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Fashion And Accessories Market in Poland: Trends, Insights, and Future Prospects

In this report, we will delve into the trends and developments in the fashion and accessories market in Poland, focusing on different aspects such as production, trade, retail, consumer behavior, and the impact of external factors like the COVID-19 pandemic. By analyzing data from various sources, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the industry's current state, growth potential, and emerging opportunities.

The fashion and accessories market in Poland has witnessed significant growth and changes over the years, reflecting the evolving preferences and lifestyles of its consumers. This market encompasses various segments, including clothing, footwear, leather goods, jewelry, and more. As one of the key industries in Poland, it plays a vital role in the country’s economy and cultural expression.

In this report, we will delve into the trends and developments in the fashion and accessories market in Poland, focusing on different aspects such as production, trade, retail, consumer behavior, and the impact of external factors like the COVID-19 pandemic. By analyzing data from various sources, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the industry’s current state, growth potential, and emerging opportunities.


01 Overview

The report begins with an overview of the fashion and accessories market in Poland, exploring key statistics related to the number of enterprises and employees in the manufacturing sector. We observe fluctuations in the number of businesses and workers, influenced by both internal and external factors.

We also delve into clothing and footwear production volumes and values, providing insights into the industry’s contribution to the economy. Additionally, we analyze the market’s value and growth, considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer spending patterns.


Number of enterprises in the manufacture of wearing apparel industry in Poland from 2009 to 2020

Poland: number of wearing apparel manufacturers 2009-2020

Description: The number of enterprises in the wearing apparel manufacturing industry in Poland decreased to 13,310 enterprises since the previous year. Nevertheless, the last two years in this industry recorded a significant higher number of enterprises than the preceding years.


Number of enterprises in the manufacture of footwear industry in Poland from 2010 to 2020

Poland: number of footwear manufacturers 2010-2020

Description: The number of enterprises in the footwear manufacturing industry in Poland decreased to 1,472 enterprises since the previous year. This marks the lowest number of enterprises in this industry during the observed period.


Total number of employees in the wearing apparel manufacturing sector in Poland from 2008 to 2020

Poland: employees in the wearing apparel manufacturing sector 2008-2020

Description: The number of employees in the wearing apparel manufacturing industry in Poland declined to 69,678 employees in 2020. In 2020, the number of employees thereby reached its lowest value in the recent years.


Total number of employees in the footwear manufacturing sector in Poland from 2009 to 2020

Number of employees in the footwear manufacturing sector 2009-2020

Description: The number of employees in the footwear manufacturing industry in Poland decreased by 3,146 employees (-18.18 percent) in 2020 in comparison to the previous year. This marks the lowest number of employees in this industry during the observed



Clothing production in Poland from 2020 to 2022 (in 1,000s of units)

Production volume of apparel products in Poland 2020-2022

Description: In 2022, more than 2.1 million units of men’s or boy’s trousers, overalls, breeches, and shorts were produced in Poland. It is 1,201 thousand units more than the production of trousers, overalls, breeches, and shorts for women.


Production value of the manufacture of wearing apparel industry in Poland from 2009 to 2020 (in million euros)

Production value of the manufacture of wearing apparel in Poland 2009-2020

Description: In 2020, the production value of the wearing apparel manufacturing industry in Poland remained nearly unchanged at around 2.3 billion euros


Volume of footwear production in Poland from 2017 to 2022 (in 1,000 pairs)

Production volume of footwear in Poland 2017-2022

Description: In 2022, nearly 20.5 million pairs of shoes were produced in Poland, which constituted a decrease by over five percent compared to the previous year.


Volume of leather* production in Poland from 2017 to 2022 (in metric tons)

Production volume of leather in Poland 2017-2022

Description: The volume of leather produced in Poland decreased in the observed period. In 2022, nearly 5.7 thousand metric tons of leather were produced.


