watches.
  • Customized Watch Boxes:
    • Tailored to meet specific brand requirements and preferences.
    • Brands can choose the materials, design, and size according to their unique needs.
    • Custom branding options, such as logo embossing or printing, reinforce brand identity.
    • Offers the opportunity to create a distinctive packaging solution that aligns with the brand image.
    • Suitable for luxury and boutique watch brands aiming for a personalized touch.


Selecting the right type of watch box depends on the target audience, the purpose of the packaging, and the brand’s identity. Offering a variety of watch box options can cater to different customer needs and enhance the overall customer experience.


Customization and Branding


To create a lasting impression and strengthen brand identity, customizing watch boxes is a powerful strategy. Branding options like logo engraving, embossing, or using signature colors enable you to reinforce brand recognition. Tailoring watch boxes to match your brand’s aesthetics can elevate the perceived value of your timepieces.

logo method

Customization and Branding Options for Watch Boxes:

  • Logo Engraving or Printing:
      • Feature the brand’s logo on the exterior or interior of the watch box.
      • Engraving offers a sophisticated and permanent branding solution.
      • Printing allows for color variations and intricate designs.
  • Embossing or Debossing:
      • Create a tactile and elegant branding effect by raising (embossing) or indenting (debossing) the brand logo or name.
      • Adds a luxurious and premium touch to the watch box.
  • Foil Stamping:
      • Apply metallic or colored foil onto the surface of the box for a shimmering and eye-catching effect.
      • Enhances the visibility and prominence of the brand’s logo or design.
  • Custom Colors and Finishes:
      • Choose specific colors that align with the brand’s identity or watch collection theme.
      • Opt for unique finishes like matte, glossy, or textured to create distinct aesthetics.
  • Brand-Specific Packaging Design:
      • Design a watch box that reflects the brand’s overall design language and visual identity.
      • Incorporate signature patterns, motifs, or artwork that resonate with the brand’s story.
  • Brand Storytelling:
      • Use the watch box to tell the brand’s story or showcase its heritage.
      • Include a brief history or message that connects with customers on an emotional level.
  • Limited Edition Branding:
      • Create exclusive and limited edition watch boxes for special releases or collaborations.
      • Highlight the uniqueness and rarity of the timepieces within.
  • Personalization:
      • Offer personalized options, such as adding the customer’s name or initials on the watch box.
      • Enhances the customer’s connection with the timepiece and makes it a cherished possession.
  • Custom-Shaped Watch Boxes:
      • Design watch boxes in unique shapes that represent the brand’s iconic elements.
      • Allows for creative and eye-catching packaging designs.
  • Interior Branding:
      • Extend branding efforts to the interior of the watch box.
      • Add branded labels or tags inside the box for a cohesive and detailed experience.
  • Custom Inserts and Compartments:
      • Customize the interior layout to hold watches and accessories securely.
      • Include compartments for extra straps, watch tools, or warranty cards.
  • Branding on Accessories:
      • Extend branding beyond the watch box by customizing accessories like cleaning cloths or watch cushions with the brand’s logo or name.
  • Co-Branding:
    • Collaborate with other brands or designers to create co-branded watch boxes.
    • Expands brand reach and caters to a broader audience.

Effective customization and branding of watch boxes reinforce brand identity, create brand recognition, and enhance the perceived value of the timepieces. The choice of customization options should align with the target market and the brand’s positioning in the market. A well-branded watch box adds a layer of sophistication and uniqueness to the overall product presentation, leaving a memorable impression on customers.


Watch Box Interior


The interior design of watch boxes is equally important as the exterior. A well-crafted watch cushion or holder ensures that the timepiece stays securely in place, reducing the risk of damage. Consider offering compartments for watch accessories, extra straps, or a slot for warranty cards to add value to your packaging.

