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Movimento mecânico

Mais diamantes significam melhor nos movimentos do relógio?

Are you curious if more diamonds make a watch movement better?
It’s common to think that more diamonds might make the watch parts run smoother and last longer.
Having more diamonds in a watch’s movement doesn’t automatically mean it’s better. While diamonds can reduce friction between parts, making them last longer, a watch’s performance relies on its overall design, the skill of its makers, and the quality of all materials used. Diamonds add value and can enhance certain functions, but they are just one part of what makes a high-quality watch.
Let’s dive into how diamonds are used in watches to see if they make a difference in how well the watch works.


Papel dos diamantes nos movimentos dos relógios

O papel dos diamantes nos movimentos dos relógios é multifacetado e crucial para o desempenho geral e a qualidade do relógio. Os diamantes são valorizados por sua excepcional dureza, durabilidade e resistência ao desgaste, tornando-os materiais ideais para vários componentes de um movimento de relógio.

In watches, diamonds are used inside where you can’t always see them, but they do a very important job. These tiny diamonds are placed in parts of the watch that move a lot. They help these parts move smoothly and stay in good shape for a longer time. This means the watch tells time really well and doesn’t break down easily.
Besides making the watch work better, diamonds also make it look fancier. When you see parts of the watch moving and there are diamonds on them, the watch looks more special and expensive. It’s like adding a bit of sparkle that makes the watch both pretty and good at telling time.
Thediamondsin watches aren’t the kind you find in rings or necklaces. They are special stones made by people, mainly from a strong material called alumina. They are hard like real diamonds and can be made in different colors. Even though they are calleddiamonds,they are more similar to other stones called rubies that are also used in watches for the same reasons. So, these diamonds help the watch keep time better and make it look beautiful.

Vantagens de mais diamantes em movimentos de relógios:

As vantagens de incorporar mais diamantes nos movimentos dos relógios são múltiplas e vão além do mero apelo estético. Aqui estão alguns benefícios principais:

  • Durabilidade aprimorada: Os diamantes são conhecidos por sua excepcional dureza e durabilidade. Quando usados ​​em movimentos de relógios, oferecem maior resistência ao desgaste e ao atrito. Isto se traduz em uma vida útil mais longa do relógio, pois os diamantes ajudam a manter a integridade de componentes críticos ao longo do tempo.
  • Precisão aprimorada: A natureza precisa e uniforme dos diamantes permite um movimento mais suave dentro do mecanismo do relógio. Isso resulta em maior exatidão e precisão na cronometragem, o que é essencial para relógios de alta qualidade.
  • Resistência a arranhões: Os diamantes são altamente resistentes a arranhões, o que os torna um material ideal para proteger componentes delicados de relógios. Relógios com movimentos aprimorados com diamantes são menos propensos a danos na superfície, garantindo que mantenham sua aparência imaculada por períodos mais longos.
  • Apelo Estético: Além dos benefícios funcionais, os diamantes acrescentam um toque de luxo e elegância aos movimentos dos relógios. Relógios adornados com diamantes em partes visíveis como mostrador, luneta ou índices exalam sofisticação e prestígio, atraindo consumidores exigentes.
  • Retenção de valor: Relógios com movimentos aprimorados com diamantes geralmente mantêm seu valor ao longo do tempo. A durabilidade e a beleza atemporal dos diamantes contribuem para a longevidade do relógio, tornando-o um investimento valioso para colecionadores e entusiastas.
  • Design diferenciado: O uso de diamantes permite designs complexos e cativantes nos movimentos dos relógios. Quer se trate de uma configuração pavimentada no mostrador ou de uma luneta adornada com pedras brilhantes, a presença de diamantes acrescenta um toque único e distinto ao design geral do relógio.


Desvantagens do excesso de diamantes nos movimentos dos relógios:

  • Aumento de peso: Excessive diamonds in watch movements can significantly increase the overall weight of the timepiece. This can affect wearer’s comfort, especially if the watch is worn for extended periods.
  • Volume: Relógios com excesso de diamantes podem tornar-se mais volumosos devido ao material adicional utilizado na sua construção. Isso pode prejudicar o perfil elegante e fino que muitos entusiastas de relógios preferem.
  • Custos mais elevados: Relógios adornados com diamantes excessivos geralmente vêm com preços mais altos. O custo de aquisição e cravação de numerosos diamantes pode inflacionar significativamente o preço do relógio, tornando-o menos acessível para alguns consumidores.
  • Legibilidade diminuída: Em alguns casos, a abundância de diamantes no mostrador ou nos ponteiros do relógio pode prejudicar a legibilidade, especialmente em certas condições de iluminação. O brilho e os reflexos dos diamantes podem obscurecer a hora, dificultando a leitura à primeira vista.
  • Desafios de manutenção: Os relógios incrustados de diamantes requerem cuidados e manutenção especiais para preservar a sua beleza. A limpeza e a manutenção desses relógios podem ser mais complexas e caras devido à natureza delicada dos diamantes e de suas engastes.
  • Gosto Subjetivo: Embora algumas pessoas possam apreciar o luxo de um relógio cravejado de diamantes, outras podem considerá-lo ostentoso ou espalhafatoso. O excesso de diamantes pode polarizar opiniões e pode não agradar às preferências estéticas de todos.
  • Risco de danos: Relógios com diamantes em excesso são mais suscetíveis a danos, principalmente se os diamantes não estiverem cravados com segurança. Diamantes soltos ou danificados podem prejudicar a aparência do relógio e exigir reparos dispendiosos.


Os relojoeiros usam vários tipos de diamantes:

  • Rubi: Os rubis são comumente usados ​​como rolamentos em movimentos de relógios, como rolamentos de rodas de equilíbrio e rolamentos de rodas de escape. Os rolamentos Ruby podem reduzir o atrito entre as peças mecânicas, melhorando a precisão e a estabilidade do relógio.

  • Rubi Sintético: Os rubis sintéticos também podem ser usados ​​como rolamentos em movimentos de relógios, semelhantes aos rubis naturais, mas mais econômicos.
  • Safira: As safiras são normalmente usadas em placas de cobertura transparentes e fundos de caixas transparentes como materiais de proteção e decoração. A transparência e a durabilidade da safira fazem dela a escolha ideal para exibir o artesanato requintado e a construção complexa do movimento.

  • Safira Sintética: Safiras sintéticas, semelhantes às safiras naturais, são comumente usadas em tampas transparentes de relógios e fundos de caixas transparentes para proteger e decorar o movimento.

A forma dos diamantes no movimento do relógio::

As joias em um movimento de relógio normalmente vêm em vários formatos, incluindo:

  • Redondo: O formato mais comum das joias usadas em movimentos de relógios é redondo. As joias redondas são versáteis e podem ser usadas em diversas partes do movimento.
  • Oval: Alguns movimentos de relógio podem usar joias de formato oval, especialmente em áreas onde o espaço é limitado ou onde um formato específico é necessário para um desempenho ideal.
  • Quadrado ou Retangular: Joias de formato quadrado ou retangular podem ser utilizadas em áreas específicas do movimento, proporcionando estabilidade e sustentação em espaços angulares ou confinados.
  • Em forma de barril: Joias em formato de barril são menos comuns, mas podem ser usadas em partes especializadas do movimento onde um formato único é necessário para um funcionamento preciso.
  • Em forma de pêra: Joias em formato de pêra também são ocasionalmente usadas em movimentos de relógios, especialmente em áreas onde um formato cônico ou pontiagudo é vantajoso.


No geral, o formato das joias em um movimento de relógio é determinado pelos requisitos específicos de cada parte do movimento e pelas preferências de design do relojoeiro.


De onde vêm os diamantes nos movimentos dos relógios?

Os rubis normalmente usados ​​em movimentos de relógios são provenientes de depósitos minerais de rubi natural. Os depósitos de rubi podem ser encontrados em todo o mundo, com os principais países produtores, incluindo Mianmar, Tailândia, Sri Lanka e Tanzânia. Estas regiões são conhecidas pelos seus depósitos de rubis de alta qualidade. Durante o processo de mineração, as rochas contendo rubi são extraídas e passam por processamento e corte para produzir os rolamentos de rubi e outros componentes usados ​​nos movimentos dos relógios.


Qual a função dos Diamantes nos movimentos dos relógios

As joias nos movimentos dos relógios desempenham um papel crucial em vários aspectos:

  • Redução de Fricção: As joias, normalmente feitas de safira sintética ou rubi, servem como rolamentos ou assentos no movimento. Sua alta dureza e superfície lisa ajudam a reduzir o atrito entre as peças mecânicas, garantindo o bom funcionamento do movimento.
  • Precisão aprimorada: Devido à sua estrutura e dureza uniformes, as joias proporcionam suporte e equilíbrio estáveis, contribuindo para maior precisão e estabilidade do relógio.
  • Vida útil estendida: A dureza e a resistência ao desgaste das joias protegem componentes críticos do movimento, como os rolamentos da roda de equilíbrio e os rolamentos da roda de escape, reduzindo o desgaste e prolongando a vida útil do relógio.
  • Maior confiabilidade: A estabilidade e durabilidade das joias no movimento garantem uma operação estável a longo prazo, aumentando a confiabilidade e durabilidade do relógio.

No geral, as joias nos movimentos dos relógios desempenham um papel vital para garantir a operação precisa e a confiabilidade do relógio a longo prazo.


Como determinar se um relógio sofisticado usa pedras decorativas ou funcionais?

Para determinar se as pedras preciosas utilizadas num relógio topo de gama são decorativas ou funcionais, vários factores podem ser considerados:

  • Posição e Quantidade: Primeiramente, deve-se atentar para a posição e quantidade das pedras preciosas. Se as pedras preciosas estiverem concentradas principalmente no mostrador, na luneta, nos ponteiros e em outras partes estéticas do relógio, e houver um grande número delas, provavelmente são pedras decorativas usadas para melhorar o apelo visual e o luxo do relógio. Por outro lado, se as pedras preciosas são utilizadas principalmente em peças-chave do movimento, como rolamentos e paletes, onde a sua presença é crucial para melhorar a precisão e a estabilidade do relógio, são provavelmente pedras preciosas funcionais.
  • Material e Qualidade: Em segundo lugar, o material e a qualidade das pedras preciosas devem ser considerados. As pedras preciosas decorativas são frequentemente escolhidas pelas suas cores vibrantes e aparência atraente, como diamantes e pedras preciosas coloridas, para realçar o efeito visual e o luxo do relógio. As gemas funcionais, por outro lado, priorizam a dureza, a transparência e a pureza para garantir que possam fornecer suporte funcional de alta qualidade.
  • Marca e Posicionamento: Por último, a marca e o posicionamento do relógio também devem ser levados em consideração. Algumas marcas de relógios sofisticados concentram-se mais na estética e no luxo em seus designs, e as pedras preciosas podem ser usadas principalmente para decoração. Em contrapartida, as marcas de relógios técnicos priorizam a funcionalidade e o desempenho, e as pedras preciosas podem ser mais utilizadas para melhorar a qualidade e a precisão do movimento.

Concluindo, observando a posição e a quantidade, o material e a qualidade das pedras preciosas, bem como a marca e o posicionamento do relógio, pode-se fazer um julgamento relativamente preciso sobre se as pedras preciosas usadas em um relógio de alta qualidade são decorativas ou funcionais. .


Os diamantes nos movimentos de relógios de alta qualidade são valiosos?

Desde o aparecimento das pedras preciosas sintéticas em 1892, os fabricantes de relógios têm utilizado predominantemente óxido de alumínio e agentes corantes (como o óxido de cromo) sinterizados em altas temperaturas para formar rubis vermelhos. No entanto, antes de 1800, rubis naturais caros eram usados ​​em movimentos de relógios. Portanto, os relógios mecânicos com rolamentos de rubi eram considerados relógios de alta qualidade na época e tinham preços elevados.

Como a maioria das pedras preciosas usadas hoje em movimentos de relógios de alta qualidade são sintéticas, isso significa que essas pedras preciosas não têm sentido?

As pedras preciosas usadas em movimentos de relógios de alta qualidade normalmente têm algum valor, mas seu valor depende de vários fatores:

Qualidade de pedras preciosas: A qualidade da pedra preciosa impacta significativamente o seu valor. Pedras preciosas naturais de alta qualidade, como rubis e safiras premium, bem como pedras preciosas sintéticas, como rubis e safiras sintéticas, geralmente têm valor mais alto. Sua clareza, cor e pureza influenciam diretamente seu valor de mercado.

Quantidade e tamanho das pedras preciosas: O número e o tamanho das pedras preciosas usadas nos movimentos dos relógios também afetam seu valor. Geralmente, os movimentos com mais pedras preciosas e tamanhos maiores tendem a ter um valor relativamente mais elevado porque implica que o fabricante de relógios investiu mais custos e habilidade no processo de produção.

Marca e modelo do relógio: A marca e o modelo do relógio também são fatores importantes na determinação do valor das pedras preciosas no movimento. Algumas marcas de relógios conhecidas e modelos específicos podem ter um valor de colecionador mais elevado devido à sua raridade e singularidade, aumentando potencialmente o valor global do movimento.

Movimento mecânico.
Movimento mecânico.

Demanda e tendências do mercado: Por último, a demanda e as tendências do mercado também impactam o valor das pedras preciosas nos movimentos dos relógios. Se um determinado tipo de relógio ou marca específica for preferido por colecionadores ou consumidores, como resultado, as pedras preciosas usadas neles poderão valorizar-se.


Na verdade, essas gemas desempenham um papel insubstituível devido à sua alta dureza (dureza Mohs de 9), resistência ao desgaste, boa rugosidade superficial e baixo coeficiente de atrito (coeficiente de atrito geralmente atingindo 0,14 sob atrito seco quando usado em conjunto com peças metálicas, e o coeficiente de atrito pode ser reduzido para 0,01 sob boas condições de lubrificação).

Quando usados ​​como rolamentos no movimento, a eficiência de transmissão das engrenagens é bastante melhorada, tornando o relógio mais preciso e prolongando significativamente sua vida útil. Pode-se dizer que a quantidade de joias é um importante indicador da qualidade de um relógio mecânico, e a quantidade de pedras preciosas costuma estar marcada no mostrador.

Movimento mecânico
Movimento mecânico

Therefore, in the past, some watch manufacturers, in order to attract consumersattention, marked the quantity of non-functional diamonds (decorative diamonds) on the movement, dial, and case of mechanical watches. This practice, such as having small dials with many diamonds (there are watches with 88 diamonds on the market), is obviously misleading to consumers who are not knowledgeable about watches.

Para conter esta situação, a norma internacional ISO-1112 estipula que apenas a quantidade de pedras funcionais pode ser marcada no mostrador; independentemente do número de gemas não funcionais, a marcação não é permitida.

Pelo exposto, podemos ver que quanto mais pedras preciosas usadas em um movimento não significa necessariamente melhor. O número médio de joias em um movimento mecânico típico é de cerca de 19 (cerca de 25 para movimentos mecânicos automáticos). Além disso, se existirem outros mecanismos complexos, o número de joias em relógios personalizados poderá aumentar. No entanto, é certo que a importância das gemas decorativas é ligeiramente inferior à das gemas funcionais.

movimento mecânico
movimento mecânico

Em resumo, as pedras preciosas usadas em movimentos de relógios de alta qualidade geralmente têm algum valor, mas seu valor específico depende do impacto abrangente de vários fatores.


Dicas de especialistas para selecionar relógios com diamantes

  • Defina um orçamento: Determine seu orçamento antes de iniciar sua busca por um relógio de diamantes. Os preços podem variar significativamente com base em fatores como a qualidade e quantidade dos diamantes, bem como a marca e o acabamento do relógio.
  • Considere a qualidade do diamante: Preste atenção à qualidade dos diamantes utilizados no relógio. Procure diamantes com alta clareza, cor e qualidades de corte para garantir o máximo brilho e brilho.
  • Avalie o artesanato: Avalie o acabamento do relógio, incluindo a cravação dos diamantes e a construção geral. Certifique-se de que os diamantes estejam bem cravados para minimizar o risco de danos ou perda.