Value and growth of the clothing and footwear market in Poland from 2015 to 2021 (in billion zloty)

Market value of clothing & footwear in Poland 2015-2021

Description: Between 2015 and 2019, the clothing and footwear market value has increased steadily. It is estimated that the market will decline by 16.3 percent in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in 2021, it is forecasted to grow to 37.6 billion zloty.


Net financial result in the clothing manufacturing sector in Poland from 2017 to 2022 (in million zloty)

Net financial result in the clothing sector in Poland 2017-2022

Description: Net financial results in the clothing manufacturing sector increased in the observed period in Poland by 15.1 percent. In 2022, amounted to over 309 million zloty.


02 Trade

The section on trade focuses on the import and export dynamics of apparel, footwear, and related products. We highlight leading suppliers and destinations, shedding light on Poland’s global trade connections in the fashion industry.

Apparel and clothing accessories imports and exports in Poland from 2017 to 2021 (in million euros)

Apparel and clothing accessories imports and exports in Poland 2017-2021

Description: In 2021, the exchange of goods on the apparel market in Poland increased. The import value increased by nearly 21 percent in comparison to the previous year, while the export value increased by nearly 27 percent.


Leading suppliers of apparel products imported into Poland in 2021,based on value (in million U.S. dollars)

Leading suppliers of apparel products imported into Poland 2021

Description: In 2021, Pakistan was the main supplier of apparel products to Poland, with imports valued at approximately 20.6 million U.S. dollars. India ranked second, with imports into Poland worth approximately 13 million U.S. dollars.


Leading destinations of apparel products exported from Poland in 2021, based on value (in million U.S. dollars)

Leading destinations of apparel products exported from Poland 2021

Description: In 2021, Germany was the leading export country for apparel products in Poland, with exports valued at approximately 25 million U.S. dollars. Spain ranked second, with exports from Poland worth about three million U.S. dollars.


Footwear imports and exports in Poland from 2017 to 2021 (in million euros)

Shoe imports and exports in Poland 2017-2021

Description: In 2021, the exchange of goods on the footwear market in Poland increased. The import value increased by more than 11 percent in comparison to the previous year, while the export value increased by over 14 percent.


Footwear and headgear imports and exports in Poland in 2021, by major countries (in 1,000 euros)

Shoe and headgear imports and exports in Poland 2021, by major countries

Description: In 2021, the largest exporter of footwear, headgear, etc., to Poland was China. The value of imports from China amounted to more than 1.33 billion euros. On the other hand, Poland’s most significant export of footwear and headgear was to Germany(one billion euros).


Imports and exports of travel goods, handbags, and similar containers in Poland from 2017 to 2021 (in million euros)

Bag imports and exports in Poland 2017-2021

Description: In 2021, the exchange of goods on the bag market in Poland increased. The import value increased by over n17.3 percent in comparison to the previous year, while the export value increased by 34.7 percent.


Imports and exports of leather, leather manufactures, and dressed furskins in Poland from 2017 to 2021 (in million euros)

Leather goods imports and exports in Poland 2017-2021

Description: In 2021, the exchange of goods in the leather market in Poland increased. The import value increased by 16 percent in comparison to the previous year, while the export value also grew by more than 11 percent.


03 Retail

In this section, we explore the retail landscape, including popular clothing and footwear brands, consumer preferences, and the shift towards online shopping. We investigate the reasons behind buying decisions, the most sought-after product features, and the impact of COVID-19 on retail sales.

Leading clothing and footwear brands in Poland in 2022, by value of brand (in million zloty)

Ranking of clothing and footwear brands in Poland 2022, by value

Description: The Polish clothing and apparel brand – Reserved opens the ranking of the most valuable clothing and footwear brands in Poland in 2022, followed by footwear chain CCC.


Number of retail stores with footwear and leather goods in Poland from 2017 to 2021

Number of retail stores with footwear and leather goods in Poland 2017-2021

Description: In 2021, the number of retail stores with footwear and leather goods in Poland decreased by 4.2 percent as compared to the previous year.


