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Why Watches Show 10.10 Time?

Watches often show the time as 10:10 because it creates a symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing display. Additionally, when the hands or digital numbers are at the 10 and 2 positions, they don't overlap and obscure each other, allowing for easy visibility of the watch's features, including the brand name or logo. This is a common practice in the watch industry and is done by most watch manufacturers around the world, regardless of the language spoken in their country.

Do you usually find a strange phenomenon when you buy a watch? Whether on the counter or in the advertisement, Most clocks are advertised at 10:10, is there any reason for this? So why choose the time of 10:10 pm? Is there any special meaning in it?

It is said that at this time the clock hands were developed by many Western psychologists and clock experts. There are all kinds of good reasons why clock ads all over the world, regardless of region or race, refer to around 10:10.

After my information search, it can be roughly summarized as follows:

The reply of Why Watches Show 10.10 Time?

Origin 10:10: For good advertising results

The habit began in 1926 when the Hamilton Watch Company set all its clocks at 10:10 in an advertisement. For a variety of reasons, this ad was very effective. Since then, almost all brands have set their watches to 10:10 in their commercials.

In our production shipments, many customers will request to pause the watch time at 10:10 minutes, and we will do so even if the customer does not say so.

Dial theory: this position does not block the logo

Considering the above, the only blank spaces on the dial are from 10 to 11 o’clock and from 1 to 2 o’clock. In order to balance, there is one on each side, and the time is set to 10:10.

Just like the Italian watch brand Snegar, there is a logo at 6 o’clock on the watch dial, so 10:10 minutes can better show the Snegar logo.


The 10:10 hands form a “V” shape, which is aesthetically pleasing in its upward orientation. Also, The upward-looking hands are aesthetically pleasing and help guide customers to Buy

Moreover, the 10:10 hand divides the dial into three parts in accordance with the Golden Mean, which visually produces the best artistic effect.

At the same time, if all the watches in a watch store point to 10:10, it will give people the feeling that this is a store that cares about beauty and quality; on the contrary, if you see a bunch of watches all pointing to different times in a mess, it will give customers a sense of confusion, which is certainly not good for the brand image.

Symmetrical Beauty

Another explanation is symmetrical beauty. Most things in the world are symmetrical, whether it is the human body or animals, so symmetry is the most natural aesthetic.

And 10:10 minutes is the most symmetrical watch time, so, in order to meet the aesthetics of the vast majority of people, 10:10 minutes becomes the most commonly used display time in advertising.

from a visual point of view, for example, in paintings and sculptures, artists pay great attention to the use of the golden mean and usually place the eyes of the figure at the position of the golden mean of the face. Artists, mathematicians and physicists have also carefully studied the 10:10 on the clock.

Stopping the clock at this time is the best artistic effect for people.

The Golden Section

In fact, the most correct explanation is that it is in line with the golden section. Watches were first introduced in Western countries, and in Western culture, the most beautiful form of things is in line with the golden section.

Therefore, in the eyes of Westerners, 10:10 is the most perfect form of timekeeping, so watches are usually displayed at 10:10 on purpose, which has become a norm over time.

At 10:10, the position of the hour and minute hands gives a sense of harmony, essentially dividing the face into three equal parts so that the customer can clearly see the face.

Victory, Ten perfect

Firstly, it comes from “victory”, the initial letter of Victory is “V”, and the V-shaped hand is a symbol of victory.

The V-shaped hand is a symbol of Western victory and can be better recognized by others. The “V” gesture was invented by Chugil.

The pointer shows 10:10 just like a V. In the West, V represents the joy of victory and a positive attitude, and it can also be interpreted as the perfection of ten.

ten minutes also represents ten perfections in the eyes of the Chinese.

Theory of mind

The hands are shaped like an eagle with wings spread, giving the feeling of struggle.

At 10:10, usually, at this time we have woken up from sleep, had a full breakfast, and are energetic. So from a psychological point of view, when people see the time 10:10, they can associate it with the vitality and mental state belonging to that time.

10:10 is also the time of decision-making, companies will hold meetings at this time. many decisions are made at this moment, and this is because everyone is most awake at this time. So, as some watchmakers advertise, ten o’clock is a very important decision-making time of the day. Many decisions are also made at this time because everyone is most awake at this time.

That’s why 10:10 is the best time of day and the best fixing point. This is true of clocks and this is true of life. If we often set the peak time of our day or life at 10:10 and always stay that upturned, uplifted, clear, awake, kind, quiet, full of energy and motivation, then what difficulty do we have for success?

My most acceptable point of view:

Watches often show the time as 10:10 because it creates a symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing display. Additionally, when the hands or digital numbers are at the 10 and 2 positions, they don’t overlap and obscure each other, allowing for easy visibility of the watch’s features, including the brand name or logo. This is a common practice in the watch industry and is done by most watch manufacturers around the world, regardless of the language spoken in their country.

Watches often show the time as 10:10 in advertisements and displays because it is considered to be the most aesthetically pleasing and balanced position for the hands on the watch face. When the hands are positioned at 10 and 2, it creates a symmetrical and open appearance that allows for the brand logo and other features of the watch to be displayed prominently. Additionally, the position of the hands at 10:10 also allows for the date window (if there is one) to be visible without any obstructions. This is a common practice in the watch industry and can be seen across various brands and styles.

Usually, there is a brand logo at 12 o’clock, and some of the logos will have the series name underneath so that the position from 11 o’clock to 1 o’clock is occupied. Watches with a calendar are generally placed at 3 o’clock, some chronographs at 4 or 5 o’clock, and sometimes a subdial at 6 o’clock or a transparent design to show the movement.

Okay, so which of the above reasons do you think would be the main reason?

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