Watch Box Interior Options and Details:

  • Watch Cushion or Holder:
      • The primary element of the watch box interior, designed to securely hold the timepiece in place.
      • Typically made from soft materials like foam, velvet, or microfiber to prevent scratches and damage.
      • Available in various shapes and sizes to accommodate different watch styles and sizes.
      • Should fit the watch snugly to prevent movement while ensuring ease of placement and removal.
  • Multiple Watch Compartments:
      • For multi-watch boxes, include individual compartments for each watch.
      • Separation prevents watches from scratching each other and helps with organization.
      • Compartments can be adjustable to accommodate various watch sizes and strap lengths.
  • Accessory Storage:
      • Consider adding compartments or pockets for watch accessories, such as extra straps, buckles, or tools.
      • Provides a convenient storage solution for watch enthusiasts or those who like to switch straps often.
  • Display Window or Glass Top:
      • Some watch boxes feature a display window or glass top to showcase the watch while it’s stored.
      • Allows users to view their timepieces without opening the box, making it ideal for presentation and retail display.
  • Interior Lining:
      • The interior of the watch box can be lined with various materials like velvet, suede, or silk.
      • Luxurious linings enhance the overall presentation and protect the watch’s finish.
      • Different color options are available to match the brand’s aesthetics or watch collection theme.
  • Watch Pillows:
      • An alternative to watch cushions, watch pillows are cylindrical or rectangular shapes used to hold the watch.
      • They provide a stylish presentation and can be customized with branded embroidery or labels.
  • Watch Stand or Rack:
      • Some watch boxes have removable watch stands or racks for displaying the timepieces at an angle.
      • Ideal for showcasing watches with intricate dials or skeleton designs.
  • Transparent Lid:
      • In addition to a glass top, some watch boxes feature a fully transparent lid.
      • Offers a complete view of the watches even when the box is closed, providing a unique visual experience.
  • Soft Closing Mechanism:
      • Incorporate a soft closing mechanism in the watch box to ensure a gentle and quiet closing motion.
      • Prevents accidental damage to the watches due to abrupt closures.
  • Customizable Interior Design:
    • Provide customizable watch box interiors to accommodate specific customer preferences.
    • Some customers may require unique layouts or features based on their watch collection or usage.

The watch box interior plays a crucial role in protecting and presenting the timepieces. The choice of materials, layout, and additional features should cater to the target audience’s needs and complement the overall design and branding of the watch box. A well-designed and functional watch box interior enhances the overall customer experience and adds value to the timepieces within.


Finishes and Aesthetics

Watch box aesthetics can significantly influence a customer’s perception of your brand. Selecting the right finish, whether it’s glossy, matte, textured, or patterned, can enhance the overall appeal and make your watch boxes stand out.


  • Explore different finishes and surface treatments that enhance the appeal of watch boxes.
  • Discuss popular design elements, such as glossy, matte, textured, or patterned exteriors.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Options

With increasing environmental awareness, opting for sustainable and eco-friendly watch box materials is a responsible choice. Customers value brands that show commitment to sustainability, and eco-conscious packaging can contribute to a positive brand image.

Finishes and Aesthetics Options and Details for Watch Boxes:

  • Matte Finish:
      • Offers a smooth and non-reflective surface.
      • Provides a sophisticated and understated appearance.
      • Ideal for minimalist or classic watch designs.
  • Glossy Finish:

    different finish
      • Creates a shiny and reflective surface.
      • Adds a sense of luxury and elegance to the watch box.
      • Suitable for high-end and formal watch collections.
  • Textured Finish:
      • Provides a tactile and visually interesting surface.
      • Can be achieved through embossing, engraving, or using textured materials.
      • Adds depth and uniqueness to the watch box design.
  • Patterned Finish:
      • Incorporates decorative patterns on the exterior of the watch box.
      • Offers versatility with various pattern options, such as stripes, herringbone, or floral motifs.
      • Adds character and visual appeal to the packaging.
  • Wood Grain Finish:

    different woods material
      • Showcases the natural beauty of wood.
      • Highlights the unique grain patterns of different wood types.
      • Adds warmth and organic aesthetics to the watch box.
  • Metal Accents:
      • Combines different materials, such as wood or leather, with metal accents.
      • Adds a contemporary and high-tech touch to the watch box design.
      • Suitable for modern and sporty watch collections.
  • Two-Tone Finishes:
      • Utilizes two complementary colors or materials for a dual-tone effect.
      • Creates a striking contrast and eye-catching design.
      • Allows for creative and visually appealing combinations.
  • Engraving or Embossing:
      • Incorporates brand logos, patterns, or intricate designs into the surface of the watch box.
      • Offers a personalized and exclusive touch to the packaging.
      • Can be used to convey the brand’s story or heritage.
  • Colorful Finishes:

    different colors and materials
      • Explores a wide range of colors to match the brand’s identity or watch collection theme.
      • Adds vibrancy and playfulness to the watch box design.
      • Suitable for brands targeting a youthful or fashion-forward audience.
  • High-Contrast Details:
      • Utilizes contrasting colors or materials to make specific elements stand out.
      • Enhances the visibility of branding elements or unique features of the watch box.
      • Creates a visually striking and memorable impression.
  • Minimalist Design:
      • Emphasizes simplicity and clean lines.
      • Focuses on essential details without unnecessary embellishments.
      • Appeals to customers who prefer a sleek and modern aesthetic.
  • Vintage or Retro Finishes:
    • Incorporates design elements from past eras, such as art deco or mid-century styles.
    • Adds a nostalgic and timeless appeal to the watch box.
    • Suitable for vintage-inspired or heritage watch brands.

The choice of finishes and aesthetics for watch boxes plays a significant role in defining the packaging’s overall look and feel. Brands should consider their target market, watch collection style, and brand identity when selecting the appropriate finish and aesthetic elements. A well-executed design enhances the perceived value of the watch box and contributes to a positive customer experience.


Packaging and Presentation

The way you present your timepieces matters, especially for luxury and high-end watches. Investing in elegant packaging and creating a memorable unboxing experience can leave a lasting impression on customers and strengthen brand loyalty.


Packaging and Presentation Options and Details for Watch Boxes:

  • Luxury Box Sleeve:
      • Incorporate an outer sleeve that slides over the watch box.
      • Adds an extra layer of elegance and protection.
      • Customizable with branding elements, patterns, or textures.
  • Branded Ribbon or Seal:
      • Use a branded ribbon or seal to secure the watch box.
      • Provides a luxurious and sophisticated touch to the packaging.
      • Enhances the unboxing experience.
  • Custom Printed Box Lid:
      • Customize the lid of the watch box with a printed design or logo.
      • Offers a distinctive and branded presentation.
      • Ideal for retail display and gift-giving.
  • Magnetic Closure:
      • Opt for a magnetic closure mechanism for easy opening and closing of the watch box.
      • Adds convenience and a sense of premium quality.
      • Ensures a secure closure during transport.
  • Unboxing Experience:
      • Design the watch box to create a memorable unboxing experience.
      • Consider the order in which the watch and accessories are revealed.
      • Include elements that surprise and delight customers.
  • Inner Packaging Accessories:
      • Enhance the presentation with inner packaging accessories, such as tissue paper, foam inserts, or fabric pouches.
      • Provides an added layer of protection and sophistication.
  • Personalized Note or Certificate:
      • Include a personalized note or certificate of authenticity inside the watch box.
      • Adds a personal touch and reinforces the exclusivity of the timepiece.
  • Watch Pillow with Brand Embroidery:
      • Customize the watch pillow with branded embroidery.
      • Elevates the interior presentation and showcases attention to detail.
  • Gift Packaging:
      • Offer gift-ready packaging options for special occasions.
      • Include gift wrapping services or a gift tag for a complete gifting experience.
  • Limited Edition Packaging:
      • Create exclusive and special packaging for limited edition watch releases.
      • Distinguishes the timepiece as a unique and collectible item.
  • Retail Display Presentation:
      • Design watch boxes that double as retail display stands.
      • Allows watches to be showcased attractively in store settings.
      • Saves space and simplifies product display.
  • Clear Window Boxes:
      • Incorporate a clear window on the watch box lid.
      • Allows customers to see the watch inside without opening the box.
      • Useful for showcasing the timepiece’s design or dial.
  • Branded Stickers or Seals:
    • Use branded stickers or seals to ensure the watch box remains sealed until the customer opens it.
    • Adds an element of security and authenticity to the packaging.