    Movimento mecânico
    Movimento mecânico
  • Escolha uma marca respeitável: Opte por uma marca conceituada, conhecida pela sua qualidade e artesanato. Relojoeiros estabelecidos com um histórico de produção de relógios de alta qualidade têm maior probabilidade de oferecer relógios de diamantes confiáveis.
  • Pesquise o Movimento: Observe o movimento do relógio e considere fatores como precisão, confiabilidade e funcionalidade. Um movimento de alta qualidade é essencial para garantir o desempenho do relógio a longo prazo.

    Movimento mecânico
    Movimento mecânico
  • Considere seu estilo de vida: Leve em consideração o seu estilo de vida ao selecionar um relógio de diamantes. Se você leva um estilo de vida ativo ou trabalha em ambientes onde o relógio pode estar sujeito a condições adversas, escolha um relógio com design durável e construção robusta.
  • Procure aconselhamento especializado: Consulte especialistas experientes ou observe entusiastas para obter conselhos e recomendações. Eles podem fornecer informações valiosas sobre a qualidade, o valor e o desempenho de diferentes relógios com diamantes.
  • Experimente antes de comprar: Sempre que possível, experimente o relógio antes de fazer uma compra. Preste atenção na sensação do seu pulso e em como os diamantes captam a luz. Certifique-se de que o relógio seja confortável de usar e adequado ao seu estilo pessoal.
  • Garantia de pesquisa e opções de serviço: Verifique as opções de garantia e serviço oferecidas pelo fabricante ou revendedor. Uma garantia abrangente e opções de serviço confiáveis ​​podem proporcionar tranquilidade e garantir que seu investimento esteja protegido.
  • Confie nos seus instintos: Em última análise, confie nos seus instintos e escolha um relógio de diamantes que fale com você. Selecione um relógio que corresponda ao seu estilo, preferências e valores pessoais, garantindo que você gostará de usá-lo por muitos anos.


Manutenção e cuidados com relógios de diamante:

  • Limpeza Regular: Limpe seu relógio de diamante regularmente para remover sujeira, óleos e detritos que possam se acumular na superfície. Use um pano macio e sem fiapos umedecido com água e sabão neutro para limpar suavemente o relógio, tomando cuidado para não mergulhá-lo em água.
  • Evite produtos químicos agressivos: Evite expor seu relógio de diamantes a produtos químicos agressivos, como alvejante, amônia ou cloro, pois podem danificar o metal e degradar a qualidade dos diamantes. Remova o relógio antes de iniciar atividades como natação ou limpeza com produtos químicos.
  • Proteja do impacto: Os diamantes são duráveis, mas ainda podem lascar ou rachar se forem submetidos a impactos fortes. Evite usar seu relógio de diamantes durante atividades onde ele possa sofrer impactos ou entrar em contato com superfícies duras.

    Movimento mecânico
    Movimento mecânico
  • Armazene adequadamente: Quando não estiver em uso, guarde seu relógio de diamantes em um local limpo e seco, longe da luz solar direta e de temperaturas extremas. Considere usar um pano macio ou uma caixa de relógio para protegê-lo contra poeira e arranhões.
  • Atendimento Profissional: Periodicamente, leve seu relógio de diamantes para manutenção por um relojoeiro profissional para garantir que ele permaneça em ótimas condições. A manutenção regular pode ajudar a identificar e resolver quaisquer problemas antes que eles se agravem, prolongando a vida útil do seu relógio.
  • Verifique se há pedras soltas: Inspecione regularmente seu relógio de diamantes em busca de pedras soltas ou faltando. Se você notar algum, leve seu relógio a um joalheiro ou relojoeiro de boa reputação para conserto e evitar maiores danos.
  • Evite campos magnéticos: Mantenha o seu relógio de diamantes longe de campos magnéticos fortes, pois estes podem interferir no movimento e na precisão do relógio. Evite colocar o relógio perto de dispositivos eletrônicos ou joias magnéticas.
  • Evite temperaturas extremas: Evite expor o seu relógio de diamantes a temperaturas extremas, pois isso pode afetar o seu desempenho e durabilidade. Evite usar o relógio em banheiras de hidromassagem ou saunas, pois a exposição prolongada ao calor pode danificar os componentes internos.
  • Seja gentil: Manuseie seu relógio de diamantes com cuidado, evitando manuseio desnecessário ou força excessiva. Ao acertar a hora ou ajustar a coroa, use uma pressão suave e constante para evitar danificar os delicados mecanismos.
  • Limpeza Profissional: Considere ter seu relógio de diamante limpo e inspecionado por um profissional periodicamente para garantir que ele permaneça em ótimas condições. A limpeza profissional pode remover sujeira e fuligem teimosas e restaurar o brilho dos diamantes.


Comparison of Diamond Watches with Alternative Materials

Relógios de diamante:

  • Aparência luxuosa: Os relógios com diamantes exalam luxo e sofisticação, graças ao brilho e brilho dos diamantes. Eles adicionam um toque de elegância a qualquer roupa e são frequentemente vistos como símbolos de status.
  • Dureza Excepcional: Os diamantes são um dos materiais mais duros do planeta, o que os torna altamente resistentes a arranhões e abrasões. Isto garante que os relógios de diamantes mantenham a sua aparência imaculada mesmo após anos de uso.
  • Investimento duradouro: Os relógios de diamante são considerados investimentos valiosos devido à beleza e durabilidade duradouras dos diamantes. Tendem a reter bem o seu valor ao longo do tempo e podem até valorizar, especialmente se forem raros ou de marcas de prestígio.

Materiais Alternativos:

  • Aço inoxidável: O aço inoxidável é um material popular usado na relojoaria devido à sua durabilidade e preço acessível. Embora não sejam tão luxuosos quanto os diamantes, os relógios de aço inoxidável são altamente resistentes à corrosão e oferecem uma estética elegante e moderna.

    Aço inoxidável
    Aço inoxidável
  • Cerâmica: Os relógios de cerâmica são conhecidos por suas propriedades resistentes a arranhões e leveza. Eles oferecem uma aparência contemporânea e estão disponíveis em uma ampla gama de cores. No entanto, os relógios de cerâmica podem ser mais propensos a quebrar ou lascar em comparação com os diamantes.

  • Titânio: Os relógios de titânio são valorizados por sua resistência, leveza e propriedades hipoalergênicas. Eles são altamente resistentes à corrosão e são frequentemente usados ​​em relógios esportivos e ao ar livre. No entanto, o titânio carece do brilho e do glamour associados aos diamantes.

  • Ouro: Os relógios de ouro são relógios clássicos que exalam elegância e luxo. Embora não sejam tão duráveis ​​quanto os diamantes, os relógios de ouro são altamente valorizados por seu apelo atemporal e valor de investimento. No entanto, eles podem exigir manutenção mais frequente para evitar arranhões e manchas.



  • Durabilidade: Os diamantes são o material mais duro, oferecendo durabilidade superior e resistência a arranhões em comparação com materiais alternativos como aço inoxidável, cerâmica, titânio e ouro.
  • Luxo: Os relógios de diamante são sinónimo de luxo e prestígio, oferecendo um nível de sofisticação que outros materiais podem não igualar.
  • Valor: Embora os relógios de diamante sejam investimentos valiosos, materiais alternativos como aço inoxidável e titânio oferecem opções mais acessíveis sem sacrificar a durabilidade.
  • Estética: Os relógios de diamante destacam-se pelo seu brilho cintilante e elegância intemporal, enquanto os materiais alternativos oferecem uma variedade de estilos e designs para satisfazer diferentes preferências.

Em resumo, embora os relógios de diamante ofereçam luxo e durabilidade incomparáveis, os materiais alternativos oferecem opções mais acessíveis com estética única e benefícios práticos. A escolha entre relógios de diamantes e materiais alternativos depende, em última análise, das preferências individuais, do orçamento e de considerações de estilo de vida.


Perguntas frequentes:Pergunta frequente


O excesso de diamantes pode afetar a funcionalidade de um relógio?

Answer: O excesso de diamantes pode afetar a funcionalidade do relógio. Embora os próprios diamantes sejam materiais altamente duráveis, a decoração excessiva com diamantes pode aumentar o peso do relógio, levando a uma operação instável ou imprecisa do movimento. Além disso, uma abundância de diamantes também pode afetar a resistência à água e a durabilidade do relógio.

The quantity of jewels in a watch movement isn’t necessarily better. Jewels are used to reduce friction between mechanical parts, enhancing the accuracy and stability of the movement. Therefore, a watch requires enough jewels to support key components, but too many jewels can increase the watch’s cost without necessarily providing additional performance benefits.

For a typical watch, 17 to 25 jewels are usually sufficient. However, complex watches may require more jewels to support additional functionality, depending on the watch’s design and manufacturing requirements. Therefore, the quantity of jewels should be balanced according to the watch’s complexity and manufacturing needs.


Quais rotinas de manutenção são recomendadas para relógios com diamantes?

Answer: Para relógios com diamantes, são recomendados os seguintes procedimentos de manutenção:

  1. Limpeza Regular: Limpe periodicamente a superfície do relógio com água e sabão neutro e um pano macio para remover poeira e sujeira.
  2. Evite contato com produtos químicos: Evite expor o relógio a produtos químicos como perfumes, cosméticos e agentes de limpeza para evitar danos aos diamantes e à superfície do relógio.

    Líquido para lavar louça.
    Líquido para lavar louça.
  3. Inspeção Regular: Verifique regularmente se os diamantes do relógio estão soltos ou danificados e repare-os ou substitua-os imediatamente.
  4. Evite o impacto: Evite que o relógio entre em contato com objetos duros para evitar que os diamantes se soltem ou sejam danificados.
  5. Atenção de armazenamento: Guarde o relógio em local seco, longe da luz solar direta e evite exposição prolongada à água ou umidade.


Existem materiais alternativos aos diamantes para melhorar os movimentos dos relógios?

Answer: Além dos diamantes, existem vários materiais alternativos que podem ser usados ​​para melhorar os movimentos dos relógios, tais como:

Rubis e Safiras Sintéticos: Pedras preciosas sintéticas semelhantes às naturais podem ser usadas em movimentos de relógios para melhorar a estabilidade e a precisão.

Cerâmica: Os materiais cerâmicos oferecem excelente resistência ao desgaste e à corrosão, tornando-os adequados para caixas e pulseiras de relógios, proporcionando uma vida útil mais longa e mantendo a aparência do relógio.

Ligas de aço inoxidável e titânio: Aço inoxidável e ligas de titânio são materiais comumente usados ​​em relógios, conhecidos por sua resistência à corrosão, resistência ao desgaste e propriedades de leveza, tornando-os adequados para a fabricação de movimentos de relógios de alta qualidade.


Quantas joias um relógio deve ter?

Em geral, um movimento de relógio mecânico pode conter várias joias, normalmente variando de 17 a 25 joias. No entanto, isto depende da complexidade e funcionalidade do movimento do relógio. Relógios menos complicados normalmente usam menos joias, enquanto relógios mais complexos, como aqueles com turbilhões ou funções de cronógrafo, podem usar mais joias para melhorar a precisão e a estabilidade do movimento. Portanto, o número de joias em um relógio é determinado pelos requisitos de design e fabricação do relógio.

A maioria dos relógios joias possui aproximadamente 17 joias, utilizadas em diversas áreas:

Movimento: As joias são normalmente usadas no movimento de um relógio, incluindo os rolamentos da roda de balanço, roda de escape e outras peças móveis. Essas joias ajudam a reduzir o atrito entre os componentes mecânicos, melhorando a precisão e a estabilidade do relógio.

Moldura e mostrador: Alguns relógios joalheria também podem apresentar pedras preciosas incrustadas na luneta e no mostrador, como diamantes e safiras, para realçar os aspectos decorativos e luxuosos do relógio.

Moldura do relógio
Moldura do relógio
Jwewls na moldura
Jwewls na moldura

Indicadores: Em alguns relógios joalheria, indicadores como ponteiros e marcadores de horas também podem ser decorados com pedras preciosas para adicionar qualidade e charme único ao relógio.

Mostrador de relógio com joias
Mostrador de relógio com joias

No geral, um relógio de joias com 17 joias incorpora pedras preciosas em diversas áreas, não apenas melhorando a funcionalidade e o desempenho do relógio, mas também adicionando beleza e luxo ao relógio.


A maioria dos relógios com joias normalmente tem cerca de 17 joias, que são usadas principalmente nas seguintes partes do movimento:

  • Rolamentos da roda de equilíbrio: As joias são frequentemente usadas para apoiar o volante, reduzindo o atrito e garantindo um funcionamento suave.

    roda de equilíbrio (foto de
    roda de equilíbrio (foto de
  • Rolamentos da roda de escape: Da mesma forma, joias são utilizadas para apoiar a roda de escape, auxiliando no controle do ritmo e da precisão do relógio.

 roda de fuga.

    roda de fuga.
  • Outras peças móveis: Além da roda de equilíbrio e da roda de escape, as joias também podem ser utilizadas para apoiar outras partes móveis críticas dentro do movimento, como o garfo do palete, a mola espiral, etc.

Esta postagem deixou claro quais são as partes do movimento dos relógios mecânicos:

O que significam 17 joias? O que significam 25 joias em um relógio?

17 joias e 25 joias em um relógio referem-se ao número de rubis ou safiras sintéticas usadas como rolamentos no movimento do relógio. Indica o número de pontos onde as partes móveis do relógio, como engrenagens e pivôs, entram em contato com as joias para reduzir o atrito e melhorar o desempenho geral e a durabilidade do movimento.

Movimento de relógio de 17 joias
Movimento de relógio de 17 joias

Assim, um relógio com 17 joias significa que tem 17 rubis ou safiras sintéticas servindo como rolamentos, e da mesma forma, um relógio com 25 joias significa que tem 25 rubis ou safiras sintéticas servindo como rolamentos.


Os relógios de quartzo têm joias?

Na verdade, os relógios de quartzo, assim como os relógios mecânicos, também possuem partes móveis. No entanto, nem todos os relógios de quartzo utilizam joias em seus movimentos. Antes da década de 1970, quando o Seiko Astron foi introduzido e lançou relógios movidos a bateria (quartzo), todos os relógios eram mecânicos e aproximadamente cinco a sete joias eram usadas no movimento de um relógio.

Movimento de Quartzo

Sim, os relógios de quartzo normalmente também utilizam joias. Embora o movimento de um relógio de quartzo seja acionado por um cristal de quartzo em vez de um movimento mecânico tradicional, as joias ainda desempenham um papel importante no movimento dos relógios de quartzo. As joias são comumente usadas para apoiar os eixos de engrenagem e outras partes móveis dos relógios de quartzo para reduzir o atrito e melhorar a precisão e durabilidade do relógio.

Relógio de quartzo japonês
Relógio de quartzo japonês

Embora o número de joias necessárias para relógios de quartzo seja normalmente menor do que os relógios mecânicos tradicionais, elas ainda são um componente crucial para o desempenho e a confiabilidade dos relógios de quartzo.



Em resumo, os diamantes nos movimentos dos relógios contribuem não apenas para o apelo estético, mas também para a funcionalidade e o desempenho. Embora o excesso de diamantes possa levar a desvantagens como aumento de peso, um uso equilibrado de diamantes pode melhorar a elegância sem comprometer a funcionalidade. É essencial considerar fatores como a qualidade do diamante, o artesanato e o estilo de vida pessoal ao escolher um relógio com diamantes.

Materiais alternativos como rubis sintéticos, safiras, cerâmica, aço inoxidável e titânio também desempenham papéis significativos na melhoria dos movimentos dos relógios, oferecendo benefícios únicos em durabilidade e estética. Quer sejam adornados com diamantes ou confeccionados com materiais alternativos, o segredo é encontrar um equilíbrio entre funcionalidade, estética e gosto pessoal. Em última análise, a escolha deve estar de acordo com as preferências individuais, garantindo ao mesmo tempo um desempenho ideal e uma beleza duradoura.


vidro de safira (1)

Desvantagens do vidro safira

Você já se perguntou sobre as desvantagens do vidro safira?

Compreender suas limitações é crucial para tomar decisões informadas sobre seu uso.

Vamos nos aprofundar nas desvantagens do vidro safira e explorar possíveis soluções.

Embora o vidro de safira ofereça muitas vantagens, ele também apresenta diversas desvantagens que podem limitar seu uso em determinadas aplicações.