Most popular shops where consumers buy clothes and shoes in Poland in 2022

Popular shops with clothes and footwear in Poland 2022

Description: In 2022, 24 percent of respondents in Poland purchased clothes or footwear in the Reserved brand. H&M chain followed with 23 percent.


Most popular shops where consumers buy clothes and shoes in Poland in 2022, by gender

Popular shops with clothes and footwear in Poland 2022, by gender

Description: In 2022, H&M in Poland was more frequently visited by women (27 percent) than men (15 percent).



Most popular shops with clothing and footwear stores in Poland in 2022, by purchase channel

Most popular shops with clothing and shoes shops in Poland 2022, by channel

Description: The definite leader of traditional sales in Poland in 2022 was Reserved – as many as 54 percent of respondents were shopping there. In the online channel, this chain had a share of 27 percent. In the online channel the most popular was Zalando, with a

share of 38 percent.


Ranking of the highest rated online stores with clothing and footwear in Poland in 2022

Best online shops for clothing and footwear in Poland 2022, by the highest rate

Description: In 2022, online footwear store eobuwie.pl was at the top of the ranking of online shops with clothing and footwear in Poland, reaching almost 56 points in this category.


Average monthly per capita expenditure on clothing and footwear in Poland from 2000 to 2021 (in zloty)

Per capita average monthly spending on clothing and footwear in Poland 2000-2021

Description: Spending by Poles on clothing and footwear increased over the period observed. In 2021, consumers spent nearly 58 zloty per month on these products.


Gross and net return on sales in the clothing manufacturing sector in Poland from 2017 to 2022

Gross and net turnover profitability indicator in apparel market in Poland 2017-2022

Description: In 2018, the clothing manufacturing sector recorded the highest gross and net return on sales, with a ratio of 9.1 and 7.9 percent, respectively. In 2022, the net turnover profitability indicator decreased on the previous year, reaching seven percent.


Change in prices of clothing and footwear in Poland from 2015 to 2021

Prices of clothing and footwear in Poland 2015-2021

Description: In 2021, prices of clothing and footwear in Poland decreased by 0.2 percent compared to the previous year. According to the source, clothing prices dropped by 0.5 percent, and footwear increased by 0.8 percent.


Year-on-year retail sales index of clothing, textile, and footwear at constant prices in Poland from 2019 to 2021

Retail sales growth of clothing, textile and footwear in Poland 2019-2021

Description: In 2021, the retail sales index of clothing, textiles, and footwear at constant prices y/y increased by 32 percent compared to 2020 in Poland.


04 Companies

The companies section delves into the financial performance of key players in the Polish fashion and accessories market. We highlight revenue figures for well-known brands and analyze their growth trajectories.

Number of wearing apparel manufacturing enterprises in Poland from 2020 to 2021, by number of employees*

Number of apparel manufacturing enterprises in Poland 2020-2021, by employee number

Description: Out of the total of 1481, there were 1276 wearing apparel manufacturers in Poland, with 49 employees or less in 2021.


Number of textile manufacturing enterprises in Poland from 2020 to 2021, by number of employees*

Number of textile manufacturing enterprises in Poland 2020-2021, by employee number

Description: Out of the total of 818, there were 635 textile manufacturers in Poland, with 49 employees or less in 2021.


Number of leather goods manufacturing enterprises in Poland from 2020 to 2021, by number of employees*

Number of leather goods manufacturing companies Poland 2020-2021, by employee number

Description: Out of the total of 334, there were 284 leather goods manufacturers in Poland, with 49 employees or less in 2021.


Revenues of companies manufacturing apparel in Poland from 2015 to 2022 (in million zloty)

Revenues of enterprises producing apparel in Poland 2015-2022

Description: In the observed period, the revenues of enterprises producing apparel in Poland fluctuated. In 2022, these revenues amounted to approximately 5.3 billion zloty.


Revenue of the LPP S.A. group worldwide from 2006 to 2022* (in million zloty)

Revenue of the LPP S.A. group worldwide 2006-2022

Description: In 2022, LPP S.A. group’s revenue reached more than 15.9 billion zloty worldwide.