The packaging and presentation of watch boxes play a crucial role in making a lasting impression on customers. Thoughtful design elements, attention to detail, and creative presentation can elevate the perceived value of the timepiece and contribute to a positive customer experience. Brands should consider their target market and brand identity when selecting the appropriate packaging and presentation options for their watch boxes.


Cost Considerations

While exploring the various watch box options, it’s essential to balance quality and cost-effectiveness. Analyze the cost implications of different materials and customization features to find the right balance for your brand.

paper box production process

Cost Considerations for Watch Boxes:

  • Material Selection:
      • Different materials come with varying costs, impacting the overall price of the watch box.
      • Wood and leather tend to be more expensive, while plastic and certain metals are more budget-friendly.
      • Balance the desired quality and aesthetics with the available budget.
  • Customization Complexity:
    • Elaborate customizations, such as intricate engravings or unique shapes, may increase production costs.
    • Evaluate the cost implications of different customization options and choose those that align with the budget.
  • Production Volume:
      • Producing watch boxes in larger quantities often leads to cost savings per unit.
      • Consider bulk ordering to take advantage of economies of scale.
  • Packaging Features:
      • Additional features like watch pillows, compartments, or extra accessories will impact the cost.
      • Assess the necessity of each feature and its influence on the final price.
  • Finishing Techniques:
      • Certain finishing techniques, such as foil stamping or embossing, may add to the overall cost.
      • Decide on the finishing options that complement the brand’s identity while staying within the budget.
  • Packaging Size and Weight:
      • Larger and heavier watch boxes require more materials and can incur higher shipping costs.
      • Balance the desire for an impressive presentation with practical shipping considerations.
  • Sustainable Materials:
      • Opting for eco-friendly materials or sustainable practices may involve slightly higher costs.
      • Weigh the benefits of environmental responsibility against the budget constraints.
  • Branding Methods:
      • The choice of branding methods, such as logo engraving, printing, or embossing, can impact costs.
      • Consider the most cost-effective branding options without compromising brand visibility.
  • Packaging Suppliers and Manufacturing:
      • Different suppliers or manufacturers may offer varying prices for the same watch box specifications.
      • Request quotes from multiple sources to compare costs and negotiate competitive pricing.
  • Quality and Durability:
    paper box layer

    leather sleeve stitching comparison
    leather sleeve stitching comparison

    leather sleeve stitching comparison

    Layer of the leather watch box
      • Balancing cost considerations with quality is essential to avoid compromising the watch box’s durability and protection.
      • Investing in durable materials and construction can reduce potential replacement costs in the future.
  • Packaging Complexity:
      • Intricate packaging designs may require additional production steps, leading to higher costs.
      • Simplifying the packaging design while maintaining its appeal can help manage costs.
  • Shipping and Logistics:
      • Factor in shipping costs and logistics when assessing the overall budget for watch boxes.
      • Consider international shipping, customs fees, and transit times if the boxes are produced abroad.
  • Reusability and Storage:
    • Design watch boxes that can be repurposed or reused for other purposes.
    • Consider space-saving features to reduce storage costs.

Careful cost considerations are crucial for watch manufacturers to balance the desire for premium packaging with financial viability. Prioritize essential features and materials that align with the brand’s image while being mindful of the available budget.



As a watches manufacturer in China, understanding the diverse options of watch boxes is crucial for creating a strong brand presence. By choosing the right materials, designs, and customizations, you can enhance the appeal of your timepieces, impress customers, and build a loyal clientele. Invest in quality watch boxes that protect, captivate, and reflect the essence of your brand, ensuring that your timepieces leave a lasting impression on every customer.