Some of the main drawbacks of sapphire glass include:

vidro de safira (1)
vidro de safira (1)


The production cost of sapphire glass is higher compared to other types of glass or transparent materials. The process of growing synthetic sapphire crystals is complex and time-consuming, involving high temperatures, specialized equipment, and precise control of growth conditions, which increases production costs. Therefore, sapphire glass is often more expensive than traditional glass or other transparent materials, making its cost-effectiveness lower in some applications.


Brittle Nature:

Despite its high hardness, sapphire glass is relatively brittle compared to materials like tempered glass. Under certain conditions, sapphire glass is prone to fracture or breakage, especially when subjected to significant impact or pressure. This brittleness makes sapphire glass more susceptible to damage in applications involving high impact forces or mechanical stress.


Difficulty in Processing:

Sapphire glass is more challenging to process compared to other materials. It is a crystalline material that requires specialized cutting, grinding, and polishing techniques, which can be more time-consuming and expensive. Additionally, sapphire glass is difficult to bond or join, which may limit its use in applications requiring bonding or sealing.


Limited Size and Thickness:

Due to the challenges in growing large and thick sapphire crystals, the size and thickness of sapphire glass are relatively limited. Compared to traditional glass, sapphire glass typically has smaller dimensions and thinner thicknesses, which may not be suitable for some applications requiring larger or thicker glass components.

vidro de safira (1)
vidro de safira (1)


Sapphire glass has a higher density than traditional glass, meaning it can be heavier for a given size and thickness. This may be a disadvantage in weight-sensitive applications or when designing lightweight devices, where the weight of sapphire glass needs to be considered.


More Energy-Intensive Production:

The production of synthetic sapphire crystals used for sapphire glass requires high temperatures and energy-intensive processes, which may result in higher energy consumption and environmental impact compared to other materials. This may be a concern for applications or industries with environmental considerations.


Reflectance Without Anti-Reflective (AR) Coating:

Sapphire glass has a relatively high refractive index, which can lead to significant reflection on its surface without proper anti-reflective (AR) coating. This may result in unnecessary reflection or glare in certain applications, such as displays or optical lenses, requiring additional AR coatings to mitigate this issue.

While sapphire glass offers many advantages, it also has several drawbacks, including higher cost, brittleness, processing difficulties, limited size and thickness, weight, more energy-intensive production, and reflectance without AR coating. When evaluating the suitability of sapphire glass for specific applications, these limitations need to be considered, and alternative materials may be preferred based on the requirements and constraints of the application.


Vidro de relógio com revestimento AR

Sobre o revestimento de vidro de relógio

Amigos que usaram relógios podem ter experimentado este fenômeno: sob a luz solar, a superfície de vidro do relógio reflete severamente a luz, afetando a legibilidade da hora.

A alta refletividade da superfície do vidro dificulta a leitura clara da hora sob luz forte, reduzindo a praticidade do relógio e afetando a experiência do usuário.

Para resolver este problema, é possível aplicar um revestimento ao vidro do relógio utilizando tecnologia de revestimento anti-reflexo para reduzir o reflexo da superfície do vidro e melhorar a legibilidade do relógio sob diferentes condições de iluminação. Ao usar a tecnologia de revestimento AR, a superfície do vidro do relógio pode reduzir efetivamente o brilho e o reflexo, permitindo uma leitura clara do tempo sob várias condições de iluminação.


Vamos dar uma olhada na classificação dos revestimentos de vidro de relógio;

Tipos de revestimentos de vidro de relógio

O revestimento de vidro de relógio refere-se à aplicação de uma camada protetora na superfície de um vidro de relógio para aumentar sua durabilidade, resistência a arranhões e desempenho geral. Este revestimento é normalmente aplicado usando técnicas avançadas, como deposição física de vapor (PVD) ou deposição química de vapor (CVD). O objetivo do revestimento do vidro de relógio é melhorar as propriedades da superfície do vidro, tornando-o mais resistente a arranhões, manchas e outras formas de danos que podem ocorrer durante o uso diário.

vidro de safira (1)
vidro de safira (1)

Existem vários tipos de revestimentos utilizados na relojoaria:

  • Revestimento anti-reflexo (Revestimento AR): Este tipo de revestimento é aplicado para reduzir o brilho e os reflexos no vidro do relógio, melhorando a visibilidade e a legibilidade, especialmente em condições de muita luz.
  • Revestimento resistente a arranhões: Este revestimento foi concebido para tornar o vidro do relógio mais resistente a riscos, garantindo que mantém a sua clareza e aparência ao longo do tempo.
  • Revestimento anti-impressão digital: Este revestimento ajuda a repelir impressões digitais e manchas, mantendo o vidro do relógio limpo e livre de marcas indesejadas.
  • Revestimento repelente à água: Alguns vidros de relógio são revestidos com uma camada repelente à água para melhorar a resistência à água e evitar que gotas de água grudem na superfície.
  • Revestimento de proteção UV: Este tipo de revestimento ajuda a proteger o vidro do relógio dos efeitos nocivos da radiação ultravioleta (UV), que pode causar descoloração e degradação ao longo do tempo.

No geral, o revestimento do vidro do relógio desempenha um papel crucial na melhoria do desempenho e da longevidade de um relógio, garantindo que ele permaneça em ótimas condições por muitos anos.

O revestimento mais comumente usado para vidro de relógio é o revestimento AR.

Relógio de vidro com revestimento
Relógio de vidro com revestimento

O que é o revestimento AR no vidro do relógio?

Vamos dar uma olhada na classificação dos revestimentos de vidro de relógio.

Everyone knows that any glass will produce glare, including flat and curved glass. Therefore, like many optical instrumentslenses (including eyeglass lenses), coating treatment is needed on the glass to reduce glare and increase transmittance. Especially for watches with relatively large diameters and curved glass, additional coating treatment is required.

Entre os materiais de filme óptico disponíveis, quanto maior o índice de refração, mais forte será o brilho. O fluoreto de magnésio (MgF2) tem o menor índice de refração, apenas cerca de 1,38, que é muito inferior ao índice de refração do vidro comum e ainda inferior ao do vidro safira. Portanto, usar fluoreto de magnésio como material para revestir o vidro dos relógios pode reduzir a refletância da luz de 4% para 1,8%.

O revestimento anti-reflexo, também conhecido como revestimento AR, é uma fina camada de material revestido na superfície do vidro, usando a mais avançada tecnologia de revestimento por pulverização catódica de magnetron internacionalmente para revestir uma camada de filme anti-reflexo na superfície do vidro temperado comum.

Os revestimentos AR (antirreflexo) podem ser aplicados não apenas ao vidro safira, mas também a outros tipos de superfícies de vidro, como vidro mineral ou vidro orgânico. A principal função do revestimento AR é reduzir o reflexo da luz e melhorar a transmitância da luz, aumentando assim a clareza visual.

Este revestimento é particularmente útil para quem precisa ler relógios com clareza sob quaisquer condições de iluminação. O revestimento AR torna as cores transmitidas através do vidro mais vivas e realistas.

Portanto, o efeito do revestimento do vidro do relógio de safira será melhor. Especialmente para relógios com diâmetros relativamente grandes e vidro curvo, é necessário um tratamento de revestimento adicional.

Vidro de relógio com revestimento
Vidro de relógio com revestimento

Nota: O revestimento não pode eliminar completamente o brilho, mas apenas reduzi-lo.

O vidro tratado com revestimento apresentará uma leve cor roxo-azulada.

Existem vários compostos disponíveis para aplicação em vidro de relógio, e esses compostos diferem em desempenho de AR, durabilidade e legibilidade. Por exemplo, alguns filmes antirreflexo podem dar ao vidro uma leve tonalidade azulada.

Some watches will mark to indicate that the watch glass has been coated, such as Omega watches. On the watch card or tag, a circle with the letterAinside indicates that the watch glass has been coated, whileAAindicates that both sides of the watch glass have been coated. Watches usually have many reflective spots, including the case, dial, hands, and are either shiny gold or shiny silver. Therefore, coating is also one of the measures to make it more convenient to wear watches. The coating on the watch glass is not as obvious as that on camera lenses, and it is often difficult to detect.

O revestimento antirreflexo é uma função importante dos relógios e há uma diferença significativa entre relógios com e sem revestimento antirreflexo. Além disso, pode melhorar a aparência estética da lente, tornando-a mais clara e transparente.


A história do revestimento AR em vidro de relógio

A história do revestimento AR em vidro de relógio remonta ao final do século XIX, quando o conceito foi descoberto pela primeira vez por Lord Rayleigh em 1886. Ele observou que o vidro ligeiramente manchado permitia a passagem de mais luz em comparação com o vidro novo, que refletia mais luz.

No entanto, foi apenas em meados do século XX que foram feitos avanços significativos no desenvolvimento e aplicação de revestimentos anti-reflexos em vidros de relógios. Em 1935, o cientista soviético Olexander Smakula aperfeiçoou a tecnologia para criar e aplicar revestimentos antirreflexos em lentes ópticas, o que lançou as bases para novos desenvolvimentos na área.

No final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a indústria da aviação já havia adotado revestimentos antirreflexos para relógios de piloto. Os pilotos que voavam acima das camadas de nuvens frequentemente enfrentavam o brilho intenso do sol, dificultando a leitura dos relógios. Os revestimentos antirreflexos tornaram-se essenciais para melhorar a legibilidade nessas condições, levando ao seu uso generalizado em relógios de aviação.

Desde então, os avanços nos materiais e nas técnicas de fabricação permitiram a ampla adoção de revestimentos AR na indústria relojoeira. Hoje, os revestimentos AR são um recurso padrão em muitos relógios de alta qualidade, oferecendo melhor legibilidade e apelo estético ao reduzir o brilho e os reflexos no vidro do relógio.


Relógio de vidro com revestimento
Relógio de vidro com revestimento

Quantos tipos de revestimento AR existem para vidros de relógio?

O revestimento AR no vidro do relógio consiste principalmente em dois tipos:

  • Revestimento dupla face: O revestimento é aplicado em ambos os lados do vidro do relógio, melhorando os efeitos antirreflexos, mas sendo menos durável devido à suscetibilidade do revestimento externo a arranhões.
  • Revestimento unilateral: O revestimento é aplicado apenas em um lado do vidro, resolvendo parcialmente os problemas de reflexão, mas reduzindo a capacidade antirreflexo.

Além desses dois métodos, há também o revestimento pontual, como visto nos relógios Rolex Oyster, onde a lupa da data é revestida. Esta abordagem garante efeitos anti-reflexos e está localizada na parte interna, minimizando riscos de danos.

Algumas marcas sofisticadas também podem aplicar um revestimento antirreflexo na parte traseira transparente da caixa ou na área de movimento para reduzir a interferência da luz. No geral, existem vários métodos de revestimento AR para vidros de relógio, cada um com seus prós e contras. A escolha do método de revestimento depende das necessidades práticas e dos ambientes de uso.

Na indústria relojoeira, os métodos de revestimento para vidros de relógios são geralmente divididos em dois tipos: revestimento dupla-face e revestimento unilateral. Para melhorar ainda mais a transmissão da luz, múltiplas camadas de revestimento podem ser aplicadas em ambos os lados do vidro.

Ambos os métodos de revestimento têm vantagens e desvantagens.

O revestimento frente e verso envolve a aplicação de revestimento em ambos os lados do vidro, o que aumenta a eficiência da AR, mas é menos durável porque o revestimento externo é propenso a arranhões.

O revestimento unilateral cobre apenas um lado do vidro, o que evita problemas de reflexão, mas reduz a capacidade antirreflexo.

Além desses dois métodos, há também o revestimento localizado. Por exemplo, os relógios Rolex Oyster geralmente não têm revestimento nos lados interno e externo do espelho, mas a lupa da data é revestida.

A razão para esta operação é provavelmente devido à consideração da Rolex sobre a durabilidade do revestimento. Os relógios Rolex são conhecidos por sua precisão e durabilidade. Embora o espelho possa refletir a luz, é prático desde que você evite a luz direta. Apenas revestir a janela de exibição da data faz sentido porque ela é pequena e curva e, sem antirreflexo, é difícil ver claramente, causando interferência significativa. Além disso, o revestimento do Rolex é feito na parte interna onde a lupa e o espelho são colados, área que não está sujeita a arranhões ou danos.

É claro que algumas marcas sofisticadas também podem aplicar um revestimento antirreflexo na parte traseira transparente da caixa ou na área de movimento para reduzir a interferência da luz. Isso ajuda a evitar a degradação do óleo lubrificante devido à luz que afeta a operação do movimento.

relógio de vidro
relógio de vidro

Vantagens do revestimento AR de vidro de relógio:

Essa tecnologia tem sido amplamente aplicada na indústria relojoeira, mas também tem seus prós e contras.


  • Durabilidade aprimorada: O vidro revestido aumenta a dureza da superfície do relógio, melhorando assim a sua durabilidade.
  • Resistência a arranhões: O vidro revestido evita com eficácia arranhões na superfície do relógio, preservando o apelo estético do relógio.
  • Anti-reflexo: O vidro revestido reduz os reflexos na superfície do relógio, tornando-o mais claro e mais visível à luz solar.
  • Resistência a manchas: O vidro revestido evita a contaminação da superfície do relógio, facilitando a limpeza.


Desvantagens do revestimento AR de vidro de relógio:

  • Propenso a arranhões: Embora o vidro revestido aumente a dureza da superfície do relógio, ainda é suscetível a arranhões, especialmente após uso prolongado. Embora a superfície do vidro safira possa permanecer intacta se for arranhada, o revestimento pode estar sujeito a arranhões visíveis.
  • Suscetível à descamação: O vidro revestido tem tendência a descascar, especialmente sob exposição prolongada a vibrações ou substâncias como água do mar, suor, água quente ou produtos químicos. Portanto, a durabilidade é uma preocupação.
  • Não adequado para mergulho: O vidro revestido não é adequado para mergulho, pois não suporta a pressão da água em alta pressão.
  • Desbotamento da cor: O vidro revestido pode mudar de cor ao longo do tempo devido à exposição prolongada à luz solar, afetando o apelo estético do relógio.
  • Fácil desgaste: TO revestimento anti-reflexo externo no vidro do relógio é propenso a desgaste, tornando-se visivelmente aparente quando arranhado devido à diferença de reflexão entre as áreas revestidas e arranhadas.
  • Sensibilidade à umidade: Os relógios armazenados por um período prolongado devem ser protegidos da umidade. A exposição a um ambiente úmido pode levar à formação de mofo na superfície do vidro e danificar a camada de revestimento. Portanto, é fundamental utilizar dessecantes nas caixas de relógios e evitar ambientes úmidos.


As vantagens da tecnologia de vidro revestido de relógio são significativas, pois aumenta a durabilidade, a resistência a arranhões, as propriedades antirreflexo e a resistência a manchas do relógio. No entanto, também apresenta algumas desvantagens, como suscetibilidade a arranhões, fácil descamação, inadequação para mergulho e suscetibilidade à descoloração. Portanto, ao comprar um relógio, é necessária uma consideração cuidadosa.


O processo de produção do revestimento AR envolve várias etapas:

  1. Limpe a superfície da safira para remover qualquer sujeira, poeira ou óleo que possa afetar a qualidade do revestimento.
  2. Aplicar o revestimento pelo processo de deposição física de vapor (PVD), onde o vidro é colocado em uma câmara de vácuo e uma fina camada de material é depositada na superfície por pulverização catódica.
  3. Certifique-se de que o processo de revestimento seja realizado em um ambiente controlado para obter um revestimento uniforme e uma espessura consistente em toda a lente.
  4. Após o revestimento, retire o vidro da câmara de vácuo e inspecione-o para garantir que não haja defeitos no revestimento.
  5. Endureça o revestimento expondo o vidro à luz ultravioleta (UV), que ativa reações químicas no revestimento, tornando-o mais duro e durável.

É importante observar que, como qualquer tratamento de superfície, pode ser suscetível a arranhões e exigir manutenção periódica. Para resolver isso, uma camada de revestimento de safira pode ser aplicada sobre o revestimento AR.

Qual é a cor do revestimento AR do vidro do relógio?

Vidro de relógio com revestimento AR
Vidro de relógio com revestimento AR

O revestimento AR no vidro do relógio é normalmente transparente, mas em alguns casos pode ter uma tonalidade colorida, como azul, verde ou roxo. No entanto, seja transparente ou colorido, não é facilmente perceptível, e os revestimentos coloridos geralmente só são discerníveis em ângulos específicos de luz.