Financial results in the clothing and jewelry segment of VRG Capital Group in Poland in 2021 (in million zloty)

Financial results of the apparel and jewelry – VRG Capital Group in Poland 2021

Description: Revenues from sales of the clothing and jewelry segment of VRG Capital Group in Poland in 2021 amounted to nearly 1.1 billion zloty. Net profit from sales of apparel amounted to 386 million zloty.


Year-on-year change in revenue from the retail sale of CCC S.A. Capital Group’s footwear in Poland in 2021, by brand name (in million zloty)

Retail sales revenues of footwear company CCC S.A. in Poland 2021, by brand

Description: In the fourth quarter of 2021, one of the largest footwear retail companies in Poland and Central Europe recorded a 46 percent increase in revenues compared to the same period last year. The most growth by CCC stores.


Revenue from the sale of Wojas’ footwear in Poland from 2019 to 2022, by type of channel (in million zloty)


Sales revenues of footwear company Wojas in Poland 2019-2022, by channel

Description: In 2022, Wojas footwear company in Poland achieved consolidated net sales revenues of 331.5 million zloty, an increase by 13.4 percent compared to the same period last year. The most significant sales growth was recorded in offline retail sales (+33.9 percent y/y).


Revenue from the sale made by Wittchen in Poland from 2018 to 2022 (in million zloty)

Wittchen sales revenues in Poland 2018-2022

Description: In 2022, Wittchen, a producer of exclusive leather products in Poland, achieved a sales revenue of approximately 406 million zloty. This is an increase of 46.2 percent compared to the previous year. The highest sales came from the retail segment, reaching

over 345 million zloty.


Financial results of Answear.com* in Poland from 2020 to 2022 (in 1,000 zloty)

Financial results of Answear.com in Poland 2020-2022

Description: Year by year, the sales revenues achieved by Answear.com Polish online store increased. In 2022, the company also recorded a net profit of over 25.8 million zloty.


05 Consumption

Consumer behavior plays a pivotal role in shaping the fashion market. In this section, we examine household consumption expenditure on clothing and footwear, shedding light on the drivers behind consumer spending decisions.

Household consumption expenditure on clothing in Poland from 2009 to 2021 (in million zloty)

Consumer spending on clothing in Poland 2009-2021

Description: The annual consumption expenditure of households on clothing in Poland increased by 8.2 billion Zloty (+16.68 percent) in 2021. With 57.2 billion Zloty, the annual consumption expenditure of households thereby reached its highest value in the observed

period. Notably, the annual consumption expenditure of households in this industry has been, with the exception of 2020, continuously increasing over the last years.


Household consumption expenditure on footwear in Poland from 2009 to 2021 (in million zloty)

Consumer spending on footwear in Poland 2009-2021

Description: The annual consumption expenditure of households on footwear in Poland increased significantly by 4.6 billion Zloty (+35.05 percent) in 2021. With 17.6 billion Zloty, the annual consumption expenditure of households thereby reached its highest value in the observed period.


Why do you prefer buying clothes in a brick-and-mortar stores?

Reasons for buying clothes in-store in Poland 2022

Share of people buying clothes and footwear online in Poland 2020-2022

Description: In 2022, the main reasons consumers bought clothes in traditional stores in Poland were the possibility to see and touch the product and buy them outright.


Share of people purchasing clothes, footwear, and accessories online in Poland from 2020 to 2022

Share of people buying clothes and footwear online in Poland 2020-2022

Description: In 2022, nearly 73 percent of Poles who buy clothes, shoes, and accessories regularly used the online channel for this purpose.


Most important product features when making a purchase of clothes in Poland in 2022

Most important product features when making a clothing purchase in Poland 2022

Description: In 2022, the most important product feature when purchasing clothes in Poland was the right price. Following was high-quality material that is durable and repairable, with 60 percent of votes from respondents


Channels where consumers look for fashion products in Poland in 2022

Channels where consumers look for fashion products in Poland 2022

Description: In 2022, 42 percent of Polish respondents were looking for fashion products on portals such as Allegro, Amazon, Facebook, and Aliexpress. On the other hand, around 10 percent were looking to buy fashion products via social media.