Exploring the Growth and Dynamics of the Jewelry Industry in Italy

The jewelry industry in Italy has experienced remarkable growth and transformation in recent years. From the steady increase in turnover and production value to the impact of global market trends and consumer behavior, the Italian jewelry sector continues to thrive.

In this article, we delve into various aspects of the industry, including revenue trends, leading companies, international trade, and consumer behavior, shedding light on the dynamic nature of the Italian jewelry market.


01 Italian jewelry industry


Revenue of the watches & jewelry industry Worldwide 2017-2026 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Description: The global revenue in the watches & jewelry segment of the accessories market was forecast to continuously increase between 2023 and 2026 by in total 44.8 billion U.S. dollars (+11.97 percent). The revenue is estimated to amount to 418.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2026.


Leading jewelry exporters worldwide in 2021, by country (in billion U.S. dollars)

Description: This statistic shows the value of jewelry exports from the leading countries worldwide in 2021. In 2021, Switzerland exported approximately 11.4 billion U.S. dollars of jewelry around the world, which was slightly less than top-placed United States.


Turnover of the jewelry industry in Italy from 2013 to 2020 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic displays the turnover of the jewelry industry in Italy from 2013 to 2019. According to the data, over the period of consideration, the turnover of the jewelry industry in Italy grew steadily, going from approximately 6.6 billion euros in 2013 to almost 9.2 billion euros in 2019.


Turnover growth of the jewelry industry in Italy from 2014 to 2020

Description: This statistic displays the growth of the turnover of the jewelry industry in Italy from 2014 to 2020. According to the data, over the period of consideration, the turnover of the jewelry industry in Italy grew steadily, peaking at more 10.6 percent in 2019, up from the previous years.


The market price of raw materials for the Italian jewelry industry from 2013 to 2019 (in euros per ounce)

Description: This statistic displays the market price of raw materials for the Italian jewelry industry in Italy between 2013 and 2019. As of the survey period, the market price of gold fluctuated over time reaching its lowest value in 2014 at 953.1 euros per ounce and peaked at 1,128 euros in 2016.


Distribution of jewelry advertising spending in in Italy in 2019, by medium

Description: In 2019, 57 percent of advertising investments of jewelry brands in Italy were destined towards TV ads. Magazines were the second most popular medium, with 25 percent. Italian jewelry industry invested a total of 59.4 million euros in advertising that year.


02 Leading companies

Leading watches and jewelry companies in Italy in 2020, by sales revenues (in 1,000 euros)

Description: This statistic presents the leading companies active in the manufacturing/distribution of watches and jewelry in Italy in 2019, by sales revenues.

According to data provided by Competitive Data, in 2020, LVMH Italia S.p.A. was the leading manufacturer/distributor of watches and jewelry in Italy, with domestic sales revenues of 718 million euros. Following in the ranking came Bulgari, with domestic revenue of 412 million euros.


Net revenues of watches and jewelry companies in Italy from 2015 to 2020 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic presents the net revenues of a significant sample of companies active in the manufacturing/distribution of watches and jewelry in Italy from 2015 to 2020. According to data provided by Competitive Data, domestic net revenues of the companies sampled in Italy increased from 1.7 billion euros in 2015 to 2.1 billion euros in 2019, before dropping again to 1.6 million euros in 2020.


Production value of watches and jewelry companies in Italy from 2015 to 2020 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic presents the production value of a significant sample of companies active in the manufacturing/distribution of watches and jewelry in Italy from 2015 to 2020. According to data provided by Competitive Data, production value of the companies sampled in Italy increased from 1.74 billion euros in 2015 to over 2.2 billion euros in 2019. This value decline in 2020 to 1.6 milion euros.


Net result of watches and jewelry companies in Italy from 2015 to 2020 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic presents the net result of a significant sample of companies active in the manufacturing/distribution of watches and jewelry in Italy from 2015 to 2020. According to data provided by Competitive Data, net result of the companies sampled in Italy decreased from 43 million euros in 2015 to 86 million euros in 2019. In 2020, this figure declined to six million euros.