Pensamento final:

Concluindo, a aplicação do revestimento AR no vidro de relógio é um avanço significativo na tecnologia relojoeira, oferecendo vantagens e desvantagens. Embora melhore a durabilidade, a resistência a arranhões e a visibilidade sob várias condições de iluminação, também está sujeito a arranhões, descascamento e descoloração com o tempo. Portanto, ao escolher um relógio, é essencial pesar estes fatores e considerar o ambiente de utilização pretendido. No geral, o revestimento AR desempenha um papel crucial na melhoria do desempenho e da longevidade dos relógios, contribuindo para uma melhor experiência do utilizador.

watch glass with AR coating (4)

Sapphire vs Mineral: Which Watch Glass for Your Watch?

In the watch industry, why do most luxury watches choose to use sapphire crystal glass? Is sapphire crystal glass truly a symbol of high-end watch quality?

Why do people generally believe that watches with sapphire crystal glass are of higher quality?

We aim to unravel the performance and various differences between sapphire crystal glass and mineral glass through comparative analysis, providing wise selection advice for watch enthusiasts.

Sapphire crystal
Sapphire crystal

We first take a look at the three most common types of watch crystal materials:

  1. Sapphire Glass
  2. Mineral Glass (Inorganic Glass)
  3. Acrylic Glass (Organic Glass)

We’ve covered watch glass in full before:

Tudo o que aprendi sobre relógios e óculos na fábrica de relógios

Sapphire crystal
Sapphire crystal

The Differences between Sapphire Watch Glass, Mineral Glass and Acrylic Glass?

The differences between these glass materials are as follows:

Acrylic Glass

Acrylic glass, commonly known as acrylic or organic glass, is a type of material used for watch crystals. It has a softer texture and higher malleability. In the past, many watches used this material, including antique watches found in the market today.


  • Excellent elasticity and resistant to shattering, often referred to as safety glass.


  • Susceptible to scratching and slightly lower transparency.

Reasons for Choosing:

  • Low cost, scratches can be polished by a watchmaker without the need for replacement. If scratches are too deep, the crystal can be replaced inexpensively.

Mineral Crystal Glass

Mineral crystal glass, also known as Hardlex or Acrylic Crystal, is a type of glass reinforced with minerals. It was developed due to the scarcity of natural crystals.


  • High hardness, excellent transparency, clear and bright appearance.


  • Higher unit price compared to Acrylic Glass.

Reasons for Choosing:

  • Moderate cost, high hardness, scratch-resistant, clear and transparent with no bubbles or watermarks, and it possesses piezoelectric properties, offering special health benefits.


Sapphire Crystal Glass

Sapphire crystal glass is a crystalline surface made from artificially compressed sapphire crystals, which are aluminum oxide crystals with impurities like iron oxide and titanium oxide removed. Chemically, Acrylic Sapphire is identical to natural sapphire and does not possess abluecolor.


  • High density and scratch resistance, with hardness second only to diamond.
  • Excellent light transmission, low friction, high temperature resistance, and superior durability compared to mineral crystal and Acrylic Glass .


  • Not shock-resistant, vulnerable to impact, pressure, or drops, which may lead to cracks upon impact.
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relógio de vidro

Which Material is Superior?

In terms of hardness and abrasion resistance: Acrylic Glass < Mineral crystal glass < Sapphire crystal glass.

Each has its advantages: Acrylic Glass is less likely to break and can be polished; mineral crystal glass has moderate scratch resistance and stronger resistance to vertical impacts than sapphire crystal glass; sapphire crystal glass, despite its high hardness, is prone to breakage and incurs higher repair costs.

For high-end customers, sapphire crystal glass is recommended due to its special physical and chemical properties, high hardness (Mohs scale 9), superior wear resistance, and resistance to corrosion.

Lower-end watches often use organic glass, also known as acrylic, which despite being prone to scratches, is resilient and widely used in low-end watches.

Each material has its advantages and is chosen based on factors such as cost, scratch resistance, transparency, and durability.

Watch Glass: Sapphire Glass VS Mineral Glass

Sapphire crystal glass and mineral glass are two common materials used in watchmaking and the production of certain optical components. Here are some key differences between them:

  1. Material Composition:
    • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Made from Acrylic Sapphire, a crystalline form of aluminum oxide. It is highly transparent and scratch-resistant.
    • Mineral Glass: Composed of various minerals, typically a hardened form of glass. It is less scratch-resistant compared to sapphire crystal.
  2. Hardness:
    • Sapphire Crystal Glass: One of the hardest materials(Mohs: 9), second only to diamonds ( Mohs: 10). It is highly resistant to scratches.
    • Mineral Glass: While hardened, it is not as scratch-resistant as sapphire crystal and may show signs of wear over time.
watch glass with AR coating (4)
watch glass with AR coating (4)

Generally speaking, sapphire crystal is three times stronger than mineral glass and 20 times stronger than plastic glass.

    1. Resistência a arranhões:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Extremely resistant to scratches, making it ideal for applications where durability is crucial.
      • Mineral Glass: Can still resist scratches to some extent, but it is more prone to visible scratches compared to sapphire crystal.
    2. Clarity:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Offers excellent transparency and clarity, allowing for a clear view of the dial and components underneath.
      • Mineral Glass: Generally provides good clarity but may have some distortion compared to sapphire crystal.
    3. Cost:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Typically more expensive to produce, which can contribute to higher overall product costs.
      • Mineral Glass: Generally more cost-effective, making it a popular choice for more budget-friendly options.
    4. Weight:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Heavier than mineral glass due to its density.
      • Mineral Glass: Lighter in comparison.
    5. Applications:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Commonly used in high-end watches, camera lenses, and other applications where scratch resistance is crucial.
      • Mineral Glass: Found in a wide range of watches, eyeglasses, and other optical instruments.
    6. Shape:
      • Sapphire Crystal Glass: Sapphire crystal glass is limited to flat only.
      • Mineral Glass: Mineral crystal glass can be manufactured in a variety of forms.

Watch Glass: Sapphire Glass VS Acrylic Glass

In modern watches, the most commonly used material for the watch crystal is sapphire crystal glass. However, historically, watches have not always been made exclusively with this material as the watch crystal.

Take Rolex for example, modern Rolex watches have all switched to sapphire crystal glass, but in earlier times, before the end of the last century, Rolex also used plastic material acrylic for making the watch crystal. Acrylic material had two main advantages:

  • Impact Resistance: Acrylic crystal, also known as plastic glass, is a reliable and durable material, especially resistant to impact. When tapped with a fingertip, it produces a clear and loud sound.
  • Less Likely to Shatter: If an acrylic crystal breaks, it typically does not shatter into small fragments. As a result, there is almost no risk of damaging the watch dial, hands, or internal movement.

Of course, acrylic crystal is not without its drawbacks. Its biggest disadvantage is that it is not scratch-resistant and does not provide sufficient water resistance.

Acrylic material is a polymer composed of polymethyl methacrylate. In the era before sapphire crystal material became widespread, acrylic was the mainstream material used by various watch manufacturers.

The reason watchmakers favored it was because it offered a certain degree of impact resistance and protection. Even if an acrylic crystal were to break from a strong impact, it was less likely to shatter into fine particles, minimizing the impact on the watch dial.

domed watch glass
domed watch glass

However, acrylic crystals gradually began to be replaced because they had some noticeable drawbacks. For example, they had lower hardness and were prone to scratching, resulting in visible scratches on the crystal.

Additionally, acrylic crystals had poorer transparency, giving watches a slightly hazy appearance. Moreover, from a manufacturing perspective, plastic glass tended to be thicker, adding weight to the watch and making it less suitable for producing ultra-thin watches.

Today, well-known trendy sports watches like Casio’s G-SHOCK still use acrylic crystal glass. However, acrylic crystals have seen a resurgence in some popular sports watches today due to their impact resistance and less likelihood of shattering, and the lack of transparency does not significantly affect watches with LED screens.

Rolex gradually transitioned to technologically advanced sapphire crystal glass in the 1980s. This material is primarily composed of aluminum oxide (Al2O3), which is not a natural gemstone but rather synthetically produced. This allowed watch manufacturers to enjoy the benefits similar to natural sapphire without a significant increase in production costs.

skeleton watch
skeleton watch

The benefits of sapphire crystal glass lie in its high hardness, reaching a Mohs hardness of 9, which is just slightly lower than that of diamond. This means that it is not easy to scratch sapphire crystal, making it resistant to scratches.

Additionally, sapphire crystal glass has better transparency, providing a bright and clear appearance to the watch. Furthermore, it can be processed to a thinner degree, allowing for a reduction in the overall thickness of the watch.

However, these advantages do not necessarily mean that sapphire crystal glass is superior to acrylic glass. Along with its high hardness comes the risk that sapphire crystal may shatter more easily upon strong impact. In such cases, it can pose a threat to the watch dial and movement structure, especially for watches with hollowed-out or open-face designs. Therefore, while sapphire crystal glass may be highly durable, if it does shatter, the damage to the watch can be more severe.

But, Why do various brands still choose sapphire crystal material and abandon acrylic glass material?

The answer is not hard to guess. Because in daily wear, the chance of the watch being lightly scratched by external factors is greater than the chance of the watch being strongly impacted. Additionally, the technology of producing sapphire crystal glass has become very popular and does not significantly increase costs. Therefore, switching to sapphire crystal glass has become a better choice for watch factories.

Apart from these two materials, watch factories also use mineral glass to make watches, which is somewhat between acrylic glass and sapphire crystal glass. Although watches using mineral glass are not very common nowadays, they still occasionally appear in the works of some brands. However, in terms of prevalence, sapphire crystal is still the mainstream material in the watch industry.

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relógio de vidro

Mineral glass is mostly used in some classic retro watches that require special crystal shapes to complement the overall style of the watch, such as single-domed and double-domed crystals. Single-domed crystals enhance the magnification effect on the dial, while double-domed crystals create a more ideal and prominent depth effect on the dial.

Whether it’s a single-domed or double-domed crystal, it adds a retro feel to the overall design of the watch, making the dial visually compelling and easy to read. This type of crystal not only achieves a three-dimensional visual effect with its convex shape but also enhances the magnification effect of the dial elements, allowing for thinner and more delicate watch designs.

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relógio de vidro

Why use Mineral glass instead of Sapphire crystal glass?

This is because some watch crystals, not flat, have protruding edges that are prone to being knocked. Sapphire is also very fragile, so using regular glass is more reliable in comparison. Of course, to address the issue of scratch resistance on the crystal surface, some watch manufacturers also apply a sapphire coating to acrylic glass to achieve its scratch-resistant properties. Additionally, mineral acrylic glass is much cheaper than sapphire.


Price Comparison on Sapphire vs Mineral and Acrylic Watch Glass

Is sapphire expensive? In reality, with the widespread application of sapphire crystal glass, its market price has become very affordable. Nowadays, many popular watch brands on the market use sapphire crystal glass. However, compared to mineral glass and acrylic, sapphire crystal glass is relatively expensive.



What is Mineral Watch Glass?

Mineral glass, also known as acrylic crystal, is a commonly used material in watchmaking. It is an ordinary crystal glass that undergoes polishing and hardening processes. Unlike sapphire crystal glass, mineral glass has a lower hardness. It was developed due to the scarcity of natural crystals, which couldn’t meet the demands of the industry. Its high transparency makes it suitable for various crafts, contributing to its popularity. The process of making mineral glass involves melting silica and lead oxide, resulting in a shiny surface with clarity achieved through advanced polishing technology.

Mineral-strengthened glass has a hardness of 7, making it resistant to scratches from most daily objects like knives and steel saw blades, which typically have lower hardness levels. However, it’s important to be cautious as sand grains, which also have a hardness of 7, can scratch the surface. Choosing a sapphire surface is preferable if possible. Sapphire surfaces, created by coating the glass with a layer of synthetic sapphire, offer a surface hardness of 9, making them highly resistant to scratches from anything except diamond and sapphire. Additionally, they are resistant to damage from sand grains.

watch with curved glass
watch with curved glass

Are Watches with Mineral Glass Good?

Answer 1:

Mineral crystal glass, also known as Acrylic Crystal, is a type of material used in watches. It is typically ordinary crystal glass that is polished and hardened, although its hardness is lower than that of sapphire crystal. This glass was developed due to the scarcity and difficulty in mining natural crystals, which couldn’t meet the demand. Because of its high transparency, it is popular for various crafts. Mineral crystal glass is crystalline with a high hardness (Mohs hardness of 7), good thermal conductivity, and a cool sensation when touched. It appears clear and bright against light, without small bubbles or watermarks, making it relatively expensive.

Answer 2:

The scratch resistance of mineral-strengthened glass is slightly inferior to sapphire glass, as its hardness is about 7, while sapphire glass has a hardness of 9. However, mineral-strengthened glass has higher overall compressive strength than sapphire glass. Therefore, all deep diving watches (deeper than 200 meters) use mineral-strengthened glass for their watch glass. Although sapphire glass has excellent scratch resistance, its thickness is only 5 micrometers, and its overall compressive strength is lower than that of mineral-strengthened glass, rendering it unsuitable for deep diving watches.

What is the Anti-glare Watch Glass?

In simple terms, anti-glare coating is a multi-layer film electroplated onto the lens to prevent light reflection. It’s commonly used in professional aviation, diving watches, or watches with large mirror curvature. It can be divided into double-layer anti-glare glass and single-layer anti-glare glass. The difference lies in the former being electroplated on both sides of the lens, while the latter is only coated on the inner side of the glass. The effectiveness of both types is similar.

The main function of anti-glare coating is to prevent glare and reflection, enabling better readability. When viewed from the front, it may appear as if it’s not mounted on the mirror, but from a specific angle, it reflects a layer of bluish color, similar to the eyes on the coating.

Pensamento final:

Ultimately, the choice between sapphire crystal glass, mineral glass and Acrylic glass depends on the specific requirements of the application, budget considerations, and the desired level of durability and scratch resistance. And it’s not the sapphire crystal that makes the watch better.


rolex watches

Just Stones! Makes the Rolex’s Trendsetting Blue and Green Dials

All things that are beautiful with color, such as flowers and leaves, or the blue of the sky and the glory of sunset, are fleeting and ever-changing. Only the luster and color of precious stones have remained unchanged from thousands of years ago until now. Thousands of years later, they will be the same

-[The Curious Lore of Precious Stone]

George F. Kunz (Gemologist and mineralogist, year 1856~1932)


The use of gemstones is not limited to jewelry; they are also common in watchmaking. Most gemstones are known for their durability, and their rich colors and luster enhance the aesthetics of timepieces.

They are set into watch cases and used as decorations on watch dials. Similar to Pantone announcing the color of the year, in recent years, there has been a trend in the watch industry where different colors dominate watch dials at different times.

Brands achieve color expression through techniques such as paintin and enamel, and using gemstones of various materials to craft dials is also a popular method.

do you know any of the gemstones?

For wristwatches, what defines beauty?

We commonly consider factors such as case design, dial layout, transparent case backs, and intricate functionalities—all within the confines of a small space, where beauty lies in the details.

The dial, often compared to afacial expressionfor watches, is undoubtedly influenced by its color. As mentioned, when gemstones are crafted into watch dials, the emphasis tends to lean towards considerations ofcolor coordination.Therefore, compared to the intrinsic value of the gemstone itself, its color plays a crucial role in expressing the overall aesthetic appeal of the watch and significantly impacts its value.

In the pursuit of enhancing the visual allure of thisface,brands invest effort into selecting gemstones of appropriate colors.

This post utilizing various types of precious gemstones, and the following is an introduction to some commonly used gemstones in the creation of watch dials.


01 Diamond


Diamond is the only gemstone composed of a single element—carbon atoms, with a carbon content as high as 99.95%. The remaining 0.05% consists of trace elements not belonging to its basic chemical structure. Most diamonds formed during the ancient era, over a billion years ago, and they only crystallized under high temperature and pressure conditions approximately 100 miles beneath the Earth’s surface.

raw diamond
Cuted diamond


How do we evaluate the quality of a colorless diamond? It’s based on the 4Cs: Carat (weight), Color, Clarity, and Cut. According to these criteria, a good diamond is one that is larger, more colorless, clearer, and well-cut. Additionally, there are a few precious colored diamonds with extremely high value.