Reasons why people are buying clothing or other fashion products in Poland in 2022

Reasons why people are buying clothing or other fashion products in Poland 2022

Description: In 2022, more than half of the respondents in Poland were buying clothing or other fashion products to look good, and almost half of Poles had to replace the old product with a new one.


Reasons for wearing clothes from Polish fashion brands in Poland in 2022

Reasons for wearing clothes from Polish fashion brands 2022

Description: In 2022, over half of Polish respondents wore clothes from Polish fashion brands because they were comfortable and of good quality. On the other hand, 44 percent chose them due to their favorable price.


What convinces you of a certain fashion brands in Poland in 2022

Reasons for choosing a fashion brand in Poland 2022

Description: In 2022, the fashion brand’s style convinced almost half of the Polish respondents. In addition, the design influenced 36 percent of people.


Reasons for using used clothes over new in Poland in 2022

Reasons for using used clothes over new in Poland 2022

Description: In 2022, half of the respondents in Poland stated that the main reason why they were using used clothes over new ones was their cheap purchase.


06 COVID-19 impact

The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on various industries, including fashion. In this section, we delve into how the pandemic affected consumer behavior, production, sales, and the emergence of e-commerce as a dominant channel for fashion shopping.

Change in sales of FMCG products due to coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Poland between February and May 2020, by product category

Increase in sales of FMCG products due to COVID-19 Poland 2020, by product category


Description: The outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic in Poland in March 2020 had a significant impact on the purchase changes in Poles, which translated into the volume of product sales. In the period from February to March, the highest sales increase was recorded for products from the health category, such as dietary supplements or OTC drugs. The most significant drop was observed in the sale of cosmetics and perfumes, by as much as 41 percent.


Change in sold production of industry in Poland between 2020 and 2022, by sector

Sold production of industry in Poland 2022, by sector

Description: In March 2020, industry’s sold production was 2.3 percent lower than in March 2019. After eliminating the impact of seasonal factors in Poland, the drop in production in March was even higher and amounted to 4.8 percent year-on-year. In most of theleading industrial groups, a decrease in production was recorded in March on an annual basis. The output of cars fell by 29 percent, and pharmaceuticals increased by 40 percent. In April, the industry’s sold production was 24.6 percent lower.


Change in the turnover of stores operating in shopping centers due to thecoronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Poland in March 2020, by product category

Turnover change of stores operating in shopping centers due to COVID-19 Poland 2020

Description: In March 2020, the turnover of tenants operating in monitored shopping centers Poland decreased by 62 percent compared to the previous year. The most significant falls were recorded by the fashion industry (73 percent y/y).


Which shops will you visit in the first place when they reopen after the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown?

Type of shops you will visit after reopening due to COVID-19 lockdown in Poland 2020

Description: The Polish Prime Minister announced that as of May 4, 2020, shopping centers in Poland would be reopened after the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown. Their availability will be gradually resumed due to the introduced restrictions (person limits, the closing of restaurants in shopping malls). After the reopening of shopping centers, over 38 percent of Poles will visit clothing stores. The second type of shops that the respondents plan to visit in the first place will be interior and garden equipment


Cancelled orders of clothing manufacturers due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Poland in 2020

Cancelled orders of clothing manufacturers due to COVID-19 in Poland 2020

Description: Due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic in 2020, every second clothing manufacturer in Poland experienced order cancellations at the level of 50 and 99 percent.


Places where people bought clothes online during coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Poland in 2021

Places where people bought clothes online during COVID-19 pandemic in Poland 2021

Description: In 2021, during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Poles were most likely to buy clothes online through shopping platforms with a variety of products – 59 percent, chain stores – 44 percent, and shopping platforms dedicated to clothes – 30 percent.


