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Swiss Watch Industry Market Research Report

If you don't know whether you should enter the watch market or not, you can check out the big watch brands, their annual reports (whether they are profitable, market share), marketing strategies (new products, product plans), and it will be clear.

I recently paid for a copy of the information, this look, like it and lets me have a deeper understanding of my competitors- the Swiss-made watches, we are constantly growing in understanding the market and the opponent.

Looking at the numbers of the 2 largest watchmaking groups, the watch industry is an industry to enter, as they have both grown in the industry and the numbers have been up

Let’s read more details

Market overview

Numbers of companies in the watchmaking industry in Switzerland from the year 1980-2022



The statistic shows the number of companies in the watchmaking industry in Switzerland from 1980 to 2022. In 2022, there were 678 companies in the Swiss watchmaking sector, a decrease compared to the previous year when there were 690.

Number of companies in the watchmaking industry in Switzerland in 2022

Description: This statistic shows the number of companies in the watchmaking industry in Switzerland per canton in 2022. In that year the canton with the most watchmaking companies was Neuchâtel. There were 18 watchmaking companies in the Swiss canton of


Number of companies in the watchmaking industry in Switzerland in 2022,

Description: The statistic showed the number of companies in the watchmaking industry in Switzerland by subsector in 2022. In the period of consideration, there were 51 companies specializing in producing ébauches and mechanical quartz watches.


Related FAQ:

What are ébauches in watches?

In watchmaking, this is the general term for basic watch movements parts, such as the movement plates, bridges, and the mainspring barrel. In modern watchmaking, this is a complete movement kit, minus the escapement components (which may also be supplied to the final assembler).


Number of employees in the watchmaking industry in Switzerland in 2022 by canton

Description: The statistic shows the number of employees in the Swiss watchmaking industry per canton in 2022. In 2022, the Swiss watchmaking sector employed almost 11,000 people in the canton Geneva. Neuchâtel was the canton with the most employees in the watches



Number of employees in the watchmaking industry in Switzerland in 2022 by sector

Description: The statistic shows the number of employees in the Swiss watchmaking industry by sector in 2022. The largest sector was made up of those who worked in production. In the period of consideration, the Swiss watchmaking sector employed 87 people who

worked from home.


Market share of the leading Swiss watch companies worldwide in 2020

Description: This statistic shows the market share of the leading Swiss watch companies worldwide in 2020. In 2020, Rolex had the largest share of the luxury watch market, with a 26.8 percent share of the global market. Swatch was the second biggest Swiss watch company, holding a 25.2 percent share of the market that year.


Retail market share of the leading Swiss watch brands worldwide in 2022

Description: In 2022, Rolex was the largest player in the global luxury watch market with almost one-third retail market share in the luxury watch industry. Other well-known Swiss brands Omega and Cartier followed Rolex in the ranking with market shares of 7.7 percent and 7 percent, respectively.


Export sector

Swiss watch export value worldwide from 2000 to 2021 (in million Swiss


Description: The graph depicts Swiss watch export value worldwide from 2000 to 2021. In 2021, global Swiss watch exports were valued at approximately 22.3 billion Swiss francs, up from about 17 billion Swiss francs recorded a year earlier.


Swiss watch exports value from 2015 to 2022, by country (in billion Swiss


Description: The graph presents the Swiss watch exports value from 2015 to 2022, by country. In 2022, the United States imported the highest value of Swiss watches in the world, at approximately 3.9 billion Swiss francs.


Export value distribution share of Swiss watches worldwide in 2021, by country

Description: The graph presents the distribution of Swiss watch exports value in 2021, broken down by country. In 2021, the United States’ export market share for Swiss watches was about 13.81 percent, followed by China with 13.31 percent.


Export value of Swiss watches from 2000 to 2021, by price category (in billion Swiss francs)

Description: The graph presents the export value of Swiss watches from 2000 to 2021, by price category. In 2021, the export value of Swiss watches within the 500-3000 CHF price category was approximately 4.13 billion Swiss francs.