Diamonds have a long history, with records of diamond trading dating back to as early as 800 BC in India. Today, diamonds are widely prevalent globally. South Africa and Australia are major diamond-producing regions.

Diamonds possess a dazzling brilliance unmatched by other gemstones. They are not only favored in jewelry but are also frequently featured in watches. As the hardest gemstone in the world, diamonds are often presented in watches as part of the dial, showcasing their sparkle through intricate settings.


02 Lapis Lazuli

Mohs Hardness: 5-5.5

raw Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a rare metamorphic rock primarily composed of a mineral with sodium, aluminum, silicon, sulfur, chloride, and hydroxide, along with varying amounts of pyrite and white calcite. It is a semi-transparent to opaque gemstone with a waxy to glassy luster.

The color of Lapis Lazuli varies from slightly greenish blue to violet-blue, and high-quality lapis lazuli is characterized by a uniform, highly saturated blue with minimal golden flecks.

Polished stones


As early as 3100 BCE, there are records of lapis lazuli being mined, making it possibly the earliest used blue gemstone by humans. In ancient civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Greece, and Rome, lapis lazuli was considered a precious gem. Before the early 19th century, it was ground into powder and used as a deep blue pigment. During the Renaissance, artists used it to create a high-quality blue pigment known asUltramarine.

Lapis Lazuli has a long history of mining in Afghanistan and remains a primary source to this day. Other major producing areas include Chile and Russia. Lapis Lazuli has consistently been a favored material for watch dials in luxury timepieces


03 Tiger’s Eye

Mohs Hardness: 6.5-7

Tiger’s Eye is a semi-precious variety of quartz known for its chatoyancy—a phenomenon where a bright band of light, resembling the long, narrow eye of a cat, appears on the gemstone’s curved surface. It is named for its resemblance to the sharp eyes of a tiger.

Images from the Internet


Polished tiger’s eye-Images from the Internet

Tiger’s Eye forms during the initial stages of the alteration of crocidolite fibers, first turning into iron oxide and later replaced by silica. The gemstone is typically opaque and ranges in color from rich yellow to brown. A high-quality Tiger’s Eye should exhibit flawless surfaces, with a well-defined and bright cat’s eye effect positioned centrally.


Tiger’s Eye has historical mentions dating back to ancient Roman and Egyptian times, where it was associated with sun gods and victory. The primary sources of Tiger’s Eye include South Africa, Brazil, and China.

After undergoing cabochon cutting, Tiger’s Eye displays excellent luster, and its attractiveness is further enhanced by different reflections when viewed from various angles.


04 Turquoise

Mohs Hardness: 5-6

Turquoise is a gemstone formed in crystalline structures near shallow water in arid and barren regions. It is a semi-translucent to opaque gem, commonly appearing in an opaque form with stripes, spots, or iron-like vein patterns. The finest quality turquoise exhibits a unique and intense blue hue, often described asrobin’s egg blue,” “sky blue,orPersian blue.

raw turquoise
Polished turquoise

Turquoise has a long history and holds the distinction of being the first gemstone to be mined and replicated. As early as 4000 BCE, beads made of turquoise were discovered in burial sites in ancient Egyptian tombs.

Iran and the United States are currently significant sources of high-quality turquoise, with China being the largest global producer. Additionally, Mexico, Australia, Chile, Russia, Turkey, and other regions also contribute to turquoise production.



05 Chrysocolla(also named: Turquoise)

Mohs Hardness: 3.5-4.5


Above mentioned Turquoise is not the same stone with Chrysocolla, but name might be the same, Chrysocolla is a copper-bearing mineral known for its turquoise-green color, and high-quality specimens often feature blocky formations with greenish bands. It is frequently confused with turquoise due to similar appearance and color. While turquoise has a blue base, turquoise is green and can range from transparent to semi-translucent.

raw Chrysocolla
Polished Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla/Turquoise can be considered one of the most crucial minerals in human history. It is believed that as early as 4000 BCE, people discovered that heating turquoise could produce natural copper.

this might have been the first instance of humans smelting metal from ore, sparking exploration into metallic ores and advancing the development of metallurgy. In ancient Egypt around 3000 BCE, turquoise was recognized and used as an amulet, jewelry, and eyeshadow.


06 Jadeite

Mohs Hardness: 7

Chalcedony is formed when low-temperature, silica-rich solutions permeate existing rocks, especially volcanic rocks, in cavities and fractures. It is one of the earliest gemstone materials in the world. Pure chalcedony is white, but it takes on rich colors when it contains various trace elements or mineral inclusions.


raw jadeite stone-image from


Many varieties of chalcedony have specific names, such as agate, chrysoprase, bloodstone, green chalcedony, red chalcedony, blue chalcedony, and carnelian, with green chalcedony being particularly valuable.

To further differentiate, agate is the most representative variety of chalcedony, and if it has a clear banded structure, it is called agate. If it lacks a banded structure, it is considered chalcedony. Agate is characterized by concentric color banding in most specimens, displaying diverse colors due to different impurities, while chalcedony lacks banded textures and exhibits a uniform color.

Chalcedony artifacts date back to the Stone Age, with adornments found from as early as 20,000 to 160,000 years ago. By 3000 BCE, ancient Egyptians were already using agate, red chalcedony, and green chalcedony as decorative items.

Chalcedony is found worldwide, with significant deposits in Brazil, Uruguay, and India, yielding various types of chalcedony. Other regions also produce different varieties of chalcedony, such as China, which is a major producer of bloodstone. Chalcedony and chrysoprase are commonly used in watch dials.


07 Euclase

Mohs Hardness: 5.5-6.5

Euclase forms as silica seeps into rocks beneath the ground through rainwater. As the water evaporates, silica deposits in the form of small spheres and binds with more silicon and water, creatingeuclase.

Euclase raw stone
Polished Euclase

What makes euclase particularly enchanting is its iridescence. When the gem is moved, various colors of shimmering reflections can be observed. This iridescence is only formed when the silica spheres are of the appropriate size and arranged in a regular pattern. The more orderly the arrangement, the larger the iridescent area, and the more pronounced the color changes. This iridescence is considered the soul and value of euclase.Precious euclaseis defined by having the iridescence, with red iridescence being the most valuable.

According to records, the oldest euclase mining area is in Hungary, with mining dating back to the 14th century, and it continues to be a source of euclase today. Australia is the largest producer of euclase, and Mexico and South Africa are also major producing regions.


08 Mother of Pearl (another name: Nacre)

Mohs Hardness: 2.5-4

Mother of Pearl refers to the inner lining of certain mollusk shells that can naturally produce pearls. These mollusks typically inhabit shallow waters and are found in coral reefs and seabeds in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. Over the extended period during which pearls form, the inner lining of the Mother of Pearl is coated with nacre, lending it color and making it a beautiful and sought-after material.

Mother of pearls-Polished
mother of pearls watch

Compared to pearls, Mother of Pearl is more durable and resilient. Since the 13th century, it has been cherished by European nobility as a material for decorative arts. Mother of Pearl was used to adorn furniture, create jewelry boxes, and even used in the crafting of knife handles, becoming an essential part of life during that era. Mother of Pearl is a common material in watch dials.

Mother of Pearl comes in two varieties: industrial-grade and gem-grade, with the latter being rarer. The material used on watch dials is of gem-grade quality. Each natural gemstone undergoes meticulous processes such as sorting, splitting, cutting, grinding, polishing, finishing, drilling, carving, and setting before it reaches its final form as a captivating watch dial.

09 Meteorite

Mohs Hardness: around 4.5 to 5.5

A meteorite is a fragment of a celestial body, such as a comet, asteroid, or meteoroid, that survives its passage through the Earth’s atmosphere and lands on the Earth’s surface. These fragments can range in size from tiny particles to large masses weighing several tons. Meteorites provide valuable scientific information about the early solar system and beyond.

meteorite landing-Images from the Internet


There are three main types of meteorites based on their composition:

  1. Stony Meteorites (Chondrites): These are the most common type and consist largely of silicate minerals. Chondrites often contain small, spherical structures called chondrules, which are thought to be among the earliest solid materials formed in the solar system.
  2. Iron Meteorites: Comprising mostly metallic iron-nickel alloy, these meteorites are dense and often have a distinctive, polished surface called a Widmanstätten pattern. This pattern is the result of the slow cooling of metal in space over millions of years.

    meteorite dial-image from internet
  3. Stony-Iron Meteorites: These meteorites contain a mix of silicate minerals and metallic iron-nickel alloy. They are relatively rare and are divided into two main groups: pallasites, which have olivine crystals embedded in a metal matrix, and mesosiderites, which have a complex mixture of metal and silicate minerals.
meteorite dial watch-rolex

Meteorites can be classified further based on their fall characteristics, composition, and structure. They provide insights into the early solar system’s conditions and the processes that led to the formation of planets and other celestial bodies. Scientists study meteorites to learn more about the origins and evolution of our solar system.

Pensamento final:

If you are familiar with jewelry, you can see that all these gemstones are also used in jewelry, such as earrings and necklaces, bracelets, and rings, Different gemstones are chosen for their unique colors, properties, and aesthetics, allowing jewelry designers to create diverse and exquisite pieces.


As a gift from nature, each natural gemstone is unique, showcasing the beauty of nature in various forms. Have you bought any watches with watch dials made from natural gemstones?



Lapis Lazuli:

Tiger’s Eye:








Exploring the Diverse Options of Watch Boxes

In the world of luxury timepieces, watch boxes play a pivotal role, serving as more than just packaging. As a watch manufacturer in China, understanding the various options available for watch boxes can significantly impact your brand’s success. This comprehensive guide delves into the diverse world of watch boxes, highlighting their essential functions, materials, types, customization, and more, to help you make informed decisions for your brand.



Essential Functions of Watch Boxes

Watch boxes serve several crucial functions. They act as guardians, protecting delicate timepieces from scratches, dust, moisture, and potential damage during storage or transit. By safeguarding watches, these boxes help maintain their value and preserve their appearance over time.

Paper watch box

Materials and Construction

Watch boxes come in a wide array of materials, each with its unique attributes. Options include wood for a classic and elegant feel, leather for a touch of luxury, metal for a modern and sleek look, and plastic for affordability and versatility. Understanding the properties of each material enables you to select the one that best aligns with your brand identity and target audience. Additionally, attention to construction details, such as secure hinges, clasps, and well-cushioned interiors, enhances the overall quality of the watch box.

watch box material

Materials and Construction Options for Watch Boxes:

  • Wood:types of wood box wood materialtypes of wood box wood material
      • Classic and timeless material choice.
      • Offers a natural and elegant appearance.
      • Can be crafted from various wood types, such as oak, cherry, or mahogany.
      • Customizable with different finishes and stains for a personalized look.
      • Durable and provides excellent protection for the watch.
  • Leather:
      • Exudes luxury and sophistication.
      • Available in various textures and colors to match the brand’s style.
      • Often paired with high-quality stitching for added durability.
      • Soft interior lining to protect the watch from scratches.
      • Suitable for premium and high-end watch brands.
  • Metal:
      • Modern and sleek option, perfect for contemporary watch designs.
      • Made from materials like stainless steel or aluminum.
      • Offers excellent durability and strength.
      • Often used in combination with other materials like glass or leather for a stylish finish.
      • Ideal for sporty or rugged watch collections.
  • Plastic:
      • Cost-effective and versatile material choice.
      • Lightweight and easy to mold into various shapes and sizes.
      • Provides adequate protection for budget-friendly watches.
      • Can be transparent, colored, or textured for different aesthetics.
      • Suitable for casual and everyday watch packaging.
  • Carbon Fiber:
      • High-tech and premium material option.
      • Known for its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio.
      • Provides a contemporary and cutting-edge appearance.
      • Resistant to scratches and wear, ensuring long-lasting protection for watches.
      • Popular for luxury and high-performance watch brands.
      • Luxurious and soft interior lining material.
      • Enhances the presentation and protection of the watch.
      • Available in various colors to complement the exterior design.
      • Adds a touch of opulence to high-end watch boxes.
      • Ideal for watches with delicate finishes or precious gemstones.
  • Combination Materials:
      • Watch boxes often use a combination of materials for a unique look.
      • Examples include leather and wood, metal accents on leather, or carbon fiber with metal details.
      • Offers the opportunity to create a visually striking and distinctive packaging solution.
      • Allows for the integration of different textures and aesthetics.
  • Hinges and Clasps:
      • Watch boxes typically feature metal hinges or clasps for secure closure.
      • Quality hinges ensure smooth opening and closing of the box.
      • Magnetic clasps or lock mechanisms can add an extra layer of elegance and functionality.
      • Consider various finishing options, such as polished, brushed, or engraved, to match the overall design.
  • Interior Cushioning:
    velvet pillow for watch box

    soft foam inide the watch box
    • Watch boxes come with cushioned interiors to hold the timepiece securely.
    • Common materials for cushioning include soft foam, velvet, or microfiber.
    • Cushions are designed to accommodate different watch sizes and styles.
    • Customizable interior layout to hold multiple watches or additional accessories.


Selecting the right materials and construction techniques for your watch boxes can significantly impact your brand’s image and customer perception. Carefully consider the target market, brand identity, and the type of watches you manufacture when making your material and construction choices.


  • Detail the various materials commonly used for manufacturing watch boxes (e.g., wood, leather, metal, plastic).
  • Highlight the unique characteristics and benefits of each material option.
  • Discuss the construction techniques, such as hinges, clasps, and interior cushioning.

Types of Watch Boxes

The watch industry offers various watch box styles, catering to different consumer needs. Single watch cases are ideal for individual watches or gifting purposes, while multi-watch boxes accommodate watch collections. Travel cases provide convenience and protection during journeys, while display cases showcase watches in retail settings or at home.

box types

Types of Watch Boxes:

  • Single Watch Cases:

    signel watch box

      • Designed to hold and protect a single timepiece.
      • Compact and ideal for individual watch storage or gifting.
      • Often come with a cushioned interior to securely hold the watch in place.
      • Available in various materials, including wood, leather, and metal.
      • Suitable for retail display or as a simple yet elegant packaging option.
  • Multi-Watch Boxes:
      • Specifically crafted to accommodate multiple watches in one box.
      • Available in different sizes, ranging from 2-watch to 12-watch capacity or more.
      • Perfect for watch collectors or individuals with multiple timepieces.
      • Interior compartments keep watches separate and prevent scratching or damage.
      • Can be designed as display cases or for travel purposes.
  • Travel Watch Cases:

    3 pcs watches travle watch case

      • Designed for watch enthusiasts on the go.
      • Compact and lightweight, making them convenient for travel purposes.
      • Typically feature secure closures, like zippers or snap buttons, to keep watches safe during transit.
      • Interior cushioning provides protection from impacts and vibrations.
      • Some travel watch cases include additional storage for straps or small watch tools.
  • Watch Display Cases:

    watch display case box
      • Intended for showcasing watches in retail settings or at home.
      • Often made with transparent materials like glass or acrylic for excellent visibility.
      • Feature individual compartments to display each watch separately.
      • Suitable for creating an attractive and organized presentation of watch collections.
      • Can be customized with branding elements for retail purposes.
  • Watch Winders:
    watch winder

    watch winder
      • Combine watch storage with an automatic winding mechanism.
      • Designed for automatic watches that require consistent movement to remain functional.
      • Watch winders rotate the timepieces, keeping them wound and ready to wear.
      • Useful for watch collectors or individuals with multiple automatic watches.
      • Available in various capacities to hold multiple watches simultaneously.
  • Luxury Watch Boxes:

    wooden watch box

      • High-end watch packaging with premium materials and intricate designs.
      • Often customized to match the brand’s identity and aesthetics.
      • Interior linings made from luxurious materials like velvet or silk.
      • May include additional compartments for accessories or paperwork.
      • Elevates the overall unboxing experience and adds value to luxury timepieces.
  • Watch Rolls and Pouches:
    Watch Rolls

    Watch Rolls
      • Flexible and compact options for on-the-go watch storage.
      • Usually made from leather or soft fabric materials.
      • Suitable for protecting individual watches during travel or daily use.
      • Rollable design accommodates watches of different sizes and styles.
      • Often used for vintage or dress watches.
  • Customized Watch Boxes:
    • Tailored to meet specific brand requirements and preferences.
    • Brands can choose the materials, design, and size according to their unique needs.
    • Custom branding options, such as logo embossing or printing, reinforce brand identity.
    • Offers the opportunity to create a distinctive packaging solution that aligns with the brand image.
    • Suitable for luxury and boutique watch brands aiming for a personalized touch.