Jewelry brands with highest advertising spending in Italy in 2019 (in 1,000 euros)

Description: In 2019, Pandora was the jewelry brand with highest advertising spending in Italy. Its ad expenditures amounted to 14.97 million euros, more than 3.5 times more than Morellate, which ranked second. Italian jewelry industry invested a total of 59.4 million euros in advertising that year.


03 International trade

Export value of the Italian jewelry industry from 2014 to 2020 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic displays the export value of the Italian jewelry industry from 2014 to 2020. According to the data, during the period of consideration, the value of the exports of the Italian jewelry industry increased overall, growing from approximately six billion euros in 2014 to just over 7.4 billion euros in 2019.


Export value of the Italian jewelry industry from Italy in 2019, by destination market (in million euros)

Description: In 2019, the value of the export of the Italian jewelry industry to the Swiss market amounted to about 1.2 billion euros. Export of the Italian jewelry industry to the U.S. market followed with a total export value of 958.2 million euros.


Export value of the Italian fine jewelry industry in Italy from 2014 to 2020 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic displays the export value of the Italian fine jewelry industry in Italy between 2014 and 2020. As of the survey period, the value of the export of the Italian fine jewelry industry increased from about 5.2 billion euros in 2014 to approximately 6.4 billion euros in 2019.


Import value of the Italian jewelry industry from 2014 to 2020 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic displays the import value of the Italian jewelry industry in the period from 2014 to 2020. The value of imports of the Italian jewelry industry increased from about 2.1 billion euros in 2014 to about 3.1 billion euros in 2019.


Import value of the Italian jewelry industry in 2019, by supplier country (in million euros)

Description: This statistic displays the import value of the Italian jewelry industry in Italy in 2019, by country. According to the data, in 2019, the import value of the Italian jewelry industry from the Swiss market amounted to approximately 652 million euros. During the same period, imports of jewelry from France followed with a total value of nearly 455 million euros.


Import value of the Italian fine jewelry* industry between 2014 and 2020 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic displays the import value of the Italian fine jewelry industry between 2014 and 2020. The value of the import of the Italian fine jewelry industry increased from about 991 million euros in 2014 to about 1.7 billion euros in 2019.


Import value of precious metals for the Italian jewelry industry between 2014 and 2019 (in thousand euros)

Description: This statistic displays the import value of precious metals for the Italian jewelry industry between 2014 and 2019. As of the year 2018, the value of the import of precious metals was about 6.5 billion euros, a slight increase compared to the previous years.


04 Consumer behavior


How much are you going to spend on precious jewelry and watches in 2020?

Description: This statistic presents the spending intentions of Italian consumers on precious jewelry and watches in 2020. According to the survey results, 52 percent of respondents are not going to buy expensive jewelry and watches at all, while 28 percent of consumers stated that their spending on precious jewelry and watches is going to remain the same as in the past.


Share of jewelry shops with websites and social networks profiles in Italy in 2019

Description: In 2019, 19 percent of jewelry shops in Italy had both a website and one or more social media profiles. On the other hand, about 29 percent of jewelry shops did not have any online presence at all.


Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on consumer spending in selected countries as of March 2020, by retail category

Description: Over the next two weeks from March 23, 2020, consumers in Italy, Spain, the UK and the U.S. intended to increase their spending on groceries. Respondents stated that they expected to decrease their spending for every other retail category.


Purchase value of goods and services of the jewelry industry in Italy between 2010 and 2020 (in 1,000 euros)

Description: The statistic illustrates the total purchase value of goods and services of the jewelry industry in Italy between 2010 and 2020. As of 2020, the purchase value of goods and services of the jewelry industry amounted to over four billion euros, a decrease compared to the previous year.


Siste tanke:

The Italian jewelry industry stands as a shining example of craftsmanship, innovation, and business acumen. With a rich history and a commitment to excellence, Italian jewelry brands have achieved global recognition and success. As the industry continues to evolve and adapt to changing market dynamics and consumer preferences, it remains a beacon of creativity and artistry, providing exquisite pieces that captivate the hearts of jewelry enthusiasts worldwide.

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