Number of Swiss watches exported worldwide from 2000 to 2021, by price category (in thousand units)

Description: The graph presents the number of Swiss watches exported worldwide from 2000 to 2021, by price category. In 2020, around eight million units of Swiss watches within the 0-200 CHF price category were exported worldwide.

Comment: For merchants who buy Swiss watches, they can price them according to this price


Value of Swiss watch exports from 2016 to 2021, by material (in billion Swiss francs)

Description: The graph presents the export value of Swiss watches from 2016 to 2021, by material. In 2021, the export value of Swiss steel watches was approximately 8.4 billion Swiss francs.

Comment: Steel watches hold almost half of the market share


Export value distribution of the watchmaking industry in Switzerland in 2019, by material

Description: The statistic shows the distribution of different case materials in the export value of the watchmaking industry in Switzerland in 2019. In this year, watches with cases made of stainless steel had the largest share of export value, at almost 40 percent.

Comment: Many of the materials on the market are stainless steel products for watches, because the most durable and affordable


Export volume distribution of the watchmaking industry in Switzerland in 2019, by material

Description: The statistic shows the distribution of different case materials in the export volume of the watchmaking industry in Switzerland in 2019. In this year, watches with stainless steel cases had an export volume share of almost 60 percent.

Comment: Many big brands, or some popular brands, almost all use the stainless steel material to make watches, and so do Chinese watch production factories, and stainless steel watches are the most


Number of Swiss watches exported worldwide from 2016 to 2021, by material (in thousand units)

Description: The graph presents the number of Swiss watches exported worldwide from 2016 to 2021, by material. In 2021, about 9.73 million units of steel Swiss watches were exported worldwide.

Comment: The export value of each material is decreasing


Value of electronic and mechanical Swiss watches exported worldwide from 2000 to 2021 (in million Swiss francs)

Description: The graph presents the export value of electronic and mechanical Swiss watches worldwide from 2000 to 2021. In 2021, the global export value of mechanical Swiss watches amounted to about 18.43 billion Swiss francs.

Comment: Mechanical watches are not more than electronic watches, after all, the use of electronic watches by more groups, especially the young consumer groups


Number of electronic and mechanical Swiss watches exported worldwide from 2000 to 2021 (in thousand units)

Description: The graph presents the number of electronic and mechanical Swiss watches exported worldwide from 2000 to 2021. In 2021, approximately 6.34 million units of mechanical Swiss watches were exported worldwide.


Export value distribution of electronic and mechanical Swiss watches in 2019

Description: This statistic shows the export value share of electronic and mechanical Swiss watches in 2019. In the period of consideration, electronic Swiss watches had an export value share of 16.52 percent.


Comment: The provided data indicates that in 2019, electronic Swiss watches accounted for approximately 16.52 percent of the total export value of Swiss watches.

Based on this information, the conclusion can be drawn that electronic Swiss watches held a notable market share in terms of export value in 2019. While mechanical Swiss watches remain a significant segment of the market, the data suggests that electronic watches had a considerable presence and were contributing to the overall export value of Swiss watches. This indicates that there is demand for both electronic and mechanical Swiss watches in the global market, with electronic watches holding a noteworthy portion of the market share in terms of export value.


Export volume distribution of electronic and mechanical Swiss watches in 2019

Description: This statistic shows the export volume share of electronic and mechanical Swiss watches in 2019. In the period of consideration, electronic Swiss watches had an export volume share of approximately 65 percent.


Corporate key figures of selected Swiss watch manufacturers

Swatch Group’s revenues worldwide from 2003 to 2022 (in billion CHF)

Description: In 2022, the Swatch Group’s global revenues amounted to approximately 7.5 billion CHF, up from about 7.31 billion recorded in the year prior. The Swatch Group Ltd. is a Swiss company that primarily manufactures watches.