Selecting the right type of watch box depends on the target audience, the purpose of the packaging, and the brand’s identity. Offering a variety of watch box options can cater to different customer needs and enhance the overall customer experience.


Customization and Branding


To create a lasting impression and strengthen brand identity, customizing watch boxes is a powerful strategy. Branding options like logo engraving, embossing, or using signature colors enable you to reinforce brand recognition. Tailoring watch boxes to match your brand’s aesthetics can elevate the perceived value of your timepieces.

logo method

Customization and Branding Options for Watch Boxes:

  • Logo Engraving or Printing:
      • Feature the brand’s logo on the exterior or interior of the watch box.
      • Engraving offers a sophisticated and permanent branding solution.
      • Printing allows for color variations and intricate designs.
  • Embossing or Debossing:
      • Create a tactile and elegant branding effect by raising (embossing) or indenting (debossing) the brand logo or name.
      • Adds a luxurious and premium touch to the watch box.
  • Foil Stamping:
      • Apply metallic or colored foil onto the surface of the box for a shimmering and eye-catching effect.
      • Enhances the visibility and prominence of the brand’s logo or design.
  • Custom Colors and Finishes:
      • Choose specific colors that align with the brand’s identity or watch collection theme.
      • Opt for unique finishes like matte, glossy, or textured to create distinct aesthetics.
  • Brand-Specific Packaging Design:
      • Design a watch box that reflects the brand’s overall design language and visual identity.
      • Incorporate signature patterns, motifs, or artwork that resonate with the brand’s story.
  • Brand Storytelling:
      • Use the watch box to tell the brand’s story or showcase its heritage.
      • Include a brief history or message that connects with customers on an emotional level.
  • Limited Edition Branding:
      • Create exclusive and limited edition watch boxes for special releases or collaborations.
      • Highlight the uniqueness and rarity of the timepieces within.
  • Personalization:
      • Offer personalized options, such as adding the customer’s name or initials on the watch box.
      • Enhances the customer’s connection with the timepiece and makes it a cherished possession.
  • Custom-Shaped Watch Boxes:
      • Design watch boxes in unique shapes that represent the brand’s iconic elements.
      • Allows for creative and eye-catching packaging designs.
  • Interior Branding:
      • Extend branding efforts to the interior of the watch box.
      • Add branded labels or tags inside the box for a cohesive and detailed experience.
  • Custom Inserts and Compartments:
      • Customize the interior layout to hold watches and accessories securely.
      • Include compartments for extra straps, watch tools, or warranty cards.
  • Branding on Accessories:
      • Extend branding beyond the watch box by customizing accessories like cleaning cloths or watch cushions with the brand’s logo or name.
  • Co-Branding:
    • Collaborate with other brands or designers to create co-branded watch boxes.
    • Expands brand reach and caters to a broader audience.

Effective customization and branding of watch boxes reinforce brand identity, create brand recognition, and enhance the perceived value of the timepieces. The choice of customization options should align with the target market and the brand’s positioning in the market. A well-branded watch box adds a layer of sophistication and uniqueness to the overall product presentation, leaving a memorable impression on customers.


Watch Box Interior


The interior design of watch boxes is equally important as the exterior. A well-crafted watch cushion or holder ensures that the timepiece stays securely in place, reducing the risk of damage. Consider offering compartments for watch accessories, extra straps, or a slot for warranty cards to add value to your packaging.

Watch Box Interior Options and Details:

  • Watch Cushion or Holder:
      • The primary element of the watch box interior, designed to securely hold the timepiece in place.
      • Typically made from soft materials like foam, velvet, or microfiber to prevent scratches and damage.
      • Available in various shapes and sizes to accommodate different watch styles and sizes.
      • Should fit the watch snugly to prevent movement while ensuring ease of placement and removal.
  • Multiple Watch Compartments:
      • For multi-watch boxes, include individual compartments for each watch.
      • Separation prevents watches from scratching each other and helps with organization.
      • Compartments can be adjustable to accommodate various watch sizes and strap lengths.
  • Accessory Storage:
      • Consider adding compartments or pockets for watch accessories, such as extra straps, buckles, or tools.
      • Provides a convenient storage solution for watch enthusiasts or those who like to switch straps often.
  • Display Window or Glass Top:
      • Some watch boxes feature a display window or glass top to showcase the watch while it’s stored.
      • Allows users to view their timepieces without opening the box, making it ideal for presentation and retail display.
  • Interior Lining:
      • The interior of the watch box can be lined with various materials like velvet, suede, or silk.
      • Luxurious linings enhance the overall presentation and protect the watch’s finish.
      • Different color options are available to match the brand’s aesthetics or watch collection theme.
  • Watch Pillows:
      • An alternative to watch cushions, watch pillows are cylindrical or rectangular shapes used to hold the watch.
      • They provide a stylish presentation and can be customized with branded embroidery or labels.
  • Watch Stand or Rack:
      • Some watch boxes have removable watch stands or racks for displaying the timepieces at an angle.
      • Ideal for showcasing watches with intricate dials or skeleton designs.
  • Transparent Lid:
      • In addition to a glass top, some watch boxes feature a fully transparent lid.
      • Offers a complete view of the watches even when the box is closed, providing a unique visual experience.
  • Soft Closing Mechanism:
      • Incorporate a soft closing mechanism in the watch box to ensure a gentle and quiet closing motion.
      • Prevents accidental damage to the watches due to abrupt closures.
  • Customizable Interior Design:
    • Provide customizable watch box interiors to accommodate specific customer preferences.
    • Some customers may require unique layouts or features based on their watch collection or usage.

The watch box interior plays a crucial role in protecting and presenting the timepieces. The choice of materials, layout, and additional features should cater to the target audience’s needs and complement the overall design and branding of the watch box. A well-designed and functional watch box interior enhances the overall customer experience and adds value to the timepieces within.


Finishes and Aesthetics

Watch box aesthetics can significantly influence a customer’s perception of your brand. Selecting the right finish, whether it’s glossy, matte, textured, or patterned, can enhance the overall appeal and make your watch boxes stand out.


  • Explore different finishes and surface treatments that enhance the appeal of watch boxes.
  • Discuss popular design elements, such as glossy, matte, textured, or patterned exteriors.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Options

With increasing environmental awareness, opting for sustainable and eco-friendly watch box materials is a responsible choice. Customers value brands that show commitment to sustainability, and eco-conscious packaging can contribute to a positive brand image.

Finishes and Aesthetics Options and Details for Watch Boxes:

  • Matte Finish:
      • Offers a smooth and non-reflective surface.
      • Provides a sophisticated and understated appearance.
      • Ideal for minimalist or classic watch designs.
  • Glossy Finish:

    different finish
      • Creates a shiny and reflective surface.
      • Adds a sense of luxury and elegance to the watch box.
      • Suitable for high-end and formal watch collections.
  • Textured Finish:
      • Provides a tactile and visually interesting surface.
      • Can be achieved through embossing, engraving, or using textured materials.
      • Adds depth and uniqueness to the watch box design.
  • Patterned Finish:
      • Incorporates decorative patterns on the exterior of the watch box.
      • Offers versatility with various pattern options, such as stripes, herringbone, or floral motifs.
      • Adds character and visual appeal to the packaging.
  • Wood Grain Finish:

    different woods material
      • Showcases the natural beauty of wood.
      • Highlights the unique grain patterns of different wood types.
      • Adds warmth and organic aesthetics to the watch box.
  • Metal Accents:
      • Combines different materials, such as wood or leather, with metal accents.
      • Adds a contemporary and high-tech touch to the watch box design.
      • Suitable for modern and sporty watch collections.
  • Two-Tone Finishes:
      • Utilizes two complementary colors or materials for a dual-tone effect.
      • Creates a striking contrast and eye-catching design.
      • Allows for creative and visually appealing combinations.
  • Engraving or Embossing:
      • Incorporates brand logos, patterns, or intricate designs into the surface of the watch box.
      • Offers a personalized and exclusive touch to the packaging.
      • Can be used to convey the brand’s story or heritage.
  • Colorful Finishes:

    different colors and materials
      • Explores a wide range of colors to match the brand’s identity or watch collection theme.
      • Adds vibrancy and playfulness to the watch box design.
      • Suitable for brands targeting a youthful or fashion-forward audience.
  • High-Contrast Details:
      • Utilizes contrasting colors or materials to make specific elements stand out.
      • Enhances the visibility of branding elements or unique features of the watch box.
      • Creates a visually striking and memorable impression.
  • Minimalist Design:
      • Emphasizes simplicity and clean lines.
      • Focuses on essential details without unnecessary embellishments.
      • Appeals to customers who prefer a sleek and modern aesthetic.
  • Vintage or Retro Finishes:
    • Incorporates design elements from past eras, such as art deco or mid-century styles.
    • Adds a nostalgic and timeless appeal to the watch box.
    • Suitable for vintage-inspired or heritage watch brands.

The choice of finishes and aesthetics for watch boxes plays a significant role in defining the packaging’s overall look and feel. Brands should consider their target market, watch collection style, and brand identity when selecting the appropriate finish and aesthetic elements. A well-executed design enhances the perceived value of the watch box and contributes to a positive customer experience.


Packaging and Presentation

The way you present your timepieces matters, especially for luxury and high-end watches. Investing in elegant packaging and creating a memorable unboxing experience can leave a lasting impression on customers and strengthen brand loyalty.


Packaging and Presentation Options and Details for Watch Boxes:

  • Luxury Box Sleeve:
      • Incorporate an outer sleeve that slides over the watch box.
      • Adds an extra layer of elegance and protection.
      • Customizable with branding elements, patterns, or textures.
  • Branded Ribbon or Seal:
      • Use a branded ribbon or seal to secure the watch box.
      • Provides a luxurious and sophisticated touch to the packaging.
      • Enhances the unboxing experience.
  • Custom Printed Box Lid:
      • Customize the lid of the watch box with a printed design or logo.
      • Offers a distinctive and branded presentation.
      • Ideal for retail display and gift-giving.
  • Magnetic Closure:
      • Opt for a magnetic closure mechanism for easy opening and closing of the watch box.
      • Adds convenience and a sense of premium quality.
      • Ensures a secure closure during transport.
  • Unboxing Experience:
      • Design the watch box to create a memorable unboxing experience.
      • Consider the order in which the watch and accessories are revealed.
      • Include elements that surprise and delight customers.
  • Inner Packaging Accessories:
      • Enhance the presentation with inner packaging accessories, such as tissue paper, foam inserts, or fabric pouches.
      • Provides an added layer of protection and sophistication.
  • Personalized Note or Certificate:
      • Include a personalized note or certificate of authenticity inside the watch box.
      • Adds a personal touch and reinforces the exclusivity of the timepiece.
  • Watch Pillow with Brand Embroidery:
      • Customize the watch pillow with branded embroidery.
      • Elevates the interior presentation and showcases attention to detail.
  • Gift Packaging:
      • Offer gift-ready packaging options for special occasions.
      • Include gift wrapping services or a gift tag for a complete gifting experience.
  • Limited Edition Packaging:
      • Create exclusive and special packaging for limited edition watch releases.
      • Distinguishes the timepiece as a unique and collectible item.
  • Retail Display Presentation:
      • Design watch boxes that double as retail display stands.
      • Allows watches to be showcased attractively in store settings.
      • Saves space and simplifies product display.
  • Clear Window Boxes:
      • Incorporate a clear window on the watch box lid.
      • Allows customers to see the watch inside without opening the box.
      • Useful for showcasing the timepiece’s design or dial.
  • Branded Stickers or Seals:
    • Use branded stickers or seals to ensure the watch box remains sealed until the customer opens it.
    • Adds an element of security and authenticity to the packaging.

The packaging and presentation of watch boxes play a crucial role in making a lasting impression on customers. Thoughtful design elements, attention to detail, and creative presentation can elevate the perceived value of the timepiece and contribute to a positive customer experience. Brands should consider their target market and brand identity when selecting the appropriate packaging and presentation options for their watch boxes.


Cost Considerations

While exploring the various watch box options, it’s essential to balance quality and cost-effectiveness. Analyze the cost implications of different materials and customization features to find the right balance for your brand.

paper box production process

Cost Considerations for Watch Boxes:

  • Material Selection:
      • Different materials come with varying costs, impacting the overall price of the watch box.
      • Wood and leather tend to be more expensive, while plastic and certain metals are more budget-friendly.
      • Balance the desired quality and aesthetics with the available budget.
  • Customization Complexity:
    • Elaborate customizations, such as intricate engravings or unique shapes, may increase production costs.
    • Evaluate the cost implications of different customization options and choose those that align with the budget.
  • Production Volume:
      • Producing watch boxes in larger quantities often leads to cost savings per unit.
      • Consider bulk ordering to take advantage of economies of scale.
  • Packaging Features:
      • Additional features like watch pillows, compartments, or extra accessories will impact the cost.
      • Assess the necessity of each feature and its influence on the final price.
  • Finishing Techniques:
      • Certain finishing techniques, such as foil stamping or embossing, may add to the overall cost.
      • Decide on the finishing options that complement the brand’s identity while staying within the budget.
  • Packaging Size and Weight:
      • Larger and heavier watch boxes require more materials and can incur higher shipping costs.
      • Balance the desire for an impressive presentation with practical shipping considerations.
  • Sustainable Materials:
      • Opting for eco-friendly materials or sustainable practices may involve slightly higher costs.
      • Weigh the benefits of environmental responsibility against the budget constraints.
  • Branding Methods:
      • The choice of branding methods, such as logo engraving, printing, or embossing, can impact costs.
      • Consider the most cost-effective branding options without compromising brand visibility.
  • Packaging Suppliers and Manufacturing:
      • Different suppliers or manufacturers may offer varying prices for the same watch box specifications.
      • Request quotes from multiple sources to compare costs and negotiate competitive pricing.
  • Quality and Durability:
    paper box layer

    leather sleeve stitching comparison
    leather sleeve stitching comparison

    leather sleeve stitching comparison

    Layer of the leather watch box
      • Balancing cost considerations with quality is essential to avoid compromising the watch box’s durability and protection.
      • Investing in durable materials and construction can reduce potential replacement costs in the future.
  • Packaging Complexity:
      • Intricate packaging designs may require additional production steps, leading to higher costs.
      • Simplifying the packaging design while maintaining its appeal can help manage costs.
  • Shipping and Logistics:
      • Factor in shipping costs and logistics when assessing the overall budget for watch boxes.
      • Consider international shipping, customs fees, and transit times if the boxes are produced abroad.
  • Reusability and Storage:
    • Design watch boxes that can be repurposed or reused for other purposes.
    • Consider space-saving features to reduce storage costs.

Careful cost considerations are crucial for watch manufacturers to balance the desire for premium packaging with financial viability. Prioritize essential features and materials that align with the brand’s image while being mindful of the available budget.



As a watches manufacturer in China, understanding the diverse options of watch boxes is crucial for creating a strong brand presence. By choosing the right materials, designs, and customizations, you can enhance the appeal of your timepieces, impress customers, and build a loyal clientele. Invest in quality watch boxes that protect, captivate, and reflect the essence of your brand, ensuring that your timepieces leave a lasting impression on every customer.

A Brief Introduction of the Watches Crown

The watch crown is one of the most important components of a wristwatch. It is a small, cylindrical knob located on the side of the watch case that is used to wind and set the time on the watch. The crown is also responsible for adjusting other functions of the watch, such as the date and any additional complications the watch may have.


What is the Crown of the Watch?

The crown, also known as the watch push-button, is to adjust the time.

In ordinary watches, it is used to adjust the time. In some multifunctional watches, such as chronographs, it is used to pause or start the time, or to reset it.

Without it, you can only check time, not to adjust the correct time.

rolex embossed logo crown

History of the Watch Crown

The watch crown has a rich history that dates back to the earliest days of watchmaking. The first watches were portable clocks that were worn around the neck or carried in a pocket. These watches were wound with a separate key that was inserted into a hole in the back of the watch case.


