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Why Watches Are Worn On The Left Hand?

2. Easier to Set the Time Ninety percent of the world's human population, regardless of language or culture, chooses to use the right hand as their habitual hand. Even when we are still in our mother's womb, we have already chosen to be habitually right-handed. Even if you start out with your left hand, you will be corrected by the time you read.

People always prefer to wear their watches with their left hand, you may have seen this since you were a child, so have you ever asked why?

You may have also heard that men should wear their watches on their left hand, while women should wear them on their right hand.

But it doesn’t matter, what matters is why people are asking for it. Let’s dig it.

The Origin of Wearing the Watch with Left Hand

In the past, before 1900, wristwatches were mainly worn by women. Men, on the other hand, used pocket watches. Soldiers in particular had such pocket watches. Pocket watches became popular during the war because they were useful for coordinating military activities.

The watches, however, were large in comparison to today’s watches and were carried by officers in custom leather pouches strapped to their wrists.

Because the watches had huge balance wheels, they were very fragile and could easily break. To protect the chronographs from damage, they were worn on the wearer’s less accustomed hand. Since most people are right-handed, watches are held in the left hand in most cases.

Speaking of which, this is a little common sense that I just learned, so do you know why there is a small pocket on the jeans? That is used to hold a pocket watch, the right hand pulled out, more convenient to operate.

When it comes to the way watches are worn, we have to talk about a man who made the watch to the public use, a pilot, Alberto Santos Dumont, he found it inconvenient to take out his pocket watch from his pocket while flying an airplane, and gave birth to the first generation of leather strap watches, the “Cartier Santos”.

Alberto Santos Dumont wore his watch on his left hand to facilitate the operation of his right hand when he was flying an airplane, and since then, the wearing of a watch on the left hand has been slowly passed down.

Why do more Left-handed People Wear Watches?

1. Celebrity Effect

Since its popularity, the watch has always been a symbol of status, its expensive price, make the watches stays in a high level for ordinary people, even now the era of the popularity of watches, a classic watch is one of the necessary accessories for successful people and business people.

Observe some royals, from Princess Diana to Princess Kate now, they all consistently wear watches in their left hand, which is an agreed etiquette.

2. Easier to Set the Time

Ninety percent of the world’s human population, regardless of language or culture, chooses to use the right hand as their habitual hand. Even when we are still in our mother’s womb, we have already chosen to be habitually right-handed. Even if you start out with your left hand, you will be corrected by the time you read.

Since many people use their right hand to do things, over time, the watch design is only for right-handed users, so the button knob to adjust the time on the watch is on the right side of the dial

the earliest mechanical watches that needed to be wound and adjusted regularly, but the watch winding knob and the button knob to adjust the time were designed on the right side of the watch dial, which was designed so that people could wear the watch on their left hand and then the right hand could easily adjust the watch or wind the watch or whatever.

There are some watches, such as the stuhrling mechanical watches, where the hand markers are on top and the watch looks more rounded, but most watches have the hand markers on the right side and of course, it is easier to adjust the watch with the left hand.

so if you wear it on your left hand, it is very smooth if you need to adjust it, but if you wear it on your right hand, it is more troublesome to adjust the time, you need to take off the watch.

Moreover, If you wear your watch on your right hand, The crown will pinch itself.

3. Inconvenient Usage when Checking Time

If you’re right-handed, you’ll do more of your work with your right hand. This means it’s easier to quickly check your time when your right hand is occupied without interfering with what you’re doing.

Moreover, the right hand is generally used for work, and the high frequency of activities means that it is easy to bump the watch and cause damage to it.

Especially mechanical watches, because the mechanical watch position has six orientations, when the watch is in a different position, the amplitude will change slightly accordingly, and the amplitude of movement of the right hand will be greater than that of the left hand, and wearing it on the right hand has some influence on the calibration of the watch.

4. Business Manner

In order not to cause resentment, whether it is life or work in the right-hand body movements are more, people generally like to stretch the right hand first, if the watch wears the right hand,

When we meet with customers, we usually use our right hand to lead the way, shake hands, hand things over, etc. The left hand will not have much action. If you wear a watch on your right hand, the watch will often show, perhaps giving people a feeling of deliberate showing off. If you wear it on your left hand, it will look more modest and polite.

5. Better for your Mechanical Watches

As a habitual right-handed person, it is inevitable that your right-hand wear will tear on your watch movement while shaking or moving because it is more active. Shocks of all kinds, in particular, and violent ones tend to wear down the movement that can damage or completely destroy it.

For example, if you use a hammer and wear your watch on your right wrist, this can cause a significant impact on the watch’s movement, thus accelerating the rate of wear. The same is true when you perform tasks such as running or throwing things.

Of course, there are also brands that make watches for people who wear watches on their left hand. For example Brand 1, Brand 2, etc. lol,:) I’m not find it

Pensamento final

Well, it’s okay to wear a watch on your left hand and on your right hand, the watch is your own, your wrist is your own, where you wear it is fine, you are happy and you are comfortable.

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