Comment: This indicates that watches and jewelry are the primary sources of revenue for the Swatch Group, underscoring their crucial role in the company’s overall financial performance. It suggests that the Swatch Group has a strong presence and success in the watches and jewelry market, with their products generating substantial sales and contributing significantly to the company’s bottom line.

The high revenue share of the watches and jewelry segment also emphasizes the importance of these products within the Swatch Group’s portfolio. It showcases their ability to capture consumer demand and generate substantial profits. This data further highlights the Swatch Group’s focus and expertise in the watches and jewelry industry, positioning them as a key player in the market.


Revenue share of the Swatch Group worldwide in 2022, by segment

Description: The statistic shows the revenue share of the Swatch Group in 2022, by segment. In 2022, the watches and jewelry segment had a revenue share of 95.28 percent of the Swatch Group’s net sales.


Net income of the Swatch Group from 2016 to 2022 (in million Swiss francs)

Description: The Swatch Group had a net income of 877 million Swiss francs in 2022. The Swatch Group is a Swiss company which manufactures watches, watch components and jewelry. The Swiss manufacturer owns a long list of luxury watchmaker companies besides its own well-known Swatch brand. The group`s worldwide revenue was approximately 7.5 billion Swiss francs that year.

Comment: The Swatch Group, a Swiss company specializing in the production of watches, watch components, and jewelry, achieved a net income of 877 million Swiss francs in 2022. This indicates a profitable year for the company.

The Swatch Group’s worldwide revenue for that year reached approximately 7.5 billion Swiss francs. This revenue figure reflects the company’s significant presence and success in the global market.

The Swatch Group’s portfolio extends beyond its well-known Swatch brand, as the company owns a diverse range of luxury watchmaker companies. This demonstrates the group’s strategic expansion and acquisition of prestigious brands in the luxury watch industry, further strengthening its market position and product offerings.

Overall, the data suggests that the Swatch Group has achieved financial success, with a substantial net income and significant worldwide revenue. The group’s ownership of various luxury watchmaker companies highlights its ability to leverage multiple brands and diversify its product offerings, solidifying its position as a prominent player in the watch and jewelry market.


Number of employees of the Swatch Group worldwide from 2007 to 2022

Description: The statistic shows data on the number of employees of the Swiss company Swatch from 2007 to 2022. As of December 31, 2022, Swatch had 32,061 employees. The group`s worldwide revenue was about 7.5 billion Swiss francs that year.

Comment: The number of employees in the group has been growing, indicating that the company is growing


Total sales of the Richemont Group worldwide from FY2008 to FY2022 (in million euros)

Description: In FY2011, total sales of the Richemont Group worldwide amounted to about 19.18 billion euros, increasing by approximately six billion euros on the previous year. The Richemont Group is one of the leading luxury goods companies in the world. The Richemont Group garnered most of its revenue from jewelry Maisons in FY2022, which amounted to around 11 billion euros. The Asia-Pacific was responsible for 40.77 percent of the company`s total sales that year.


1. Jewelry is still the Group’s main revenue business,

2. hurry up to build the Asia-Pacific market if you haven’t started yet


Sales of the Richemont Group worldwide in FY2022, by business segment (in million euros)

Description: This timeline shows the sales of the Richemont Group worldwide in the financial year 2022, by business segment. In FY2022, the global sales generated by the Richemont Group’s specialist watchmakers segment was about 3.44 billion euros.

Comment: The jewelry division accounts for the largest sales, right?


Global corporate profit of Richemont from FY2006 to FY2022 (in million euros)

Description: This statistic shows the corporate profit of Richemont from FY2006 to FY2022. Richemont SA is a Swiss luxury goods corporation and one of the biggest companies in that sector worldwide. Among its most famous brands are Dunhill, Cartier, and Montblanc. In FY2022, the company generated a profit of just over two billion euros.



If you don’t know whether you should enter the watch market or not, you can check out the big watch brands, their annual reports (whether they are profitable, market share), marketing strategies (new products, product plans), and it will be clear.

if you need the pdf version, you can freely download from here: swiss-watch-industry-statista-dossier

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