In the mid-19th century, pocket watches began to evolve into smaller, more compact wristwatches. As the design of the watch changed, so did the winding mechanism. The key was replaced by a small knob that was attached to the watch case. This knob, which was called the crown, was easier to use and more convenient for the wearer.


Over time, the crown became an essential component of the watch, allowing users to wind and set the time quickly and easily. Today, the crown is still used in most watches, and it has become an iconic symbol of watchmaking.


The Structure of The Watch Crown

In general, the bar has 3 parts, the crown head, the bar tube, and the spring.

Structure of watch Crown
Structure of watch Crown

According to the different watches, There are single pieces, two sets, three sets, etc.,

If it is not a special requirement crown, The single piece will be relatively high-end.

The below picture is a one-piece oil pressure logo embryo

embossed logo crown

The Functionality of the Watch Crown

The primary function of the watch crown is to wind the watch. When the crown is turned clockwise, it rotates the watch’s mainspring, which powers the watch’s movement. The mainspring is a coiled spring that stores mechanical energy and releases it in a controlled manner to power the watch.

the crown inside structure


The crown also controls other functions of the watch, such as the date and any additional complications the watch may have. For example, if the watch has a chronograph function, the crown may be used to start, stop, and reset the stopwatch.

Some watches have a screw-down crown, which provides additional water resistance. A screw-down crown has a rubber gasket that creates a seal when the crown is screwed into the case. This prevents water from entering the watch through the crown.


Types of Watch Crowns

There are several shapes and types of watch crowns, each with unique features and benefits.

According to the Function:

  • Push-pull Watch Crown: A push-pull crown is the most common type of watch crown. It is designed to be pushed or pulled to adjust the time or date on the watch. This type of crown is easy to use and is suitable for most everyday watches.


  • Screw-down Watch Crown: A screw-down crown is a type of crown that requires the user to unscrew it before use. This type of crown provides additional water resistance, making it ideal for divers’ watches or watches that are exposed to water regularly.



According to the Shape:

  • Onion Watch Crown : An onion crown is a type of crown that is shaped like an onion. It is often used on vintage watches and has a unique, classic look.


  • Fluted Watch Crown: A fluted crown is a type of crown that has ridges or grooves around the edge. It is often used on luxury watches and provides a secure grip for the user.



  • Cabochon Crown: A cabochon crown is a type of crown that has a gemstone or other decorative element on end. This type of crown is often used on high-end watches and adds a touch of elegance to the watch’s design.

  • flat-headed Watch Crown: Like the name suggests, his head is flat.
  • Convex Crown: The crown is the shape of the head that’s raised.

  • Round Head Watch Crown: Round head watch crown means that the head is round in shape.
  • Water Bottle Shape Watch Crown: Water bottle shape watch crown is like the old fat water bottle shape.
  • Pumpkin Shape Watch Crown: Pumpkin shape watch crown is the shape of the vegetable pumpkin we eat.

  • Irregular Shaped Push Watch Crown: The irregular shaped Push watch crown is the irregularly shaped crown.

    different irregular shapes of Crown
  • None-standard Screw Down Watch Crown: None-standard Screw down watch crown is a special design of the crown, is not commonly used


The Artwork of the Crowns

The finish of the crown head:

rough finish, glossy, fine finish, full gloss; matt; round sand; straight sand; high gloss; CD pattern

Surface treatment: PVD(IP plating), AFP, Painting, Glued, Anodising, Water plating.

gold color screw in crown
PVD black watch crown

Waterproof: 1-30 ATM


The Classification of the Crown:

The crown is generally divided into two kinds of, one is ordinary crown and one is screw crown ;

Ordinary crown is divided into two kinds: one is the E; one is the T; the simple understanding is the E is flat, T protrudes a section.

Check the below picture, The left side is T, the right side is E

Difference of Ordinary crown and Screw down Crown?

The ordinary one is directly put in the Bar tube, you can directly push and pull to control the gear to operate the movement of various work;

The screw crown is the bar tube was lock in screw structure, if you want to operate the crown, you need to unscrew it first.

The ordinary crown is generally used in normal watches, and casual style, for watches which is 30-50mwaterproof, the screwed crown is generally used in diving, sports style, etc., and the screw crown is used in watches that are over 100m waterproof

Diving watches are internal spring structures, so the movement of different spring elasticities will be different, for example, the 2824 movement of the crown elasticity of 0.8N-1.3N


Waterproof Principle of Crown:

Use the O-ring to tighten around the tube to waterproof, general waterproof O-ring diameter of 0.6mm, Bar tube in the gap between the crown of about 0.05mm on one side, thickening the waterproof O-ring or adding more waterproof O-ring can properly improve the waterproof level.

With the ordinary bar tube, use the holding force + waterproof glue to fix the crown on the case.

Below is the structure of an ordinary E crown tube:


Diving watches all use screw crowns also with more O-rings, In simple understanding, the better the waterproof grade, the more O-ring. When required >500m Waterproof, we generally weld the crown tube on the case.

There are generally two ways to weld; one is laser welding; Another is to add welding paste, then Quenching the case, and then tempered welding. (which method to use, depends on the case material and polishing process)


The following drawing is a high waterproof watch:

The top picture is a Crown, and the bottom picture is a Crown Tube.

  • 1 is the screw teeth/thread, the teeth for fixing the case structure,
  • 2 is the screw teeth/thread, the teeth are for fixing the crown tube, and the crown tube structure

For strengthen waterproof function purposes, we will add 2 O-rings in the middle, there is a thread locking the bottom O-ring. ( if sometimes, you forgot locking the crown in the water, generally speaking, it will not enter the water)

There is too much knowledge of crown structure, I only know this, so share it with you briefly.


The Production Process of Crown

  1. Buy tooth shaped metal material,
  2. Use the automatic lathe, and cut off the material.
  3. Then use large grinding to do overall grinding (this is processing for the low-end crown after the grinding is completed, the thread is rough).

Swiss crowns generally machine screw teeth/thread by CNC, also by single-grain grinding.

PS: Mentioned the prices, the low-quality crown can sell for just 0.05 dollars, and the high crowns will be for 0.5 dollars


The Logo Process/ Type On the Crown:

  • oil pressure three-dimensional Logo,
  • finely engraved logo,
  • etched logo;

The oil pressure logo is divided into a single-piece and two-piece set (corresponding to the above single-piece and two-piece crown).

A single-piece crown is pressed many times, which requires higher abrasives and equipment.

A Two-piece set crown is a stamping outside one, using the upper and lower die, compared to the single-piece simple some.

Engraving logo and etched logo, make crown first, then add the logo.



The watch crown is an essential component of the wristwatch. It allows users to wind and set the time on the watch, as well as adjust other functions such as the date and chronograph. There are several types of watch crowns, each with unique features and benefits. Whether you are a watch enthusiast or simply appreciate the elegance of a well-crafted timepiece, the watch crown is an integral part of watchmaking history and design.


Kind Of Watches Battery and Basic Learning

Kind Of Watches Battery and Basic Learning

To prevent you from damaging your favorite watch, it is important to know about watch batteries.

The battery in a watch is usually small, also called a button cell, cell battery, button battery, or coin battery.

The battery life is 2-5 years, the better ones are original and are 5 years. Slightly average, 2 years.

Watches that require a battery are either quartz or electronic watches(smart watches).

There are 3 main types of batteries in use in a watch:

  • Mercury battery.
  • Silver Oxide battery.
  • Lithium battery.


I have a watch made by our factory, with a Japanese Miyota movement, which is years old and was run out of battery, so I always ask my colleagues to change the battery for me.


Now let me share some information I have learned. And before we change the battery, let’s learn some general knowledge about watch batteries.

Types of Watches Battery

3 main types of batteries in use in a watch:

  • Mercury battery.
  • Silver Oxide battery.
  • Lithium battery.

A more detailed answer is also given in Wikipedia about coin cell batteries.

See also:


For some more detailed information on batteries.

See also


What Does Meaning the Model Designation?


The model number of a watch battery is usually an identifier consisting of a string of numbers and letters, and different watch models require different battery models. The most common watch battery model on the market is the SR626SW, also known as the 377 battery.

This battery is small, has a high capacity and is widely used in small electronic devices such as watches, alarm clocks and calculators. In addition to this, there are also models such as SR920SW and SR621SW which are also widely used.


What do some of the codes or models in the battery mean?

For example, CR2035, SR626SW, LR626, 626SW,

let’s see

The Letter Suffix of the Battery:

The following additional suffix letters may optionally appear in the type designation to indicate the inside electrolyte used:

  • P: potassium hydroxide electrolyte
  • S: sodium hydroxide electrolyte
  • No letter: organic electrolyte
  • SW: low drain type for quartz watches (analog or digital) without light, alarm, or chronograph functions.
  • W: high drain type for all quartz watches, calculators, and cameras.

The Prefix of Battery Type:

Normally, the first or first 2 letters are for the type of battery

  • BR or CR=Lithium Battery
  • SR or SG or S =Silver oxide cells
  • T=Silver peroxide
  • LR or A=Alkaline batteries
  • M=Mercury oxide(This is not allowed to be used now)


Manufacturers using SR for silver oxide watch batteries will tend to use LR for alkaline.


Those who use SG for silver oxide tend to use AG for alkaline.


L, S, and C-type batteries are the most common types used today in quartz watches, calculators, small PDA devices, computer clocks, and flashing lights.


Miniature zinc air batteriestype Pfor hearing aids and medical instruments


Some other differences in battery suffixes:

In the silver oxide type of batteries, you will often see different suffixes for the same battery model. The letters at the end of the reference number are different, one is W and the other is SW. Which one do you choose?


For example, you have the SR1130W and SR1130SW.SWrefers to use in low power consumption devices, whileWrefers to high power consumption devices. So what’s the difference?

Well, you tend to useSWbatteries only in watches without a backlight. Your standard analog quartz watch can use a low-drain watch battery, whereas a watch with a backlight does require a high-drain ¨W¨ watch battery.


Having said that, you can very happily use a high-drain watch battery to run a low-drain watch.

When used in low-power consumption devices, the ¨SW¨ battery tends to last slightly longer than its ¨W¨ equivalent.

If for more details, please see this article.


What Kind of Batteries Do Watches Use?

Someone asked me, Do I need to choose a battery according to the model of my watch? What is the usual type of original battery in a watch?


The performance of the original Japanese Miyota movement battery is very good.

But you might not understand the mark of the original battery, so let’s read it in detail!


MIYOTA original batteries are produced under strict control in Japan and are identified as Japan Maxell XXX or Japan SONY XXX, where Japan means produced in Japan, MAXELL or SONY means the battery brand and XXX means the battery model. In the Japanese battery model number, each letter of the alphabet and the Arabic numerals have a specific meaning.


Remember we talked above about the prefix and Suffixes? you can open your back cover and look at the battery type at:


For an example of SR626SW:

Prefix SR

  • S=Silver oxide
  • R=Round type battery
  • 6=6MM diameter
  • 26=2.6mm thickness

Types of electrolyte

  • S=Indicates sodium gas oxide (for weak currents), where no letter indicates potassium gas oxide (for large batteries)

Range of uses

  • W=usde in watches


Below is: Type of MIYOTA movement and the type of battery fitted, battery life.

Battery type Which movement is in use Battery life
SR626SW 2000 series
FS series
Super 2035 is 4 years,
2034 is 4 months,
other 2000 series all 3 years, FS series is 2 years
SR621SW G series,
IL/IS series,
GP multi-dial series,
JPmulti dial series,
JS Stopwatch timing series,
JR multi-dial series
GL20, GL15, GN15, GM15 is 5 years, other G series is 3 years;
1L/ IS series is 3 years.GP multi-dials series is 3 years;
JP multi-dials series is 2 years;
JS stopwatch timing series is 2 years;
JR multi-dials series is 3 years。
SR915SW 9T series
9U series
9T series is 2 years
9U series is 4 years
SR5I2SW 4S20 2 years
SR416SW 5R21, 5R32 5R21 is 4 years, 5R32 is 2 years
SR521SW 5Y20, 5Y30 5Y20 is 4 years, 5Y30 is 2 years
CR1616 IL60 10 years
R2012 2S60, 2S65 10 years
SR920SW GP series 3 years
SR927W 6S series
OS basic series,
OS Professional Chronograph series
6S series is 4 years,
OS basic series is 5 years, OS Chronograph series is 3 years


Notice When Using the Relógios Battery:

When identifying the type of coin cell batteries you may have, be sure to distinguish between silver oxide batteries and lithium or alkaline batteries. Make sure you don’t throw it in the wrong bin when you throw it in, These batteries type are identified by the prefix letters:

  • The first letter (LR) indicates an alkaline battery, which can be thrown in the rubbish bin.
  • Batteries with the initials (CR) indicate lithium batteries and (SR) indicate silver oxide containing heavy metals, which can’t be thrown in the rubbish bin.
  • Batteries marked with the letter (P) are rechargeable and contain heavy metals and/or mercury, which can’t be thrown in the rubbish bin.


FAQ on Watches Battery:


When I want to replace a watch’s battery, What battery should I buy?

When you want to replace a watch’s battery, the specific battery you should buy will depend on the brand, type, and style of your particular watch. To determine the correct battery for your watch, you can follow these steps:

  1. remove this cover to access the battery.
  2. Identify the battery type by reading the serial number on it.


It’s worth noting that if you are unsure or uncomfortable with replacing the battery yourself, it’s always a good idea to take your watch to a professional watchmaker or a jeweler who can assist you with the battery replacement process. They will have the expertise and tools to ensure a proper and safe battery replacement


What tools do I need to change a watch battery?

The screwdriver, case opener, and battery are the essential tools

The sealing glue, sealing plastic o-ring,

Watch Battery Replacement: How to Remove and Replace A Watch Battery


How do I know which battery fits my watch?

If you don’t know what kind of battery your watch has, either ask the seller or open the back of the watch to see the battery type


What is the most common watch battery?

The most common watch battery used in watches is the button cell battery. Button cell batteries are small, round, and flat batteries that provide power to various electronic devices, including watches. They are commonly used due to their compact size and ability to fit within the limited space of a watch case. The most popular brand for watch batteries is Energizer.


In terms of specific sizes, numbers, and letters, there are several commonly used watch battery types. These include

Silver oxide batteries: These batteries are commonly used in quartz watches and provide a stable voltage throughout their lifespan. They are available in various sizes, such as SR626SW, SR626W, SR621SW, and SR920SW.


Alkaline batteries: Alkaline batteries are also used in some watches and are available in sizes such as LR626, LR626SW, and LR621.


Lithium batteries: Lithium batteries are commonly used in digital and high-tech watches due to their long-lasting power and stability. They are available in various sizes, including CR2032 and CR2025.


It’s worth noting that the specific battery type required for a watch depends on the watch’s movement, design, and size. Some watch brands may have their own proprietary battery types. Therefore, it’s important to consult the watch’s documentation or refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations to determine the correct battery for your specific watch model.


While Energizer is a popular brand for watch batteries, there are also other reputable brands available, such as Renata, Varta, Sony, and Maxwell. These brands offer a range of watch batteries that are compatible with various watch models.


How do you take the back off a watch without scratching it?

Separate the tool and watch between with a cloth or with tape


How much does a wristwatch battery cost?

The best-selling watches battery on Amazon is between $5.36-9.29 per 6 units.


If you need to replace the battery, you need to open the watch’s back cover, Perhaps you need to use a different tool because each watch has a different style of the bottom cover. The three types are usually screwed bottom cover, press down bottom cover, and rotating bottom cover.

Check this post in detail if you want to replace the battery



We suggest that if you need to change the battery yourself, you can change the inexpensive quartz watch battery, Buying a good cap opener, battery, waterproof rubber, or waterproof rubber ring is best. If it is a more expensive watch, it is best not to change the battery yourself, in case your watch is not waterproof after you have changed the battery. That’s not uneconomical.


See also our post:

  • How to change the battery for my watch?
Why does OEM Watches have Long Production Times? 2

Watches Customization Process( with Full list of FAQs)

Many of my customers and friends will ask me some basic questions about watch customization, especially for customers who are new to the watches industry, very confused about the customization of watches, how they should operate, what they need, how much MOQ, and other such issues, today I purposely write an article about this aspect of the problem.

What is the Process of Manufacturing Private-label Watches?