Buying clothes online during coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, by age in Poland in 2021

Buying clothes online during COVID-19 pandemic, by age in Poland 2021

Description: In 2021, during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the highest percentage of respondents aged 18-24 bought clothes online – 82 percent.


07 Outlook

Lastly, we offer insights into the future prospects of the fashion and accessories market in Poland. We provide revenue forecasts, predict trends in e-commerce, and analyze projected consumer spending patterns. By looking at the potential growth areas, we aim to equip stakeholders with valuable information for strategic decision-making.


Fashion e-commerce revenue forecast in Poland from 2017 to 2027 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Fashion e-commerce revenue forecast in Poland 2017-2027

Description: E-commerce fashion revenue in Poland is expected to grow to 7.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2027.


Revenue of the apparel market in Poland from 2014 to 2027 (in million U.S. dollars)

Revenue of the apparel industry in Poland 2014-2027

Description: The revenue in the apparel market in Poland was forecast to continuously increase between 2023 and 2027 by in total 4,132 million U.S. dollars (+26.5 percent). The revenue is estimated to amount to 19.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2027.Find further

information concerning the revenue in the apparel market by looking at countries similar to Poland, such as Czechia and Hungary.

Revenue of the footwear market in Poland from 2018 to 2028 (in million U.S. dollars)

Revenue of the footwear industry in Poland 2018-2028

Description: The revenue in the footwear market in Poland was forecast to continuously increase between 2023 and 2028 by in total 417.9 million U.S. dollars (+14.47 percent). The revenue is estimated to amount to 3.3 billion U.S. dollars in 2028.Find further

information concerning the revenue in the footwear market by looking at other countries, such as Thailand and Indonesia.


Revenue of the watches & jewelry market in Poland from 2013 to 2026 (in million U.S. dollars)

Revenue of the watches & jewelry industry in Poland 2013-2026

Description: The revenue in the watches & jewelry segment of the accessories market in Poland was forecast to continuously increase between 2023 and 2026 by in total 82.8 million U.S. dollars (+10.15 percent). The revenue is estimated to amount to 898.88 million

U.S. dollars in 2026.Find further information concerning the Accessories market and its segments. Here you can find the revenue concerning the accessories market in Thailand and the revenue concerning the accessories market in Indonesia.


Total consumer spending on clothing and footwear in Poland from 2013 to 2028 (in million U.S. dollars)

Total consumer spending on clothing and footwear in Poland 2013-2028

Description: The total consumer spending on clothing and footwear in Poland was forecast to continuously increase between 2023 and 2028 by in total 9.77 billion U.S. dollars (+37.67 percent). The fashion-related spending is estimated to amount to 35.7 billion U.S.

dollars in 2028.


Real per capita consumer spending on clothing and footwear in Poland from 2013 to 2028 (in U.S. dollars)

Real per capita consumer spending on clothing and footwear in Poland 2013-2028

Description: The real per capita consumer spending on clothing and footwear in Poland was forecast to continuously increase between 2023 and 2028 by in total 639.3 U.S. dollars (+62.34 percent). After the fifth consecutive increasing year, the real fashion-related per capita spending is estimated to reach 1.66 thousand U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2028. Notably, the real per capita consumer spending on clothing and footwear was continuously increasing over the past years.


Value of the luxury clothing, footwear and accessories market in Poland from 2014 to 2026 (in million zloty)

Value of the luxury clothing, footwear and accessories market in Poland 2014-2026

Description: In 2021, the value of the luxury clothing, footwear, and accessories market reached over 2.9 billion zloty in Poland. According to the forecasted average annual growth of 3.5 percent, the value of the segment will exceed 3.5 billion zloty in 2026.


Final Thought

The fashion and accessories market in Poland is a vibrant and dynamic industry that continues to evolve with changing consumer preferences and technological advancements. As Poland emerges as a prominent player in the global fashion arena, it presents exciting opportunities for businesses and investors. By understanding the current trends and future outlook, stakeholders can make informed decisions to thrive in this competitive market.

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