Customizing watches can be a fun and creative process that allows you to personalize your timepiece according to your preferences. While there are various approaches to watch customization, let me outline a general process that you can follow:


  1. Research and choose a watch: Start by selecting a watch that you want to customize. Consider factors like the brand, model, size, and movement type. It’s important to choose a watch that allows for customization options and has easily accessible parts.
  2. Determine customization options: Decide on the aspects of the watch you want to customize. This can include the dial, hands, bezel, case, crown, strap/bracelet, and even movement. Think about whether you want to change the color, material, or texture, or add any additional features like engravings or gemstones.
  3. Find a reputable watch customizer: Look for professional watch customizers or modders who specialize in the type of customization you want. You can find them through B2B platforms, social platforms, online forums, watch enthusiast communities, or by seeking recommendations from fellow watch enthusiasts. Ensure they have a good reputation and a portfolio of previous work.
  4. Consultation and design: Schedule a consultation with the customizer to discuss your ideas and preferences. They will guide you through the customization process, provide recommendations, and help you refine your design. They may also show you samples, mock-ups, or computer-generated designs to give you an idea of the final result.
  5. Component sourcing: Once you finalize the design, the customizer will source the necessary components and materials for your watch customization. This may involve ordering specific parts, working with suppliers, or even creating custom elements from scratch, depending on the complexity of your design.
  6. Assemble product: Assemble the watch, ensuring all components fit correctly and the movement is properly calibrated.
  7. Quality control and testing: The customizer will thoroughly test the watch to ensure it functions accurately and meets the desired standards. This includes checking the timekeeping accuracy, water resistance (if applicable), and overall performance. They will make any necessary adjustments or fine-tuning to achieve optimal results.
  8. Delivery and aftercare: Once the customization process is finished, the customizer will return the watch to you. They may provide you with care instructions and advice on maintenance to ensure the longevity of your customized timepiece. It’s essential to follow their guidance to keep your watch in the best possible condition.

Remember that the customization process may vary depending on the complexity of your design and the specific expertise of the customizer. It’s crucial to communicate, provide detailed instructions, and establish a good rapport with your chosen customizer to achieve the desired outcome.


How’s the MOQ Required for Each Order? Why is it so much Higher MOQ?

Each factory will ask for MOQ 500pcs for the same model, Why?

Most will ask What is the minimum order quantity (MOQ) when working with a private-label watch manufacturer?

That’s because different parts supplier has different MOQ requirements. Sometimes the whole market gives quantity requirements taking into account the requirements of the material supplier, the wear and tear of the machines, and the operating costs of the factory



What Services Does a Private-label Watch Manufacturer Provide?

  • Customize watches,
  • Customize watch boxes
  • Design watches
  • Designing boxes
  • Shipments

Check to know more details

What Services does a Private-label Watch Manufacturer Provide

Full List of Frequently Asked Questions in Watches Customization


Q: What is a private label watch manufacturer?

A: A private label watches manufacturer can make your ideal watch into real watches according to your piece mess idea. They can make you with design pictures, and samples, lead you to make the perfect watch you need, solve your after-sales problem, and give you ideas of the market trends. they are your assistants.


Q: Customized watch process step-by-step/customize watch options/ Choosing materials for customized watches?

A: Pls check on above mentioned steps, For customization watch options/Choosing materials for customized watches. Check below post on what materials and components are commonly used in private-label watch manufacturing

Complete Guideline: What Should I Know When I Want to Customize My Watches?

Q: Custom watch design ideas and inspiration

A: Custom watch design ideas are quite a virtual thing, cause everybody is different, factory will provide the customer with professional suggestions for your design, or provide you with our catalog to inspire you, But it all depends on the customers as this is a brand. Only customers know their brand image and ideas


Q: Custom watch straps

A: You can refer to this post about the watch straps and bracelet options.

Mastering Wrist Watch Straps: A Must-Know for Watch Enthusiasts

Q: Customized watch dial options

A: You can refer to this post about customized watch dial options.

What You Need to Know About Watch Dial

Q: What colors should i choose? Is there a good option?

A: Yes, The best coloring of wrist watches is PVD, check below post to know more;

PVD, IP, Do you Know These Case Color Processing Terms?


Q: Logo engraving options for personalized watches

A: Engraving, laser graving, erosion, embossing, debossing on watch dial and case,

plus gold hot stamping, and silver hot stamping extra on the watch boxes.

Different Methods of Printing logos on Watches

Q: Cost of customizing a watch

A: The cost of customizing different watches is different,

Average Sample: 500usd( quartz), 1000-2000usd ( mechanical)

Average Mass order: 500pcs *15=7500dollars(quartz), 500*40=20000dollars( mechanical)

Shipping average: 0.5-1usd per unit, 500dollars

Import Tax: depends on different countries, are different.

Total: 500+7500+500=8500 dollars 1000/2000+20000+500=21500/22500 dollars


Of course, You will have marketing fees, and other start-up costs, which cannot be estimated for you.

Check to know about the cost of customizing a watch

Customize Watches in China: Cost Breakdown and Estimates


Q: Custom watch samples and prototypes

A: Sample/prototypes can be quartz watches or mechanical watches, in Swiss or Japan movement is the most comment, Quartz watch style is common, and features depend on customers.


Q: What watches movement should i choose?

A: Japanese quartz movement is widely used and is the most used movement by many brands

Watches Customization: What Do You Know of the Watches Movement?


Q: How can I find a reliable private-label watch manufacturer?

A: You can check this post we shared before, Some ideas from a watch manufacturer.

How can I Find a Reliable Private-label Watch Manufacturer?

Q: Can a private label watch manufacturer customize the design and branding of the watches?

A: Yes, Design, Branding logo, Anything you required, the watch manufacturer can meet it.


Q: How long does it take to manufacture private-label watches? How long does it typically take to produce a customized watch?

A: The custom watch manufacturing timeline is nearly 45 days on average

check below to know why customize watches takes so long time;

Why does OEM Watches have Long Production Times?


Q: Can a private-label watch manufacturer assist with packaging and labeling?

A: Yes, 99% of the private-label watch manufacturer will customize the watches box for you.


Q: Are there any quality control measures in place during the manufacturing process?

A: Yes, We have LQC online when making production

Check post to know the quality check list of Watches

OEM Watches Quality Checklist

Q: Can a private-label watch manufacturer assist with shipping and logistics?

A: Yes, we can provide Door Door Service, It’s very freely for you to get the package to sit at the house.


Q: What is the cost involved in working with a private-label watch manufacturer?

A: Product cost, molding cost, sample cost


Q: Can the private label watch manufacturer provide samples or prototypes before production?

A: Yes, for watches, The sample is quite expensive, Mostly hundreds of dollars, so no free samples, samples will be provided before production or before placing the order.


Q: Are there any options for warranty or after-sales service when working with a private-label watch manufacturer? Maintaining and servicing customized watches

A: Mostly are 1-2 years warranty, non-human damage range.


Q: Are there any limitations or restrictions when it comes to designing and customizing private-label watches?

A: Yes, the MOQ is a limit, The strap material if from Italy, so It’s a limit


Q: What is the difference between private label watches and OEM watches?

A: Private label watches actually the same as OEM watches in my mind.


Q: Can an OEM watch manufacturer produce watches based on my design and specifications?

A: Yes, the watch manufacturers can produce based on your design and specifications, but if your size or features, or design is special, They will tell you if they can make it by current techniques, also the cost estimated


Q: Is it possible to customize various aspects of the watch, such as the dial, case, hands, or straps?

A: No, not the full aspect, but the 90% aspect.

for most watches, the hands can not customize, You can only choose what existing styles, as hands are needs to make expensive molding if you need new styles, they can only customize the dial, case, straps, and some other accessories.


Q: What are the options for branding and logo placement on OEM watches?

A: The branding and logo can be put on the dial, straps, case back, and buckle.


Q: How involved can I be in the manufacturing process as the client?

A: You can design your watch till they produced a sample and mass order. It means you can take full involvement in the watches manufacturing process.


Q: Are there any limitations on the type of materials that can be used in OEM watches?

A: Yes, stainless steel/Alloy/brass material are commonly used in watches,

Leather materials are for bands

Seems other materials are no limits, but not that common

Check to know widely some market information

Relógios & Luxury Watches -Market Insight

Swiss Watch Industry Market Research Report

Q: How does the OEM watches process handle quality control and assurance?

A: When the factory orders product parts, it will let the parts supplier provide samples first, and then send them to the customer to confirm the appearance, and confirm function and so on all, the big goods will come to inspect the raw materials, try to assemble the product, if not, will all return to re-production.

During product assembly, the factory also has a special LQC to check the problems encountered in the production process and correct them in time. By the time the product is assembled, there will also be an FQC inspection to ensure that the product is good in the hands of the customer this whole process, is the QC


Q: Can an OEM watch manufacturer provide certifications or compliance documentation, such as CE or RoHS?

A: Yes, CE and Rohs are the most basic


Q: What is the typical lead time for OEM watch production?

A: Quartz watch 45-60 days, mechanical watch 45-90 days.


Q: Can the OEM watch manufacturer handle packaging and labeling according to my requirements?

A: Yes, customizing the packaging is part of the service of the watches manufacturer, but it will vary by a different factory.


Q: Is there a minimum order quantity (MOQ) for OEM watches?

A: Yes, 300-500PCS Per style


Q: What are the payment terms and conditions for OEM watch manufacturing?

A: Each factory has different payment requirements, but most have a 30% deposit for the production area and 70% before delivery.


Q: Are there any after-sales services or warranties provided for OEM watches?

A: Yes, there are, and the watch manufacturersafter-sales are all-inclusive of quality issues for 1-2 years after you receive the product, except for human damage. Generally based on refunds


Q: What are the options for customizing the design of a watch?

A: Customized dial, case, strap, box, and product packaging


Q: Can I choose the materials used in the customization of the watch?

A: Yes, you can check this details page in customize watches options.


Q: Is it possible to engrave personal messages or logos on the watch?

A: Yes, it can, but it has the MOQ limited, some diy watches supplier can provide personal message customize, but you can only use their fixed styles, so both have the limits.

Q: Can I select specific colors for different components of the watch?

A: Yes, there are many colors for the cases and straps, also some other components


Q: How detailed can the customization be, such as adding intricate patterns or textures?

A: No matter how complex the pattern or texture is, as long as it is the right size to suit the market for the watch, it can usually be made.


Q: Are there options for customizing the watch hands, indices, or numerals?

A: Can be customized instructions and numbers, but the needle, generally looking for similar and existing styles, is not recommended to customize, because of the batch processing, once you start to do will be shipped in large quantities, and the price is cheap, so require a lot of quantity and the high cost of opening the mold


Q: Can I customize the type of movement used in the watch?

A: You can choose the right brand of movement to use in your watch. For example a Japanese Miyota, a Swiss Ronda, a slight modification of the position of the calendar, etc., but only for this kind of customization, you cannot make your movement according to your ideas, because the technology is not up to the requirements. Unless you can find a major brand movement manufacturer and can do the quantity he requires


Q: What are the options for customizing the watch strap or bracelet?

A: For the strap, you can customize the size, style, pattern, material, colors


Q: Can I include additional features or complications in the customized watch?

A: Yes, you can, the functions are decided by the movement, you can choose the movement, so you can customize the features.


Q: How does the process of approving and finalizing the design for a customized watch work?

A: A little bit of communication and confirmation, then a drawing to confirm again, and finally a sample to confirm


Q: Can the customized watch manufacturer provide samples or prototypes for approval before production?

A: Yes, watch manufacturers provide samples or prototypes for approval before production


Q: Is there a limit to the number of customization options available for a watch?

A: Yes, the MOQ is 500pcs for one type


Q: What is the pricing structure for customized watches?

A: The accessories of the individual products determine the price, The components of a watch are the case, the strap, the movement, the face, the bezel, the hands, the various other small parts, etc.

With the addition of the factory’s share of labor, utilities, and rent, the price structure of the watch is determined by these components and the factory’s operating costs.


Q: Can the customized watch manufacturer provide ongoing support or maintenance for the customized watches?

A: Mostly after selling service is 1-2 years for quality assurance, depending on different suppliers.


Watch customize is a complicated process that requires patience and confidence, and making your own watch brand is not something you can succeed at overnight, so learning more about ordering watches at the beginning will be very helpful to your brand. With this article, your doubts about needing a bespoke watch should have been solved, if you have any other questions, you can leave me a message


What Services does a Private-label Watch Manufacturer Provide 5

What Services does a Private-label Watch Manufacturer Provide

I see people asking this question, what can a watch supplier offer me?

They can design your watch, design your box, give you a professional suggestion on watches, website build service, accessories or other products souring service, video taking service, logistics warehouse, accessories or other products souring service, and product picture taking service ect.

Indeed, let’s take a look at this watch industry of ours and what services we have provided to our customers.

Design your watch

Designing your watch is very much about designing your watch to your specifications.

Everything is done under the direction of the client and the designers and suppliers only give advice on what is feasible. They do not make any decisions or changes to the design on behalf of the client.


Give you a professional suggestion on watches

Very often, many customers will come up with some very bold ideas and give some very special designs, but the supplier tells you that it can’t be done, because, the functions are all limited by the movement and the appearance is determined by the current technology. When it comes to functionality, apart from the very big brands, who are able to make their own movements and customize them for their own specific needs, some ordinary brands, or big brands, can only use movements from movement suppliers and change the appearance of the design.

When it comes to appearance or materials, some customers will have to make very small accessories or places to make a very perfect effect, in fact, many times it is not possible to achieve, because the machine is restrictive, and the manual operation of the place is also restrictive, it is not possible to meet the current technical requirements.


There are also special materials, such as titanium cases, such as meteorite facets, which are special designs that can only be prototyped as an experiment but cannot be produced in large quantities because the scrap rate is too high, or because the raw material costs are so high that the customer simply cannot meet the quantity requirements, etc.


Based on existing experience, the supplier then gives some very honest advice to allow the customer to change the design in time.


Design your box

In fact, many people who are new to the industry, or crossover, do not have the means to design their own preferred packaging well, whereas a watch manufacturer, on the other hand, will be able to meet all aspects of the requirements, as he will combine the existing watch size and dimensions, as well as the customer’s price, to recommend the most suitable package to the customer.

Help you choose the best logistics

When you are shipping, if you say to your supplier, xx, can you recommend a suitable freight forwarder to me?

They usually recommend them because the ones he recommends to you must be ones that they know and have helped them transport their goods. This way you not only have a good supplier of watches, but also some logistics providers who know your products. When you encounter problems during the logistics transport, your logistics provider and your watch supplier will also help you solve the problem together, because he does not want to lose you as a customer, does it save you a lot of time?


Or the watch manufacturer will give you several logistics options to choose from and you will be able to choose the best logistics and save some money too.


Other services

Some of the above is what a watch supplier will do for you. It is also the one that does the most. Then there are some others that I guess you may not have thought of either. These are some of the requests that some of my customers sometimes have, and we all help them on a case-by-case basis, being the other hand of the customer in China


Product Picture taking service

Because many of my clients are e-commerce businesses, selling the products online for the sake of it, and pictures are also the most important, because the photographers abroad all charge more than in China and the labor cost is expensive, so sometimes the client will ask us to help him find the right photographer to help him take pictures and retouch them. We are all happy to do that.

This saves you a lot of time as your competitorsproducts are still being shipped while yours is already on display online.

Also, sometimes for publicity, you need to take some pictures of the factory, you can also try to communicate with your supplier if they can easily get pictures of the factory production without you coming to China to visit the factory?

Website build service

Some factories offer website building services to help customers market themselves better, because factories and salesmen are the ones who know the most about their products, they know what content the website needs and how to help you become more professional

Video taking service

It’s the same with product images, you can also ask your supplier to shoot a video of the factory or ask him to call a professional photographer for you to shoot the video and send it to you


Accessories or other products souring service

If you have other products to buy in China, for example in the same category, but you don’t have the time to find a supplier, or you can arrange this with a trader you work with, they will know the Chinese market better than you do, where to find the most suitable supplier and they can do far more than you can think of. Try it.

Logistics warehouse

If you have ordered different other products at the same time but want to combine containers to go together, this is a good time to discuss with your watch supplier if you can save money by putting the goods in their warehouse first and waiting for them to go together.


These are some of the services that we have done for our clients before, do you have some other ideas? You can say it and we can discuss it together, it is also a very interesting thing.

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